• Title/Summary/Keyword: peak strength

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Flexural behavior of reinforced recycled aggregates concrete beam after exposed to high temperatures

  • Longshou Qin;Xian Li;Ji Zhou;Ying Liang;Wangsheng Ou;Zongping Chen
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.87 no.3
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    • pp.201-210
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    • 2023
  • This paper investigates the flexural behavior of reinforced recycled aggregates concrete (RRAC) beams after exposed to high temperatures. The experimental results from 17 specimens were present and compared with temperatures, recycled coarse aggregate (RCA) replacement percentages, and concrete strength as variables. It was found that the high temperature would not cause an observable change in the failure pattern. However, high temperature can significantly reduce the stiffness and ductility, and accelerate the damage degradation of specimens. After exposure to 600℃, the ultimate bearing capacity of the specimens decreased by 20%-30% The mechanical properties of RRAC beams after high temperatures were barely impacted by the replacement percentages. Increasing the concrete strength of RCA could effectively improve the bearing capacity and peak deflection of RRAC beams after exposed to high temperatures. Furthermore, the calculation method of the bending bearing capacity and deflection of RRAC beams was also discussed.

Analytical model of stress-strain curve for foamed cellular concrete in compression

  • Facundo A. Retamal;Viviana C. Rougier
    • Advances in materials Research
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.355-374
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    • 2024
  • Several mathematical models describe the compressive behaviour of different types of concretes, but no specific one for foamed cellular concrete (FCC) has been developed. In this work, simple compression tests on FCC specimens of different mixes were conducted to study this material's compression behaviour curve until failure. Using continuous load and displacement measurement equipment, it was possible to obtain stress-strain curves up to peak for FCC of different strengths (from 1.20 to 47.34 MPa). Elastic modulus, compressive strength and failure strain values were also determined. Through the analysis of the mentioned curves, a mathematical model of them was obtained, through which it is possible to describe the compression behaviour of FCC up to failure. The comparison between the predicted curve against experimental data shows the effectiveness of the proposed model.

Hydroacoustic Observations on the Diel Distribution and Activity Patterns of Fishes in the East China Sea II - Vertical Speed of Migration and Variation in Scattering Strength - (동중국해에 있어서 어족생물의 일주기적 여영행동특성에 관한 연구 II - 연직이동속도 및 산란강도의 변동 -)

  • 이대재
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.251-262
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    • 1994
  • The speed of vertical migration and the volume backscattering strength of the scattering layers during the evening and morning transitions between day and night were measured in November 1990-1992 in thermally stratified waters of the East China Sea. Acoustical measurements were carried out using a scientific echo-sounder operating at t재 frequencies of 25 and 100kHz, and using an echo-integration system connected with a micro-computer. Biological sampling was accomplished by bottom trawling to identify fish species recorded on the echo sounder, and the species and length compositions were determined. The values of scattering strength were allocated to group of fishes according to the fish traces on the echo recording paper and the species composition of trawl catches. The vertical velocities of migration derived from the changes in the depths and the values of peak scattering strength of the dense layer vertically migrating toward the bottom or toward the surface. The trawl data suggest that snailfish and fishing frog were the most abundant fishes in all research stations. As sunrise approached, the fish formed a strong concentration just above the thermocline. The the highest values of scattering strength in the entire water column appeared in the depth strata above the thermocline just before the begining of downward migration. As soon as the fish began to migrate downwards across the thermocline, the values of the scattering strength in the depth strata above the thermocline rapidly decreased, while the values for the scattering layer moving slowly toward the bottom gradually increased. During the 1992 surveys, the speed of the vertical migration was estimated to be 0.38m/min in the upward migration and 0.32m/min in the downward migration, respectively. That is the rate of vertical migration was slightly higher at dusk than at dawn. Similar migration patterns were observed on different stations and under different weather conditions during the surveys in 1990.

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Effects of Six-week Resistance Exercise using an Outdoor Knee Extension Machine on Function and Structure of the Knee Extensor Muscles (6주간 야외용 운동기구를 사용한 저항운동이 노인 여성의 무릎신전근 기능 및 구조에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Dong-Sung;Kim, Jin-Sun;Kim, Dong-Il;Jeon, Justin-Y.;Won, Young-Shin;Lee, Hae-Dong
    • Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.201-208
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of leg extension exercises performed on outdoor resistance exercise machines on knee extension muscle strength and quadriceps muscle group cross sectional area (CSA) in elderly women. Two groups were recruited for this study, including an exercise group (EG: n=13, $71.38{\pm}2.79$ yrs) and a control group (CG: n=5, $73.4{\pm}5.94$), In all subjects, maximum isometric and isokinetic muscle strength of knee flexion and extension were measured using an isokinetic dynamometer (Cybex(R) Humac Norm Testing & Rehabilitation System, USA). Quadriceps muscle group CSA were measured using MRI (Philps, Intera 1.5 T, NE Netherlands). The results of this study showed that post-intervention isometric knee extension peak torque value were higher than pre-intervention measures in the EG. However, the EG did not show improvement in quadriceps muscle group CSA, Also, no differences in the shift of optimal knee joint angle were observed between pre and post-intervention exercise. Outdoor leg extension exercise showed small increases in muscle strength in comparison to other resistance training exercises. The results of this study suggest that because outdoor leg extension exercise machines lack a progressive loading mechanism, significant increases in muscle strength may not be obtained.

Tensile properties and Spot Weldability of Trip High Strength Steel Sheet (Trip형 고장력강판의 인장성질 및 점용접성)

  • Kang, C.Y.;Kim, H.J.;Kim, C.G.;Lee, B.W.;Lee, M.Y.;Lee, G.H.;Kim, T.I.
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Heat Treatment
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.295-304
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    • 1998
  • The effects of retained austenite and carbon content in the retained austenite on the tensile strength-elongation balance and spot weldability of TRIP high strength steel sheet have been investigated. The retained austenite of granular type increased with increasing intercritical annealing and austempering temperature, and film type was increased with the increase of austempering time. The volume fraction of retained austenite increased with decreasing intereritical annealing temperature, and the maximum value was obtained at austempering temperature of $400^{\circ}C$. The values of tensile strength-elongation balance increased with decreasing intercritical annealing temperature and maximum value was obtained at austempering temperature of $400^{\circ}C$. The maximum value of tensile strength-elongation balance was obtained at a retained austenite content of about 12%. Tensile shear strength of the specimens with retained austenite was higher than that of the normalizing specimens. With increasing welding current and time, the tensile shear strengh and nugget diameter increased, while nugget thickness showed the peak value and then decreased. The optimum range of welding condition at the given welding pressure of 350kgf was 7~11kA and 10~15 cycles.

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Evaluation for mechanical properties of high strength concrete by stressed test and stressed residual strength test - part 2 strain properties - (설계하중 사전재하 및 잔존강도 시험방법에 따른 고강도콘크리트의 고온특성 평가 - 제2보 변형특성을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Young-Sun;Lee, Tae-Gyu;Lee, Dae-Hui;Lee, Seung-Hoon;Kim, Gyu-Yong;Kim, Moo-Han
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2008.04a
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    • pp.761-764
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    • 2008
  • The present study is aimed to study the effect of elevated temperatures ranging from 20 to $700^{\circ}C$ on the strain properties of high-strength concrete of 40, 60, 80MPa grade. In this study, the types of test were the stressed test and stressed residual test that the specimens are subjected to a 25% of ultimate compressive strength at room temperature and sustained during heating and when target temperature is reached, the specimens are loaded to failure. Or specimens are loaded to failure after 24hour cooling time. tests were conducted at various temperatures ($20{\sim}700^{\circ}C$) for concretes made with W/B ratios 46%, 32% and 25%. Test results showed that the relative values of elastic modulus decreased with increasing compressive strength grade of specimen and the axial strain at peak stress were influenced by the load before heating. thermal strain of concrete at high temperature was affected by the preload as well as the compressive strength.

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Analysis of the Reinforced I section UHPCC (Ulrea High Performance Cementitous Composites) beam without stirrup (전단철근이 없는 I형 휨보강 UHPCC 보의 거동해석)

  • Kim Sung Wook;Han Sang Muk;Kang Su Tae;Kong Jeong Shick;Kang Jun Hyung;Jun Sang Eun
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.409-412
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    • 2004
  • Over last decade extensive researches have been undertaken on the strength behaviour of Fiber Reinforced Concrete(FRC) structures. But the use of Ultra-High Strength Steel Fiber Cementitious Concrete Composites is in its infancy and there is a few experiments, analysis method and design criteria on the structural elements constructed with this new generation material which compressive strength is over 150 MPa and characteristic behaviour on the failure status is ductile. The objective of this paper is to investigate and analyze the behaviour of reinforced rectangular structural members constructed with ultra high performance cementitious composites (UHPCC). This material is known as reactive powder concrete (RPC) mixed with domestic materials and its compressive strength is over 150MP. The variables of test specimens were shear span ratio, reinforcement ratio and fiber quantity. Even if there were no shear stirrups in test specimens, most influential variable to determine the failure mode between shear and flexural action was proved to be shear span ratio. The characteristics of ultra high-strength concrete is basically brittle, but due to the steel fiber reinforcement behaviour of this structure member became ductile after the peak load. As a result of the test, the stress block of compressive zone could be defined. The proposed analytical calculation of internal force capacity based by plastic analysis gave a good prediction for the shear and flexural strength of specimens. The numerical verification of the finite element model which constitutive law developed for Mode I fracture of fiber reinforced concrete correctly captured the overall behaviour of the specimens tested.

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Edge Strength Hough Transform : An Improvement on Hough Transform Using Edge Strength (경계선 강도를 이용한 허프 변환의 개선)

  • Heo, gyeong-Yong;Lee, Kwang-Eui;Woo, Young-Woon
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.10 no.11
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    • pp.2055-2061
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    • 2006
  • The detection of geometric primitives from a digital image is one of the basic tasks in computer vision area and the Hough transform is a well-known method for detecting analytical shape represented by a number of free parameters. However the basic property of the Hough transform, the one-to-many mapping from an image space to a Hough space, causes the innate problem, the sensitivity to noise. In this paper, we proposed Edge Strength Hough Transform which uses edge strength to reduce the sensitivity to noise and proved the insensitivity using the ratio of peaks in a Mough space. We also experimented the proposed method on lines and got small number of peaks in a Hough space compared to traditional Hough transform, which supports the noise insensitivity of the proposed method.

Investigation of Mechanical Behavior and Hydrates of Concrete Exposed to Chloride Ion Penetration (염해를 받은 콘크리트의 역학적 거동 및 수화 생성물 조사)

  • Yunsuk Kang;Gwihwan Lim;Byoungsun Park
    • Journal of the Korean Recycled Construction Resources Institute
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.381-390
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    • 2023
  • In this study, the mechanical performance of concrete exposed to chloride ion penetration was investigated. And a compressive stress-strain model was presented. CaCl2 solution was added when mixing concrete to simulate long-term chloride ion penetration, and the concentration of chlorine ions was set to 0, 1, 2, and 4 % based on the weight of the binder. To investigate the compressive stress-strain curve after the peak stress of concrete, the compressive strength was measured by displacement control. When the chlorine ion concentration was 1 %, peak stress increased, but when the chlorine ion concentration was 2 % or more, peak stress decreased. In the case of peak strain, no trend according to chloride ion concentration was observed at 7 days. At 28 days, peak strain decreased as the chloride ion concentration increased. A compressive stress-strain curve model based on the Popovics model was presented using changes in peak stress and peak strain at 28 days. Microstructure analyses were performed to investigate the cause of the decrease in mechanical performance as the concentration of chlorine ions increased. It was confirmed that as the concentration of chlorine ion increased, Friedel's salt increased and portlandite decreased.

Dynamic Deformation Behavior of Zr-Based Bulk Amorphous Alloy after Annealing Treatments (벌크형 비정질 Zr계 합금의 결정화 열처리에 따른 동적변형 거동)

  • Chang J. J;Lee B. J;Hwang J. I;Park I. M;Cho K. M;Cho Y. R
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.181-185
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    • 2004
  • The mechanical properties of a bulk amorphous alloy ($Zr_{41.2}$ $Ti_{13.8}$ /$Cu_{10}$ $Ni_{10}$ $Be_{22.5}$ /at.%) before and after an annealing treatment were investigated. For the bulk amorphous alloy, the compressive strength was about 2.0 GPa, irrespective of the strain rates in the range of $10^{-4}$ to $10^3$$ sec^{-1}$ . Fine-sized nanocrystalline particles (10~100 nm) were precipitated homogeneously in the bulk amorphous matrix after the annealing treatments. Compared to the bulk amorphous materials, these composite materials, composed of the nanocrystalline phases and a bulk amorphous matrix had much different mechanical properties. The strength and strain of coposite materials measured by a compressive test showed a peak-maximum values at 7 vol.% of the nanocrystalline phases. The values in higher volume fraction of the crystalline phases in the amorphous matrix were decreased, as measured by both quasi-static and high strain rate. The decrease in fracture strength is due to presence of the dispersed large-crystalline phases in the amorphous matrix.