• Title/Summary/Keyword: path information

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Analysis of Patent Trends in Agricultural Machinery (최신 농업기계 특허 동향 조사)

  • Hong, S.J.;Kim, D.E.;Kang, D.H.;Kim, J.J.;Kang, J.G.;Lee, K.H.;Mo, C.Y.;Ryu, D.K.
    • Journal of Practical Agriculture & Fisheries Research
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.99-111
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    • 2021
  • The connected farm that agricultural land, agricultural machinery and farmer are connected with an IoT gateway is in the commercialization stage. That has increased productivity, efficiency and profitability by intimate information exchange among those. In order to develop the educational program of intelligent agricultural machinery and the agricultural machinery safety education performance indicator, this study analyzed patent trends of agricultural machine with unmanned technology used in agriculture and efficiency technology applied advanced technologies such as ICT, robots and artificial intelligence. We investigated and analyzed patent trends in agricultural machinery of Korea, the USA and Japan as well as the countries in Europe. The United States is an advanced country in the field of unmanned technology and efficiency technology used in agriculture. Agricultural automation technology in Korea is insufficient compared to developed countries, which means rapid technological development is needed. In the sub-fields of field automation technology, path generation and following technology and working machine control technology through environmental awareness have activated.

Design and Implementation of Interface System for Swarm USVs Simulation Based on Hybrid Mission Planning (하이브리드형 임무계획을 고려한 군집 무인수상정 시뮬레이션 시스템의 연동 인터페이스 설계 및 구현)

  • Park, Hee-Mun;Joo, Hak-Jong;Seo, Kyung-Min;Choi, Young Kyu
    • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2022
  • Defense fields widely operate unmanned systems to lower vulnerability and enhance combat effectiveness. In the navy, swarm unmanned surface vehicles(USVs) form a cluster within communication range, share situational awareness information among the USVs, and cooperate with them to conduct military missions. This paper proposes an interface system, i.e., Interface Adapter System(IAS), to achieve inter-USV and intra-USV interoperability. We focus on the mission planning subsystem(MPS) for interoperability, which is the core subsystem of the USV to decide courses of action such as automatic path generation and weapon assignments. The central role of the proposed system is to exchange interface data between MPSs and other subsystems in real-time. To this end, we analyzed the operational requirements of the MPS and identified interface messages. Then we developed the IAS using the distributed real-time middleware. As experiments, we conducted several integration tests at swarm USVs simulation environment and measured delay time and loss ratio of interface messages. We expect that the proposed IAS successfully provides bridge roles between the mission planning system and other subsystems.

Development of Real-Time Scheduling System for OHT Mission Planning (OHT 작업 계획을 위한 실시간 스케줄링 시스템 개발)

  • Lee, Bok-Ju;Park, Hee-Mun;Kwon, Yong-Hwan;Han, Kyung-Ah;Seo, Kyung-Min
    • KIPS Transactions on Computer and Communication Systems
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    • v.10 no.7
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    • pp.205-214
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    • 2021
  • For smart manufacturing, most semiconductor sites utilize automated material handling systems(AMHS). As one of the AMHSs, the OHT control system(OCS) manages overhead hoist transports(OHT) that move along rails installed on the ceiling. This paper proposes a real-time scheduling system to efficiently allocate and control the OHTs in semiconductor logistics processes. The proposed system, as an independent subsystem within the OCS, is interconnected with the main subsystem of the OCS, so that it can be easily modified without the effect of other systems. To develop the system, we first identify the functional requirements of the semiconductor logistics process and classify several types of control scenarios of the OHTs. Next, based on SEMI(Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International) standard, we design sequence diagrams and interface messages between the subsystems. The developed system is interoperated with the OCS main subsystem and the database in real time and performs two major roles: 1) OHT dispatching and 2) pathfinding. Six integrated tests were carried out to verify the functions of the developed system. The system was normally operated on six basic scenarios and two exception scenarios and we proved that it is suitable for the mission planning of the OHTs.

A Study on the Occupation Performance of the Leader of Fitness Club by Emotional Labor (피트니스 클럽 지도자의 감정노동에 의한 직업성과에 관한 연구)

  • Yoon, Jae-Soon
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.14 no.8
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    • pp.381-390
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    • 2020
  • This purpose of study was to influence of fitness club leader's emotional labor on job involvement and occupation performance. This study aims at providing fundamental data and information on fitness club leader's emotional labor. The survey was done through 250 copies and excluding 23 copies ran an analysis on the remaining 227(90.8%) copies. After question investigating the data which is collected used IBM SPSS statistics 21 and IBM AMOS 21 program, frequency analysis, Exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis, convergent validity, discriminant validity, Cronbach's α, correlation analysis, path analysis through Structural Equation Model(SEM). The result of this study were as follows. First, fitness club leader's emotional labor showed (-) effects on job involvement. Second, fitness club leader's emotional labor showed (-) effect on occupation performance. Third, job involvement showed (+) effects on occupation performance. Fitness instructors have severe emotional labor. Therefore fitness instructors manage their emotional labor. This can increase job commitment and job performance. For teeth manager need to increase support options from fitness instructors.

Management and Knowledge for the Prevention of Infectious Diseases in the elderly (노인의 감염병 예방을 위한 관리 및 지식도)

  • Kang, Kyung-hee;Kim, Kwang Hwan;Kim, Young-Ha
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.713-720
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    • 2022
  • The objective of this study is to provide the basic data for the development of educational programs for the prevention of infectious diseases targeting the elderly by researching the degree of personal hygiene practice, perceived risk of infection, and knowledge and importance of infectious diseases for the prevention of infectious diseases of the elderly. Using the structured questionnaire for a month of October in 2021, this study surveyed total 110 elderly people in their 65 or up by using the one-to-one individual interview method through the Gallup Korea. The collected data was analyzed by using the IBM SPSS Statistics 25.0 Program. In the results of analyzing the ranking by converting it into Borich's needs formula and then totaling up the degree of importance and knowledge, it was researched as the 1st place for the transmission path of infectious diseases, the 2nd place for the preventive method of infectious diseases, the 3rd place for the treatment method of infectious diseases, the 4th place for the handling procedure in case an infectious disease was doubted and confirmed, and the 5th place for the major symptoms of infectious diseases. The results of this study could contribute to the improvement of infection preventive practice through the provision of proper information to subjects, by providing the basic data for the development of educational programs for the elderly reflecting the needs of prevention and management of infectious diseases.

Potential Exposure of Nanoparticles from Laboratory to Office (실험실에서 사무실로의 나노입자의 잠재적 노출)

  • Shin, Hyeokjin;Kim, Younghun
    • Clean Technology
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.123-130
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    • 2022
  • Nanoparticles are used in various fields such as chemistry, medicine, the environment, and information and communication. With the increasing use of engineered nanomaterials, exposure to nanoparticles is expected to increase in the workplace and the environmental media. However, while nanotechnology industries are expanding, research on the exposure assessment of nanomaterials to humans and the environment is only at a beginning stage. Especially, if nanoparticles with a size of 100 nm or less that are contained in nano-products are released unintentionally, they may pose potential risks to the human body through breathing or skin exposure. Therefore, in this work, the possibility of potential exposure of nanoparticles moving from the laboratory to the office was confirmed, and nanoparticle safety guidelines are proposed. A nano-collector was used to detect nanoparticles in the atmosphere, and through use of a scanning mobility particle sizer it was found that nanoparticle concentrations in the laboratory and the office tended to be similar. On the assumption that nanoparticles attached to a lab-coat move out of the laboratory, a lab-coat to which nanocarbon black was attached was shaken and the concentration of the remaining particles on the lab-coat determined. The results confirmed that sufficient amounts of nanoparticles attached to the lab-coat could move from the laboratory to the office along the path of a researcher; thus, safety guidelines for the handling of lab-coat nanoparticles are required.

Miniaturization of GPS Microstrip Antenna for Small Drone (초소형 드론 탑재용 GPS 대역 마이크로스트립 안테나의 소형화)

  • Kim, Wan-Ki;Woo, Jong-Myung
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.62-72
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    • 2022
  • In this study, a miniaturized GPS band(L1 : 1.575 GHz) antenna that can be mounted on a small drone is proposed. The miniaturization was designed by applying the perturbation method based on the λ/4 microstrip antenna and lengthening the current path at the edge of the patch. The miniaturized antenna was fabricatred such that it could be attached to the surface of styrofoam(εr=1.06, t=10 mm) having a size of 10 mm × 9 mm × 10 mm (0.05 λ × 0.05 λ × 0.05 λ). The thickness and length of the feeding line and the spacing between short stubs were adjusted for impedance matching. S11 was found to be -18.8 dB at the center frequency of the fabricated antenna, 1.575 GHz. The radiation pattern measurement results show that the maximum gain of Eθ is 1.87 dBi in 0 directions in the xz-plane, and that Eθ is an omnidirectional characteristic with an average gain of -1.7 dBi in the yz-plane. It was found that the antenna can be used as an ultra-small microstrip antenna, which can be mounted on a small dron for GPS, and is capable of preserving a reduction ratio of 98.8% as compared to a λ/2 microstrip patch antenna.

Factors Affecting Consumers' Acceptance of e-Commerce Consumer Credit Service: Multiple Group Path Analysis by Naver Shopping and Coupang (이커머스 후불결제(BNPL) 수용에 영향을 미치는 요인: 네이버쇼핑과 쿠팡 간 다중집단 비교)

  • Kim, Su Jin;Mo, Jeonghoon
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.105-135
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    • 2022
  • As COVID-19 has led to a surge in e-commerce Buy Now Pay Later(BNPL) has become preferred choice among millennials. In Korea Coupang followed by Naver Pay offers a deferred payment, aiming to create customer lock-in effect, save credit card processing fee and lay the groundwork for entering into new financial services. However the literature related to the influential factors of customers' usage intention toward a deferred payment is scarce. For the study, a multi-group analysis was carried out to find differences between Naver shopping and Coupang. The results revealed that the important factors that affect a deferred payment adoption were compatibility, impulsive buying tendency in Naver shopping, whereas compatibility, relative advantage, additional value in Coupang(listed in order of most important). In addition, impulsive buying tendency had a positive effect on adoption intention in Naver shopping and on perceived risk in Coupang. The results imply that Naver shopping need to focus on managing delinquency while Coupang should provide sufficient information on how late fees and credit rating downgrade work and try not to make a deferred payment option stand out. In order to increase adoption rate it is recommendable to narrow down target segment of a deferred payment and expand it to a specialized vertical such as travel.

Inquiry into the Narratives of Graduate Students of Education who Have Completed Teaching Profession - With a Focus on Earth Science Education Major - (교직과정을 이수한 교육대학원생의 내러티브 탐색 - 지구과학교육 전공을 중심으로 -)

  • Yu Sang Yeon;Duk Ho Chung;Chul Min Lee
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.90-103
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the anxiety arising from the budgetary and mental problems of graduate school students. Three graduate students majoring in Earth science examined conflict situations by using a narrative inquiry technique. First, participants become psychologically unstable due to a lack of knowledge in the field of Earth science, lack of mentors, lack of information related to academic schedules, late start compared to others, financial difficulties, and discrimination in the scholarship system. Second, participants felt hope from the perception that their lives are valuable, that they can change students for the better, and that they are developing themselves. Third, with their hope, the study participants bore the previously mentioned inferior situation mentioned above. They are, however, torn between becoming secondary school teachers and attempting to reroute their career path due to certain circumstances. Based on the results of the examination, the following conclusions were drawn. First, there should be improvements from graduate school management based on collecting and scrutinizing the demands of students in the to fulfill their needs. Second, providing psychological counseling for students who have problems overcoming their anxieties. This study expects graduate schools to not only emphasize training of incumbent teachers, but also suggest ways that can satisfy students to make better learning environment for all its members.

Effect of Social Network Service (SNS) Users' Object Relations Factors on User Satisfaction through Pleasure and Self-efficacy (소셜네트워크서비스(SNS) 이용자의 대상관계 요인이 즐거움과 자기효능감을 통해 이용자 만족에 미치는 영향)

  • Chae, Su-in;Choi, Hyo-geun;Kwon, Do-Soon;Park, Dong-cheol
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2022
  • Social network service (SNS) using mobile or web is growing rapidly, and the emergence of various platform services is causing innovative changes in social network service (SNS). This study is to identify the target relation factors of social network users and to empirically study the causal relationship of how much these factors affect user satisfaction through pleasure and self-efficacy. To present an effective and efficient development plan in. In order to empirically verify the research model of this study, a survey was conducted with the general public who had experience using social network services (SNS). Path analysis was performed. As a result, it was possible to verify the correlation of the object relational factors on user satisfaction through pleasure and self-efficacy.First, non-excluded had a significant effect on pleasure, but did not significantly affect self-efficacy. Second, stability attachment did not significantly affect both enjoyment and self-efficacy. Third, social ability did not significantly affect both enjoyment and self-efficacy. Fourth, self-centeredness did not have a significant effect on both enjoyment and self-efficacy. Fifth, pleasure had a significant effect on both self-efficacy and user satisfaction. Sixth, self-efficacy had a significant effect on user satisfaction.