• 제목/요약/키워드: phonetic variation

검색결과 61건 처리시간 0.03초

통신언어의 모음변이와 음성학적 유사성 (Vowel Variation in PC Communication Language and Phonetic Similarity)

  • 지윤주;김일규
    • 말소리와 음성과학
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    • 제7권1호
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    • pp.133-138
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is to provide deeper understanding of how it is possible for people to understand PC communication language they have never seen or heard before without any problem. In order to answer this question, we focused on the vowel variation through which new variants are created (for PC communication), and hypothesized that there is a phonetic constraint which requires the vowel of the variant to be phonetically similar (to the maximum) to the vowel of the original word. Through the corpus analysis of the dictionary of PC communication language, we show that our hypothesis is justified by the fact that most of the variants we collected from the dictionary, that is, 90% of them, conformed to the phonetic constraint we postulated.

Acoustic correlates of prosodic prominence in conversational speech of American English, as perceived by ordinary listeners

  • Mo, Yoon-Sook
    • 말소리와 음성과학
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    • 제3권3호
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    • pp.19-26
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    • 2011
  • Previous laboratory studies have shown that prosodic structures are encoded in the modulations of phonetic patterns of speech including suprasegmental as well as segmental features. Drawing on a prosodically annotated large-scale speech data from the Buckeye corpus of conversational speech of American English, the current study first evaluated the reliability of prosody annotation by a large number of ordinary listeners and later examined whether and how prosodic prominence influences the phonetic realization of multiple acoustic parameters in everyday conversational speech. The results showed that all the measures of acoustic parameters including pitch, loudness, duration, and spectral balance are increased when heard as prominent. These findings suggest that prosodic prominence enhances the phonetic characteristics of the acoustic parameters. The results also showed that the degree of phonetic enhancement vary depending on the types of the acoustic parameters. With respect to the formant structure, the findings from the present study more consistently support Sonority Expansion Hypothesis than Hyperarticulation Hypothesis, showing that the lexically stressed vowels are hyperarticulated only when hyperarticulation does not interfere with sonority expansion. Taken all into account, the present study showed that prosodic prominence modulates the phonetic realization of the acoustic parameters to the direction of the phonetic strengthening in everyday conversational speech and ordinary listeners are attentive to such phonetic variation associated with prosody in speech perception. However, the present study also showed that in everyday conversational speech there is no single dominant acoustic measure signaling prosodic prominence and listeners must attend to such small acoustic variation or integrate acoustic information from multiple acoustic parameters in prosody perception.

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Prosodic Strengthening in Speech Production and Perception: The Current Issues

  • Cho, Tae-Hong
    • 음성과학
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    • 제14권4호
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    • pp.7-24
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    • 2007
  • This paper discusses some current issues regarding how prosodic structure is manifested in fine-grained phonetic details, how prosodically-conditioned articulatory variation is explained in terms of speech dynamics, and how such phonetic manifestation of prosodic structure may be exploited in spoken word recognition. Prosodic structure is phonetically manifested in prosodically important landmark locations such as prosodic domain-final position, domain-initial position and stressed/accented syllables. It will be discussed how each of the prosodic landmarks engenders particular phonetic patterns, ow articulatory variation in such locations are dynamically accounted for, and how prosodically-driven fine-grained phonetic detail is exploited by listeners in speech comprehension.

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한국어 /ㅛ/의 발음 양상 연구: 발음형 빈도와 음향적 특징을 중심으로 (Pronunciation of the Korean diphthong /jo/: Phonetic realizations and acoustic properties)

  • 이향원
    • 말소리와 음성과학
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    • 제15권1호
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    • pp.9-17
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    • 2023
  • 이 연구의 목적은 한국어 이중모음 /ㅛ/가 다양한 언어학적 환경에서 어떠한 발음 변이 양상을 보이는지 밝히는 것이다. 특히 음성적 변이와 분포 범위의 연관성에 주목하여 /ㅛ/의 발음 양상을 논의하였다. 서울코퍼스의 여성 화자 10명의 발화에서 나타난 /ㅛ/의 운율적 위치(단음절, 어절 초, 어절 중, 어절 말)와 어휘 부류(내용어, 기능어)를 분석하였다. 각 환경에서 /ㅛ/의 출현 빈도를 파악한 결과, 운율적 위치에 따라 어휘 부류와 발음형 실현이 달라지는 양상을 보였다. 음향 분석을 통해 기능어에서 나타나는 /ㅛ/에서는 음성적 약화가 빈번하게 일어나는 것을 확인하였다. 어휘 부류는 /ㅛ/의 평균적인 음가를 달라지게 하지는 않았지만 개별 토큰의 분포 양상에서는 차이가 발견되었다. 이를 통해 언어학적 환경이 모음의 음성적 분포 양상에 영향을 미친다는 것을 알 수 있었다.

중국의 언문(言文) 부조화와 음역어의 활용 (A Study on the Mismatch between the Spoken and Written of Chinese Language and the Use of the Phonetic Loans)

  • 김태은
    • 언어사실과 관점
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    • 제44권
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    • pp.99-124
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    • 2018
  • This study is about the mismatch between the spoken and written language of Chinese language. In the past, many Chinese intellectuals insisted on abolishing Chinese characters, since they are too difficult for common people to learn, write and remember. However, Chinese characters are still kept as the only formal letter in China, and probably, Chinese characters will not be abolished in the future. On the other hand, problematic situations often happen, because Chinese characters are used to transcribe foreign sounds such as phonetic symbols, even though they are ideograms. The most important part of the characters as an ideogram is the meaning, but sometimes the meaning is ignored for the phonetic representation of foreign sounds. Chinese phonetic loans show this situation well. Therefore, this study discusses various types of Chinese phonetic loans, the problems of variations, and the solution to overcome the problems.

음소 음향학적 변화 정보를 이용한 한국어 음성신호의 자동 음소 분할 (Automatic Phonetic Segmentation of Korean Speech Signal Using Phonetic-acoustic Transition Information)

  • 박창목;왕지남
    • 한국음향학회지
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    • 제20권8호
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    • pp.24-30
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    • 2001
  • 본 논문에서는 발음표기가 주어진 상황에서 음성 신호의 자동 음소 분할에 관한 것이며 음소의 경계를 음소 음향학적인 변화특성에 따라 3가지 형태로 분류하여 각각에 적합한 분할 알고리즘을 개발하였다. 형태 1은 묵음·유성음·무성음간의 분할이며 히스토그램분석으로 구한 문턱 값으로 초기 분할 후, 웨이블릿 계수의 SVF (Spectral Variation Function)를 이용하여 분할하였다. 형태 2는 연속적인 모음의 분할이며 각 모음변화특성을 템플릿으로 구성하여 분할에 활용하였다. 형태 3은 모음과 유성자음 혹은 유성화 자음의 분할이며 특성주파수대역의 진폭변화를 이용하여 후보구간을 정한 후, 캡스트럼 계수의 SVF를 이용하여 최종적인 분할을 수행하였다. 본 실험에서는 분할 성능을 테스트하기 위하여 한국어 PBWSpeech DB에서 342개의 단어를 자동으로 분할한 후, 수작업으로 분할한 결과와 비교하였다. 전체적인 자동 분할 성능은 20 msec내에서 81.5%의 분할성능을 보였다.

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음운론적 변이에 의한 신조 상말의 생성에 대하여 (A Study on Newly-coined Cant creations in compliance with Phonological Variation)

  • 박철주
    • 대한음성학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한음성학회 2007년도 한국음성과학회 공동학술대회 발표논문집
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    • pp.87-90
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    • 2007
  • We encounter new cant in these days. The cant is classified as 'variation cant' which is used in the communication language. Therefore, this Study will focus on the aspects and the actual conditions of the cant in communication language.

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HMnet Evaluation for Phonetic Environment Variations of Traning Data in Speech Recognition

  • Kim, Hoi-Rin
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • 제15권4E호
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    • pp.28-36
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    • 1996
  • In this paper, we propose a new evaluation methodology which can more clearly show the performance of the allophone modeling algorithm generally used in large vocabulary speech recognition. The proposed evaluation method shows the running characteristics and limitations of the modeling algorithm by testing how the variation of phonetic environments of training data affects the recognition performance and the desirable number of free parameters to be estimated. Using the method, we experiment results, we conclude that, in vocabulary-independent recognition task, the phonetic diversity of training data greatly affects the robustness of model, and it is necessary to develop a proper measure which can determine the number of states compromizing the robustness and the precision of the HMnet better than the conventional modeling efficiency.

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모음 상승 현상의 음성적 고찰: 어미 {-고}의 실현을 중심으로 (A Phonetic Study of Vowel Raising: A Closer Look at the Realization of the Suffix {-go})

  • 이향원;신지영
    • 한국어학
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    • 제81권
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    • pp.267-297
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    • 2018
  • Vowel raising in Korean has been primarily treated as a phonological, categorical change. This study aims to show how the Korean connective suffix {-go} is realized in various environments, and propose a principle of vowel raising based on both acoustic and perceptual data. To that end, we used a corpus of spoken Korean to analyze the types of syntactic constructions, the realization of prosodic boundaries (IP and PP), and the types of boundary tone associated with {-go}. It was found that the vowel tends to be raised most frequently in utterance-final position, while in utterance-medial position the vowel was raised more when the syntactic and prosodic distance between {-go} and the following constituent was smaller. The results for boundary tone also showed a correlation between vowel raising and the discourse function of the boundary tone. In conclusion, we propose that vowel raising is not simply an optional phenomenon, but rather a type of phonetic reduction related to the comprehension of the following constituent.