• Title/Summary/Keyword: penetrating

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Residual foreign body inflammation caused by a lumber beam penetrating the facial region: a case report

  • Jun Ho Choi;Sang Seong Oh;Jae Ha Hwang;Kwang Seog Kim;Sam Yong Lee
    • Archives of Craniofacial Surgery
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.37-40
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    • 2023
  • Penetrating wounds to the face are cosmetically devastating and can be life-threatening. If the foreign body causing the penetrating wound is a piece of wood, small remnants might be left behind after the initial treatment. A 33-year-old male patient presented to the emergency center after a piece of lumber pierced his face as a passenger in a traffic accident. The patient's vital signs were stable, and emergency surgery was performed to remove the foreign body and repair the soft tissue. No noteworthy complications were seen after open reduction and internal fixation of the facial bone fractures. Seven months after the accident, the patient underwent scar revision along with full-thickness skin grafting for post-traumatic scars. After the surgery, pus-like discharge which was not previously present was observed, and the graft did not take well. A residual foreign body, which was the cause of graft failure, was found on computed tomography and the remaining foreign body was removed through revision surgery. The patient is receiving outpatient follow-up without any complications 6 months after surgery. This case demonstrates the importance of performing a careful evaluation to avoid missing a residual foreign body, especially if it is of wooden nature.

Characteristics of Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR) Radargrams with Variable Antenna Orientation

  • Yoon Hyung Lee;Seung-Sep Kim
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.57 no.1
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    • pp.17-23
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    • 2024
  • Ground penetrating radar (GPR) survey is a geophysical method that utilizes electromagnetic waves reflecting from a boundary where the electromagnetic property changes. As the frequency of the antenna is about 25 MHz ~ 1 GHz, it is effective to acquire high resolution images of underground pipe, artificial structure, underground cavity, and underground structure. In this study, we analyzed the change of signals reflected from the same underground objects according to the arrangement of transceiver antennas used in ground penetrating radar survey. The antenna used in the experiment was 200 MHz, and the survey was performed in the vertical direction across the sewer and the parallel direction along the sewer to the sewer buried under the road, respectively. A total of five antenna array methods were applied to the survey. The most used arrangement is when the transmitting and receiving antennas are all perpendicular to the survey line (PR-BD). The PR-BD arrangement is effective when the object underground is a horizontal reflector with an angle of less than 30°, such as the sewer under investigation. In this case study, it was confirmed that the transmitter and receiver antennas perpendicular to the survey line (PR-BD) are the most effective way to show the underground structure. In addition, in the case where the transmitting and receiving antennas are orthogonal to each other (XPOL), no specific reflected wave was observed in both experiments measured across or parallel to the sewer. Therefore, in the case of detecting undiscovered objects in the underground, the PR-BD array method in which the transmitting and receiving antennas are aligned in the direction perpendicular to the survey line taken as a reference and the XPOL method in which the transmitting and receiving antennas are orthogonal to each other are all used, it can be effective to apply both of the above arrangements after setting the direction to 45° and 135°.

Physiological Activity of Magnolia kobus A. P. DC. Leaf Extracts and Enhancement of Skin Permeation Using PCL-PEG Polymer Micelle and Cell Penetrating Peptide (목련 잎 추출물의 생리 활성 및 PCL-PEG 고분자 미셀과 세포투과 펩티드를 적용한 피부흡수증진 효과)

  • 박수인;안규민;허수현;신문삼
    • Journal of Investigative Cosmetology
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.255-262
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    • 2019
  • In this study, we report the development of a cosmetic material from Magnolia kobus A. P. DC. leaves. Following an assessment of the anti-oxidant, anti-wrinkle, and whitening effects of the hydrothermal and ethanol extracts, total polyphenol contents were quantified as 39.68 mg/g and 60.95 mg/g respectively, while the DPPH radical scavenging activity (IC50 values) were 476.03 ㎍/mL and 161 ㎍/mL respectively, and the SOD-like activities were 79.80% and 97.75%, respectively at a concentration of 100 ㎍/mL. At a concentration of 1,000 ㎍/mL, the elastase inhibition activities of hydrothermal and ethanol extracts were 55.17% and 57.77% respectively, and at concentration of 4,000 ㎍/mL, the tyrosinase inhibition activities were 27.36% and 75.58%, respectively. To solve the problem of insolubility with ethanol extract, which is more physiologically active than hydrothermal extract, PCL-PEG polymeric micelle was used resulting in solubility of the ethanol extract and reductions in particle sizes of greater than one-tenth. In addition, to improve skin permeability, 0.1% cell-penetrating peptide R6 (hexa-D-arginine) was used; the cumulative permeated amounts of: i) 1.0% ethanol extract, ii) ethanol extract and distilled water (1:1 mixture solvent), and iii) PCL-PEG polymeric micelle containing 1.0% ethanol extract, were 58.07 ㎍/cm2, 75.86 ㎍/cm2, 95.59 ㎍/cm2, respectively. In other words: i) various physiological activities were affected by ethanol extracts, ii) the ethanol extract was solubilized by PCL-PEG and, iii) skin absorption was increased following addition of the cell-penetrating peptide, R6. These results confirm the potential for Magnolia kobus A. P. DC. leaf ethanol extract to serve as a new, natural functional cosmetic material.

Numerical study of electromagnetic wave propagation characteristics in collapsed building for rescue radar applications

  • Kwon, Kyeol;Kim, Dong-Kyoo;Choi, Youngwoo;Cho, Jeahoon;Jung, Kyung-Young
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.546-553
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    • 2018
  • Since the Gyeongju earthquakes in 2016, there have been increased research interests in the areas of seismic design, building collapse, and rescue radar applications in Korea. Ground penetrating radar (GPR) is a nondestructive electromagnetic method that is used for underground surveys. To properly design ground penetrating radar that detects buried victims precisely, it is important to study electromagnetic wave propagation channel characteristics in advance. This work presents an electromagnetic propagation environment analysis of a trapped victim for GPR applications. In this study, we develop a realistic collapse model composed of layered reinforced concrete and a victim positioned horizontally. In addition, the effects of rebars and the distance between the radar antenna and target are investigated. The numerical analysis presents the electromagnetic wave propagation characteristics, including amplitude loss and phase difference, in the 450-MHz and 1,500-MHz frequency band, and it shows the electric field distribution in the environment.

Penetrating behavior of target prawns (Sicyonia penicillata) contacting netting panels in an experimental water tunnel

  • KIM, Yonghae;GORDON, Malcolm S.
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.54 no.3
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    • pp.193-203
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    • 2018
  • Capture efficiencies of commercial shrimp trawls may improve if their designs took into better account behavioral responses of wild shrimp to approaching cod-end of the trawls. Here we report results of water tunnel-based experimental studies of responses of wild California target prawns to several different near-realistic netting configurations over a range of water velocities (0.3-0.7 m/s). Netting panels were oriented at parallel to water flows (FP) on the bottom of test section, vertical (VT) or diagonal sloping backward (DG), bottom to top. Behavioral responses were recorded by video camera and analyzed frame by frame. Measured responses included rates of penetrating through netting by behavioral features and tail-flip frequencies. Frequencies of prawn passing through the nets increased with flow speed for both orientations and were higher at given speeds for sloped nets. Other behavioral features (e.g., passage head-or tail-first) also varied significantly with water velocities and netting orientation. Interactions of penetrating rates between netting orientations and flow speeds also were significantly dependent, except for prawn size. Additional studies are needed of other shrimp species and at higher water velocities more similar to actual field operations using trawls to improve size selectivity.

Numerical Simulation of Ground-Penetrating Radar Signals for Detection of Metal Pipes Buried in Inhomogeneous Grounds (비균일 지하에 매설된 금속관 탐지를 위한 지하탐사레이다 신호의 수치 모의계산)

  • Hyun, Seung-Yeup
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.61-67
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    • 2018
  • The effects of subsurface inhomogeneities on the detection of buried metal pipes in ground-penetrating radar(GPR) signals are investigated numerically. To model the electrical properties of the subsurface inhomogeneities, the continuous random media(CRM) generation technique is introduced. For the electromagnetic simulation of GPR signals, the finite-difference time-domain(FDTD) method is implemented. As a function of the standard deviation and the correlation length of the relative permittivity distribution for a randomly inhomogeneous ground, the GPR signals of the buried metal pipes are compared using numerical simulations. As the subsurface inhomogeneities increase, the GPR signals of the buried pipes are distorted because of the effect of the subsurface clutter.

An Unusual Case of Cerebral Penetrating Injury by a Driven Bone Fragment Secondary to Blunt Head Trauma

  • Lee, Jae-Il;Ko, Jun-Kyeung;Cha, Seung-Heon;Han, In-Ho
    • Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
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    • v.50 no.6
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    • pp.532-534
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    • 2011
  • Temple trauma that appears initially localized to the skin might possess intracranial complications. Early diagnosis and management of such complications are important, to avoid neurologic sequelae. Non-penetrating head injuries with intracranial hemorrhage caused by a driven bone fragment are extremely rare. A 53-year-old male was referred to our hospital because of intracerebral hemorrhage. He was a mechanic and one day before admission to a local clinic, tip of metallic rod hit his right temple while cutting the rod. Initial brain computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated scanty subdural hematoma at right temporal lobe and left falx and intracerebral hematoma at both frontal lobes. Facial CT with 3-D reconstruction images showed a small bony defect at the right sphenoid bone's greater wing and a small bone fragment at the left frontal lobe, crossing the falx. We present the unusual case of a temple trauma patient in whom a sphenoid bone fragment migrated from its origin upward, to the contralateral frontal lobe, producing hematoma along its trajectory.

Clinical Evaluation of Traumatic Diaphragmatic Injuries (Reports of 40 Cases) (외상성 횡경막 손상에 대한 임상적 고찰 -40례 보고-)

  • 정황규
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.471-478
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    • 1988
  • We evaluated forty cases of traumatic diaphragmatic injuries that we have experienced from Jan. 1972 to Dec. 1987. 28 patients were male and 12 were female[M:F=2.3:1]. The age distribution was ranged from 4 to 71 years with mean age of 26. The diaphragmatic injuries were due to blunt trauma in 27 cases[traffic accident 22, fall down 3, others 2] and penetrating trauma in 13 cases[stab wound 11, gun shot 1, other 1]. In the blunt injury,14 cases of 17 were diagnosed and treated within 24 hours in the left diaphragmatic injury but only 3 cases of 7 cases in the right diaphragmatic injury were diagnosed and treated within 24 hours. All cases except one in penetrating injury were diagnosed and treated within 12 hours. In the blunt injury, the rupture site was located in the left in \ulcorner7 cases and in the right in 7 cases. In the penetrating injury, the rupture site was located in the left in 11 cases and in the right in 2 cases. The repair of 37 cases were performed with thoracic approach in 20 cases, thoracoabdominal approach in 12 cases and abdominal approach in 5 cases. Over all mortality was 17.5%[7/40] and postoperative mortality was 11%[4/37]. The causes of death were hypovolemic shock[3], combined head injury[2], acute renal failure[1] and septic shock with ARDS[1].

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Ruptured Penetrating Atherosclerotic Ulcer of the Aortic Arch in a Patient with a Previous History of Replacing the Descending Thoracic Aorta (하행대동맥 수술의 기왕력을 가진 환자에서 발생한 대동맥궁 침투성 궤양의 파열)

  • Kim, Jae-Bum;Choi, Sae-Young;Park, Nam-Hee
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.41 no.5
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    • pp.647-650
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    • 2008
  • Aortic disease usually recurs after aortic surgery in the form a new aneurysm distal to the previous operation site, and finding a penetrating atherosclerotic ulcer proximal to the previous operation site has rarely been reported. We report here on a case of successful patch repair of a ruptured penetrating ulcer in the distal aortic arch, and this developed late after replacement of the descending thoracic aorta.

The Effect of Penetrating Agent and Fluorosilane on High Temperature Teflon Coating (침투제와 불소화실란이 고온용 테프론 코팅에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Soo;Seong, Eun-Suk
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.672-678
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    • 2013
  • Although the basalt fiber has superior fire-resistance and chemical resistance, it has many disadvantages in its applications. Generally, the tensile and loop strengths of basalt fiber were decreased with generated frictional heat during industial appplications. To solve this problem, polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) coating system was introduced and a sutable coating condition was evaluated. The basalt fiber was pre-treated with triethoxytrifluoropropylsilane (TMTFPS) at various pHs and then coated with PTFE dispersions with penetrating agent sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl)sulfo succinate (DOS-Na) to increase the tensile and loop strengths as well as to reduce the fibril during working. A universial testing machine (Instron Model 3366) was used to measure tensile and loop strengths. When the PTFE dispersion with 0.25 wt% of DOS-Na was coated on the surface of basalt fiber after pre-treating with 5 wt% of PTFE, the highest tensile and loop strengths were reached to 3.5 gf/D and 2.4 gf/D, respectively.