• Title/Summary/Keyword: photogrammetric mapping and remote sensing

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Digital Plotting with KOMPSAT-1 EOC Stereo Images using Digital Photogrammetric Workstation

  • Jeong, Soo;Kim, Youn-Soo;Lee, Ho-Nam
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.25-33
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    • 2002
  • In 1799, Korea has become a country that holds Earth observation satellite in orbit as they had succeeded in the launch of KOPMSAT-1, the first Korean Earth observation satellite for the practical purpose. For the wide application of the satellite imagery, various application techniques are required, and topographic mapping is essential technique for the application in various fields. Moreover, considering that the main mission of the KOMPSAT-1 is to provide the satellite imagery for the mapping of Korean peninsula, the topographic mapping using KOMPSAT-1 EOC imagery is very significant. In this paper, we showed the possibility of digital plotting using KOMPSAT-1 EOC stereo images to produce topographic map. For the purpose, we implemented experimental stereo plotting using digital photogrammetric workstation and analyzed the procedure. As a result of this paper, we showed that some elements consist in 1:25,000 scale map can be plotted from KOMPSAT-1 Stereo images.

Development of New Photogrammetric Software for High Quality Geo-Products and Its Performance Assessment

  • Jeong, Jae-Hoon;Lee, Tae-Yoon;Rhee, Soo-Ahm;Kim, Hyeon;Kim, Tae-Jung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.319-327
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, we introduce a newly developed photogrammetric software for automatic generation of high quality geo-products and its performance assessment carried out using various satellite images. Our newly developed software provides the latest techniques of an optimized sensor modelling, ortho-image generation and automated Digital Elevation Model (DEM) generation for diverse remote sensing images. In particular, images from dual- and multi-sensor images can be integrated for 3D mapping. This can be a novel innovation toward a wider applicability of remote sensing data, since 3D mapping has been limited within only single-sensor so far. We used Kompsat-2, Ikonos, QuickBird, Spot-5 high resolution satellite images to test an accuracy of 3D points and ortho-image generated by the software. Outputs were assessed by comparing reliable reference data. From various sensor combinations 3D mapping were implemented and their accuracy was evaluated using independent check points. Model accuracy of 1~2 pixels or better was achieved regardless of sensor combination type. The high resolution ortho-image results are consistent with the reference map on a scale of 1:5,000 after being rectified by the software and an accuracy of 1~2 pixels could be achieved through quantitative assessment. The developed software offers efficient critical geo-processing modules of various remote sensing images and it is expected that the software can be widely used to meet the demand on the high-quality geo products.


  • Baral, Toya Nath
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.85-92
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    • 2003
  • Application of traditional aerial survey technologies for topographic mapping purposes has a number of principal problems. The growing worldwide acceptance of digital orthophotos has understood this need. Many trekking and expedition teams are expecting digital orthophoto and consequently 3D animation of the highest peaks and possible trekking routes, camping sites and information on how difficult the routes may be. In recent years, inexpensive computers and advance of computer technologies contributed to the rapid development of digital photogrammetry (Dowman et al., 1992; Heipke, 1995). Successful implementation of digital photogrammetric workstations in mapping have been found in various disciplines (Chen et al., 1998; Skalet et al., 1992). This paper highlights the results of the conventional photogrammetry and the possible advantages of digital photogrammetry over these and also the problems, issues and implications during digital Photogrammetric processing of high mountainous region in Asia.

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Rational Function Model Generation for CCD Linear Images and its Application in JX4 DPW

  • Zhao, Liping;Wang, Wei;Liu, Fengde;Li, Jian
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.387-389
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    • 2003
  • Rational function model (RFM) is a universal sensor model for remote sensing image restitution. It is able to substitute for models of all known sensors. In this paper, RFM generation by CCD linear image models is described in detail. A principle of RFM-based 3D reconstruction and its implementation in JX4 DPW is also described. Experiments using IKONOS and SPOT5 images are carried out on JX4 DPW. Results show that RFM generated is feasible for photogrammetric restitution of CCD linear images.

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DGPS/IMU-based Photogrammetry in China

  • Yingcheng, Li;Xueyou, Li;Jicheng, Zhao;Xunping, Gong;Tang, Liang
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.1215-1220
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    • 2003
  • People's Republic of China is one of the most rapidly developing countries in the world today. There is a great demand on highly actual and accurate spatial information of the whole country, especially of West China which becomes the focus of development of the Chinese government right now and in the next years, but where still not enough topographic maps are available. This raises great challenges to the surveying and mapping community in China. Facing the new challenges the Chinese Academy of Surveying and Mapping (CASM) started its pioneer work early 2002 to explore new techniques and technologies available today toward increasing the map productivity. With import of a CCNS/AEROcontrol system in November 2002 the first DGPS/IMU-based photogrammetric project in China was successfully accomplished jointly by CASM and the Germany-based companies IGI and Techedge. Two photogrammetric blocks of 1:4,000 and 1:20,000 photo scale, respectively, were flown in Anyang, China. Direct georeferencing and integrated sensor orientation were conducted. Results achieved were proven by using ground check points and compared with those of aerial triangulation. Orthophotos generated based on direct georeferencing shows the high efficiency and quality, and thus proved the promise of the new technology. Furthermore several DGPS/IMU-based photogammetric projects was accomplished one by one and a big project of more than 100,000 km2 in the Inner Mongolia will be started in August 2003. The paper presents experiences with DGPS/IMU-based photogrammetry in China. Results achieved in concrete projects are shown and evaluated. Politic and technical specialties in China are discussed. Conclusions outline the potential of DGPS/IMU-based photogrammetric production in China.

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Topographic Mapping Using KOMPSAT Imagery

  • Lee, Ho-Nam;Seo, Hyun-Duck;Jung, Hyung-Sup
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.786-791
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    • 2002
  • Mapping systems using Satellite Imagery has not been well-established compare to conventional Arial Photograph mapping systems. In order for satellite imagery to produce a stable quality of maps, it requires to follow the standard mapping procedures. In this satellite imagery study, we proposed four methods of mapping procedures. Mapping methods were established by generating trial maps and analyzing types of input data and functions of DPW (Digital Photogrammetric Workstation). On quantitative aspect, accuracy of each steps were measured by increasing 2 GCPs each time from the minimum of 6 GCPs. In DLT, with the minimum of 10 points, RMSE is 2 pixels at most. Besides that, interpretation and stereoscopic plotting using KOMPSAT-1 imagery and other simulated imagery was performed. The tests resulted that, for KOMPSAT-1 (6.6m) stereoscopic images, the possibility of interpretation is 44.79% and possibility of stereoscopic plotting is 43.75%. In the other hand, for simulated imagery (1m), the possibility of interpretation is 60.92% and possibility of stereoscopic plotting is 55.18%.

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Direct Geo-referencing for Laser Mapping System

  • Kim, Seong-Baek;Lee, Seung-yong;Kim, Min-Soo
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.423-427
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    • 2002
  • Contrary to the traditional text-based information, 4S(GIS,GNSS,SIIS,ITS) information can contribute to the citizen's welfare in upcoming era. Recently, GSIS(Geo-Spatial Information System) has been applied and stressed out in various fields. As analyzed the data from GSIS arena, the position information of objects and targets is crucial and critical. Therefore, several methods of getting and knowing position are proposed and developed. From this perspective, Position collection and processing are the heart of 4S technology. We develop 4S-Van that enables real-time acquisition of position and attribute information and accurate image data in remote site. In this study, the configuration of 4S-Van equipped with GPS, INS, CCD and eye-safe laser scanner is shown and the merits of DGPS/INS integration approach for geo-referencing is briefly discussed. The algorithm of DGPS/INS integration fur determination of six parameters of motion is eccential in the 4S-Van to avoid or simplify the complicated computation such as photogrammetric triangulation. 4S-Van has the application of Laser-Mobile Mapping System for three-dimensional data acquisition that merges the texture information from CCD camera. The technique is also applied in the fields of virtual reality, car navigation, computer games, planning and management, city transportation, mobile communication, etc.

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  • Yoon Jong-suk;Shan Jie
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.683-686
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    • 2005
  • This study addresses a photogrammetric approach to generate Mars topographic products from mapping data of Mars Global Surveyor (MGS). High-resolution stereo images and laser altimetry data collected from the MGS mission are combined and processed to produce Digital Elevation Models (DEM) and orthoimages. First, altimeter data is registered to high resolution images and considerable registration offset (around 325 m) is discovered on high resolution stereo images. Altimetry data, exterior orientation elements of the camera and conjugate points are used for bundle adjustment to solve this mis-registration and detennine the ground coordinates. The mis-registration of altimetry data are effectively eliminated after the bundle adjustment. Using the adjusted exterior orientation the ground coordinates of conjugate points are detennined. A sufficient number of corresponding points collected through image matching and their precise 3-D ground coordinates are used to generate DEM and orthoimages. A posteriori standard deviations of ground points after bundle adjustment indicate the accuracy of OEM generated in this study. This paper addresses the photogrammetric procedure: the registration of altimetry data to stereo pair images, the bundle adjustment and the evaluation, and the generation of OEM and orthoimages.

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Improvements on the Three-Dimensional Positioning of High Resolution Stereo Satellite Imagery (고해상도 스테레오 위성영상의 3차원 정확도 평가 및 향상)

  • Jeong, In-Jun;Lee, Chang-Kyung;Yun, Kong-Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.30 no.5
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    • pp.617-625
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    • 2014
  • The Rational Function Model has been used as a replacement sensor model in most commercial photogrammetric systems due to its capability of maintaining the accuracy of the physical sensor models. Although satellite images with rational polynomial coefficients have been used to determine three-dimensional position, it has limitations in the accuracy for large scale topographic mapping. In this study, high resolution stereo satellite images, QuickBird-2, were used to investigate how much the three-dimensional position accuracy was affected by the No. of ground control points, polynomial order, and distribution of GCPs. As the results, we can confirm that these experiments satisfy the accuracy requirements for horizontal and height position of 1:25,000 map scale.

Development and Comparative Analysis of Mapping Quality Prediction Technology Using Orientation Parameters Processed in UAV Software (무인기 소프트웨어에서 처리된 표정요소를 이용한 도화품질 예측기술 개발 및 비교분석)

  • Lim, Pyung-Chae;Son, Jonghwan;Kim, Taejung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.35 no.6_1
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    • pp.895-905
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    • 2019
  • Commercial Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) image processing software products currently used in the industry provides camera calibration information and block bundle adjustment accuracy. However, they provide mapping accuracy achievable out of input UAV images. In this paper, the quality of mapping is calculated by using orientation parameters from UAV image processing software. We apply the orientation parameters to the digital photogrammetric workstation (DPW) for verifying the reliability of the mapping quality calculated. The quality of mapping accuracy was defined as three types of accuracy: Y-parallax, relative model and absolute model accuracy. The Y-parallax is an accuracy capable of determining stereo viewing between stereo pairs. The Relative model accuracy is the relative bundle adjustment accuracy between stereo pairs on the model coordinates system. The absolute model accuracy is the bundle adjustment accuracy on the absolute coordinate system. For the experimental data, we used 723 images of GSD 5 cm obtained from the rotary wing UAV over an urban area and analyzed the accuracy of mapping quality. The quality of the relative model accuracy predicted by the proposed technique and the maximum error observed from the DPW showed precise results with less than 0.11 m. Similarly, the maximum error of the absolute model accuracy predicted by the proposed technique was less than 0.16 m.