• Title/Summary/Keyword: order-dimension

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A Comparative Study on the Fundamental Act of Education in Korea and Japan (한국과 일본의 교육기본법 비교분석)

  • Jeong, Kioh
    • Korean Journal of Comparative Education
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.161-183
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this thesis is to study the Korea's Education Foundation Act and Japan's Education Foundation Act in a comparative way. The frame of comparison consists of three dimension: syntax analysis, way of legal conceptualization, and the educational climate and institutionalization. Major findings are as following: 1. Legal subjectives are clear in Korea but not clear in Japan 2. Civil relationship rules Korean education while public legal order rules Japanese education. 3. Partnership rules Korean education while administrative initiative rules Japanese education. 4. Curricular mandate is given to teachers in Korean education while to administrative hierarchy in Japanese education. 5. Public nature of schools means public credential in Korean education while public monopoly in Japanese education. 6. Professionalism is adopted for Korean teachers while missionary perspective adopted for Japanese teachers. 7. Korean education is expected to be secular while Japanese education is expected to reconcile with the traditional religious belief in Japan 8. Develop education still strongly orients the Korean education while education for sustainable development the Japanese education In summary, civil law frame is adopted in Korean education while in Japan public law frame is adopted in legalizing their Education Foundation Act. National climate influenced the education legislation in the two countries. Japan has strong missionary climate while Korea has secular perspective to education. Thess differences colored the way of literary expression in the legal text of the Education Foundation Act in the two countries.

The Effects of Preparation for Old Age of the past on Activity of the elderly: The mediating effect of Psycho-Social resources (과거 노후준비가 노년기의 활동성에 미치는 영향 : 심리사회적 자원의 매개효과)

  • Shin, Soo-Min;Kim, Dongbae
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.44 no.3
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    • pp.57-83
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    • 2013
  • There has neither been enough research on how to approach the concept of active aging through an integrated view nor an examination to verify the relationship between preparation for old age and active aging in later life. Therefore, this research aims to verify that the elderly, who have prepared for their later life, affected their active aged life. In addition, by setting up self-efficacy and social support as mediator in the research model, this paper looks into the psycho-social resource mechanism of the relationship in depth. In order to verify the correlation of two variables, the Seoul welfare panel data, a mediating model structured by psycho-social resources created by Seoul welfare foundation in 2010, was used. The total sample size was a group of 1,492 elders aged over 65. When it came to our research methods, structured equation analysis was applied to verify the mediating effect and theoretical background. The results revealed that physical preparation, financial preparation, social preparation and leisure preparation directly affected their active aging level positively, thus, psycho-social resources showed a partial mediating effect between preparation for old age of the past and active aging level. The research implications are as follows. First, this research makes an effort to approach the concept of preparation for old age with an integrated perspective through making a construct by entire preparation types. Second, it will attempt to verify the relationship between preparation for old age in the past and active aging in terms of multi-dimension is meaningful. Third, this research reveals the function of psycho-social resource, self-efficacy and social support within the relationship. As far as the partial mediating effect is concerned, preparation for old age education for the middle-aged class should be modified as a decent field to enhance of the elderly.

Moisture Content Change of Korean Red Pine Logs During Air Drying: I. Effective Air Drying Days in Major Regions in Korea (소나무 원목의 천연건조 중 함수율 변화: I. 국내 주요지역의 유효천연건조일수 조사)

  • HAN, Yeonjung;EOM, Chang-Deuk;LEE, Sang-Min;PARK, Yonggun
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.47 no.6
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    • pp.721-731
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    • 2019
  • Air drying depends on species, density, dimension of wood, the geographical location of the air drying yard, and the meteorological factors of air drying site. If there are four seasons with large difference in temperature and humidity like in Korea, the research of the meteorological factors is required in air drying site. In this study, effective air drying days (EADD) of 24 regions in Korea were calculated by using the average monthly temperature, relative humidity, and wind speed. The EADD in 24 regions in Korea was ranged from 239 days to 291 days, with an average 265 days. This result is 5 days increased compared to the average of EADD calculated using the meteorological factors from 1955 to 1984. The results of multiple regression analysis on the EADD and meteorological factors showed that EADD affected in the order of temperature, relative humidity, and wind speed. As a result of dividing Korea into 4 zones of EADD, the zones of EADD were moved northward compared to previous study due to global warming. As basic data for predicting the moisture content (MC) distribution of Korean red pine logs during air drying conducted in Seoul, the average monthly temperature, relative humidity and wind speed for three years from 2016 to 2018 were presented, and the corresponding changes of the equilibrium MC were analyzed.

Development Strategy of Korean Economy Through Economic Cooperation with Central Asian Countries (한국의 지속적인 경제성장을 위한 중앙아시아 진출 확대 전략)

  • Chung, Haing Deuck;Lee, Sang Ho
    • International Area Studies Review
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.311-368
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    • 2009
  • In order to survive the on-going natural resource war, Korea needs various efforts such as enhancing self-exploitation ratio, increasing the supply of new-reuse energy, strengthening cooperation with resource rich countries. Central Asian countries are geometrically far away from Korea. However, Korea should try to develop political, economic and ethnic relationship with those countries into much higher dimension to secure various natural resources. Major countries including U.S., EU. Japan and China are approaching Central Asian countries with long term perspective. Improving country-image through enlargement of ODA is the first concern of those countries. Korea should try to follow their practices. Government should try to improve Korea's image in the first place and lead economic cooperation with very detailed supportive measures to induce Korean firms' investment into the Central Asian countries. In the due process, a lot of information about those countries' political climate, social situation, ethnical composition, major religions, educational system, current state and structure of economies and industries, etc should be made available to Korean firms.

Representation and Re-presentation in the Theatre of Tadeusz Kantor (환영과 현실의 경계에 서다 - <비엘로폴, 비엘로폴>을 중심으로 본 타데우즈 칸토르의 연극 미학)

  • Sohn, Wonjung
    • Journal of Korean Theatre Studies Association
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    • no.49
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    • pp.75-100
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    • 2013
  • An on-going creative process was the major principle of Kantor's artistic endeavors. Kantor's emphasis on process grew out of his frustration with the experience of creation being isolated from the audience in the present time, during the moments of encounter. At the same time, however, Kantor was always aware of the fact that the first night of each and every performance that he made was the last point of his creative intervention. Despite being performed live in the present time, Kantor saw theatre essentially as an end product. This does not mean that Kantor abandoned the concept of on-going process, for process was for the artist a means to reject the idea of a finished work of art and to denounce the feeling of satisfaction derived from the traditional denouement in representational theatre. For him, theatre that dominated his time isolated the audience from the art work and the artist, and from this perspective his continual emphasis on process should be understood as an aesthetic principle in order to open up and expand the dimension of art into the realm of the spectator so that the experiences of both the artist and spectator may coexist. The heaviest barrier that separated the artist and his work from its audience was the creative structure that governed Western art. In theatre it was the dramatic structure that was the main object of his series of severe challenges. Not only did it fail to represent reality but it distorted reality, creating nothing but artificial illusion. Under this condition, all that was permitted to the audience was mirages. However, Kantor never completely discarded illusion from his theatre. The point for him was always to created a circumstance where the illusory reality of drama comes to exist within the dimensions of our reality. It was Kantor's belief that instead of a total denial of illusion, his theatre should strategically accommodate illusion which comes from reality. And, the aim of Kantor's theatrical experiments was to invite the audience into this ambience and transform the experience of his audience into a much more participatory one. This paper traces the ways in which Kantor transgressed the dominating conventions of representational, literary theatre, and how such attempts induced an alternative mode of spectatorship. The study will begin from an investigation into Kantor's attitude towards illusion and reality, and then move onto a closer inspection of how he spatially and dramaturgically materialized his concepts on stage, giving special focus on Wielopole, Wielopole.

The Meaning of Space in Los bravos (『용감한 사람들 Los bravos』에 나타난 공간의 의미)

  • Kim, Son-Ung
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.46
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    • pp.173-197
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    • 2017
  • The present work aims to analyze the concept of space in $Jes{\acute{u}}s$ $Fern{\acute{a}}ndez$ Santos' work Los bravos. Throughout its pages, one can observe the multidimensional possibilities of space in literature. Throughout time, the concept of literary space has developed and it has been modified constantly in order to meet the needs required for the evolution of narratology. In the past, Aristotle stated that space is the place where characters and physical objects happen to exist. This remained almost unchanged until the Renaissance. In the $19^{th}$ century, space stopped being considered just a mere scene where the action takes place as it was given more importance by romantic authors in their works. Realism intensified the spaces as the interior of the house. In fact, the descriptions of space became more important. In this article, I focus on the various meanings of space in the novel Los bravos. First, I analyze the dichotomy between real and ideal spaces, and continue with the cathartic dimension of the fictional space. Then, I present and analyze the opposition between urban and rustic spaces in this novel, and, finally, I show the confrontation between the spaces of men and women. Through this analysis, we can observe that characters have a space where they feel more comfortable and how, occasionally, they leave their "usual space of action" to reach their "ideal place". Women want to stay in their kitchen to chat with each other, while men prefer to leave the house to visit a cafe with their colleagues. The door and the window divide the border of the worlds of men and women. However, that line is not only dividing the structure of the house, but it is also of a psychological house.

Preliminary Research of the Sedimentary Environment in Bupyeng Reservoir Region, Soyang Lake in Chuncheon - Focus on Sentinel-2 Satellite Images and in-situ data - (춘천시 소양호 상류 부평지구의 퇴적환경에 대한 선행연구 - 현장조사와 위성영상자료를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, GeonYoung;Kim, Dain;Kim, TaeHun;Lee, JinHo;Jang, YoSep;Choi, HyunJin;Shim, WonJae;Park, SungJae;Lee, Chang-Wook
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.34 no.6_1
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    • pp.1119-1130
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    • 2018
  • Soyang Lake has been contributing to economic growth by preventing flood damage in the metropolitan area, the water level in the middle to upper flow of lake has been greatly decreased due to the drought in 2015. In order to restore the existing flow rate, Bupyungbo has been built in Bupyeong-ri, Shin Nam-myeon, Inje-gun to cause artificial changes on the sedimentary environment of Bupyeong freshwater region. Therefore, this study intends to confirm the changes of sedimentary environment since Bupyeongbo has been utilized. For this study, we used the Sentinel-2 satellite image data periodically to measure the dimension of water according to the volume of water kept near Bupyung district and analyzed the particle size and the percentage of water content of the sediments through field study. The Sentnel-2 satellite images showed us how the water surface has been changed and that during the period from September 2017 to October 2018, the minimum and maximum area of water surface was observed in June 2018 and in January 2018, respectively. In addition, we find that the smaller being the particle size, the higher having the water content and that there is higher the correlation between the water content and the grain size of the sediment layer. Hereafter, if we will acquire the drone images at Bupyung district, we expect that we will be able to measure the distribution of sediments in the same area according to different time periods and observe various kinds of sediment through field work.

A Study on the period of the Mireuk Temple stone pagoda plane type (미륵사지석탑(彌勒寺址石塔) 평면형식(平面形式) 시대위치(時代位置))

  • Kim, Duk-Mun
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.37
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    • pp.151-168
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    • 2004
  • The Mireuk Temple Stone pagoda is the largest scale of the existing Stone Pagoda in Korea. A research until now postulates that the Stone pagoda at Mireuk Temple site is composed of nine stories total. However it does not have any records of the detail, dimension, and related methods, etc, even though it is a tectonically large scale building. Only one source of the description is based upon a story which is a sort of Korean myth or traditional story (Samkukyousa, Mu dynasty), although a historical description from a myth or a story is a polemical issue and still needed research in order to prove the truth. One of the ways to make a proof of the truth is an architectural research from the typology of the plane. The types of the plane are differentiated from each era. Therefore, the typology of the plane presents a reason or a proof for the age of the pagoda. Furthermore, the typology of the plane is crucial part in the research of the historical style and it could help the historical style of the Mireuk temple stone pagoda. Research until now shows that the Mireuk temple stone pagoda is the genesis of the stone pagoda shaped after wooden one. It is impossible to find any previous one from the stone pagoda at Mireuk Temple site in Korea. So it is easier to find any previous example from the history of China because Buddhist pagoda-most pagodas are something to do with Buddhism-in Korea is introduced by India via China. This research presents the periodical variation of stone and brick pagoda in both countries. It concludes that the Mireuk temple stone pagoda has $7^{th}$ century's plane type.

The Influence of Space Composition of University Libraries on User Satisfaction and Continuance Intention: Application of the Servicescape (서비스스케이프를 적용한 대학도서관의 공간구성이 이용자 만족도와 지속의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Hwan Hee;Park, Ji-Hong
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.31-52
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to apply the Servicescape, which is used to measure the spatial services in marketing, to the studies on university libraries, in order to identify the influence of the library spaces and facilities on the satisfaction and continuance intention of the users of university libraries. For this purpose, questionnaires and in-depth interviews were conducted for users in ten private universities located in Seoul. Servicescape factors of the libraries showed that cleanliness, comfort, aesthetics, and convenience had a significant influence. Of these, convenience turned out to have the highest level of influence upon satisfaction, followed by cleanliness, aesthetics, and comfort. Descriptive statistical analysis showed whether there were significant differences in satisfaction and continuance intention based on the differences in the characteristics of the samples. Findings show that it would be necessary to provide spaces that can accommodate the various functions of a university library; seek advancement of the services; and develop the spaces of a library in consideration of cleanliness, comfort, aesthetic, and convenience. This study introduced the concept of Servicescape for the first time in the field of library and information science. This study implies that the results assist a more detailed analysis for the Library as Place dimension of LibQUAL+, and provide a new guideline for practitioners who design library spaces.

Methods of Regulating Migration Processes in EU Countries

  • Hamova, Oksana;Dergach, Anna;Pikulyk, Oksana;Zolotykh, Irina;Diachenko, Kateryna
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.257-265
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    • 2021
  • Modern methods of regulating migration processes in EU states include a wide variety of adapted, transformed under the sway of globalization tools in order to influence the movement of human capital within the European space. The main purpose of the regulatory policy on migration flows is the redistribution of professionally competent professionals between different spheres of life. Herewith, the determining factor in the effectiveness of such distribution is a rational combination of stimulating and disincentive levers of influence on the movement of citizens of different EU countries and taking into account the motives of such mobility. Modernization of migration management approaches can be a major economic, social, political and cultural progress of European countries. The purpose of the research is to conduct a detailed analysis of existing practices of migration flow management, in particular their stimulation or containment, and to outline key migration trends formed under the influence of multicomponent approaches to migration regulation, transformation of regulatory legislation and changing priorities of modern society. The research methods: statistical-analytical method; ARIS method; method of tabular, graphical and analytical modeling; comparative analysis; systematization, generalization. Results. Current pan-European methods of regulating migration processes are insufficiently adapted to the multinational socialeconomic space; consequently, there are some disparities in the distribution of migrants between EU countries, although the overall dynamics of migration is positive. Fluctuations in the population of European countries during 2000-2019 and trends in the transformation of social-economic space confirm the insufficient level of influence of current methods of regulating migration flows. Along with this, the presence of a characteristic asymmetry in the distribution of migrants requires a greater focus on the modernization of regulatory instruments, in particular, the regulatory mechanism for managing migration processes. As a result of the conducted study, further prospects for the implementation of alternative methods of regulating migration processes in EU states have been outlined; the current and projected limits for increasing the level of observance of migrants' rights at the European level have been clarified through the adoption of appropriate regulatory acts; effective solutions for intensifying the influx of high-quality labor resources from different countries to EU have been identified. The research results can be used to study methods of regulating migration processes in the countries in the global dimension.