• Title/Summary/Keyword: perception-production relationship

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A study on How to Improve the Work of Professional Landscape Construction in Preparation for the Reorganization of the Production System in the Construction Sector - Based on the Survey Results - (건설분야 생산체계 개편에 대비한 조경분야 전문공사업 업무 개선 방향 - 설문조사 결과를 중심으로 -)

  • Ahn, Myung June
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.52 no.3
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    • pp.33-45
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    • 2024
  • The government is promoting the reorganization of the construction indusrty under the theme of reorganizing the production system. However, it has been pointed out that this is contrary to the increasingly specialized and technical skills of the landscaping field. Therefore, it is urgent to respond to the construction industry integration policy and improve an appropriate work system and the content of the landscape field. Therefore, this study investigated the intention of the industry to reorganize the production system and the production structure of the landscape field, so that it can be used as a reference for future changes. As a result of the survey, 1) the perception of the reorganization policy is a highly requesting step-by-step promotion that reflects the industry's will, 2) the system is divided into generalization and specialization and is highly opposed to integration, 3) appropriate design and construction costs are the most important directions for improving landscape construction projects, and 4) reestablishing the relationship with related civil engineering works is important for improving detailed construction types. Overall, it was pointed out that the current specialized landscape construction does not sufficiently reflect the changing landscape business and is only appropriate for subcontractors in other industries. Therefore, it is necessary to promote policies that reflect this. In the long run, it is urgent to establish the status of landscape construction as an independent object, and it is necessary to supplement the legal system and change the industry accordingly.

Mediation of Production Trust on Brand Image Influence on Repurchase Intention for PB Rice (브랜드 이미지와 구매의도 간의 영향관계에서 상품 신뢰의 매개효과 검증: PB 쌀을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Deok-Hyeon;Ha, Ji-Young;Lee, Seung-Hyun;An, Wook-Hyun
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.12 no.8
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    • pp.83-90
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    • 2014
  • Purpose - Increasing sales of PB rice products can hinder the growth of domestic brands of rice, notwithstanding that the government is promoting domestic brands of rice. This analysis evaluated the influencing relationship among the variables of PB image, product credibility, and purchase intention of consumers who have never bought PB rice, to know the factors influencing consumers' decisions to purchase PB products. Research design, data, and methodology - PB products' brand image was analyzed as the factor that has a direct effect on purchase intention. The mediation effect of credibility on PB products is also analyzed, in terms of influencing the relationship between PB products' brand image and purchase intention. The analysis is performed on consumers that have not purchased a PB product and consumers who have purchased PB products from major distributors. Data is collected through questionnaires, from 389 of responders, and the AMOS 19.0 statistics package is used as a statistical tool. Results - It is proven that brand image has direct effects on the credibility of the product, and the credibility of product has a direct effect on purchase intention. However, it is revealed that brand image does not directly affect purchase intention, but that brand image indirectly affects it through the credibility of the product. Although the customers' recognition about PB image is low, the result shows that PB products' external attributes have effects on customers' purchase intention relating to the PB product. Therefore, it is important to establish the credibility of the PB product more than other products in terms of marketing. Conclusions - The following are the implications of the study. First, in a rice brand promotion, the credibility of the product should be ensured by a uniform brand image. To ensure the credibility of a product, the RPC brand and other brands should be unified, and the unified brand image should be applied to every product. Second, the package must possess a design as well as contents that could build consumers' perception of product credibility. Products' external attributes contribute to their credibility, which leads the consumers to purchase the products, including those consumers who have never bought PB rice products. Therefore, the products' credibility and sales can be reinforced by applying information about consumers' considerations when buying the PB rice product in different colors, font sizes, and packaging designs. This study is meaningful in two ways. First, it seeks to identify an NB revitalization strategy by exploring the purchasing behavior of customers who have no experience in buying PB rice products. Second, the results of previous studies about general brands are considered and applied in this study in order to investigate the influencing relationship among different factors of PB products. However, this study is a consumer awareness investigation; therefore, its results only have limited meaning to the relationship between brand image and purchase intention.

Propriety analysis of Depth-Map production methods For Depth-Map based on 20 to 3D Conversion - the Last Bladesman (2D to 3D Conversion에서 Depth-Map 기반 제작 사례연구 - '명장 관우' 제작 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Hyo In;Kim, Hyung Woo
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.52-62
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    • 2014
  • Prevalence of common three-dimensional display progresses, increasing the demand for three-dimensional content. Starting from the year 2010 to meet increasing 2D to 3D conversion is insufficient to meet demand content was presented as an alternative. But, Convert 2D to 3D stereo effect only emphasizes content production as a three-dimensional visual fatigue and the degradation of the Quality problems are pointed out. In this study, opened in 2011 'Scenes Guan', the 13 selected Scene is made of the three-dimensional transform the content and the Quality of the transformation applied to the Depth-Map is a visual representation of three-dimensional fatigue and, the adequacy of whether the expert has group interviews and surveys were conducted. Many of the changes are applied to the motion picture of the three-dimensional configurations of Depth-Map conversion technology used in many ways before and after the analysis of the relationship of cascade configurations to create a depth map to the stage. Experiments, presented in this study is a three-dimensional configuration of Depth-Map transformation can lower the production of a three-dimensional visual fatigue and improve the results obtained for a reasonable place was more than half of the experiment accepted the expert group to show a positive reaction were. The results of this study with a rapid movement to convert 2D images into 3D images of applying Depth-map configuration cascade manner to reduce the visual fatigue, to increase the efficiency, and has a three-dimensional perception is the result derived.

Relevant perceptual features on advertising and indirect advertising effectiveness factors of Chinese viewers (중국시청자의 간접광고 효과요인과 광고기능 관련성 지각)

  • Yu, Seung-Yeob;Kang, Hyun-Jik
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.10 no.9
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    • pp.271-279
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was targeting Chinese viewers. Awareness of factors affecting indirect advertising effects were investigated. What is the awareness of advertising features for Chinese viewers also examined. Advertising and indirect advertising effectiveness factors examined relationships recognized. Chinese viewers were collected through surveys. Firstly, factors affecting indirect advertising effects was seven. Sponsor, celebrity involvement, and blatantly portrayed, reliability, brand differentiation, ethics and information provided is a factor. Second, the advertising capabilities of the Chinese viewers were relatively positive perception. Indirect advertising effects of Chinese viewers, features and advertising on the relevance factors, there was a significant relationship. Celebrity involvement and brand differentiation, blatantly portrayed, and ethical factors had an impact on the function of advertising. These results provide indirect advertising of China and South Korea produced implications for practitioners. Korea also interested in entering the Chinese enterprises will provide the basic material in the production of indirect advertising.

A Study On Changes in Cheong-gye-cheon & in Media Discourse: Based on Media Discoruse During 1960s, 1980s, and 2005 in Each Period (청계천 공간의 변화와 시기별 미디어 담론 변화에 대한 일 사례 고찰: 조선일보의 1960년대, 1980년대, 2005년 담론을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Byung-Wook;Eom, Jeong-Yoon;Kim, Seung-Hyun
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.51
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    • pp.26-46
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    • 2010
  • This study interprets Cheong-gye-cheon restoration as a process of space production during expansion of capitalism, and performs discourse analysis in order to find out that how media discourse has been related to the production of Cheong-gye-cheon space in each period of historical changes. This paper is particularly concentrating on discovering regulation in discourse which connects people's experiences and perception towards certain ways in the relationship between newly producted space and media discourse. This paper construes the period of 1960s as a process which pre-modern bodies and facilities were changed into modern and urban 'daily life' by practicing a space which splitted in a concept of time efficiency. In 1980s, media represented the facilities which had been constructed at the Cheong-gye-cheon space as a 'disqualified facilities for a center of the city'. This is because, tertiary industries were emerged at the 'Gang-nam' in this period which widen the gap of finance between 'Gang-nam' and 'Gang-Buk'. The government wanted to redevelop this space in order to function accumulating capital efficiently. Therefore shop owners nearby Cheong-gye-cheon were forced to move out. The discourse, 'disqualified facilities for a center of the city', implicates this process. The media discourse in the 2000s produced the 'myth' through the 'signifier' such as artificially flowing water, fine scenery, historical but artificial structure and etc.. However, people can experience symbols of the artificial structures which leads people to the luxurious restaurants, coffee shops, and etc.. Naturally, the spectacles produced by media direct people to the homogeneous pattern of consume. This phenomena can be explained as a process which people practice, intentionally or non-intentionally, the capitalistic mode of production which changed from a period of production to a period of consumption.

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The reality and task of non-face-to-face performing arts in the COVID-19: Focusing on the survey on the perception of workers and experts in the performing arts field (코로나시대 비대면 공연예술의 현실과 과제 - 공연예술분야 종사자 및 전문가 인식조사를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Soung-Tae;Choi, Bu-Heon;Cho, Hang-Min
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.19 no.11
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    • pp.485-498
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    • 2021
  • This study confirmed the perceptions of performing arts field workers and related experts under the theme of non-face-to-face performing arts. As a result of the analysis, first, respondents agreed with the practical need for non-face-to-face performing arts, but respondents in the field viewed the lack of "fieldability" and "communication with the audience" of non-face-to-face performances as a problem. Second, respondents who participated in non-face-to-face performance production had negative perceptions of realism, immersion, interaction with the audience, lack of enjoyment outside the performance, and difficulties in securing budgets, filming and editing, and actors' acting commitment. Third, regarding the government's non-face-to-face performing arts-related support policy, they complained that support was only given to specific organizations and a small number of people, and administrative difficulties in support. Through this study, it can be suggested that face-to-face and non-face-to-face performance arts should be treated in a complementary and balanced relationship in terms of government policy.

Effect of Orthodontics Patients' Orthodontics Characteristics on the Living Quality Related to Oral Health (OHIP) (교정환자의 교정치료 특징이 구강건강관련 삶의 질(OHIP)에 미치는 영향)

  • Yoon, Sung-Uk;Oh, Na-Rae;Jeong, Mi-Ae
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.250-258
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to promote effective health management of orthodontics patients by determining the effect that the factors related to orthodontics would have on the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP), and the subjects of this study was the local residents of Gangwon-do Province. The mean score of OHIP for the subjects was 2.97, while the mean score of physical factor was 3.01. The mean score of psychological factor was found to be 2.93. Thus, the orthodontics was found to have more influence on psychological factor. The item that had the greatest influence among the 10 items of Oral Health Impact Profile was found to be the question, "Have you ever felt shy due to your dental shape?" which had the mean score of 2.66. The characteristics that had significant effect on OHIP among general characteristics were found to be the age, religion, occupation, income, smoking or non-smoking status(p<0.05). In terms of the age, the age of 20 or less had the greatest effect with the mean score of 2.53. In relation to the occupation, the production/sales occupation had an influence with the mean score of 2.56 (p<0.05). Those with income exceeding KRW 4 million were found to have the mean score of 2.83 and 2.78. It turned out that the smokers had greater effect compared to the non-smokers in relation to the smoking/non-smoking status as the income was higher (p<0.05). The characteristics of orthodontics were manifested as the health perception in relation to Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP) (p<0.05). Regarding the reason why they underwent the orthodontics, the 'uncomfortable feeling in chewing' was found to have the mean score of 2.69 and 2.67 (p<0.05). Regarding the orthodontics period, 1 to 2 years were found to have the mean score of 2.80 and 2.74, thus having an influence (p<0.05). In relation to the regret/non-regret over orthodontics, those who indicated that they regretted were found to have the mean score of 2.65 and 2.60 (p<0.05). Analysis of the relationship between Characteristics of orthodontic treatment and OHIP, orthodontic treatment reasons, oral health awareness, whether orthodontic treatment regret showed a statistically significant correlation. it is considered necessary to make constant efforts to help orthodontics patients, both physically and psychologically, in the course of treatment and improve their quality of lives.

The Impact Of Short-form Digital Marketing On Purchase Intention And Recommendation Intention Of Startup Companies: The Mediating Effect Of Brand Attitude (숏폼(Short-form)을 활용한 창업기업의 디지털마케팅이 구매의도와 추천의도에 미치는 영향: 브랜드태도의 매개 효과)

  • Park ilsu;Min kyungse;Hyeon byeonghwan
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.169-183
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    • 2024
  • As digital technology evolves and consumers shift their information processing to online, startups need new strategies to maximize their experience and market effectively. Short-form content, with its low production costs and rapid dissemination, has become a tool for startups to take a greater role in digital marketing. This study focuses on the importance of short-form content in the marketing strategy of startups, analyzes its impact on consumers' purchase intention and recommendation intention, and empirically examines its impact on brand attitude. The study categorized short-form content characteristics into playfulness, credibility, creativity, and interactivity to examine the impact of each characteristic on brand attitude, and further analyzed the impact of brand attitude on consumers' purchase intention and recommendation intention. The data was collected through a survey, and the empirical analysis yielded the following results. First, the playfulness, credibility, and interactivity of short form content positively influenced brand attitude. Creativity had no significant effect on brand attitude. Second, positive brand attitude had a positive effect on both purchase intention and recommendation intention, i.e., the more positive the perception of the brand, the more likely consumers were to purchase the product and recommend it to others. Third, brand attitude was found to mediate the relationship between short-form content characteristics and purchase intention and recommendation intention. This means that short-form content not only directly affects purchase and recommendation intentions, but also strengthens them by creating a positive attitude toward the brand. This suggests that startups can use short-form content marketing to increase brand awareness and build positive consumer attitudes to increase purchase and recommendation intentions.

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The Concentration of Economic Power in Korea (경제력집중(經濟力集中) : 기본시각(基本視角)과 정책방향(政策方向))

  • Lee, Kyu-uck
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.31-68
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    • 1990
  • The concentration of economic power takes the form of one or a few firms controlling a substantial portion of the economic resources and means in a certain economic area. At the same time, to the extent that these firms are owned by a few individuals, resource allocation can be manipulated by them rather than by the impersonal market mechanism. This will impair allocative efficiency, run counter to a decentralized market system and hamper the equitable distribution of wealth. Viewed from the historical evolution of Western capitalism in general, the concentration of economic power is a paradox in that it is a product of the free market system itself. The economic principle of natural discrimination works so that a few big firms preempt scarce resources and market opportunities. Prominent historical examples include trusts in America, Konzern in Germany and Zaibatsu in Japan in the early twentieth century. In other words, the concentration of economic power is the outcome as well as the antithesis of free competition. As long as judgment of the economic system at large depends upon the value systems of individuals, therefore, the issue of how to evaluate the concentration of economic power will inevitably be tinged with ideology. We have witnessed several different approaches to this problem such as communism, fascism and revised capitalism, and the last one seems to be the only surviving alternative. The concentration of economic power in Korea can be summarily represented by the "jaebol," namely, the conglomerate business group, the majority of whose member firms are monopolistic or oligopolistic in their respective markets and are owned by particular individuals. The jaebol has many dimensions in its size, but to sketch its magnitude, the share of the jaebol in the manufacturing sector reached 37.3% in shipment and 17.6% in employment as of 1989. The concentration of economic power can be ascribed to a number of causes. In the early stages of economic development, when the market system is immature, entrepreneurship must fill the gap inherent in the market in addition to performing its customary managerial function. Entrepreneurship of this sort is a scarce resource and becomes even more valuable as the target rate of economic growth gets higher. Entrepreneurship can neither be readily obtained in the market nor exhausted despite repeated use. Because of these peculiarities, economic power is bound to be concentrated in the hands of a few entrepreneurs and their business groups. It goes without saying, however, that the issue of whether the full exercise of money-making entrepreneurship is compatible with social mores is a different matter entirely. The rapidity of the concentration of economic power can also be traced to the diversification of business groups. The transplantation of advanced technology oriented toward mass production tends to saturate the small domestic market quite early and allows a firm to expand into new markets by making use of excess capacity and of monopoly profits. One of the reasons why the jaebol issue has become so acute in Korea lies in the nature of the government-business relationship. The Korean government has set economic development as its foremost national goal and, since then, has intervened profoundly in the private sector. Since most strategic industries promoted by the government required a huge capacity in technology, capital and manpower, big firms were favored over smaller firms, and the benefits of industrial policy naturally accrued to large business groups. The concentration of economic power which occured along the way was, therefore, not necessarily a product of the market system. At the same time, the concentration of ownership in business groups has been left largely intact as they have customarily met capital requirements by means of debt. The real advantage enjoyed by large business groups lies in synergy due to multiplant and multiproduct production. Even these effects, however, cannot always be considered socially optimal, as they offer disadvantages to other independent firms-for example, by foreclosing their markets. Moreover their fictitious or artificial advantages only aggravate the popular perception that most business groups have accumulated their wealth at the expense of the general public and under the behest of the government. Since Korea stands now at the threshold of establishing a full-fledged market economy along with political democracy, the phenomenon called the concentration of economic power must be correctly understood and the roles of business groups must be accordingly redefined. In doing so, we would do better to take a closer look at Japan which has experienced a demise of family-controlled Zaibatsu and a success with business groups(Kigyoshudan) whose ownership is dispersed among many firms and ultimately among the general public. The Japanese case cannot be an ideal model, but at least it gives us a good point of departure in that the issue of ownership is at the heart of the matter. In setting the basic direction of public policy aimed at controlling the concentration of economic power, one must harmonize efficiency and equity. Firm size in itself is not a problem, if it is dictated by efficiency considerations and if the firm behaves competitively in the market. As long as entrepreneurship is required for continuous economic growth and there is a discrepancy in entrepreneurial capacity among individuals, a concentration of economic power is bound to take place to some degree. Hence, the most effective way of reducing the inefficiency of business groups may be to impose competitive pressure on their activities. Concurrently, unless the concentration of ownership in business groups is scaled down, the seed of social discontent will still remain. Nevertheless, the dispersion of ownership requires a number of preconditions and, consequently, we must make consistent, long-term efforts on many fronts. We can suggest a long list of policy measures specifically designed to control the concentration of economic power. Whatever the policy may be, however, its intended effects will not be fully realized unless business groups abide by the moral code expected of socially responsible entrepreneurs. This is especially true, since the root of the problem of the excessive concentration of economic power lies outside the issue of efficiency, in problems concerning distribution, equity, and social justice.

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