• Title/Summary/Keyword: perivascular nerve stimulation

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Cholinergic contraction to the perivascular nerve stimulation on the isolated coronary artery of pig (돼지 적출 심관상동맥에 있어서 perivascular nerve stimulation에 의한 cholinergic 수축 작용)

  • Shim, Cheol-soo;Park, Sang-eun;Jeon, Seok-cheol;Han, Bang-keun;Kim, Joo-heon
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.237-243
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    • 1995
  • The effects of various autonomic blocking agents to perivascular nerve stimulation were investigated on isolated coronary artery of pig. 1. The magnitude of contractile response to perivascular nerve stimulation increased with increasing frequency(280Hz) of stimulation. 2. The contractions to perivascular nerve stimulation(40V, 40Hz, 0.5msec, 1min) were increased by pretreatment of the cholinestrase inhibitor, physostigmine. 3. The contraction to perivascular nerve stimulation(40V, 40Hz, 0.5msec, 1min) was antagonised by the muscarinic antagonist, atropine. 4. The contraction to perivascular nerve stimulation(40V, 40Hz, 0.5msec, 1min) was blocked by the neural blocker, tetrodotoxin. 5. The contractions to perivascular nerve stimulation(40V, 40Hz, 0.5msec, 1min) were not significantly affected by the ${\alpha}$-adrenergic antagonist, phentolamine or ${\beta}$-adrenergic antagonist, propranolol. 6. The contractile response by the acetylcholine was increased by the pretreatment of cholinestrase inhibitor, physostigmine. This findings suggest that the powerful excitatory action by the perivascular nerve stimulation may be linked to muscarinic receptor by cholinergic nerve excitation in coronary artery of pig.

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Purinergic innervation on the isolated renal artery of rabbit (가토 적출 신동맥에 있어서 purinergic 신경 분포)

  • Kim, Joo-heon;Kim, Yong-keun
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.389-395
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    • 1991
  • 가토 적출 신동맥에 있어서 purinergic 신경 분포를 perivascular nerve stimulation을 통해서 확인하였다. 1. 가토 적출 신동맥은 perivascular nerve stimulation에 의해 수축성 반응을 나타내었다. 2. Perivascular nerve stimulation에 의한 수축현상은 자극의 크기와 자극의 빈도에 의존적이었으며, 내피세포의 유무에는 영향을 받지 않았다. 3. Perivascular nerve stimulation에 의한 수축현상은 prazosin$(1{\mu}M)$에 의해 강하게 억제되어졌으며, tetrodotoxin$(1{\mu}M)$ 또는 ${\alpha},{\beta}-methylene$ATP$(10{\mu}M)$에 의한 $P_{2x}-purinoceptor $ desensitization에 의해 완전히 수축현상이 사라졌다. 이와같은 결과는 가토 신동맥에는 purinergic신경이 분포되어 있으며, perivascular nerve stimulation에 의해 purinergic 신경전달물질이 norepinephrine과 함께 유리되어지는 것을 시사하고 있다.

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Cholinergic Contraction to the Perivascular Nerve Stimulation on the Isolated Coronary Artery of Pig (돼지 적출 심장 관상동맥에 있어서 Perivascular Nerve Stimulation에 의한 Cholinergic 수축 작용)

  • Lee, Han-Ki;Goo, Bong-Oh;Moon, Sang-Eun;Shim, Chul-Soo
    • The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.61-71
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    • 2001
  • The purpose oi this study is to identify clearly the physiologic significance of autonomic nervous system. This study is to find the loose of endogenous neurotransmitter while using the neural response of the neural excitatory action which is distributed to the perivascular smooth muscle through the electrical stimulation of the smooth muscle of coronary artery of pig. The effects of perivascular nerve stimulation were investigated on isolated coronary artery of pig.1 . The magnitude of contractile response to perivascular nerve stimulation increased with increasing frequency (2-80 Hz) of stimulation. 2. The contractions to perivascular nerve stimulation(40V, 40Hz. 0.5msec, 1 min) were increased greatly by pretreatment of the cholinestrase inhibitor physostigmine. 3. The contraction to perivascular nerve stimulation(40V,40Hz, 0.5msec, 1min) was antagonised markedly by the muscarinic antagonist atropine. 4. The contraction to perivascular nerve stimulation(40V, 40Hz, 0.5msec, 1 min) was blocked by the neural blocker tetrodotoxin. 5. The contractions to perivascular nerve stimulation(40V. 40Hz, 0.5msec, 1 min) were not affected significantly by the -adrenergic antagonist phentolamine or - adrenergic antagonist propranolol. 6. The contractile response by the acetylcholine was increased by the pretreatment of cholinestrase inhibitor physostigmine. The finding suggest that it is powerful excitatory action linked to muscarinic receptor by cholinergic nerve in coronary artery of pig.

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Effect of purinoceptor to perivascular nerve stimulation on isolated coronary artery of pig (돼지 적출 심관상동맥에 있어서 혈관주위 신경자극에 의한 purinoceptor의 효과)

  • Jeon, Seok-cheol;Shim, Cheol-soo;Kim, Joo-heon
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.730-736
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    • 1998
  • To elucidate whether or not innervation of purinergic nerve and functional action of $P_{2X}$-, $P_{2Y}$-purinoceptor, the neurogenic effects of perivascular nerve stimulation were investigated using by physiograph recording system in isolated coronary artery of pig. 1. The contractile responses induced by perivascular nerve stimulation (20V, 0.5msec, 20sec) were the frequency (2~64Hz) dependent manner. 2. The neurogenic contractile responses induced by perivascular nerve stimulation were inhibited by the pretreatment with either ATP or adenosine ($10^{-7}{\sim}10^{-4}M$). 3. The neurogenic contractile responses induced by perivascular nerve stimulation (20V, 16Hz, 0.5msec, 20sec) were increased by the pretreatment with reactive blue 2, but were not affected by the pretreatment with 8-phenyltheopylline ($10^{-5}M$). 4. The neurogenic contractile responses induced by perivascular nerve stimulation (20V, 16Hz, 0.5msec, 20sec) were inhibited by the desensitization of the P2X-purinoceptor using by treatment of $10^{-5}M$, -methylene ATP as 3 times over again. The accomplished present study on isolated coronary artery of pig suggest that purinergic nerve is innervated and that the neurogenic contractile response was mediated by activation of $P_{2X}$-purinoceptor and the neurogenic relaxative response was mediated by activation of both $P_1$ and $P_{2Y}$-purinoceptor.

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Neuromodulation on neurogenic contraction of electrical nerve stimulation on isolated renal artery of rabbit (토끼 적출 신동맥에 있어서 전기자극에 의한 신경성 수축작용의 neuromodulation 효과)

  • Kim, Joo-heon;Hong, Yong-geun
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.821-828
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    • 1996
  • To elucidate the neuromodulation of neuropeptide Y and $\alpha,\;\beta$-methylene ATP on the neurogenic contraction of electrical perivascular nerve stimulation and the contractile response of noradrenaline from polygraph in the isolated renal artery of rabbit. 1. The neurogenic contraction induced by perivascular nerve stimulation was the voltage-dependent manner(10-100V) in the isolated renal artery of rabbit. 2. Neuropeptide Y(0.1uM) and $\alpha,\;\beta$-methylene ATP(1uM) increased the contractile responses of noradrenaline in the isolated renal artery of rabbit. 3. Neuropeptide Y(0.1uM) and $\alpha,\;\beta$-methylene ATP(1uM) increased the neurogenic contraction of electrical perivascular nerve stimulation in the isolated renal artery of rabbit. These results suggest that neuropeptide Y and $\alpha,\;\beta$-methylene ATP neuromodulated on the neurogenic contraction of electrical perivascular nerve stimulation on the isolated renal artery of rabbit.

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Effect of calcitonin gene-related peptide, vasoactive intestinal peptide and substance P on isolated renal artery of rabbit (토끼 적출 신동맥에 대한 calcitonin gene-related peptide, vasoactive intestinal peptide 및 substance P의 효과)

  • Kim, Joo-heon;Shim, Cheol-soo;Park, Sang-eun
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.727-734
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    • 1994
  • To elucidate the effect of calcitonin gene-related peptide(CGRP), vasoactive intestinal peptide(VIP) and substance P was investigated with perivascular nerve stimulation and treatment of peptides from polygraph in the isolated renal artery of rabbit. 1. The neurogenic contraction induced by perivascular nerve stimulation was the frequency-dependent manner(264 Hz) in the isolated renal artery of rabbit. 2. CGRP and VIP caused the relaxation on the precontraction with noradrenaline($10{\mu}m$) on the presence and absence of endothelium in the isolated renal artery of rabbit. 3. Substance P caused the endothelium-dependent relaxation on the precontraction with noradrenaline($10{\mu}m$) in the isolated renal artery of rabbit. 4. CGRP and VIP inhibited the neurogenic contraction by the perivascular nerve stimulation(0.3 ms, 80 V, 50 Hz, 1 sec) on the absence and presence of endothelium in the isolated renal artery of rabbit. 5. Substance P inhibited on the neurogenic contraction by the perivascular nerve stimulation with the endothelium-dependent in the isolated renal artery of rabbit.

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Effects of purinergic nerve on relaxation of pig coronary artery (돼지 심관상동맥의 이완작용에 대한 purinergic 신경의 효과)

  • Kim, Joo-heon;Shim, Cheol-soo;Jeon, Seok-cheol
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.533-540
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    • 1997
  • To elucidate the effects of purinergic nerve on relaxation of pig coronary artery, the effects of ATP, 2-methylthio ATP and electrical perivascular nerve stimulation were investigated from physiograph on the isolated coronary artery of pig. The results btained were as follows; 1. The relaxative responses induced by perivascular nerve stimulation(20V, 0.5msec, 10sec) were the frequency(1~8Hz) dependent manner with phentolamine($10^{-5}M$) and atropine($10^{-6}M$) on isolated coronary artery of pig. 2. The relaxative responses induced. by adenosine($10^{-7}{\sim}5{\times}10^{-3}M$) or ATP($10^{-7}{\sim}5{\times}10^{-5}M$) on precontraction with histamine($10^{-5}M$) were the dose-dependent manner, but the contractile responses were often induced by ATP($10^{-4}M$ and $10^{-3}M$). 3. The relaxative responses induced by 2-methylthio ATP($2.5{\times}10^{-8}{\sim}2.5{\times}10^{-6}M$) on precontraction with histamine($10^{-5}M$) were the dose-dependent manner. 4. The relaxative response induced by 2-methylthio ATP($10^{-7}M$) on precontraction with histamine($10^{-5}M$) was completely blocked by the pretreatment with $P_{2Y}$-purinoceptor blocker, reactive blue 2($10^{-4}M$). 5. The neurogenic relaxative response induced by perivascular nerve stimulation(20V, 8Hz, 0.5msec, 10sec) was weakly inhibited by the pretreatment with ${\beta}$-adrenoceptor blocker, propranolol($10^{-5}M$) and blocked by the addition with $P_{2Y}$-purinoceptor blocker, reactive blue 2($10^{-4}M$). The results suggest that the purinergic nerve is innervated, and its relaxative response was mediated by $P_{2Y}$-purinoceptor on isolated coronary artery in pig.

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Relaxation of P2-purinoceptor on isolated renal artery of rabbit (토끼 적출 신동맥에 있어서 P2-purinoceptor의 이완작용)

  • Kim, Joo-heon;Kim, Yong-keun
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.7-13
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    • 1992
  • To elucidate the action of $P_2$-purinoceptor, effects of adenosine triphosphate(ATP) and perivascular nerve stimulation were investigated from polygraph in the isolated renal artery of rabbit 1. ATP caused the relaxation on the precontraction with noradrenaline$(10{\mu}M)$ on the presene and absence of endothelium in the isolated renal artery of rabbit, the relaxative response was increased between 0.1 and $30{\mu}M$ on dose-dependent manner. 2. The relaxative response induced by ATP$(10{\mu}M)$ on precontraction with noradrenaline$(10{\mu}M)$ was blocked by the pretreatment with reactive blue 2$(10{\mu}M)$. 3. ATP inhibited the contractile response by perivascular nerve stimulation(0.3ms, 80V, 50Hz, 1 sec), the inhibitory action was blocked by the pretreatment with 8-phenyltheophylline$(10{\mu}M)$.

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Effect of Ca2+ on contractile responses induced by perivascular nerve stimulation in isolated coronary artery of pig

  • Hong, Yong-geun;Shim, Cheol-soo;Kim, Joo-heon
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.702-709
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    • 1999
  • The present study was performed to elucidate the effects of extracellular $Ca^{2+}$ on contractile responses in isolated porcine coronary artery ring using by perivascular nerve stimulation (PNS). Especially, the study was focused on the source of $Ca^{2+}$ on $P_{2X}$-purinoceptor mediated muscle contraction which one of $P_2$-purinoceptor subtypes. The following results can be drawn from these studies : 1. The phasic contractions induced by PNS were inhibited with muscarinic receptor antagonist, atropine ($10^{-6}M$). 2. The phasic contractions induced by PNS were significantly inhibited by sequential treatment with atropine and adrenergic neural blocker, guanethidine ($10^{-6}M$). 3. The phasic contractions induced by PNS were inhibited with $P_{2X}$-purinoceptor desensitization by repetitive application of $\alpha$,$\beta$-Me ATP ($10^{-4}M$). 4. The phasic contractions induced by PNS were so weakened in calcium-free medium. 5. The phasic contractions induced by PNS were inhibited with calcium channel blocker, verapamil ($10^{-6}{\sim}5{\times}10^{-6}M$). 6. The phasic contractions induced by PNS on pretreated with verapamil ($10^{-6}{\sim}5{\times}10^{-6}M$) were not changed by $\alpha$,$\beta$-Me ATP ($10^{-4}M$). These results demonstrate that the neurogenic phasic contractions induced by PNS are due to adrenergic-, cholinergic- and $P_{2X}$-purinergic receptors and the origin of $Ca^{2+}$ on $P_{2X}$-purinoceptor mediated muscle contraction is extracellular $Ca^{2+}$ through plasmalemmal $Ca^{2+}$ channels.

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