• Title/Summary/Keyword: peak time

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Time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy of InGaN multiple quantum wells

  • Lee, Joo-In;Shin, Eun-joo;Lee, J.Y. m;Kim, S.T.;G.S. Lim;Lee, H.G.
    • Journal of Korean Vacuum Science & Technology
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.23-26
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    • 2000
  • We have fabricated by metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) In$\_$0.13/Ga$\_$0.87/N/GaN multiple quantum well (MQW) with thickness as thin as 10 A and barriers also of th same width on (0001) sapphire substrate. We have investigated this thin MQW by steady-state and time-resolved photoluminescence(PL) in picosecond time scale in a wide temperature range from 10 to 290 K. In the PL at 10 K, we observed a broad peak at 3.134 eV which was attributed to the quantum well emission of InGaN. The full width at half maximum (FWHM) of this peak was 129 meV at 10 K and its broadening at low temperatures was considered to be due to compositional fluctuations and interfacial disorder in the alloy. The narrow width of the quantum well was mainly responsible for the broadening of the emission linewidth. We also observed an intense and sharp peak at 3.471 eV of GaN barrier. From the temperature dependent PL measurements, the activation energy of the InGaN quantum well emision peak was estimated to be 69 meV. The lifetime of the quantum well emission was found to be 720 ps at 10 K, which was explained in terms of the exciton localization arising from potential fluctuations.

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Impacts of Surface Roughness Integration Using Remote Sensing Data: Concentration of Flood Flow Variation (원격탐사자료를 활용한 지표면 조도계수 통합의 영향: 홍수유출 변화를 중심으로)

  • Kang, Shin-Uk;Rieu, Seung-Yup;Lee, Kil-Ha;Hwang, Man-Ha
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.15 no.2 s.40
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    • pp.33-42
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    • 2007
  • A physical-based aggregation method was suggested to estimate surface roughness, which adequately represents the spatial heterogeneity of vegetation factors, from land cover property obtained from the remote sensing data. For the sensitivity analysis of surface roughness, the peak flow, peak time, and total volume were simulated by the NWS-PC. Effects of surface roughness estimated by three different integration methods (predominant, arithmetic mean, and aggregation approach) on the conceptual rainfall-runoff model parameters was analyzed. In the preliminary sensitivity test to surface roughness, the peak time had 10% variation and total volume had 2% variation. The peak time increased with surface roughness. A physical-based aggregation method was better than the existing method in the Soyanggang Dam basin for the results of STDEV, RMSE, NSE, and PME, but difference between them were small. The parameters related on the total baseflow were changed significantly with change of the surface roughness.

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Effects of season and age at first calving on genetic and phenotypic characteristics of lactation curve parameters in Holstein cows

  • Torshizi, Mahdi Elahi
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.58 no.2
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    • pp.8.1-8.14
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    • 2016
  • In this research data representing 72,946 primiparous cows from 724 herds with 638,063 total test day records calved between 2001 and 2011. These data were analysed to determine the effect of age at first and season of calving on parameters of the Wood lactation curve. Also, genetic trend of the lactation curve parameters in different calving years were evaluated. The results indicate that the highest rate of atypical lactation curve was related to cows that calved in summer (28.05 %). The maximum phenotypic relationship between initial milk yield and total 305-d milk yield was observed in cows calved in spring (0.40). The role of peak yield is more than peak time on 305-d total milk yield in primiparous Holstein. One month increase in age at first calving from 18 to 26 month raised 305-d milk yield by around 138 kg and from 27 to 32 month decreased by 61 kg. The persistency of lactation between 101 and 200 days is higher than that of 201-305 days. Our results indicate that the shape of lactation curve is largely dependent on the season of calving (higher level of milk production in cows which calved in autumn and winter). The heritabilities of parameters of lactation curve and persistency measures were low. The genetic trends for peak time, peak yield and 305-d milk yields were positive and estimated to be 0.019, 0.021 and 8.13 kg/year respectively. So the range from 24 to 26.5 month of calving is the optimum calving time in primiparous Holstein for maximizing 305-d milk yield.

Effects of Current Density and Anodization Time on the Properties of Porous Si (양극산화 시간 및 전류밀도 변화에 따른 다공질 실리콘의 특성 변화)

  • Choi, Hyun-Young;Kim, Min-Su;Kim, Ghun-Sik;Cho, Min-Young;Jeon, Su-Min;Yim, Kwang-Gug;Lee, Dong-Yul;Kim, Jin-Soo;Kim, Jong-Su;Leem, Jae-Young
    • Journal of Surface Science and Engineering
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.121-126
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    • 2010
  • The PS(porous Si) were fabricated with different anodization time and current density. The structural and optical properties of PS were investigated by SEM(scanning electron microscopy), AFM(atomic force microscopy), and PL(photoluminescence). It is found that the pore size and surface roughness of PS are proportional to the current density. The PL spectra show that the PL peak position is red-shifted with increasing anodization time. This behavior corresponds to the change of pore size which is consistent with the quantum confinement model. The FWHM(full width at half maximum) of PL peak is decreased from 97 to 51 nm and the PL peak position is blue-shifted with increasing current density up to 10 mA/$cm^2$. The PL peak intensity of the PS fabricated under 1 mA/$cm^2$ is the highest among samples.

Effects of Bay K, cAMP and Isoprenaline on the Na-Ca Exchange Current of Single Rabbit Atrial Cells (토끼 심방근에서 Na-Ca 교환 전류에 대한 Bay K, cAMP, Isoprenaline 효과)

  • Ho, Won-Kyung;Earm, Yung-E
    • The Korean Journal of Physiology
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.377-388
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    • 1990
  • Ca movements during the late plateau phase in rabbit atrium implicate Na-Ca exchange. In single atrial cells isolated from the rabbit the properties of the inward current of Na-Ca exchange were investigated using the whole cell voltage clamp technique. The inward currents were recorded during repolarization following brief 2 ms depolarizing pulse to +40 mV from a holding potential of -70 mV. Followings are the results obtained: 1) When stimulated every 30 sec, the inward currents were activated and reached peak values $6{\sim}12\;ms$ after the beginning of depolarizing pulse. The mean current amplitude was 342 pA/cell. 2) The current decayed spontaneously from the peak activation and the timecourse of the relaxation showed two different phases: fast and slow phase. 3) The recovery of the inward current was tested by paired pulse of various interval. The peak current recovered exponentialy with a time course similar to that of Ca current recovery. 4) Relaxation timecourse was also affected by pulse interval and time constant was reduced almost linearly according to the decrease of pulse interval between 30 sec and 1 sec. 5) The peak inward current was increased by long prepulse stimulation, Bay K, isoprenaline or c-AMP. 6) The relaxation time constant of the inward current was prolonged by Bay K or c-AMP, and shortened by isoprenaline. From the above results, it could be concluded that increase of the calcium current potentiates and prolongs intracellular calcium transients, while shortening of the timecourse by isoprenaline or short interval stimulations might be due to the facilitation of Ca uptake by SR.

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Predicting of tall building response to non-stationary winds using multiple wind speed samples

  • Huang, Guoqing;Chen, Xinzhong;Liao, Haili;Li, Mingshui
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.227-244
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    • 2013
  • Non-stationary extreme winds such as thunderstorm downbursts are responsible for many structural damages. This research presents a time domain approach for estimating along-wind load effects on tall buildings using multiple wind speed time history samples, which are simulated from evolutionary power spectra density (EPSD) functions of non-stationary wind fluctuations using the method developed by the authors' earlier research. The influence of transient wind loads on various responses including time-varying mean, root-mean-square value and peak factor is also studied. Furthermore, a simplified model is proposed to describe the non-stationary wind fluctuation as a uniformly modulated process with a modulation function following the time-varying mean. Finally, the probabilistic extreme response and peak factor are quantified based on the up-crossing theory of non-stationary process. As compared to the time domain response analysis using limited samples of wind record, usually one sample, the analysis using multiple samples presented in this study will provide more statistical information of responses. The time domain simulation also facilitates consideration of nonlinearities of structural and wind load characteristics over previous frequency domain analysis.

Estimation of Ovulation and Optimal Breeding Time Based on Vaginal Cytology and Determination of Reproductive Hormones in Shih-tzu Bitches (Shih-tzu견에서 발정 주기 동안 질세포 검사 및 번식 호르몬 측정에 의한 교배 적기 및 배란 시기의 판정)

  • Kim, B.S.;Oh, K.S.;Kim, J.P.;Bae, C.S.;Kim, S.H.;Kim, J.T.;Park, I.C.;Park, S.G.;Son, C.H.
    • Journal of Embryo Transfer
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.207-216
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    • 2006
  • Vaginal cytology was examined in 12 Shih-tzu bitches to establish the accurate basic data for estimate to the optimal mating time and ovulation time. The mean duration of proestrus and estrus were $9.09{\pm}0.83\;(mean{\pm}SD)$ days and $7.36{\pm}0.47$ days in pregnant bitches. The gestational length in the 12 pregnant bitches was $65.2{\pm}0.5$ days in pregnant bitches when Day 0 was timed from the first day of male acceptance. Characteristic features of vaginal cytology during the estrous cycle were the high proportion of large intermediate cell, superficial cell, anuclear cell and erythrocyte in proestrus, superficial cell, anuclear cell and erythrocyte in estrus, and parabasal cell, small and large intermediate cell and leukocyte in diestrus, respectively. Cornification index (CI) was the high proportion in proestrus and estrus, then it decreased in diestrus and anestrus. When Day 0 was timed from the day of the first male acceptance, the CI peak was Day 2 and maintained above 80% between Day -4 and Day 6 during 11 days, and above 90% between Day -1 and Day 5 during 7 days. In relationship between CI and reproductive hormones, CI showed peak at the first day after plasma estradiol-$17{\beta}$ concentration peak and plasma progesterone concentration was first increased above 4.0 ng/ml at Day 0 which was the first day after CI peak. In conclusion, ovulation in Shih-tzu bitches occurred at the first day after CI peak. Vaginal cytology is the simple and reliable method for estimating estrous cycle, optimal breeding time and ovulation time in Shih-tzu bitches.

Optimization of Dynamic Headspace Purge Conditions for Concentration of Volatile Flavor Compounds of Roasted Perilla Seeds Oil by Response Surface Methodology (반응표면 분석에 의한 볶음들기름의 향기성분 포집조건 최적화)

  • Kim, Suk-Ju
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.220-228
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    • 2004
  • Dynamic headspace purge conditions were investigated to obtain minimum loss of high volatile compounds by breakthrough and maximum recovery of low volatile components of roasted perilla seed oil (RPSO). A response surface methodology was applied to evaluate the effect of purge temperature, purge time, and sample weight on $\ell$ n (total peak area), breakthrough ratio, and peak area of perilla ketone the least volatile component of RPSO. Sample weight was the most important factor on the $\ell$ n (total peak area) but it did not affect peak area of perilla ketone. All process variables significantly influenced breakthrough ratio. The optimum condition was determined by superimposing contour plots at purge temperature of 48$^{\circ}C$ for 12 min purge time at sample weight of 0.60 g. 2-Propanone, 2-butanone, acetic acid, 2-methyl propanal were main breakthrough compounds in RPSO flavor.

A Study on Physical Growth of Adolescence in big Cities -Using longitudinal data concerning student aged 7-16- (대도시 남녀 청소년의 신체발육에 관한 연구 -7세에서 16세까지의 종단적 자료를 이용하여-)

  • Chae, Gil-Yeon;Kim, Myung
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.75-90
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    • 1989
  • This study tries to show the physical growth patterns and various adolescent characteristics by using longitudinal data for the height, weight, chest girth and sitting height of 1, 132 high school students in Seoul. And this study also tries to show what influencing factors on the physical growth of this aged population. The followings are the results. 1. The boys have their peak velocity of height when they are 12~13 years old. And the girls have when they are 10~11 years old. Peak velocity of weight for boys is at the age of 13~14. And for girls is at the age ofr11~12. Peak velocity of chest girth for boys is at the age of 12~13. And for girls is at the age of 11~12. Peak velocity of sitting height for boys is at the age of 13~14. And for girls is at the age of 11~13. So girls of this period grow more rapidly by around two years than boys. 2. The menarche of girls begins at the age of 12.4. So it begins 1.4 year before peak height velocity period. 3. Of life behavior boys contingency coefficient between essential time and height and weight is .5150 and .479 5, that between studying time and height and weight is .3344 and and .2912(In case of girls is .4735, .4321, .3247, .3134).

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Seasonal Variation in Zooplankton Related to North Pacific Regime Shift in Korea Sea (북태평양체제전환 (North Pacific Regime Shifts)과 한반도 주변해역 동물플랑크톤 계절주기 변동 특성)

  • Kang, Young-Shil
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.41 no.6
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    • pp.493-504
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    • 2008
  • In the seas around the Korean Peninsula, the seasonal cycle of zooplankton related to North Pacific regime shifts was investigated to understand the reaction of the ecosystem to climate change using long-term data on zooplankton biomass (1965-2000) and the abundance of four major zooplankton groups: copepods, amphipods, chaetognaths, and euphausiids (1978-2000). In general, the zooplankton biomass showed a large peak in spring and a small peak in autumnin Korean waters, but there was a slight difference in the peak time depending on the location and the period before and after the North Pacific regime shift. The zooplankton biomass showed conspicuous seasonal peaks in R-III (1990-2000) compared to R-I (1965-1976) and R-II (1977-1988), and the seasonal peak shifted from the autumn in R-II to the spring in R-III. The peak of copepods and euphausiids in abundance was from April to June, while chaetognaths peaked from August to October. We postulate that the time lag between the peaks for copepods and chaetognaths results from the predator-prey relationship. The regime shift in 1989 did not alter the seasonal cycle of the four major zooplankton groups, although it enhanced their production. The seasonal peaks of the four major zooplankton groups did not shift, while the seasonal peaks of the zooplankton biomass did shift. This was not only becausethe zooplankton biomass included other mesozooplankton groups but also because the abundance of the four major zooplankton groups increased significantly in spring.