• 제목/요약/키워드: patient care management

검색결과 1,375건 처리시간 0.028초

Validation of initial nutrition screening tool for hospitalized patients (입원 환자용 초기 영양검색도구의 타당도 검증)

  • Kim, Hye-Suk;Lee, Seonheui;Kim, Hyesook;Kwon, Oran
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • 제52권4호
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    • pp.332-341
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: Poor nutrition in hospitalized patients is closely linked to an increased risk of infection, which can result in complications affecting mortality, as well as increased length of hospital stay and hospital costs. Therefore, adequate nutritional support is essential to manage the nutritional risk status of patients. Nutritional support needs to be preceded by nutrition screening, in which accuracy is crucial, particularly for the initial screening. To perform initial nutrition screening of hospitalized patients, we used the Catholic Kwandong University (CKU) Nutritional Risk Screening (CKUNRS) tool, originally developed at CKU Hospital. To validate CKUNRS against the Patient-Generated Subjective Global Assessment (PG-SGA) tool, which is considered the gold standard for nutritional risk screening, results from both tools were compared. Methods: Nutritional status was evaluated in 686 adult patients admitted to CKU Hospital from May 1 to July 31, 2018 using both CKUNRS and PG-SGA. Collected data were analyzed, and the results compared, to validate CKUNRS as a nutrition screening tool. Results: The comparison of CKUNRS and PG-SGA revealed that the prevalence of nutritional risk on admission was 15.6% (n = 107) with CKUNRS and 44.6% (n = 306) with PG-SGA. The sensitivity and specificity of CKUNRS to evaluate nutritional risk status were 98.7% (96.8 ~ 99.5) and 33.3% (28.1 ~ 39.0), respectively. Thus, the sensitivity was higher, but the specificity lower compared with PG-SGA. Cohen's kappa coefficient was 0.34, indicating valid agreement between the two tools. Conclusion: This study found concordance between CKUNRS and PG-SGA. However, the prevalence of nutritional risk in hospitalized patients was higher when determined by CKUNRS, compared with that by PG-SGA. Accordingly, CKUNRS needs further modification and improvement in terms of screening criteria to promote more effective nutritional support for patients who have been admitted for inpatient care.

Malnutrition risk, nutritional knowledge, and dietary intake in chronic kidney disease patients on hemodialysis: comparison according to coexisting diabetes (투석치료 중인 만성콩팥병 환자의 영양불량, 영양지식 및 식사 섭취 실태: 당뇨병 동반여부에 따른 비교)

  • HyunJung Yoo;Sang Cheol Lee;Hye-Kyeong Kim
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • 제57권5호
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    • pp.481-495
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: Malnutrition is a prevalent condition leading to a high risk of morbidity and mortality in hemodialysis patients. This study examined the malnutrition risk and the influence of diabetes on clinical characteristics, nutritional knowledge, and dietary intake in chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients on hemodialysis. Methods: Seventy-six patients (37 with diabetes and 39 without diabetes) enrolled in an internal medicine hemodialysis unit in Seoul were examined. A questionnaire, anthropometric, biochemical, and three-day dietary record data were collected. The nutritional risk was screened by the Patient-Generated Subjective Global Assessment (PG-SGA), compared to the Global Leadership Initiative on Malnutrition (GLIM). Results: The overall prevalence of malnutrition was 56.6% and 27.6% by PG-SGA and GLIM, respectively, showing the low sensitivity (34.9%) and agreement (kappa = 0.16) of GLIM compared to the PG-SGA. CKD patients with diabetes had a higher malnutrition risk and more comorbidities than those without diabetes (p < 0.05). More than 60% of patients had anemia and hypocholesterolemia. Despite the fair level of nutritional knowledge, the intakes of energy per ideal body weight, calcium, vitamin A, vitamin B6, folate, and vitamin C were below the nutritional guidelines for hemodialysis patients in more than 70% of the patients. When stratified according to sex, female patients showed marked differences, with lower energy, protein, fat, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin B2, folate, and vitamin B12 intakes in diabetic patients compared to non-diabetic patients. The most challenging aspect of diet therapy for hemodialysis patients was achieving the appropriate protein intake for diabetic patients and restricting phosphorus intake for non-diabetic patients (p < 0.05). Conclusion: These findings suggest that attention should be paid to the malnutrition of diabetic hemodialysis patients. Individualized nutritional counseling and management are needed for the nutritional care of hemodialysis patients to address the nutritional deficiency.

The Significance of Hyperlipidemia as a Predictive Factor of Relapse in Corticosensitive Nephrotic Syndrome (스테로이드에 반응을 보인 신증후군 환아에서 재발 예측인자로서 고지혈증의 중요성)

  • Jung, Soon-Pil;Hong, Soon-Cheul;Lim, Seong-Joon;Lim, In-Seok;Choi, Eung-Sang
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • 제5권2호
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    • pp.136-146
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    • 2001
  • Purpose : One of the most difficult problems in the care of children with nephrotic syndrome remains the occurrence of relapses, despite initial response to steroids. Constantinescu reported that rapidity of initial response to steroid therapy could predict fewer relapses in the first year. So we evaluated the changes in serum lipid abnormalities in children with corticosensitive nephrotic syndrome before steroid treatment and the correlation between serum lipid levels and renal function, days to remission. Methods . We analyzed the Medical records of children who were managed by us between October 1994 and August 2000. In 33 patients with corticosensitive nephrotic syndrome, we evaluated the correlation between serum lipid levels and renal function [Creatinine clearance(Ccr)] and proteinuria before steroid treatment, and days to remission defined as the third day when the patient's urine becomes protein free. Results : There were 21 males and 12 females. Median age at presentation was 6.4 years (range: 1.8-17.3 years). Median days to remission were 15.4 days (range 4-42 days) on Prednisolone 60mg/m2 daily. The increased levels of triglyceride, total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, apolipoprotein B, total cholesterol/HDL cholesterol, Lipoprotein(a) were observed. But the level of HDL cholesterol was not increased. Serum albumin was decreased a]id proteinuria was increased before steroid treatment. But Ccr was not decreased. There were negative correlation between serum albumin and total cholesterol (r = -0.5157, P<0.005), LDL cholesterol (r = -0.5543, P<0.005), total cholesterol/HDL cholesterol (r = -0.4506, P<0.01), lipoprotein(a) (r = -0.4570, P<0.025), apolipoprotein B (r = -0.5297, P<0.025), apolipoprotein B/apolipoprotein Al (r = -0.5851, P<0.01), apolipoprotein B/HDL cholesterol (r = -0.4961, P<0.05) before steroid treatment. There was no correlation between proteinuria and serum lipid profiles. Also Ccr and serum lipid profiles were not correlated. There was positive correlation between days to remission and HDL cholesterol (r = +0.4511, P<0.05), apolipoprotein B (r = +0.5190, P<0.05), apolipoprotein B/HDL cholesterol (r = +0.7169, P<0.005). Conclusions : This results reveal that HDL cholesterol, apolipoprotein B and apolipoprotein B/HDL cholesterol can be used as a predictive factor in corticosensitive nephrotic syndrome. We could not determine the significant level of these lipids for insufficient patients number, but these level may predict future relapses of corticosensitive nephrotic syndrome patients and thus may allow to better management and treatment protocols. More data and long term follow up studies should be needed. (J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol 2001;5 : 136-46)

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Survival and Complication Rate of Radiation Therapy in Stage I and II Carcinoma of Uterine Cervix (병기 I, II 자궁 경부암에서 방사선치료 후 생존율 및 합병증 분석)

  • Ma, Sun-Young;Cho, Heung-Lea;Sohn, Seung-Chang
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • 제13권4호
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    • pp.349-357
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    • 1995
  • Purpose : To analyze survival rate and late rectal and bladder complication for patients with stage I and II carcinoma of uterine cervix treated by radiation alone or combined with chemotherapy Materials and Methods : Between November 1984 and December 1993, 127 patients with stage I and II carcinoma of uterine cervix treated by radiation alone or combined therapy of radiation and chemotherapy. Retrospective analysis for survival rate was carried out on eligible 107 patients and review for complication was possible in 91 patients. The median follow-up was 47 months (range 3-118) and the median age of patiens was 56 years (range 31-76). 26 patients were stage IB by FIGO classification, 40 were stage IIA and 41 were stage IIB. 86 cases were treated by radiation alone and 21 were treated by radiation and chemotherapy. 101 patients were treated with intracavitary radiation therapy (ICRT), of these, 80 were received low dose rate (LDR) ICRT and 21 were received high dose rate (HDR) ICRT. Of the patients who received LDR ICRT, 63 were treated by 1 intracavitary insertion and 17 were underwent 2 insertions And we evaluated the external radiation dose and midline shield. Results : Actuarial survival rate at 5 years was 92% for stage IB, 75% for stage IIA, 53% for stage IIB and 69% in all patients Grade 1 rectal complications were developed in 20 cases (22%), grade 2 were in 22 cases (24%). 22 cases (24%) of grade 1 urinary complications and 17 cases (19%) of grade 2 urinary complications were observed But no patient had severe complications that needed surgical management or admission care. Maximum bladder dose for the group of patients with urinary complications was higher than that for the patients without urinary complications (7608 cGy v 6960cGy. p<0.01) Maximum rectal dose for the group of patients with rectal complications was higher than that for the patients without rectal complications (7041cGy v 6269cGy, p<0.01). While there was no significant difference for survival rate or bladder complication incidence as a function of dose to whole pelvis, Grade 2 rectal complication incidence was significantly lower for the patients receiving less than 4500cGy (6.3% v 25.5%, p<0.05). There was no significant differance between HDR ICRT group and LDR ICRT group for survival rate according to stage, on the other hand complication incidence was higher in the HDR group than LDR group, This was maybe due to different prescription doses between HDR group and LDR group. Midline shield neither improved survival rate nor decreased complication rate. The number of insertion in LDR ICRT group did not affect on survival and compication rate. Conclusion : In stage I and II carcinoma of uterine cervix there was no significant differance for 5 year survival rate by radiation therapy technique. Rectal complication incidence was as a function of dose to whole pelvis and there were positive correlations of maximum dose of rectum and bladder and each complication incidence. So we recommand whole pelvis dose less than 4500cGy and maximum dose of rectum and bladder as low as possible.

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The Analysis of Radiation Exposure of Hospital Radiation Workers (병원 방사선 작업 종사자의 방사선 피폭 분석 현황)

  • Jeong Tae Sik;Shin Byung Chul;Moon Chang Woo;Cho Yeong Duk;Lee Yong Hwan;Yum Ha Yong
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • 제18권2호
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    • pp.157-166
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    • 2000
  • Purpose : This investigation was peformed in order to improve the health care of radiation workers, to predict a risk, to minimize the radiation exposure hazard to them and for them to realize radiation exposure danger when they work in radiation area in hospital. Methods and Materials : The documentations checked regularly for personal radiation exposure in four university hospitals in Pusan city in Korea between January 1, 1993 and December 31, 1997 were analyzed. There were 458 persons in this documented but 111 persons who worked less then one year were excluded and only 347 persons were included in this study. Results : The average of yearly radiation exposure of 347 persons was 1.52±1.35 mSv. Though it was less than 50mSv, the limitaion of radiation in law but 125 (36%) people received higher radiation exposure than non-radiation workers. Radiation workers under 30 year old have received radiation exposure of mean 1.87±1.01 mSv/year, mean 1.22±0.69 mSv between 31 and 40 year old and mean 0.97±0.43 mSv/year over 41year old (p<0.001). Men received mean 1.67±1.54 mSv/year were higher than women who received mean 1.13±0.61 mSv/year (p<0.01). Radiation exposure in the department of nuclear modicine department in spite of low energy sources is higher than other departments that use radiations in hospital (p<0.05). And the workers who received mean 3.59±1.81 msv/year in parts of management of radiation sources and injection of sources to patient receive high radiation exposure in nuclear medicine department (p<0.01). In department of diagnostic radiology high radiation exposure is in barium enema rooms where workers received mean 3.74±1.74 mSv/year and other parts where they all use fluoroscopy such as angiography room of mean 1.17±0.35 mSv/year and upper gastrointestinal room of mean 1.74±1.34 mSv/year represented higher radiation exposure than average radiation exposure in diagnostic radiology (p<0.01). Doctors and radiation technologists received higher radiation exposure of each mean 1.75±1.17 mSv/year and mean 1.50±1.39 mSv/year than other people who work in radiation area in hospital (p<0.05). Especially young doctors and technologists have the high opportunity to receive higher radiation exposure. Conclusions : The training and education of radiation workers for radiation exposure risks are important and it is necessary to rotate worker in short period in high risk area. The hospital management has to concern health of radiation workers more and to put an effort to reduce radiation exposure as low as possible in radiation areas in hospital.

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