• Title/Summary/Keyword: physical conditions

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Development of Adhesive Resins Formulated with Rapeseed Flour Hydrolyzates for Laminated Veneer Lumber and Its Performance Evaluation (유채박을 이용한 단판적층재용 접착제의 개발 및 성능평가)

  • Yang, In;Han, Gyu-Seong;Choi, In-Gyu;Kim, Yong-Hyun;Ahn, Sye-Hee;Oh, Sei-Chang
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.221-229
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    • 2011
  • Due to the increase of oil price and the environmental issue such as the emission of volatile organic compounds, the necessity for developing alternative resins of petroleum-based adhesive resins, which have extensively been used for the manufacture of wood-based products, has been speculation since the early 1990. In our study, rapeseed flour (RSF), which is the by-product of bio-diesel produced from rapeseed, were hydrolyzed by enzymes. As a crosslinking agents of the RSF hydrolyzates, phenol-formaldehyde prepolymers (PF) were prepared. The RSF hydrolyzates and PF were mixed to complete the formulation of RSF-based adhesive resins, and the resins were applied to make the laminated veneer lumber (LVL). The physical and mechanical properties of the LVL were measured to examine whether RSF can be used as raw materials of adhesive resins for the fabrication of LVL or not. The average moisture content and soaking delamination rate of the LVL bonded with RSF-based adhesive resins exceeded the minimum requirement of KS standard. Moreover, thermal analysis of the RSF-based resins showed similar tendencies except for the RSF-based adhesive resins formulated with pectinase-hydrolyzed RSF. The bending strengths of the LVL were higher than that of the LVL made with commercial PF resins. These results showed the potential of RSF as a raw material of alternative adhesives for the production of LVL. Further works on the optimal conditions of RSF hydrolysis and spreading characteristics for RSF-based adhesive resins is required to improve the adhesive performance of RSF-based resins.

A Case Study on the Occupational Therapy Evaluation and Intervention Plan of a Community Asperger Syndrome Child Receiving Coping Model (지역사회 아스퍼거 장애 아동을 대상으로 대처모델(coping model)을 적용한 작업치료 평가 및 중재계획수립: 사례연구)

  • Lee, Mi Ji
    • Therapeutic Science for Rehabilitation
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.87-91
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    • 2013
  • Objective : This case study examined the evaluation of occupational therapy and plan to intervention of community asperger syndrome child receiving coping model. Methods : We selected child which 7-year-old boy. Evaluation periods were 2weeks which consisted of external factors and internal factors. External factors were made up interaction of subject, environments and participation of school and community. Internal factors were made up observation and structured evaluation about development state and medical conditions. Also it included observation of appropriate mood and emotions. Results : After evaluation receiving coping model, we planed to intervention. First, subject able to use his time effectively. Second, we'll have intervention program about delayed fine motor areas. Third, we'll educate self-control skills and coping skills of subject's action which not controlled himself. Fourth, we'll find the personal and physical sources to care subject. Conclusion : Our research has planed occupational therapy intervention receiving coping model of asperger syndrome subject. Future research need to practical applications.

Groundwater Contamination of Noroviruses in Busan, Ulsan, and Gyeongsangnam-do, Korea (부산, 울산 및 경상남도 지역의 지하수 중 norovirus 오염실태 조사)

  • Park, Byung-Ju;Oh, Hae-Ri;Kang, Ho-Young;Jang, Kyung-Lib
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.819-828
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    • 2011
  • To inspect norovirus contamination of groundwater in south eastern areas of Korea, a systematic survey of groundwater in Busan, Ulsan, and Gyeongsangnam-do was performed for two years from 2009 to 2010. For this purpose, we first optimized the nested reverse transcription-PCR condition by designing two sets of primers for the detection of norovirus genogroups, GI and GII. Of 145 samples, 21 (25.9%) and 15 (23.4%) were norovirus positive in the dry season (April to June) and wet season (July to August), respectively. The detection frequencies of norovirus in Busan, Ulsan, and Gyeongsangnam-do were 15%, 7%, and 32%, respectively, reflecting a geographical difference in their distribution. The GI and GII isolates were 5 and 31, respectively, indicating the prevalence of GII in the tested areas. According to phylogenetic analysis of their nucleotide sequences, all of the GI isolates were identified to genotype GI.5 whilst the GII isolates were divided into two genotypes, GII.3 and GII.4. Neither physical-chemical parameters such as pH, temperature, oxidation-reduction potential, and dissolved oxygen, nor microbial indicators of water quality such as total bacteria, total coliforms, and Escherichia coli were statistically correlated with contamination of norovirus in the groundwater. Interestingly, however, the presence of norovirus was closely correlated with low turbidity (<0.50 NTU). The present study suggests that periodical monitoring of norovirus in groundwater is necessary to prevent epidemic waterborne diseases and to secure better sanitary conditions for public health.

Isolation of CONSTANS as a TGA4/OBF4 Interacting Protein

  • Song, Young Hun;Song, Na Young;Shin, Su Young;Kim, Hye Jin;Yun, Dae-Jin;Lim, Chae Oh;Lee, Sang Yeol;Kang, Kyu Young;Hong, Jong Chan
    • Molecules and Cells
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.559-565
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    • 2008
  • Members of the TGA family of basic domain/leucine zipper transcription factors regulate defense genes through physical interaction with NON-EXPRESSOR OF PR1 (NPR1). Of the seven TGA family members, TGA4/octopine synthase (ocs)-element-binding factor 4 (OBF4) is the least understood. Here we present evidence for a novel function of OBF4 as a regulator of flowering. We identified CONSTANS (CO), a positive regulator of floral induction, as an OBF4-interacting protein, in a yeast two-hybrid library screen. OBF4 interacts with the B-box region of CO. The abundance of OBF4 mRNA cycles with a 24 h rhythm under both long-day (LD) and short-day (SD) conditions, with significantly higher levels during the night than during the day. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays revealed that OBF4 binds to the promoter of the FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) gene, a direct target of CO. We also found that, like CO and FT, an OBF4:GUS construct was prominently expressed in the vascular tissues of leaf, indicating that OBF4 can regulate FT expression through the formation of a protein complex with CO. Taken together, our results suggest that OBF4 may act as a link between defense responses and flowering.

Construction of Environmental Friendly Special-Purpose Ship for the Removal of Blue-green Algae (친환경적 녹조 제거용 특수선박 건조)

  • Shin, Jae-Ki;Yi, Hye-Suk;Jeong, Sun-A;Hwang, Soon-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.404-406
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    • 2009
  • This study note wished to introduce special-purpose ship for algae removal that is developed by core technology of our country. The ship is consisted of main frame and adjuvant that can attach and detach as cross (+) shape of a character. The characteristics of ship are super light weight and low draft. That is consisted of four devices as suction, collection, filtration and recovering units. Among these, filtration used screen filter (mesh size 30 ${\mu}m$). Also, can separate and remove water and algae by compression air participle notion. Percentage of moisture content of concentrated algal particle was 85%. Water parted with algae finally is exhausted to water area. Removal efficiency that compare by chlorophyll-$\alpha$ concentration was about 57% (inflow: 83.2 ${\mu}g\;L^{-1}$, outflow: 35.8 $[\mu}g\;L^{-1}$) without physical and chemical pretreatment. Forward, need to achieve effect test in various conditions (algal biomass, flow etc.) for efficiency and technological elevation of exclusion device. We wished to contribute in presuppression system construction of massive algal development that manage blue-green algae occurrence area effectively, and prevents spread as lower part of reservoir.

The Organizational Structure and Role of Smart City Governance (스마트시티 거버넌스의 조직체계와 역할)

  • Nam, Kwang-Woo;Park, Jeong-Woo;Park, Jun-Ho;Ji, Sang-Tae
    • Journal of the Korean Regional Science Association
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.69-85
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    • 2017
  • The positive changes in urban space and urban activities resulting from the urban services provided by Smart City is not accomplished by simply creating the physical environment built on ICT but through the cooperation and participation of citizens and private sector, which is in fact key to success. In this study, this research analyzed the role and structure of smart governance, which is a system of horizontal cooperation between public and private sector, and analyze its role in developing Smart City. The study also proposes various ways to facilitate such development in each of critical categories. For this purpose, this research studied 228 smart services across 11 categories registered in the Ministry of Land and Transport in Korea to analyze the spatial distribution of smart services by spatial hierarchy and their characteristics Also, the research conducted a case study of MetroGIS, which is an information collaboration governance system for the greater area of Minneapolis and St. Paul in the state of Minnesota, United States, to explore how governance is formed; its organizational structure; the role of sub-level organization hierarchy and their interrelationship. The results of the analysis suggest that the following conditions are required to create a smart city: first, public sector resource assistance for building community; second, enhanced communication system within the community and with outside the community; securing financial stability and establishing a model of sustainable development to induce the community to evolve into a governance form.

Occurrence of Rhizina Root Rot in a Black Pine (Pinus thunbergii) Forest Located at the Western Coastal Area in Korea and Its Spreading Patterns (서해안 곰솔림에서의 리지나뿌리썩음병 발생 및 확산 유형)

  • Lee, Seung-Kyu;Kim, Kyung-Hee;Kim, Yeon-Tae;Park, Ju-Yong;Lee, Sang-Hyun
    • Research in Plant Disease
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.208-212
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    • 2005
  • At the survey of June, 2002, total 294 dead frees were found in 20 ha of Black pine (Pinus thunbergii) forest located in the western coastal region of Korean peninsula. The dead trees were scattered over the 27 place as groups of about ten trees each. As a result of the field survey on the relationship between the conditions of dead trees and the occurrence of fruiting bodies of Rhizina undulata around the dead and/or dying trees, from June 2002 to August 2004 in the four plots, the occurrence of infected trees was observed as a shape of an irregular concentric circle from the first infected tree and R. undulata was found mainly around the dead tree. Because there was no observation of any other insects and pathogens which would kill trees, the cause of tree death in groups was considered owing to R. undulata. From the analysis of the physical and chemical proper ties of the soil collected from the damaged areas, the pH of soil was between 4.6 and 5.8 and the contents of soil nutrients were very low. Any "fire" trace was not found at all the 27 damaged places in the area, Taean, Chungcheongnam-Do, which are generally known as an important factor to initiate development of the disease. Therefore, further examination is needed to verify precisely about other environmental factors related with the group dying of the Black pines in this area beside 'fire'.

A Study about the Prevalence and the Related Factors of Metabolic Syndrome and Fatty Liver Comparing the Urban Area to the Industrial Area (도시와 공단 지역의 대사증후군과 지방간의 유병률 및 관련요인에 관한 연구)

  • Jeong, Hyo-Eun;Cho, Pyong-Kon
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.361-368
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    • 2016
  • As the tertiary industry is being developed, many problems are introduced in an industrial area in Korea. This study aims to investigate the residents' health conditions, such as the prevalence of metabolic syndrome and fatty liver diagnosed by ultrasonography, comparing the urban with the industrial areas. The subjects were 378 adults in the urban area and 376 adults in the industrial area. Subject variables accounted for were gender, age, drinking habits, smoking habits, physical activities, waist circumferences and BMI. In blood tests, fasting blood glucose, triglyceride, HDL, blood pressures, total cholesterol, AST, ALT and GGT were examined. Also, the presence and absence of fatty liver, diagnosed using ultrasonography, was investigated. As a result, the prevalence of metabolic syndrome were 43.7% in the urban area and 51.6% in the industrial area, hence it was significantly higher in the industrial area than in the urban area. Fasting blood glucose, triglyceride and waist circumference in the distribution of the individual components were 47.4, 53.7, and 16.1% in the urban area and 54.5, 61.5, and 22.9% in the industrial area respectively, so it was substantially higher in the industrial area than in the urban area. On the other hand, HDL, diastolic blood pressure, and fatty liver were 25.7, 43.4, and 44.7% in the urban area and 21.3, 19.9, and 36.7% in the industrial area respectively and thus it was much higher in the urban area than in the industrial area. In conclusion, this study shows that there were significant differences between the residents' health condition, comparing the urban area to the industrial area. Therefore, the precaution and aggressive management of metabolic syndrome may be necessary, in accordance with the characteristics of the industrial zone.

Green Pepper Cultivation in Mixture Bed of Soil and Rice Hull for Alleviation of Salinity Problems in Plastic Film House (연작장해 경감을 위한 시설 고추의 왕겨 혼합 소토양 재배기술)

  • Kim, Jin-Won;Chung, Jong-Bae
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.38 no.6
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    • pp.340-344
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    • 2005
  • Salinity problems are caused from the accumulation of soluble salts in the root zone. These excess salts reduce plant growth and vigor by altering water uptake and causing ion-specific toxicities or imbalances. In this investigation, green pepper cultivation technique using mixture bed of soil and rice hull and surface drop fertigation system was examined to prolong the productivity of salt-affected plastic film house soils. Green pepper growth was better in the mixture bed of soil and rice hull comparing to the conventional soil cultivation. Especially root growth was much better and the root had more thin root system in the mixture bed of soil and rice hull. The better growth of root may be due to the better physical conditions and lower EC in the mixture bed of soil and rice hull where nutrient supply was well-managed with fertigation system. In the cultivation with mixture bed of soil and rice hull, fruit yield of green pepper was significantly higher; increased by 43% in comparison to the conventional soil cultivation. Pepper cultivation technique using mixture bed of soil and rice hull and surface drop fertigation system is expected to be a useful method for maintaining and prolonging the productivity of salt-affected plastic film house soils.

The Enhancement of Skin Sparing by Tray Materials for High Energy Photon Beam (고에너지 광자선치료에서 고정판 흡수물질을 이용한 피부보호효과의 향상)

  • Chu, Sung-Sil;Lee, Chang-Geol;Kim, Gwi-Eon
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.449-454
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    • 1993
  • The skin sparing effect associated with high energy x-ray or gamma ray beams may be reduce or lost under certain conditions of treatment. Current trends in using large fields. Shield carrying trays, compensating filters, and isocentric methods of treatment have posed problems of increased skin dose which sometimes become a limiting factor in giving adquate tumor doses. We used the shallow ion chamber to measure the phantom surface dose and the physical treatment variables for Co-60 gamma ray, 4MV and 10 MV x-ray beam. The dependence of percent surface dose on field sizes, atomic number of the shielding tray materials and its distance from the surface for 4, 10MV x-rays and Co-60 gamma ray is qualitatively similar. The use of 2 mm thick tin filter is recommended for situations where a low atomic number tray is introduced into the beam at distances less than 15 cm from the surface and with the large field sized for 4 MV x-ray beam. In case of Co-60 gamma ray, the lead glass tray is suitable for enhancement of skin sparing. Also, the filter distance should be as large as possible to achieve substantial skin sparing.

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