• 제목/요약/키워드: pheW

검색결과 25건 처리시간 0.023초

E. coli $tRNA^{phe}$ 유전자의 32-T와 39-T 염기의 부의 특이적 돌연변이 (Site-Specific Mutagenesis on the 32-T and 39-T of E. coli $tRNA^{phe}$ Gene)

  • 김익영;이세영
    • 미생물학회지
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    • 제27권3호
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    • pp.176-180
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    • 1989
  • E. coli의 $tRNA^{phe}$내에는 세 개의 psiudouridine 염기들이 존재한다. 이 $tRNA^{phe}$내의 pseudouridine 염기들의 기능을 연구하기 위하여 부위특이적 돌연변이를 이용하여 $tRNA^{phe}$ 유전자의 염기를 다른 염기로 치환시켰다. E. coli $tRNA^{phe}$ 유전자들 중 하나인 phe W 유전자내에서 32번에 해당하는 T 염기를 C 염기로 39번 T 염기를 C 염기로 Kunkel이 개발한 부위특이적 돌연변이 방법을 사용하여 각각 치환시켰다. DNA 염기서열을 결정함으로써 돌연변이체를 확인하였으며, 이들 돌연변이 유전자를 함유한 재조합 플라스미드를 이용하여 돌연변이된 phe W 유전자들의 E. Coli NP37($pheS^{-ts}$)에 대한 complementation 활성을 조사하였다. 32번 위치가 변이된 pheW 유전자 뿐만아니라 39번 위치가 변이된 phe W 유전자를 함유한 E. coh NP37들은 모두 non-permissive temperature에서 자라지 못하였다. 이 결과는 변이된 pheW 유전자들이 E. coli NP37을 complementation 할 수 없으며, 또 pseudouridine 염기들이 생체내에서 E. coli $tRNA^{phe}$의 활성에 필수적이라는 것을 의미한다.

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대장균 배양 중 phe W$^+$-pheS-$^{-ts}$ System에 의한 재조합 trp$^+$ 플라스미드의 안정적 유지 (Stable Maintenance of Recombinant Plasmid Containing trp $^+$ Operon in E. coli Cultures by the phe W$^+$ -pheS$^{t8}$ System)

  • 강충민;최장원;이세영
    • 한국미생물·생명공학회지
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    • 제18권1호
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    • pp.89-93
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    • 1990
  • 재조합 pBR322-trp$^+$ 플라스미드의 숙주내 안정적 유지를 목적으로 tRNA phe 의 구조유전자인 pheW$^+$ 유전자를 pBR322-trp$^+$의 플라스미드에 도입시키고, 숙주세포로는 트립토판 생산을 위한 정상숙주 LC901의 phenylalanyl tRNA synthetase 온도감수성 변이체인 LC901-pheS-ts를 구성하여 이 온도감수성 숙주의 제한온도 (restrictive temperature)에서 재조합 trp$^+$ 플라스미드의 안정적 유지와 trp$^+$ 유전자가 미치는 효과를 조사하였다.

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Structurally Conserved Aromaticity of Tyr249 and Phe264 in Helix 7 Is Important for Toxicity of the Bacillus thuringiensis Cry4Ba Toxin

  • Tiewsiri, Kasorn;Angsuthanasombat, Chanan
    • BMB Reports
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    • 제40권2호
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    • pp.163-171
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    • 2007
  • Functional elements of the conserved helix 7 in the poreforming domain of the Bacillus thuringiensis Cry $\delta$- endotoxins have not yet been clearly identified. Here, we initially performed alanine substitutions of four highly conserved aromatic residues, $Trp^{243}$, $Phe^{246}$, $Tyr^{249}$ and $Phe^{264}$, in helix 7 of the Cry4Ba mosquito-larvicidal protein. All mutant toxins were overexpressed in Escherichia coli as 130-kDa protoxins at levels comparable to the wild-type. Bioassays against Stegomyia aegypti mosquito larvae revealed that only W243A, Y249A or F264A mutant toxins displayed a dramatic decrease in toxicity. Further mutagenic analysis showed that replacements with an aromatic residue particularly at $Tyr^{249}$ and $Phe^{264}$ still retained the high-level toxin activity. In addition, a nearly complete loss in larvicidal activity was found for Y249L/F264L or F264A/ Y249A double mutants, confirming the involvement in toxicity of both aromatic residues which face towards the same direction. Furthermore, the Y249L/F264L mutant was found to be structurally stable upon toxin solubilisation and trypsin digestion, albeit a small change in the circular dichroism spectrum. Altogether, the present study provides for the first time an insight into the highly conserved aromaticity of $Tyr^{249}$ and $Phe^{264}$ within helix 7 playing an important role in larvicidal activity of the Cry4Ba toxin.

Calcium-binding Peptides Derived from Tryptic Hydrolysates of Cheese Whey Protein

  • Kim, S.B.;Lim, J.W.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제17권10호
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    • pp.1459-1464
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this research was to investigate the potential use of cheese whey protein (CWP), a cheese by-product. The physiological activity of calcium-binding peptides in CWP may be used as a food additive that prevents bone disorders. This research also examined the characteristics of calcium-binding peptides. After the CWP was heat treated, it was hydrolyzed by trypsin. Then calcium-binding peptides were separated and purified by ion-exchange chromatography and reverse phase HPLC, respectively. To examine the characteristics of the purified calcium-binding peptides, amino acid composition and amino acid sequence were analyzed. Calcium-binding peptides with a small molecular weight of about 1.4 to 3.4 kDa were identified in the fraction that was flowed out from 0.25 M NaCl step gradient by ion-exchange chromatography of tryptic hydrolysates. The results of the amino acid analysis revealed that glutamic acid in a calcium-binding site took up most part of the amino acids including a quantity of proline, leucine and lysine. The amino acid sequence of calcium-binding peptides showed Phe-Leu-Asp-Asp-Asp-Leu-Thr-Asp and Ile-Leu-Asp-Lys from $\alpha$-LA and Ile-Pro-Ala-Val-Phe-Lys and Val-Tyr-Val-Glu-Glu-Leu-Lys from ${\beta}$-LG.

Shrimp (Pandalopsis dispar) waste hydrolysate as a source of novel β-secretase inhibitors

  • Li-Chan, Eunice C.Y.;Cheung, Imelda W.Y.;Byun, Hee-Guk
    • Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.11.1-11.7
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    • 2016
  • In this study, purified peptides from shrimp waste hydrolysates (SWHs) were examined for their inhibitory effects against ${\beta}$-secretase. During consecutive purification using a Sephadex G-25 column chromatography and high performance liquid chromatography on a C18 column, a potent ${\beta}$-secretase inhibitory peptide Asp-Val-Leu-Phe-His (629 Da) was isolated and identified from SWH24 by Q-TOF MS/MS and the $IC_{50}$ value was determined to be $92.70{\mu}M$. The ${\beta}$-secretase inhibition patterns of the purified peptides were found to be competitive. Among synthesized ${\beta}$-secretase inhibitory peptides, Leu-Phe-His had higher ${\beta}$-secretase inhibitory activity than the others. The result of this study suggests that the ${\beta}$-secretase inhibitory peptide derived from SWH24 could be potential candidates to develop nutraceuticals and pharmaceuticals.

Functional roles of Tryptophan residues in diketoreductase from Acinetobacter baylyi

  • Huang, Yan;Lu, Zhuo;Ma, Min;Liu, Nan;Chen, Yijun
    • BMB Reports
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    • 제45권8호
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    • pp.452-457
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    • 2012
  • Diketoreductase (DKR) from Acinetobacter baylyi contains two tryptophan residues at positions 149 and 222. Trp-149 and Trp-222 are located along the entry path of substrate into active site and at the dimer interface of DKR, respectively. Single and double substitutions of these positions were generated to probe the roles of tryptophan residues. After replacing Trp with Ala and Phe, biochemical and biophysical characteristics of the mutants were thoroughly investigated. Enzyme activity and substrate binding affinity of W149A and W149F were remarkably decreased, suggesting that Trp-149 regulates the position of substrate at the binding site. Meanwhile, enzyme activity of W222F was increased by 1.7-fold while W222A was completely inactive. In addition to lower thermostability of Trp-222 mutants, molecular modeling of the mutants revealed that Trp-222 is vital to protein folding and dimerization of the enzyme.

뇌와 척수에서 Cocaine-Amphetamine Regulated Transcript를 과발현하는 형질전환 생쥐 (Transgenic Mice Overexpressing Cocaine-Amphetamine Regulated Transcript in the Brain and Spinal Cord)

  • 최시호;이정웅;박흠대;장정원;정길생;이훈택
    • 한국가축번식학회지
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    • 제25권4호
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    • pp.389-397
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    • 2001
  • CART는 leptin에 의해 조절되는 포식인자이며 섭식과 운동 습성에 관계된 것으로 알려져 있다. 사람의 CART Leu34Phe 돌연변이는 비만의 표현형을 나타내었지만, 생쥐의 CART 돌연변이는 일반사료의 섭취 후 급격한 체중증가를 나타내지는 않았다 생체 내 신경세포에서 CART의 역할을 확인하기 위한 새로운 형질전환 모델을 확립하고자 분화하는 신경세포의 유전자 발현을 조절하는 NF-L promoter와 CART의 재조합 발현 벡터를 구축하였다. 형질전환 생쥐는 유전자 미세 주입법에 의하여 생산되었으며, PCR과 Southern blot의 방법으로 확인하였다. 이러한 형질전환 생쥐에서 CART의 과 발현을 수정 후 13.5일째 초기 배아와 생후 6주째 형질전환 생쥐의 뇌와 척수에서 확인하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 섭식 관련 유전자들이 상호 연관된 섭식행동에서 CART의 역할을 연구하는데 모델 동물로써 이용할 수 있을 것으로 사료된다.

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Pathogenic and Molecular Characteristics of Agrobacterium vitis strains isolated from Grapevine in Korea

  • Kim, J.G.;Kim, S.H.;Choi, J.E.;Lee, Y.K.;Kang, H.W.
    • 한국식물병리학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국식물병리학회 2003년도 정기총회 및 추계학술발표회
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    • pp.120.2-120
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    • 2003
  • Agrobacterium vitis is a causal agent of crown-gall disease on grapevine. In Korea, grapevine variety (GeoBong) have severely been infected by the bacteria since stems of the variety were buried in soil for overwintering. Infection ratio over 70-80% was observed on 7 years old GeoBong grapevine in Ansung and Cheonan. PCR specific primers for A. vitis strains were designed using nucleotide sequences of vir A gene in Ti-Plasmid, pheA gene in chromosomal DNA and a URP-PCR polymorphic band. Three hundred bacterial strains were isolated from the different 80 galls formed on GeoBong grapevine in Cheonan and Ansung of Korea and were screened to identify A. vitis using the three specific PCR primers for Agrobacterium vitis. Twenty-four bacterial strains that are detected by the primers were further confirmed by pathogenicity and biochemical methods. To investigate the genomic diversity of the bacterial strains, twenty primers of 20 mer referred to universal rice primers (URP) were applied for PCR fingerprinting, Of them, URP2R and URP2F primers could effectively be used to detect polymorphism within the bacterial strains.

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