• Title/Summary/Keyword: plasmid rearrangement

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DNA Rearrangement of TOL Plasmid in Pseudomonas putida PpGl Harbouring CAM Plasmid (CAM 플라스미드를 함유하는 Pseudomonas putida PpG1에서 TOL 플라스미드이 DNA 재배열)

  • 전효곤;조경연;고영희
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.433-436
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    • 1990
  • The TOL plasmid, pWWO, conjugally transferred from Pseudomonas putida mt-2 was dissociated into TOL* and TOL $\Delta$A in P. putidu PpGl carrying CAM plasmid. The TOL* was integrated into the CAM plasmid, and the resulting plasmid was designated as CAM::TOL*. The introduction of NAH plasmid, belonging to Inc P9 incompatibility group, into P. putida CSTBA carrying CAM::TOLt plasmid and TOL A plasmid did not affect m-toluate catabolism, but resulted in expelling the TOL $\Delta$ plasmid.

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Conjugal transfer and fate of the genetically engineered $Km^{r}$ gene in freshwater environments (유전자 조작기법으로 변형시킨 $Km^{r}$ 유전자의 담수 환경에서의 전이 및 행방)

  • 김치경;이성기
    • Korean Journal of Microbiology
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.219-228
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    • 1990
  • A kanamycin resistance($Km^r$) gene was studied for its transfer in natural freshwater environments by using the natural bacterial isolate(M1) of DK1 and the DKC601 strain, $Km^r$ plasmid of which was genetically engineered from the NI strain. The transfer frequency ofthe $Km^r$ gene and rearrangement of the $Km^r$ plasmid were compared between the gnetically engineered microorganism(GEM) and the NI parental strain by conjugation with the same recipient strain. The transfer frequency of the $Km^r$ gene was about $9.1\times 10^{-12}-1.8\times 10^{-11}$ in both the GEM and NI strains at 5 to $10^{\circ}C$, but the frequency of the NI was about 10 times higher than that of the GEM at 20 to $30^{\circ}C$. The $Km^r$ plasmid in the transconjugants obtained by conjugation of the NI with the MY1 strain as a ricipient showed alot of rearrangement, but the $Km^r$ plasmid transferred from the GEM was stable without alteration of its size. When the MT2 strain was used as a recipient, however, such a rearrangement of the $Km^r$ plamid was observed in the transconjugants obtained from the GEM as well as the NI strain. In those transconjugants obtained from different mating pairs and water environments, the plasmid were appeared to decrease in their number as the period of conjugation time was prolonged, but only the $Km^r$ plasmid transferred from the GEM kept having its size of 52kb. Therefore, the $Km^r$ gene was transferred at the same rate from the GEM and NI strains in natural freshwater environment, but the gene of the GEM strain was more stable than the NIduring conjugation and the $Km^r$ plasmid was rearranged by changing the recipient strain for conjugation in any water environments.

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Rearrangement of $Km^{r}$ Gene and Plasmid by Conjugal Transfer in aquatic Environments (수계에서 접합에 의하여 전이된 $Km^{r}$ 유전자 및 Plasmid 의 재배열)

  • 이성기;김치경
    • Korean Journal of Microbiology
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.286-291
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    • 1993
  • The $Km^{r}$ gene and plasmid of natural isolate and genetically modified microorganisms (GMM) rearranged by conjugation in water environments were comparatively analyzed by agarose gel electrophoresis and Southern analysis. The transfer rates of the $Km^{r}$ gene from GMM strains were generally 100 times higher than thosc of natural iso]ate(DKI) under laboratory cnvironments, but their transfer rate was not much different in Moosimcheon River water. The conjugants obtained in LB(Luria-Bertani broth) and FW(filtered river water) water under laboratory conditions showed same number of the plasmids. but the sizes of the plasmids were changed. The $Km^{r}$ gene in the conjugants was found in the same position as the pDKJO] $Km^{r}$ plasmid. In case of the GMM strains as donor. the large plasmids of 180 kb appeared in conjugants obtained in LB and FW water. Especially, the $Km^{r}$ gene in the donor of DKC600 was found to be inserted into chromosome of the conjugant obtained in FW water. However. in the conjugants obtained from DKl and DKB 701 in Moosimcheon River water, the plasmids were rearranged by 4 and 8. respectively, and all of them showed hybridization by the $Km^{r}$ probe. But the small plasmids of the recipient disappeared in the conjugant from DKC600 as donor, and the rearranged plasm ids and chromosome in the conjugants were observed to be hybridized with the $Km^{r}$ probe. Therefore, rearrangement of $Km^{r}$ gene and plasmids by conjugation was found to be afTected diversely by cellular characteristics as well as by environmental factors.

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유전공학적으로 변형시킨 R-plasmid 들의 전이에 미치는 균주와 pH 의 영향

  • 김희태;이성기;김치경
    • Korean Journal of Microbiology
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.88-95
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    • 1992
  • The genetically engineered microorganisms (GEMS) could be released accidentally or ii)rexperimental purposes, as the genetic engineering, technique ha:. become very popular inany laboratories of biological sciences. But there have been littlt: informations on transkrbehavior of the genetically ~nodified genes in the natural en\ironmentx. In this stutly.antibiotic resistant bacteria were isolated from nat.ural waters. and then GEM strains wereconstructed i'rom the natural isolate (NI) by ~noclification oi' the Km' plasmitl. Thetransferability of the plasmids in the GEM and NI strains were examinetl by con-jugationin Luria-Bertani broth :it 30$^{\circ}$C. Also the cff'ccts 01' mating strain and pH on their transferfrequency and rearrangement of the plasmids in tl-~ec o~ijugantsM ere comp:irati\ely stuclictl.I'hc transkr frequency of Km' plasmid in donor of GEM and N1 strains wah similar a.;about 10 ' when co~ljugation was conducted wit11 M'I'I strain is recipient at pH 7. butthat of 1)KCOOI was lowered to 1.2X 10 '. And when the lab. stlain was uhccl as recipient.the transfer tendency of the plasmid was about same in both (;EM and NI strains usedas donor. All thc tionor 5trains. except for I)KC601. showecl the Ilighcs~ frequency of about10 ' at pH 7 and the frequcncics were lowered at both pH 5 and 9. Hut the mocliliedKm' plasmid in the cloned strain of DKC601 was transferred hy very low frequency of10 "at pH 5 ant1 7 comparing to other GEM strains. especiall! any co~~.jugantws ere notobtained at pH 4 and 9 even after conjugation for 6 hours. Rearrangement of the plasmidstranskrred into the lab. strain was not found in the conjugants. I\ulcornerut a lot of rearrangclncntwas ohservecl nlhen they were transferred into the NI strain. Such a rearrangement wasmore severe when donor was GEM strain rather then NI strain Hut such ;r phenomenonwas less affected by p!-l values.r phenomenon was less affected by p!-l values.

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Tracking of the $Km^r$ Gene in Conjugal Transfer by Using DNA Probe (DNA Probe에 의한 $Km^r$ 유전자의 전이 추적)

  • 이성기;김치경
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.483-490
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    • 1992
  • In order to understand the transfer behavior of a particular gene in water environments, kanamycin resistance ($Km^r$) gene was tracked by Southern hybridization with DNA probe in its conjugal transfer. A $Km^r$ natural bacterial isolate and genetically modified microorganisms (GMMs) constructed from the isolate were used as donor for conjugal transfer of the $Km^r$ gene. The transfer frequencies of the $Km^r$ gene from GMM strains were generally 10 to 100 times higher than those from the natural isolate. The conjugants obtained from GMM strains in LB broth had more plasmids newly appeared, and particularly the conjugants in A Wand FW waters revealed more rearrangement in their plasmids as a function of conjugation time. When plasmids of the conjugants obtained in LB broth were Southern hybridized with DNA probe of the $Km^r$ gene, the $Km^r$ plasmids in the conjugants were detected at the same position of the plasmids in donor cells, in spite of the fact that the plasmids were highly rearranged in conjugant cells. But the $Km^r$ plasmids in the donor of DKI and DKC601, and DKC600 were not identified in the conjugants obtained after 50 h conjugation in AW and after 30 h in AW, respectively. The size of the $Km^r$ plasmids showing hybridization signal were a little changed in the conjugants obtained in A Wand FW waters. Therefore, the method of Southern hybridization with DNA probe was proved to be very specific and useful for tracking of particular genes in water environments.

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유전공학기법으로 변형시킨 내성유전자네 대한 수질환경에서의 전이동태

  • 이성기;김치경
    • Korean Journal of Microbiology
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.322-331
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    • 1992
  • In order to understand the transfer and behavior of R gene in water environments. the Kmr gene in the genetically modified microorganisms(GMMs) w,is studied by conjugation. The plasmid variously rearranged in the conjugants were comparatively analyzied by agarosc gel electrophoresis and the specific Km' genes in the gel were tletected with DNA probe. The Kmr genes of the GMM strains(DKC600 and DKC601) were transferred at higher rate than those of natural isola~e(DKI)b, ut the ratc was a little diflurent depending upon the recipient strains. Rearrangement of the plasmids appeared morc drastic in GMM strains than in IIKI as donor. The transfer frequencies of the Km' genes in LR broth were remarkably higher than in the water of AW and FW without regards to the strains. In LA breth. the frequencies of Kmr genes were higher at 25'C-30$^{\circ}$C than at 10$^{\circ}$C and at pH - 7 than pH 9, but temperature and pH of the FW did n,,t affect to the frequency. And the conjugants from GMM strains in FW did not showed any plasmids. except tor 43 kb plasmiil. As results of Southern analysis of the plasmid, variously rearranged in eonjugant cells obtained in LB broth, the Kmr genes were detected at the same position of Km' plasrnids of the donor cell(DK1 and GMM strains). But Km' plasmid disappeared in the conjugants obtained in F'W and their chronlosomes showed strong signal of hybridization. The Kmr plasmid of DKl in the conjugants obtained in FW water was transferred and maintained its size, but the Kmr plasinids of the GMM strains were all integrated into chromosome. Therefore, the Kmr plasmids of DKI anit GMM strains in LH were intactly transferred and other plasmitls were variously rearranged. but Km' gene of DKC600 in FW water was integrated into the chromosorn: without regards to the temperature and pH of the water.

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Transformation and Mutagenesis of the Nematode-trapping Fungus Monacrosporium sphaeroides by Restriction Enzyme-mediated Integration (REMI)

  • Xu Jin;Mo Ming-He;Zhou Wei;Huang Xiao-Wei;Zhang Ke-Qin
    • Journal of Microbiology
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    • v.43 no.5
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    • pp.417-423
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    • 2005
  • In this study, the nematode-trapping fungus, Monacrosporium sphaeroides, was transformed with a plasmid harboring the hygromycin B phosphotransferase gene, via restriction enzyme-mediated integration (REMI). Frequencies of up to 94 transformants ${\mu}g^{-1}$ per linearized plasmid DNA were obtained by optimizing the PEG concentration, as well as the category and quantity of the added restriction enzyme. $90\%$ of the transformants were determined to be stable for drug resistance when 20 randomly selected transformants were tested. Southern analyses revealed that the transforming DNA was integrated into the M. sphaeroides genome either with or without rearrangement. Five mitotic stable mutant strains were obtained using this approach, all of which had been altered with regard to sporulation capacity and pathogenicity toward nematodes. Southern blot analyses of the five mutants revealed that foreign plasmid DNA had integrated into the genome. Three of the mutants, Tms2316, Tms3583 and Tms1536, exhibited integration at a single location, whereas the remaining two, Tms32 and Tms1913, manifested integration at double or multiple locations. Our results suggest that the transformation of M. sphaeroides via REMI will facilitate insertional mutagenesis, the functional analysis of a variety of genes, and the tagging or cloning of genes of interest.

Interaction of Heliothis armigera Nuclear Polyhedrosis Viral Capsid Protein with its Host Actin

  • Lu, Song-Ya;Qi, Yi-Peng;Ge, Guo-Qiong
    • BMB Reports
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    • v.35 no.6
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    • pp.562-567
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    • 2002
  • In order to find the cellular interaction factors of the Heliothis armigera nuclear polyhedrosis virus capsid protein VP39, a Heliothis armigera cell cDNA library was constructed. Then VP39 was used as bait. The host actin gene was isolated from the cDNA library with the yeast two-hybrid system. This demonstrated that VP39 could interact with its host actin in yeast. In order to corroborate this interaction in vivo, the vp39 gene was fused with the green fluorescent protein gene in plasmid pEGFP39. The fusion protein was expressed in the Hz-AM1 cells under the control of the Autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus immediate early gene promoter. The host actin was labeled specifically by the red fluorescence substance, tetramethy rhodamine isothicyanete-phalloidin. Observation under a fluorescence microscopy showed that VP39, which was indicated by green fluorescence, began to appear in the cells 6 h after being transfected with pEGFP39. Red actin cables were also formed in the cytoplasm at the same time. Actin was aggregated in the nucleus 9 h after the transfection. The green and red fluorescence always appeared in the same location of the cells, which demonstrated that VP39 could combine with the host actin. Such a combination would result in the actin skeleton rearrangement.

Application of DNA Probe Method for Detection of 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid Degrading Bacteria in Soil (DNA Probes에 의한 토양의 이사디 (2,4-D) 분해세균의 검출)

  • Ka, Jong-Ok
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.39 no.5
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    • pp.403-408
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    • 1996
  • Total bacterial community DNA, which was extracted from microcosm soil and field soil after 2,4-D amendments, was analyzed on Southern blots, using the tfdA gene probe derived from plasmid pJP4 and the Spa probe from Sphingomonas paucimobilis. Southern blot analyses with total bacterial DNA extracted from soils Inoculated with Pseudomonas cepacia/pJP4 revealed that DNA probe method could detect the 2,4-D degrading bacteria down to $10^5\;cells/g$ dry soil. In the microcosm experiment, there was a good correlation between 2,4-D degradation and banding patterns in hybridization analyses performed after each 2,4-D treatment using the two probes. When bacterial DNA extracted from microcosm soil was hybridized with the Spa probe, a change in the position of hybrid bands was observed over time in a Southern blot, suggesting that population change or possibly genetic rearrangement in 2,4-D degrading microbial populations occurred in this soil. With the Spa probe, one hybrid DNA band was persistently observed throughout the five 2,4-D additions. When bacterial DNA isolated from the field soil was probed with the tfdA and Spa, strong hybridization signal was observed in the 100 ppm-treated subplot, weak signal In the 10 ppm-treated subplot, and no significant signal in the 1 ppm-treated and control subplots. The data show that DNA probe analyses were capable of detecting and discriminating the indigenous 2,4-D degrading microbial populations in soil amended with 2,4-D under laboratory and field conditions.

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