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누수방지사업의 경제분석

  • Lee, Beom-Ho
    • 수도
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    • s.31
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    • pp.28-29
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    • 1984
  • 다음 기사는 Ellen E.Moyer등이 미국수도협회지(1983.1월호, Jour. AWWA. Vol.75. No1, p28-37)에 기고한 "누수방지사업의 경제분석"을 요약한 것이다.

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Lousiness Improving on the Refining Process (정연견사의 Lousiness 개선연구)

  • 김병호;정진영
    • Journal of Sericultural and Entomological Science
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    • no.11
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    • pp.15-22
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    • 1970
  • This experiment is to investigate the influence on business by varying the scouring condition of raw silk. The conditions of experiment are changed by temperature, time concentration and scouring reagent as well as the pH value of scouring solution, involving the repeat number of treatment in the same reagent solution. The results are as follows. 1) The shorter the scouring time, the more lousiness showed on law silk. The difference of lousiness quantity are especially remarkable between 30 min. and 60min, while the appearance of lousiness is slight between 50min. and 90min. 2) The lousiness shape was just like splited end and short wool fiber type during than 60 min. scouring, and splited end and long wool fiber type was appeared during 120 min. scouring. 3) The seperation of threads on silk panel was difficult with undissolved sericin in case of lower than 90$^{\circ}C$ of scouring temperature, so that it was almost impossible to inspect lousiness. 4) In case of repeating one after another scouring in the same solution, the more number of treatment, the less sho wed lousiness. Little difference were appeared in the quantity of lousiness from first to eighth repeated scouring, while large difference of quantity was appeared between 8th and 9th repeated scouring. 5) The quantity of lousiness was also increased until scouring reagent (Marseilles soap) is added to 0.75%, but rather decreased with more than 0.75% of soap. The most variety of lousiness quantity was occured when the concentration of soap is changed from 0.15% to 0.20%. 6) The peculiarities of lousiness shape by the concentration of scouring reagent were as followings; most of lousiness are splited end short wool fiber type with lower wool fiber type with higher than 0.75%, and the mixture of both the former and the latter with 0.5% concentration. 7) The quantity of lousiness by the kind of scouring reagent was the least with 5% of Na$_2$CO$_3$ solution, and the most with the mixture of 0.25% Marseilles soap and 0.25% Na$_2$CO$_3$. 8) The more increased pH value, the more lousiness showed. The peculiarities of lousiness shape was the splited end and short wool fiber type, and the end and long wool fiber type with higher value of pH 11 because of the decreased strength of threads and the cutting of brin. 9) With the discussions mentioned the above, the scouring conditions to decrease the lousiness quantity are summarized as follows. (1) It is better to take the possible long time of scouring. (2) Temperature should be kept higher than 95$^{\circ}C$ for complete scouring. (3) It was the best to use 0.5% of Marseiles soap as scouring reagent. (4) No good results were produced by using the mixture of scouring reagent. (5) The best pH range of scouring solution was 9.5 to 10.5.

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The Potential Acid Sulfate Soils Criteria by the Relation between Total-Sulfur and Net Acid Generation (전황함량과 순산발생능력의 상관관계를 통한 잠재특이산성토양 기준 설정)

  • Moon, Yonghee;Zhang, Yong-Seon;Hyun, Byung-Keun;Sonn, Yeon-Kyu;Park, Chan-Won;Song, Kwan-Cheol
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.45 no.6
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    • pp.904-909
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    • 2012
  • Acid sulfate soil (ASS) and potential acid sulfate soil (PASS) are distribution in worldwide and originate from sedimentary process, volcanic activity, or metamorphism and are problematic in agriculture and environmental due to their present and potential acidity developed by the oxidation. The PASS was defined as soil materials that had sulfidic layer more than 20 cm thick within 4 m of the soil profile and contained more than 0.15% of total-sulfur (T-S). A tentative interpretative soil classification system was proposed weak potential acid sulfate (T-S, 0.15-0.5%), moderate potential acid sulfate (T-S, 0.5-0.75%) and strong potential acid sulfate (T-S, more than 0.75%). PASS due to excess of pyrite over soil neutralizing capacity are formed. It provides no information on the kinetic rates of acid generation or neutralization; therefore, the test procedures used in acid base account (ABA) are referred to as static procedures. The net acid generation (NAG) test is a direct method to measure the ability of the sample to produce acid through sulfide oxidation and also provides and indication. The NAG test can evaluated easily whether the soils is PASS. The samples are mixed sandy loam and the PAS from the hydrothermal altered andesite (1:3, 1:8, 1:16, 1:20, 1:40, 1:80 and 1:200 ratios) in this study. We could find out that the NAG pH of the soil containing 0.75% of T-S was 2.5, and that of the soil has 0.15% of T-S was 3.8. NAG pH test can be proposed as soil classification criteria for the potential acid sulfate soils. The strong type has NAG pH of 2.5, the moderate one has NAG pH of 3.0, and the weak one has NAG pH of 3.5.

Effects of Protein Levels on Growth and Nitrogen Balance in Growing Jindo Dog (단백질 수준이 진도자견의 성장과 질소평형에 미치는 영향)

  • Kang, T.I.;Maeng, W.J.;Kim, M.H.;Lee, Sang-Rak
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.49 no.5
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    • pp.633-638
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    • 2007
  • This study was conducted to determine the protein requirement level in growing Jindo dog through nitrogen balance experiment. Twelve female dogs aged 18~20 weeks old were allotted one of 3 dietary treatments containing 21, 23 and 25% of crude protein. Average daily gain of dogs fed experimental diets containing 21, 23 and 25% of crude protein were 65.42, 79.58 and 99.17g/d, respectively, and there was a significant difference between 21 and 25% of crude protein treatments(p<0.05). Retained nitrogen were calculated 0.74, 0.96 and 1.31g/kgBW.75/d for dogs fed diets containing 21, 23 and 25% of crude protein, respectively, and were significantly higher(p<0.05) in dogs fed 25% of crude protein diet then those of other dogs. A quadratic regression equation was calculated between nitrogen intake(x) and nitrogen retention(y); y=-2.519x2+12.79x-14.79, and it was found a significantly(p<0.05) higher regression coefficient of 0.782. From the above equation, it was estimated maintenance requirement of crude protein for growing Jindo dog is 11.25g/kg BW.75/d.