• Title/Summary/Keyword: physical conditions

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Timber Harvesting Impacts on Soil Respiration Rate and Microbial Population of Populus tremuloides Michx. Stands on Two Contrasting Soils (두 가지 서로 다른 토양에 형성된 Populus tremuloides Michx. 임분의 수확이 토양호흡률 및 토양미생물상에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.83 no.3
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    • pp.372-379
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    • 1994
  • Timber harvesting impacts on soil microbial populations and respiration rates were examined in naturally regenerating trembling aspen(Populus tremuloides Michx.) stands on two contrasting soils, an Omega loamy sand (sandy mixed, frigid Typic Udipsamment) and an Ontonagon clay loam (very fine, mixed Glossic Eutroboralf). Five timber harvesting disturbances were simulated during winter of 1990 and spring of 1991, including commercial whole-tree harvesting(CWH), winter logging trail+CWH, logging slash removal+CWH(LSR), forest floor removal+LSR(FFR), and spring compaction+FFR. Regardless of soil types, total soil respiration rates of each stand decreased slightly or remained the same after harvesting while microbial population increased progressively during the first two years following harvesting. Microbial populations increased more rapidly and constantly at the sandy site than at the clayey site, which may indicate that the soil physical and chemical conditions changed more drastically for microbial activity following timber harvesting at the sandy site than at the clayey site. However, two kinds of treatment applications-three levels of organic matter removal and two levels of compaction-did not result in significant differences in microbial population or total soil respiration rate at each site during the first two post-harvest years. Total soil respiration of the aspen stands, sum of root respiration and microbial respiration, was a poor index for the microbial activity in this study because aspen kept an active root system for the successive root-sprouts even after harvesting, which resulted in a large portion of root respiration in total respiration.

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Quantitative Analysis of Effects for Quality Control on Medical Primary Class LCD Display Devices Based on AAPM TG18 Report (AAPM TG18에 의한 진단용 LCD 디스플레이 장치 정도관리 효과의 정량적 분석)

  • Jung Hai-Jo;Kim Hee-Joung
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.77-82
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    • 2006
  • The image display is an Important component of PACS and of medical digital imaging chain. Displayed image qualify is affected by the physical characteristics of display device, appropriate clinical settings and calibrations, and ambient lighting conditions. The performance of display systems is continuously degraded over time due to luminance deterioration and changes of clinical setting parameters. A routine QC is recommended because the performance of display systems is continuously degraded over time. Ten flat panel monochrome LCD display devices were included in the evaluation of the QC effect. The effect of QC on primary class LCD medical display devices for selected QC tests was evaluated by comparing the performances, luminance response, luminance dependencies, display resolution and display chromaticity in this study, of before and after the calibration procedures. The effects of the QC are significant to luminance response and luminance spatial dependencies test and the other side, are slight to the display resolution and display chromaticity test. A routine QC of display device is essential for the consistency of medical image display and presentation. The study of the QC effects of display devices will play an important role in practical QC procedures of display devices.

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How to Increase the Supply of Rental Housing through Urban Regeneration Program in Korea

  • Huh, Pil-Won;Kim, Duk-Ki;Hong, Yo-Sep;Shim, Gyo-Eon
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.137-149
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    • 2014
  • The authors derived rental housing policy measures that are appropriate for the current conditions of Korean housing supply and demand based on the confirmation of the issues of Korean rental housing system and reviewing implications from review of cases of foreign countries and these measures can be categorized into linkage with the urban regeneration and multi-functional development, acquisition of financial resources, operational management, policy and institutional aspects. For the expansion of supply of rental housing, it is essential to link the rental housing policy with urban regeneration. To pursue regeneration of underdeveloped areas and expansion of supply of rental housing in line with urban regeneration, more development sites should be added. Further, the rental home policy must be integrated into a new paradigm that includes securing commercial viability and providing various residential conveniences through multi-functional development. In addition, diversification of developers of real estates turning away from the existing framework of policy that has been focused only on the state-led housing supply so that local governments and private sector players can take part in. Next, new options for funding the supply of rental housing must be sought. First, raising financial resources sequentially through cyclical development approach could be considered. Or, various funding schemes including utilizing Tax-increment financing (TIF) based on the local tax revenues that will be accrued after the development projects and supply of rental housing. Or there should be various schemes to raise funds including utilization of TIFs that are based on the revenues that will be realized after the development projects and supply of rental housing, or utilizing REITs where funds can be provided through private sector investments. Also, getting out from the planning practice that focused only on physical expansion of supply of rental housing, continual operational management must be performed even after the development. These activities must be supported through establishment of control tower at the national level and continuous attention must be paid even after the development by developing specialized operational management companies that are led by private sector players. Finally, in addition to the hardware support that is focused on the public rental housing only, software support such as conditional provision of housing voucher or tax exemption for low-income classes should be provided, too. In other words, a shift from policies that are supplier-centric to ones that are customer-centric must take place.

Establishment of governance through development of LH cooperation project with local government: Focusing on Jeju Area (지방자치단체·LH 협력사업 도출을 통한 거버넌스 구축방안 : 제주특별자치도를 대상으로)

  • Lee, Mi-hong;Seong, Jang-Hwan;Song, Youngil
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.285-294
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    • 2017
  • Recently, as the paradigm of regional development has been transformed into characterization, decentralization and cooperation, small and medium scale development is in the spotlight. In particular, as the transfer of planning authority to local governments accelerates, LH is in the process of seeking to transform itself into a system that is in line with local government demand. The purpose of this study is to elaborate the regional pending projects that meet the demand of the region. The Jeju Special Self-Governing Province is the area where land and housing prices have increased more than three times recently, which is the area of interest in recent years due to the various demand for development projects. Another objective is to establish a local government based on LH's system, it is aimed to derive a collaboration method with local government, province corporation and local researchers. The criteria for deriving the cooperation projects between the local government and LH are basically the ones that can be carried out by LH and future-oriented projects. The process of deriving has undergone the process of statutory planning, unscrupulous plan analysis, and consultation of experts' advisory committees. In order to derive the regional cooperation project, four criteria such as local uniqueness, future possibility, business promotion efficiency, and local cooperation project were set. Major projects of the Jeju Special Self-Governing Province are improvement of the surrounding traffic system, construction of the hinterland due to the construction of the second airport, and establishment of Cruise Port(Jeju Port, Seogwipo Port). The role of each entity in the implementation of regional cooperation projects is as follows. Local government should request subsidies for the projects in case of lack of budget support and secure them through competition with other regions. In addition, it should be responsible for the operation and management of the facility once it has been supported and completed smoothly. The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport affects each region through approval and subsidy of the development plan. After the development project is completed, it evaluates the development project through monitoring and plays a role of continuously improving the system. As a business operator, the provincial corporation will carry out small-scale projects including non-physical projects such as community participation. In the case of LH regional headquarters, the general manager of the region will establish a comprehensive business plan, secure development availability, and carry out large-scale growth promotion projects.

Analysis of influence on water quality and harmful algal blooms due to weir gate control in the Nakdong River, Geum River, and Yeongsan River (낙동강, 금강 및 영산강 가동보 운영이 수질 및 녹조현상에 미치는 영향 분석)

  • Seo, Dongil;Kim, Jaeyoung;Kim, Jinsoo
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.53 no.10
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    • pp.877-887
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    • 2020
  • A 3-Dimensional hydrodynamic and water quality model was applied to evaluate the effects of weir gate operations on water quality and harmful algal bloom (HAB) occurrences at selected locations in the Nakdong River, Geum River, and Yeongsan River. For the Geum River and Yeongsan River, when the gates are left open, annual and summer Chl-a and HABs were decreased at upstream locations, Sejong Weir and Seungchon Weir, but summer average concentrations of Chl-a and HABs were increased at downstream locations, Baekje Weir and Juksan Weir. For the open scenario, the reduced hydraulic residence time in the upper stream areas of the Geum River and Yeongsan River would allow less available time for nutrient consumption that would result in higher dissolved inorganic phosphorus concentrations followed by higher algal growth in the downstream areas. However, in the case of the Nakdong River, both annual and summer Chl-a and HABs were increased in all locations for the open scenario. This condition seems to be resulted in due to increased light availability by reduced water depths. Changes in Chl-a and HABs occurrences due to the water gate control in the study sites are different due to differences in physical, chemical, and biological conditions in each location.

Properties of Yttria Partially Stabilized Zirconia Nano-Powders Prepared by Coprecipitation Method (공침법으로 합성한 이트리아 부분안정화 지르코니아 나노분말의 특성)

  • Yoon, Hye-On;Shin, Mi-Young;Ahn, Joong-Jae
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.19 no.2 s.48
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    • pp.81-88
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    • 2006
  • The Yttria Partially Stabilized Zirconia powder was prepared by spontaneous precipitation method using $ZrOCl_2{\cdot}8H_O-YCl_33{\cdot}6H_2O$ solution as a starting materials. The optimal experimental conditions such as concentration and pH of starting solutions, the amounts of stabilizer $Y_2O_3$ used, and sintered temperature were carefully studied. The best condition for synthesizing $ZrO_2$ was experimentally selected and applied throughout this study for the preparation of the 3 mole% $Y_2O_3$ partially stabilized zirconia, 3YSZ. The physical properties of 3YSZ was examined by XRD, Raman, DT A, and SEM. The structural transition from pure monoclinic high temperature $ZrO_2$ to tetragonal room temperature 3YSZ was made possible by the added amount of $Y_2O_3$ in the $ZrO_2+Y_2O_3$ system. All Raman Spectrum band appeared in the lower wave numbers rather than in higher wave numbers as structure changes from monoclinic to tetragonal.

Film Properties of MOCVD TiN prepared by TDMAT and TDMAT/$NH_3$ (TDMAT와 TDMAT/$NH_3$ 로 형성한 MOCVD(Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition) Titanium Nitride 박막의 특성)

  • Baek, Su-Hyeon;Kim, Jang-Su;Park, Sang-Uk;Won, Seok-Jun;Jang, Yeong-Hak;O, Jae-Eung;Lee, Hyeon-Deok;Lee, Sang-In;Choe, Jin-Seok
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.5 no.7
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    • pp.775-780
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    • 1995
  • Thin films of titanium nitride are formed using the tetrakis-dimethyl-amino-titanium (TDMAT(Ti[N($CH_3$)$_2$]$_4$)) under various conditions. The formation of TiN films has been obtained from the thermal decomposition of the Ti-precursor and the gas phase reaction between TDMAT and ammonia(NH$_3$). The resistivity of the MOCVD film can be attributed to their impurity. Especially the curve fitting graph of XPS data is revealed that main impurities in the films as carbon and oxygen make various interstitial compounds which has influenced physical and electrical properties of the film. In the contact hole with the aspect ratio of 3:1 and the diameter of 0.5${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$, the SEM morphology shows that the step coverage is more decreased in the films formed y flowing ammonia additionally than the films formed by pyrolysis of TDMAT and the phenomenon is probably related with the activation energy.

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Soil Washing and Effluent Treatment for Contaminated Soil with Toxic Metals (유해원소로 오염된 토양 세척 및 세척수의 처리)

  • Yang, Jung-Seok;Hwang, Jin-Min;Baek, Kitae;Kwon, Man Jae
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.51 no.6
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    • pp.745-754
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    • 2013
  • This study evaluated the optimal soil washing conditions for toxic metals considering the removal efficiency of toxic metals from contaminated soils as well as from soil washing effluents. In the contaminated soils, As was the major contaminant and extracted by sodium hydroxide solution better than by sulfuric acid. However, in the case of the treatment of soil washing effluents, sodium hydroxide was less effective extractant because soil organic matter extracted by sodium hydroxide prevented the solid-liquid phase separation and toxic metal removal. In the treatment of soil washing effluents with sulfuric acid, toxic metals in the effluents were mostly precipitated at the pH above 6.5. In addition, granular ferric oxide (GFO) as an adsorbent enhanced the removal of As and Pb indicating that toxic metals in the washing effluents can be removed almost completely by the use of combined adsorption-neutralization process. This study suggests that soil washing techniques for toxic metals should be optimized based on the physical and chemical properties of the contaminated soils, the nature of chemical extractant, and the removal efficiency and effectiveness of toxic metals from the soils as well as soil washing effluents.

A Study on Manufacturing Cokes for Ferroalloy Using Domestic Anthracite and Waste Plastic (국산(國産) 무연탄(無煙炭)과 폐플라스틱을 사용(使用)하는 합금철용(合金鐵用) 코크스의 제조(製造)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Lee, Gye-Seung;Song, Young-Jun;Seo, Bong-Won;Lee, Dae-Young;Lee, Sung-Riong;Yoon, Si-Nae;Kim, Youn-Che
    • Resources Recycling
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.47-56
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    • 2008
  • The aim of this study is to produce cokes which can be used for the production of ferroalloy, for this purpose, domestic anthracite mixed with plastic was sintered at various condition. The combustion and physical properties of anthracite and plastic, coal separation, and the influence of factors on the strength of coke were investigated. The results of this study are as follows: 1. The three kinds of anthracite from the Samcheok region contained 25 to 30% ash of $100{\mu}m$ over size, and have the caloric value of 5,205 cal/g(TaeAn), 4,893 cal/g(JangSung), 4,873cal/g(KyongDong). 2. The recommendable conditions for heavy-fluid separation of the Samcheok coal are to set the specific gravity of heavy fluid to 2.4 and control the size of coal to $35{\sim}140mesh$. 3. It is concluded that phenolic resin powder, liquefied phenolic resin, SAN, and melamine resin can be used as a binder for the anthracite cokes, from the thermal analysis of various plastics. Especially, the liquefied phenolic resin was considered as the most suitable binder as it would simplify the process.

Measures for Improvement of RAM Target Value Setting Methods for Submarine Weapon Systems (잠수함 무기체계 RAM 목표 값 설정 방식의 개선방안)

  • Jung, Sun-uk;Shim, Hang-geun;Choi, Myoung-jin
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.419-427
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    • 2020
  • In the case of large combined weapon systems, such as submarines, the application, and verification of methods of setting the reliability, availability, and maintainability (RAM) target values for conventional weapon systems are limited. Submarines are complex weapon systems with the characteristics of the diversity of operation mode summary and mission profiles (OMS/MP) as well as equipment complexity because they are composed of multiple weapon systems, such as sonar systems and armed systems. Therefore, this study analyzed the development cases of existing weapon systems, i.e., the RAM target value-setting cases, and derived the problems and limitations of the cases to present measures to improve the setting and verification of the ram target values of submarines. In addition, submarines operate around the world and have different operating and maintenance conditions. Therefore, a submarine's ram target values should be set and verified centering on the mission essential equipment and mission critical equipment, instead of all components that constitute weapon systems. This study examined a method to verify the required performance RAM target-value setting, considering the characteristics of submarines as well as the physical performance requirements for the systems and equipment of submarines that must be considered when implementing national defense acquisition projects for submarines.