• Title/Summary/Keyword: platelet phospholipid fatty acid

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Effect of Dietary Fatty Acids on Fatty Acid Composition of Platelet Phospholipids, Thromboxane B2 Formation, and Platelet Aggregation in Men (식이 지방산이 혈소판 인지질의 지방산 조성, 혈장 Thromboxane B2의 농도 및 혈소판 응집에 미치는 영향)

  • 오은주
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.384-393
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    • 1999
  • The degree of platelet aggregation, thromboxane B2(TXB2)formation and fatty acid composition of platelet phospholipids(PL) were investigated in 24 healthy male subjects who for five weeks consumed either corn oil(CO) rich in linoleic acid(LA), perilla oil (PO) rich in $\alpha$-linoleic acid($\alpha$-LAN), or canola oil(CNO) rich in oleic acid(OA) as a major fat source. Total fat intake was 30% of total calories and prescribed oil intake of each dietary group was 50% of the total fat intake. In the CO group, significantly decreased contents of polyunsaturated fatty acids(PUFA), n-6 PUFA, n-3 PUFA and eicosapentanoic acid(EPA) were observed, and significantly increased contents of OA and saturated fatty acids(SFA) were observed in platelet PL after 3 weeks and 5 weeks of dietary treatment. In the PO group, contents of OA and docosahexanoic acid(DHA) were increased, and the ratio of n-6/n-3 was decreased significantly in platelet PL after dietary treatment. The CNO group showed significatnlty decreased contents of PUFA, P/S ratio, n-6 PUFA, LA,(EPA+DHA)/arachidonic acid(AA), and significantly increased SFA contents after 3 weeks of the oil-based diet. The dietary-induced effects on fatty acid composition of platelet PL were observed mostly after 3 weeks of the oil-based diet. The dietary-induced effects on fatty acid composition of platelet PL were observed mostly after 3 weeks. Plasma TXB2 levels were increased after 3 and 5 weeks of dietary treatment. However, only the CO and CNO groups showed significantly increased plasma TXB2 levles after 3 and 5 weeks of dietary treatment. However, only the CO and CNO groups showed significantly increased plasma TXB2 levels after 5 weeks of experimental diets, when compared with initial values. Degree of platelet aggregation increased only in the CO group after dietary treatment. As a result, at week 5 the degree of platelet aggregation of the CO group was significantly higher than those of the PO and CNO groups. Among the three oil-based diets, the PO-based diet seems to have beneficial effects on atherosclerosis by influencing plasma TXB2 levels and the degree of platelet aggregation, while the CO-based diet showed the most adverse effects. Our results imply that plasma TXB2 levels might be affected by dietary fatty acid composition.

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Influence of the Feeding Mixed Perilla Oil and Red Pepper Oil on Fatty Acid Compositions of Serum and Platelet in Rats (들깨유와 고추 종자유의 혼합 급이가 흰쥐의 혈청 및 혈소판 지방산 조성에 미치는 영향)

  • 강정옥;김성희;김한수;김군자;최운정;정승용
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.124-130
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    • 1992
  • This study aims at revealing the effects of the feeding mixed $\omega$-3 perilla oil and $\omega$-6 red pepper oil on fatty acid compositions of serum and platelet in rats. The diet administered to the male rats of Sprague - Dawley was composed of the peril1a oil containing about 60% $\omega$-3 linolenic acid as well as the red pepper oil with roughly 64% of $\omega$-6 linoleic acid. In the total fatty acid composition of serum lipid, SFA had no great significance among the groups, while MUFA ranged from 14.4% to 17.0% and PUFA stood from 48.0% to 53.0%. PUFA compositions of phospholipid, triglyceride and cholesteryl ester fractions, $C_{18:2}$ ($\omega$-6) was the highest in cholesteryl ester than the other components. In platelet's fatty arid composition, SFA were low in groups 2 (7.5% perilla oil+2.5% red pepper oil) and 3 (5.0% perilla oil +5.0% red pepper oil), and the highest in group 5 (10% red pepper oil). MUFA stood the highest in group 3 and the lowest in group 5, while PUFA was the lowest in group 2. Ratio of EPA / AA was the highest in group 2, but group 5 was the lowest.t.

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Effect on Blood Lipids and Lipoproteins of A Supplement of Korean Pinenut Oil, rich in 5-Olefinic Acids, in Normocholesterolemic New Zealand White Rabbits (한국산 잣기름이 정상토끼의 혈중 지방질 및 지단백질의 대사에 미치는 영향)

  • 윤태헌
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.323-335
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    • 1994
  • The present study was carried out in normocholesterolemic New Zealand white(NZW) rabbit, to evaluate the effect of dietary supplementation with Korean pinenut oil, on plasma lipids, plasma lipoproteins, liver lipids and platelet aggregation. NZW rabbits were fed for 80 days on a commercial chow diet supplemented with 5% of energy as fats(soybean oil or pinenut oil) or 10% of energy as fats(soybean oil or pinenut oil). A control group was fed a commercial stock diet. There were no significant effects of pinenut oil on plasma free cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, triglycerides, glucose and lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase, as compared with those obtained from rabbits fed the soybean oil diet. After 80 days, the concentration of plasma free fatty acid in only the pinenut oil group was significantly decreased by about 50% relative to the control diet. At the end of the dietary treatment, liver triglycerides and phospholipids were significantly decreased in the pinenut oil group, compared to the how diet, whereas the soybean oil-consuming rabbits had only significantly decreased phospholipid levels. Cholesterol contents of liver were unaffected by type of dietary fat. At the end of 80 days, a diet containing pinenut oil resulted in a decrease in apolipoprotein B and the apo B/apo AI ratio as compared with the stock diet or soybean oil diet. Platelet aggregation induced by collagen or arachidonic acid was depressed significantily in pinenut oil diet.

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