• Title/Summary/Keyword: pattern extension

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Analysing of pulse wave parameter and typical pulse pattern for diagnosis in floating and sinking pulses (${\cdot}$ 침맥 진단에 유용한 맥상 파라메터 및 대표맥상 분석)

  • Lee, Yu-Jung;Lee, Jeon;Choi, Eun-Ji;Lee, Hae-Jung;Kim, Jong-Yeol
    • Korean Journal of Oriental Medicine
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    • v.12 no.2 s.17
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    • pp.93-101
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    • 2006
  • Pulse feeling is one of the most important diagnosis method in Oriental medicine. But it is not easy to make an objective and standardized diagnosis. In this study, we found how to quantify diagnosis. Specially dally the high practicality in clinic, we search some parameters especially well-related to floating and sinking pulse by statistic analysis. By extension, we find the pulse patterns of the floating and sinking pulse. We choose 15 subjects diagnosed as floating pulse and 15 subjects diagnosed as sinking pulse by oriental doctors. And their pulse signals were acquired by Pulse analyzer which has piezoresistive pressure sensor. For the quantification of the floating and sinking pulse, at first, we examined the parameters which were highly correlated with oriental doctor's diagnosis. And then we derived pulse patterns of the floating-sinking pulse from preprocessed signal and its ensemble average. We also looked trend variation (PH-Curve) between contact and pulse pressure. As a result, statistically there is the biggest difference between contact pressure, the maximum pulse pressure, diastolic area (Ad) and floating and sinking data. Through the PH-Curve, which represented the relationship between contact and pulse pressure, we could divide the floating and sinking pulse clearly. As a basic research of pulse diagnosis algorithm, we can contribute to select essential parameters in diagnosis algorithm And using these diagnosis method, we expect to find typical pulse patterns and some useful parameters about other pulses like slow/rapid, large/fine pulse and so on. We hope that this study will contribute pulse objectification.

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Multi-Current Distributed Folded Monopole Antenna for Triple Band Mobile Phone Handset (3중 대역 휴대폰 단말기용 다중 전류 분포 폴디드 모노폴 안테나)

  • Son, Tae-Ho;Lee, Jae-Ho
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.18 no.10
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    • pp.1189-1195
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    • 2007
  • We design and fabricate, in this parer, a triple band folded monopole antenna for the folder type mobile phone handset that can be served GSM/DCS/USPCS mobile phone system. Antenna structure is modified meander shape which is obtained both extension of antenna physical length for GSM band and same directional multi-currents flowing on the antenna conductor surface for DCS/USPCS band. This antenna has as good performances as high radiation resistance and gain increment, and would be applied to mobile phone handset that is not able to be performed by internal antenna. By measurement, fabricated antenna by the press process shows under VSWR 3:1 at closed folder state and 2:1 at opened folder state over whole GSM/DCS/USPCS band, and has maximum gain as -0.02 dBi for GSM, +0.2 dBi for DCS, +0.78 dBi for USPCS band with almost omnidirectional H-plane radiation pattern.

Design of a Fast Adder Using Robust QCA Design Guide (강건 QCA 설계 지침을 이용한 고속 가산기 설계)

  • Lee Eun-Choul;Kim Kyo-Sun
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SD
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    • v.43 no.4 s.346
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    • pp.56-65
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    • 2006
  • The Quantum-dot Cellular Automata (QCA) can be considered as a candidate for the next generation digital logic implementation technology due to their small feature sizes and ultra low power consumption. Up to now, several designs using Uh technology have been proposed. However, we found not all of the designs function properly. Furthermore, no general design guidelines have been proposed so far. A straightforward extension of a simple functional design pattern may fail. This makes designing a large scale circuits using QCA technology an extremely time-consuming process. In this paper, we show several critical vulnerabilities related to unbalanced input paths to QCA gates and sneak noise paths in QCA interconnect structures. In order to make up the vulnerabilities, a disciplinary guideline will be proposed. Also, we present a fast adder which has been designed by the discipline, and verified to be functional by the simulation.

Model experiments for the reinforcement method of agricultural reservoirs by overtopping

  • Lee, Young-Hak;Lee, Dal-Won;Heo, Joon;Ryu, Jung-Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.163-171
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    • 2020
  • In this study, a large laboratory model experiment was conducted with the aim of developing an embankment reinforcement method to prevent overtopping, which is the main cause for the failure of agricultural reservoirs. The model experiment was carried out with concrete and asphalt as a permanent reinforcement method and with geomembrane as the emergency method at a deteriorated homogeneous reservoir. Under the non-reinforced conditions, the pattern of the failure appeared in several scour directions from the downstream slope as the overtopping began, and the width and depth of the erosion were magnified as it gradually moved to the dam crest. Under the conditions reinforced with asphalt and concrete, the overtopping was stabilized. In the case of the concrete reinforcement, it was found that the slope of the riprap boundary exhibited downward erosion by the current; thus, it was necessary to construct an extension up to the riprap joint of the upstream and downstream sides to prevent the expansion of the failure. Under the conditions reinforced with the geomembrane sheet, the overtopping was stabilized, and no seepage was found that required the emergency reinforcement method. Asphalt, concrete, and geomembrane sheet reinforcements have been shown to be capable of delaying failure for about 1 hour and 40 minutes compared to the non-reinforcement conditions. The reinforcement method is considered to be a very effective method to prevent disasters during overtopping. The pore water pressure can be used as useful data to predict the risk of failure at an embankment.

The Polysaccharide Fraction AIP1 from Artemisia iwayomogi Suppresses Apoptotic Death of the Mouse Spleen Cells in Culture

  • Hwang, Jung-Suk;Chung, Hye-Kyung;Bae, Eun-Kyong;Lee, Ah-Young;Ji, Hee-Jung;Park, Dong-Woon;Jung, Hwa-Jin;Cho, Chung-Won;Choi, Hyun-Ju;Lee, Dong-Seok;Lee, Kang-Ro;Youn, Hyun-Joo
    • Archives of Pharmacal Research
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.294-300
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    • 2003
  • A polysaccharide fraction, AIP1, purified from Artemisia iwayomogi was shown to have immunomodulating and anti-tumor activities in mice. In order to determine how the AIP1 fraction exhibits the immunomodulating activity, the effect of the fraction on the apoptosis of mouse spleen cells was investigated. Treatment of the mouse spleen cells with the AIP1 fraction resulted ,in the suppression of apoptotic death and an extension of cell survival in culture, indicating that the fraction might modulate the death of spleen cells. Treatment of the mice with the AIP1 fraction in vivo also resulted in less apoptosis of the spleen cells, which indicates the physiological relevance of the anti-apoptosis effect of the fraction in vitro. A mouse gene array was used to determine the profile of the gene expression change showing a pattern of up- and down-regulated genes by the AIP1 treatment. This study provides preliminary information regarding the immunomodulatory mechanism of the AIP1 fraction.

Electrical Resistivity Survey in the Eon-Yang Fault Area, Southeastern Korean Peninsula (경상분지(慶尙盆地) 언양단층(彦陽斷層) 지역(地域)에 대(對)한 전기비저항(電氣比抵抗) 탐사연구(探査硏究))

  • Kim, In-Soo;Kim, Jong-Yeol
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.11-18
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    • 1983
  • Gyeongsang Basin in the southeastern part of the Korean peninsular is characterized by many fault systems. To decipher the geotectonical evolution of the Korean peninsular and marginal basins in her adjacent areas it is prerequisite to understand the spatial distribution pattern and mutual relationships of these fault systems. Because of difficulties in finding any criterion to recognize the faults in field, their extension and mutual relationships in ages are not very clear yet. As an attempt to find geophysical criteria to recognize the fault, geoelectrical resistivity survey was carried out in this study. With the Wenner configuration four resistivity soundings and twenty seven resistivity profilings were done. The electrode distance used was up to 50m. From the results of the resistivity soundings and boring data of earlier groundwater investigations the depth of alluvial and weathered zone was established to be at most 20m in the study area. In the resistivity profiling low resistivity anomaly zones are detected on every traverse, which are interpreted as caused by fractures, fault clays and mylonites in the fault zone. The width of the fault zone amounts to 0.3-1km. By correlating and connecting the negative anomaly zones from traverse to traverse one can determine the trend of th of the faultzone and therefore that of fault itself. The recognized fault trend in this way was $N15^{\circ}-20^{\circ}E$ and this coincides with the direction of the inferred fault line from earlier geological surface mapping. With the help of this characteristical negative anomaly the existance of another $N80^{\circ}W$ trending fault was estabished. This study has shown that geoelectrical resistivity survey can be applied successfully to the problem of tracing fault line insofar as a fault zone has been developed along fault line.

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현대 패션에 나타난 Eroticism 에 관한 연구-초현실주의와 팝 아트의 Eroticism을 중심으로

  • 이효진
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.23
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    • pp.111-130
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    • 1994
  • The purpose of this study was to illuminate eroticism represented din modern fashion. Art based on sex is very important like all of the other cultural values. But we feel that erotic art, neglected, suppressed , and persecuted for centuries, has an important contribution to make to the understanding of art, the social history of mankind, and human happiness and progress. It is our deep personal conviction that erotic art serves important social and therapeutic functions. Erotic art expresses the demand for sexual freedom-a freedom vital to individual happiness and mental well-being, And sexual freedom, in turn, cannot exist without a high degree of political and economic freedom as well. In that sense , erotic art came a truly revolutionaly message ; it demands no less than extension of freedom , not only in the sexual are, but in every sphere of social life. What is eroticism \ulcorner Eroticism must be distinguished from a mere animal reproduction . Eroticism is deeply rooted in the cultural tradition of myth, religion , customes and art. It also has a close relationship with psychological activities of our life. Eroticism is a kind of psychological revolution in the development of human civilization. Eroticism is related to different kinds of art, which express internal spirit of human especially Surrealism. Surrealism is above all a movement of the conquest and deepening of the unconscious. The exploitation of Freud's discoveries opended a new, practically unlimited path for artistic studies to Surrealism . Especially all theory of mental psychoanalysis a affected artists greatly in western art, Freud was appraised highly on his achievements by art critics in art history on his achievements by art critics in art history. As far as erotic subject matter was concerned, Surrealism provided a means of presentig it. Pop Art is not actually a movement , born at a specific time and place, nor is it an easy concept to define. The term first appeared in Great Britain during the fifties, when it referred, particularly in the decorative arts, to an inclination to go back and imitate the stereotyped images of the mass media : film, advertising , cartoons, and other popular consumer products. The eroticism expressed in Pop Art calls the modern's attentions to their devastated minds, taking advantage of the commercialized sex. Fashion has developed constantly reflecting the spiritual aspiration and social and cultural phenomona of man , and artistic steam. Eroticism in fashion is the style which expresses the internal meanings of sexuality through the texture, color, pattern , silhouette etc.

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A Position based Kinematic Method for the Analysis of Human Gait

  • Choi Ahn Ryul;Rim Yong Hoon;Kim Youn Soo;Mun Joung Hwan
    • Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
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    • v.19 no.10
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    • pp.1919-1931
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    • 2005
  • Human joint motion can be kinematically described in three planes, typically the frontal, sagittal, and transverse, and related to experimentally measured data. The selection of reference systems is a prerequisite for accurate kinematic analysis and resulting development of the equations of motion. Moreover, the development of analysis techniques for the minimization of errors, due to skin movement or body deformation, during experiments involving human locomotion is a critically important step, without which accurate results in this type of experiment are an impossibility. The traditional kinematic analysis method is the Angular-based method (ABM), which utilizes the Euler angle or the Bryant angle. However, this analysis method tends to increase cumulative errors due to skin movement. Therefore, the objective of this study was to propose a new kinematic analysis method, Position-based method (PBM), which directly applies position displacement data to represent locomotion. The PBM presented here was designed to minimize cumulative errors via considerations of angle changes and translational motion between markers occurring due to skin movements. In order to verify the efficacy and accuracy of the developed PBM, the mean value of joint dislocation at the knee during one gait cycle and the pattern of three dimensional translation motion of the tibiofemoral joint at the knee, in both flexion and extension, were accessed via ABM and via new method, PBM, with a Local Reference system (LRS) and Segmental Reference system (SRS), and then the data were compared between the two techniques. Our results indicate that the proposed PBM resulted in improved accuracy in terms of motion analysis, as compared to ABM, with the LRS and SRS.

Effects of Functional Insole on Walking in the Elderly (기능적 인솔이 노인의 보행에 미치는 영향)

  • Seo, Dong-Kwon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.12
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    • pp.280-286
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    • 2019
  • This study verified the difference in biomechanical variation and the pattern of the lower limb between using or not using functional insoles on the gait of elderly people. Ten females subjects were selected (age: 73.2 years, height: 152.1 cm, body mass: 59.4 kg) for testing their gait with using functional insoles and without using functional insoles. The gait motions were captured with the Qualisys system and the gait parameters were calculated with Visual-3D. As a result, the subjects' stride length and swing time were significantly increased (p<.05). Also, the lower limb's extension moment was significantly increased (p<.05) when using the insole. These differences suggest the functional insole used in the experiment increases the subjects' gait stability. However, to generalize the results of this study, it is necessary to accumulate more quantitative data with more subjects. Further studies to examine gait variables and changes of walking patterns need to be conducted by gathering and utilizing the results of those subjects who have used insoles for a long period of time.

XML Document Filtering based on Segments (세그먼트 기반의 XML 문서 필터링)

  • Kwon, Joon-Ho;Rao, Praveen;Moon, Bong-Ki;Lee, Suk-Ho
    • Journal of KIISE:Databases
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.368-378
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    • 2008
  • In recent years, publish-subscribe (pub-sub) systems based on XML document filtering have received much attention. In a typical pub-sub system, subscribed users specify their interest in profiles expressed in the XPath language, and each new content is matched against the user profiles so that the content is delivered to only the interested subscribers. As the number of subscribed users and their profiles can grow very large, the scalability of the system is critical to the success of pub-sub services. In this paper, we propose a fast and scalable XML filtering system called SFiST which is an extension of the FiST system. Sharable segments are extracted from twig patterns and stored into the hash-based Segment Table in SFiST system. Segments are used to represent user profiles as Terse Sequences and stored in the Compact Segment Index during filtering. Our experimental study shows that SFiST system has better performance than FiST system in terms of filtering time and memory usage.