• Title/Summary/Keyword: ozone treated-soybean

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Storage of Soybean Curd Prepared with Ozone Treated Soybean (오존처리 대두로 제조한 두부의 저장성)

  • 박인경;김소연;김순동
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.69-74
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    • 1994
  • In order to improve the shelf-life of Tofu, the elimination of contaminated bacteria by ozone treatment was examined. Tofu prepared from ozone treated-soybean was investigated for microbial, physicochemical and sensory changes during storage at 20$^{\circ}C$ and 30$^{\circ}C$. As a result of treatment in ozonic water by 2~4ppm/sec for 3 hours, 90~98% of the total bacteria in material soybean for Tofu was eliminated. At 20$^{\circ}C$, control Tofu prepared from ozone treated-soybean was found to be spoiled after 72 hous. Titratable acidity and sensory changes of Tofu was increased as spoilage of Tofu was progressed, but pH was decreased at the first day of storage, and after that it was increased. At 30$^{\circ}C$, there was no remarkable difference between Tofu of control and Tofu prepared from ozone treated-soybean.

Shelf-Life of Soybean Curd Prepared with Ozone-treated Soybeans (콩의 오존처리가 두부의 저장성에 미치는 영향)

  • 김일두;박미자
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.73-80
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    • 1998
  • Shelf-life of soybean curd prepared with ozone-treated soybeans investigated on pH, acidity, sour taste, slime formation during storage at 3$0^{\circ}C$. Total Plate counts of raw soybeans showed about log 7.0 CFU/g before ozone treatment. The sterilization efficiency of raw soybeans showed the most effective in 0.5ppm of aqueous ozone treatment at 4$^{\circ}C$ for 90 minutes. Raw soybeans were treated with ozone by different methods; (1) Ozone treatment for 90 + 90 minutes (first 3.5~5 hours and later 8.5~10 hours) of 10 hours during soaking in aqueous solutions at 4$^{\circ}C$ (OW). (2) Ozone treatment by exposure first to 30ppm of gaseous ozone for 90 minutes and then allied to OW method (GO+OW). The log reduction of raw soybeans treated by OW and GO+OW methods showed 3.72 and 4.15, respectively. Soybean curd prepared with OW and GO+OW-treated soybeans kept the shelf-life of 4 and 5.5 days at 3$0^{\circ}C$, respectively, but, that without ozone treatment spoiled at me day.

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Effect of Ozone Treatment on the Quality of Soybean Sprouts 2. Optimum Conditions of Ozone Treatment during Soaking of Soybean for Quality Enhancement of Soybean Sprouts (콩나물의 품질에 미치는 오존처리 효과 2. 콩의 수침중 오존처리의 최적화)

  • 김일두;박미자
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.177-185
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    • 1998
  • For the purpose of enhanceing soybean-sprouts quality, the optimum conditions for ozone treatment of soybean during soaking before cultivation at 18~2$0^{\circ}C$ were evaluated with ozone concentration, treatment time and treatment frequency by response surface methodology. Germination rates of cleaned soybean by ozone water in the conditions of solubilized-ozone concentrations of 0.15 to 0.35ppm, ozone-treatment frequency of 1.5 to 2.3 times and ozone-treatment time of 30 to 36min. increased 18.8 to 24.0% for the control products. And, length of hypocotyl in conditions of 0.12 to 0.33ppm, 1.7 to 2.7 times and 45 to 90min. were also increased by 69.36 to 79.40%. On the other hand, weight of roots with ozone treatment were decreased in the conditions of solubilized ozone concentrations of 0.1 to 0.2ppm and ozone-treatment time of 30 to 57min. But, ozone-treatment frequency did not affected root growth. Putrefaction rates of the control were 5 to 15%, but those of ozone-treated samples during cultivation did not show. The overall optimum conditions for above 16% germination rates, above 9% hypocotyl yields compared to the control samples and below 98% of the control root weight were solubilized-ozone concentrations of 0.25 to 0.30ppm, ozone-treatment time of 43 to 49min. and ozone-treatment frequency of one time.

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Changes in Quality of Soybean Sprouts Grown by Ozone Water Treatment during Storage (오존수로 재배한 콩나물의 저장 중 품질변화)

  • 김일두;김순동
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.379-384
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    • 2001
  • This study was conducted to investigate the changes in quality of soybean sprouts grown by ozone treatment during storage. Soybean spouts were cultivated under conditions of ozone water watering after soaking in water (W/W), watering after soaking in ozone water (O/W), ozone water watering after soaking in water (W/O) and ozone water watering after soaking in ozone water (O/O). The ozone concentration in soaking of soybean and watering of soybean sprouts was 0.3 ppm, respectively. No significant difference in shelf-life between W/W soybean sprouts and ozone treated samples showed. But shelf-life of soybean sprouts stored in 0.01 ㎜ polyethylene film at 10$\^{C}$ and 20$\^{C}$ prolonged 4 and 2 days, respectively. The slow growth of total microbe in the ozone treated samples stored at 10$\^{C}$ was observed, whereas that of products at 20$\^{C}$ showed rapid growth during storage. However, no great difference occurred among samples in the changes of moisture, vitamin C and chlorophyll content during storage. Higher hardness of soybean spouts stored at 10$\^{C}$ and 20$\^{C}$ was kept in the O/W and W/O products. Color, flavor and overall acceptability evaluated by sensory teat during storage had higher scores in O/W products as compared to the other samples.

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Effect of Ozone Water on Pesticide-Residual Contents of Soybean Sprouts during Cultivation (콩나물 재배중 잔류농약 함량에 미치는 오존수 처리 효과)

  • Kim, Soon-Dong;Kim, Il-Doo;Park, Mee-Za;Lee, Yoon-Gyeong
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.277-283
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    • 2000
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effect of ozone treatment on the growth and pesticide-residual contents of soybean sprouts during cultivation. Total weight and length of the soybean sprouts treated by 0.3 ppm ozone water for 30min during soaking of soybean increased 27% and 19% higher than those of control group, respectively. But 27% of root weight decreased. No major differences in growth state were observed between the treatments during soaking and watering with ozone water, and watering with ozone water. Pesticide residues in soybeans treated with carbendazim, captain, diazinon, fenthim, dichlorvos and chlorpyrifos ranged from 4.75 to 8.35 ppm. The pesticides in soybean sprouts by the treatment of soaking and watering with water for 5 days, those by 0.3 ppm ozone-water watering, and those by soaking and watering with 0.3 ppm ozone water were destroyed to $85{\sim}99$, $89{\sim}100$ and $94{\sim}100%$, respectively. The order of degradation ratio in the pesticides was captan>dichlorvos>fenthion>carbendazin>diazinon>chlorpyrifos.

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