• Title/Summary/Keyword: order-dimension

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Upper Garment Sizing System for Obese School Boys Based on Somatotype Analysis (학령후기 비만 남아의 체형 분석에 따른 plus-size 남자 아동복 상의 치수 규격 제안)

  • Park, Soon-Jee
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.46 no.9
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    • pp.99-112
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    • 2008
  • The increasing rate of obesity in school aged children has become a conspicuous social phenomenon in Korea. This has been linked to greater economic growth, increasingly westernized dietary habits, and a consumer driven society. Given that obesity can lead to social exclusion or unfavorable attention by other students in a school setting, the design of plus-size garments have become important for effective appearance management skills. This research aimed to establish a somatotype database for obese school boys, aged 10 to 12, in order to develop a sizing system for plus-size upper garments. In order to measure somatotype of average and obese school boys, five categories were recorded; height, obesity, length of trunk, thickness of neck and chest. For obese boys, subcutaneous fat thickness and position of B.P/shoulder point factors were recorded. Obesity factor was subdivided into overall and specific ones, and while the deviation of obese body types was severe compared to the average type. Obese body type showed significantly higher measurements in width, girth, thickness. This is linked to the fact that the frequency ratio of obesity increases with age. Stature and chest were chosen as control dimensions for boys' wear. As crosstabulation of stature(5cm interval) and chest girth(2, 3 and 4cm), and stature(5cm interval)/chest girth(3cm interval) sizing system showed, the most effective cover ratio and adaptability to the data distribution $25{\sim}75$ quartile. Based on the findings, 10 sizes were formulated for average body type, while 18 sizes were formulated for obese type, whose size cover ratios were 48% and 62.9%, respectively. The primary ranges of stature were $145cm{\sim}150cm$, while those of chest girth were $79{\sim}82cm$. Each size was declared as "chest-somatotype{A(average)/O(obesity)-stature". This study proposed a plus-size upper garment sizing systems for obese boys, accompanied with reference measurements for suit, casual wear and underwear. The finding showed that the two systems were totally separate and not overlapping, meaning that plus-size sizing system is essential for obese school boys. The obesity type system had more size and wider range specs.

An Assessment on the Hydraulic Characteristics of a Multi-dimensional Model in Response to Measurement Resolution and Spatial Interpolation Methods (지형자료의 해상도와 공간보간기법에 따른 다차원 수리모형의 유출 특성 평가)

  • Ahn, Jung-Min;Park, In-Hyeok
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.43-51
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    • 2012
  • Due to the increasing demand to utilize water fronts and water resource effectively, a multi-dimensional model that provides detailed hydraulic characteristics is required in order to improve the decision making process. An EFDC model is a kind of multi-dimension model, and it requires detailed 3D (3-dimensional) terrain in order to simulate the hydraulic characteristics of stream flow. In the case of 3D terrain creation, especially river reaches, measurement resolution and spatial interpolation methods affect the detailed 3D topography which uses input data for EFDC simulation. Such results make hydraulic characteristics to be varied. This study aims to examine EFDC simulation results depending on the 3D topographies derived by separate measurement resolution and spatial interpolation methods. The study area is at the confluence of the Nakdong and Kuemho Rivers and the event rain implemented was Typhoon Ewiniar in 2006. As a result, in the case of the area-elevation curve, the difference by means of the interpolation methods was significant when applying the same measurement resolution, except at 160m resolution. Furthermore, when the measurement resolution was 80m or above, the difference in a cross-section was occurred. Meanwhile, the water level changes between interpolation methods were insignificant by the measurement resolution except when the Kriging method was used for the 160m measurement data. Velocity changes emerged according to the interpolation methods when measurement resolution was 80m or above and the Kriging method resulted in a velocity that had a considerable gap in relation to the results from other methods at a measurement resolution of 160m.

Chungbuk Province's Migration Characters Based on the Centrality Indicators : Comparative Observations of 2001 and 2008 Examples (중앙성 지표에 따른 충청북도 인구이동 특성 : 2001년과 2008년 사례 비교분석)

  • Park, Ju-Hye;Hong, Sung-Ho;Ahn, Yoo-Jeong;Lee, Man-Hyung
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.369-386
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    • 2010
  • Migration usually derived from the gap of spatial efficiency and the attractiveness difference between the origin and the destination puts forth significant impact on the regional dynamics of population. Both migration and regional planning or policy are structurally interconnected, exerting impact each other within the circular loops. In order to observe migration characters in the regional dimension, this research depends on social network analysis(SNA) methods which easily portray interrelationship and its weight between the origin and the destination. In specific, it focuses on the application of centrality indicators in order to understand the in- and out-migration patterns and visualize them with spring graphs, pinpointing the in- and out-migration administrative units. This research deals with three migration patterns in 2001 and 2008, respectively: i) in- and out-migration between the nation and Chungbuk Province; ii) in- and out-migration within Chungcheong Areas; and iii) in- and out-migration within Chungbuk Province. Judging from Chungbuk examples, the highest in-migration was recorded at Heungduck District in terms of in- and out-migration between the nation and Chungbuk Province. Seoul and Gyeonggi were two major origins towards Chungbuk Province. Within Chungcheong Areas, Daejeon produced the highest in-migration in 2001. However, Chungnam took that position in 2008.

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Fall Risk Assessment of the Elderly living in Nursing Home (노인요양시설 거주 노인의 낙상 위험요인 조사 연구)

  • Yang, Sun-Hee;Park, Young-Hae;Cho, Hae-Sook;Baek, Hee-Chong
    • Journal of Home Health Care Nursing
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2005
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to assess the fall risk factors. Method: The subjects were 87 persons who were older than 65 years living at 28 nursing home in Seoul and Gyunggi province. Subjects were interviewed using RAFS II for intrinsic factor and the environmental factor were assessed using a structured questionnaire from Oct. to Dec. in 2004. The data were analyzed by SPSS(ver. 12.0) programs, using descriptive statistics, $x^2$-test, and t-test. Result: The 37.9% of the subjects experienced the fall, and its average number is $1.94\pm1.75$. The Women's experience of the fall was higher than that of the men, but it was no significant difference with gender. There was no significant difference with the age and duration of living. The mean of the intrinsic risk factor was 13.38 in total score 39 points marks on the RAFS II scales. The intrinsic risk factor score of the fallen group 15.71 was significantly higher than the non-fallen group 12.10. The variables of recent fall experience(t=4.72, p=0.000) and urinary dysfunction(t=2.64, p=0.010) was significantly higher than the non-fallen group. The highest variable of the intrinsic factor was the age and the variables of drug intake, balance, chronic disease, recent fall experience, urinary dysfunction were followed in order. The mean of the environmental risk factor was 0.24 points. No significant differences were shown in environmental risk factor between the fallen and the non-fallen groups. To the fallen group, the place of entrance was the highest risky environmental factor. To see in area dimension, the floor surfaces was the highest risky environmental factor and equipment and illumination factor was the following risky elements in order. In the total score of environmental risk factors based on the ares, the fallen group was 0.26 and the non-fallen group was 0.24, but there were no significant differences between the groups. Conclusion: This results suggested that visual protection strategy, set up the safety device in the place of entrance and inner stairway, bathroom and nonskid mat in the nursing home would be contribute to the prevention of the fall for the elderly.

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Political Economic Analysis of the Central Bank Digital Currency (중앙은행 디지털 화폐에 대한 정치경제학적 분석)

  • YoungBin Hahn
    • Analyses & Alternatives
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.147-178
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    • 2023
  • While most of countries today are opposing the issuance of private-led cryptocurrency, nevertheless they are actively jumping into the issuance of government-led digital currency such as CBDC. This article aims to find an answer to this dual attitude of countries. To achieve the purpose, this article finds out the characteristics of political power and economic interest that digital currency has and applies it to the international dimension of the Bretton Woods II System. Then come up to the conclusion that the answer can be found in the fact that the current dual attitude of countries is closely related to the crisis of the international monetary order. The Bretton Woods II System, which led the world economy through reckless monetary expansion based on credit currency, exposed its limitations through the 2008 global financial crisis and put countries into difficulties. In this situation, the cryptocurrency, which appeared by raising the issue of the monopoly power of the central authority in issuing currency, had no choice but to act as an opportunity to drive countries further and further into a corner. This article views CBDC as a national response to address these issues. In other words, countries maintain their monetary power by absorbing the challenge of private digital currency at the government level through CBDC, and use this as a stepping stone to reorganize the international monetary order in crisis with the intention to use it as a means to their advantage. That is what this article is trying to argue.

The Effects of Franchise Firm's Reputation on Trust and Loyalty (외식프랜차이즈 기업의 평판이 신뢰와 충성도에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Hye-Rim;Han, Young-Wee;Cho, Hye-Duck
    • The Korean Journal of Franchise Management
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.37-47
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    • 2017
  • Purpose - Recently, the food service franchise market is experiencing rapid growth and competition is intensifying. Therefore, consumer choice has expanded, and reputation management has become important as a strategy for survival of corporations. Based on previous studies, this research proposed the theoretical framework about the structural relationships among reputation, trust(cognitive trust, affective trust), and loyalty. Research design, data, and methodology - This study examined the structural relationship between reputation, trust, and loyalty from the customer's perspective. Based on comprehensive validation procedures across nine food service Franchise firm types, This study found support for a five-dimensional scale with the following dimensions: Customer Orientation, Employer Brand, Reliable and Financially Strong Company, Product and Service Quality, and Social and Environmental Responsibility. In order to verify the research purposes, research model and hypotheses were developed. The data were collected from 227 food service franchise consumers through online survey. The data was analyzed with SPSS 24.0 and Amos 23.0 statistical program. Result - The results of the study are as follows. First, customer orientation, reliable·financially strong company and product·service quality have significant impact on corporate cognitive trust. And employer brand, product/service quality and social·environmental responsibility have significant impact on corporate affective trust. Second, cognitive trust and affective trust have significant impacts on consumer loyalty. Conclusions - The implications of this study are following as: From the theoretical perspective, this study considers trust as two dimensions such as cognitive and affective, not a single dimension, and identify what dimensions of franchise firms affect consumers' reputation perception and in turn lead cognitive and affective trust, and loyalty. This study also provides several managerial implications. In the franchise market where competition is intensifying, it is very important to analyze the attitudes of consumers in order to gain an advantage in competition with other competitors. In this study, it is meaningful that the study was conducted on consumers who have experience using a restaurant franchise company. Also, reputation is necessary to pay attention to the company because it is an important variable that strengthens with customer through confidence in food service franchise business, and leads loyalty and consumer consumption. Therefore, marketers should develop marketing strategies considering various reputation factors.

Growth, Biomass and Net Production of Quercus Species (I) - With Reference to Natural Stands of Quercus variabilis, Q. acutissima, Q. dentata, and Q. mongolica in Kwangju, Kyonggi-Do - (참나무류의 성장(成長) 및 물질생산(物質生産)에 관한 연구(硏究)(I) - 경기도(京畿道) 광주지방(廣州地方)의 굴참나무, 상수리나무, 떡갈나무, 신갈나무 천연임분(天然林分)을 대상으로 -)

  • Park, In Hyeop;Lee, Dong Koo;Lee, Kyung Joon;Moon, Gwang Sun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.85 no.1
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    • pp.76-83
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    • 1996
  • Four natural Quercus stands in Kwangju, Kyonggi-Do, of which ages ranging from 32 to 38 years old, were studied to compare their growth, biomass and net production. Ten $10m{\times}10m$ quadrats were set up and ten sample trees were harvested for dimension analysis in each stand. The largest mean DBH and height were shown by Q. acutissima stand, and followed by Q. variabilis stand, Q. mongolica stand, and Q. dentata stand in descending order. Tree density was the highest at Q. variabilis stand, and followed by Q. dentata stand, Q. mongolica stand, and Q. acutissima stand in descending order. Biomass was the largest at Q. acutissima stand(122.73t/ha), and followed by Q. variabilis stand(87.03t/ha), Q. mongolica stand(72.14t/ha), and Q. dentata stand(38.56t/ha) in descending order. Net production was the greatest at Q. mongolica stand(7.49t/ha/yr.), and followed by Q. variabilis stand(6.47t/ha/yr.), Q. acutissima stand(6.06t/ha/yr.), and Q. dentata stand(3.52t/ha/yr.) in descending order. The highest net assimilation ratio was exhibited by Q. acutissima stand (3.275), and followed by Q. variabilis stand(2.898), Q. mongolica stand(2.888), and Q. dentata stand (1.840) in descending order. The difference in net assimilation ratio and net production among four stands was caused by differences in their leaf biomass. The difference in net production and biomass among four stands was due to that in the distribution of net production among stems, branches and leaves.

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Calculation of Unit Hydrograph from Discharge Curve, Determination of Sluice Dimension and Tidal Computation for Determination of the Closure curve (단위유량도와 비수갑문 단면 및 방조제 축조곡선 결정을 위한 조속계산)

  • 최귀열
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.861-876
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    • 1965
  • During my stay in the Netherlands, I have studied the following, primarily in relation to the Mokpo Yong-san project which had been studied by the NEDECO for a feasibility report. 1. Unit hydrograph at Naju There are many ways to make unit hydrograph, but I want explain here to make unit hydrograph from the- actual run of curve at Naju. A discharge curve made from one rain storm depends on rainfall intensity per houre After finriing hydrograph every two hours, we will get two-hour unit hydrograph to devide each ordinate of the two-hour hydrograph by the rainfall intensity. I have used one storm from June 24 to June 26, 1963, recording a rainfall intensity of average 9. 4 mm per hour for 12 hours. If several rain gage stations had already been established in the catchment area. above Naju prior to this storm, I could have gathered accurate data on rainfall intensity throughout the catchment area. As it was, I used I the automatic rain gage record of the Mokpo I moteorological station to determine the rainfall lntensity. In order. to develop the unit ~Ydrograph at Naju, I subtracted the basic flow from the total runoff flow. I also tried to keed the difference between the calculated discharge amount and the measured discharge less than 1O~ The discharge period. of an unit graph depends on the length of the catchment area. 2. Determination of sluice dimension Acoording to principles of design presently used in our country, a one-day storm with a frequency of 20 years must be discharged in 8 hours. These design criteria are not adequate, and several dams have washed out in the past years. The design of the spillway and sluice dimensions must be based on the maximun peak discharge flowing into the reservoir to avoid crop and structure damages. The total flow into the reservoir is the summation of flow described by the Mokpo hydrograph, the basic flow from all the catchment areas and the rainfall on the reservoir area. To calculate the amount of water discharged through the sluiceCper half hour), the average head during that interval must be known. This can be calculated from the known water level outside the sluiceCdetermined by the tide) and from an estimated water level inside the reservoir at the end of each time interval. The total amount of water discharged through the sluice can be calculated from this average head, the time interval and the cross-sectional area of' the sluice. From the inflow into the .reservoir and the outflow through the sluice gates I calculated the change in the volume of water stored in the reservoir at half-hour intervals. From the stored volume of water and the known storage capacity of the reservoir, I was able to calculate the water level in the reservoir. The Calculated water level in the reservoir must be the same as the estimated water level. Mean stand tide will be adequate to use for determining the sluice dimension because spring tide is worse case and neap tide is best condition for the I result of the calculatio 3. Tidal computation for determination of the closure curve. During the construction of a dam, whether by building up of a succession of horizontael layers or by building in from both sides, the velocity of the water flowinii through the closing gapwill increase, because of the gradual decrease in the cross sectional area of the gap. 1 calculated the . velocities in the closing gap during flood and ebb for the first mentioned method of construction until the cross-sectional area has been reduced to about 25% of the original area, the change in tidal movement within the reservoir being negligible. Up to that point, the increase of the velocity is more or less hyperbolic. During the closing of the last 25 % of the gap, less water can flow out of the reservoir. This causes a rise of the mean water level of the reservoir. The difference in hydraulic head is then no longer negligible and must be taken into account. When, during the course of construction. the submerged weir become a free weir the critical flow occurs. The critical flow is that point, during either ebb or flood, at which the velocity reaches a maximum. When the dam is raised further. the velocity decreases because of the decrease\ulcorner in the height of the water above the weir. The calculation of the currents and velocities for a stage in the closure of the final gap is done in the following manner; Using an average tide with a neglible daily quantity, I estimated the water level on the pustream side of. the dam (inner water level). I determined the current through the gap for each hour by multiplying the storage area by the increment of the rise in water level. The velocity at a given moment can be determined from the calcalated current in m3/sec, and the cross-sectional area at that moment. At the same time from the difference between inner water level and tidal level (outer water level) the velocity can be calculated with the formula $h= \frac{V^2}{2g}$ and must be equal to the velocity detertnined from the current. If there is a difference in velocity, a new estimate of the inner water level must be made and entire procedure should be repeated. When the higher water level is equal to or more than 2/3 times the difference between the lower water level and the crest of the dam, we speak of a "free weir." The flow over the weir is then dependent upon the higher water level and not on the difference between high and low water levels. When the weir is "submerged", that is, the higher water level is less than 2/3 times the difference between the lower water and the crest of the dam, the difference between the high and low levels being decisive. The free weir normally occurs first during ebb, and is due to. the fact that mean level in the estuary is higher than the mean level of . the tide in building dams with barges the maximum velocity in the closing gap may not be more than 3m/sec. As the maximum velocities are higher than this limit we must use other construction methods in closing the gap. This can be done by dump-cars from each side or by using a cable way.e or by using a cable way.

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A Study of Anomaly Detection for ICT Infrastructure using Conditional Multimodal Autoencoder (ICT 인프라 이상탐지를 위한 조건부 멀티모달 오토인코더에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, Byungjin;Lee, Jonghoon;Han, Sangjin;Park, Choong-Shik
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.57-73
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    • 2021
  • Maintenance and prevention of failure through anomaly detection of ICT infrastructure is becoming important. System monitoring data is multidimensional time series data. When we deal with multidimensional time series data, we have difficulty in considering both characteristics of multidimensional data and characteristics of time series data. When dealing with multidimensional data, correlation between variables should be considered. Existing methods such as probability and linear base, distance base, etc. are degraded due to limitations called the curse of dimensions. In addition, time series data is preprocessed by applying sliding window technique and time series decomposition for self-correlation analysis. These techniques are the cause of increasing the dimension of data, so it is necessary to supplement them. The anomaly detection field is an old research field, and statistical methods and regression analysis were used in the early days. Currently, there are active studies to apply machine learning and artificial neural network technology to this field. Statistically based methods are difficult to apply when data is non-homogeneous, and do not detect local outliers well. The regression analysis method compares the predictive value and the actual value after learning the regression formula based on the parametric statistics and it detects abnormality. Anomaly detection using regression analysis has the disadvantage that the performance is lowered when the model is not solid and the noise or outliers of the data are included. There is a restriction that learning data with noise or outliers should be used. The autoencoder using artificial neural networks is learned to output as similar as possible to input data. It has many advantages compared to existing probability and linear model, cluster analysis, and map learning. It can be applied to data that does not satisfy probability distribution or linear assumption. In addition, it is possible to learn non-mapping without label data for teaching. However, there is a limitation of local outlier identification of multidimensional data in anomaly detection, and there is a problem that the dimension of data is greatly increased due to the characteristics of time series data. In this study, we propose a CMAE (Conditional Multimodal Autoencoder) that enhances the performance of anomaly detection by considering local outliers and time series characteristics. First, we applied Multimodal Autoencoder (MAE) to improve the limitations of local outlier identification of multidimensional data. Multimodals are commonly used to learn different types of inputs, such as voice and image. The different modal shares the bottleneck effect of Autoencoder and it learns correlation. In addition, CAE (Conditional Autoencoder) was used to learn the characteristics of time series data effectively without increasing the dimension of data. In general, conditional input mainly uses category variables, but in this study, time was used as a condition to learn periodicity. The CMAE model proposed in this paper was verified by comparing with the Unimodal Autoencoder (UAE) and Multi-modal Autoencoder (MAE). The restoration performance of Autoencoder for 41 variables was confirmed in the proposed model and the comparison model. The restoration performance is different by variables, and the restoration is normally well operated because the loss value is small for Memory, Disk, and Network modals in all three Autoencoder models. The process modal did not show a significant difference in all three models, and the CPU modal showed excellent performance in CMAE. ROC curve was prepared for the evaluation of anomaly detection performance in the proposed model and the comparison model, and AUC, accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score were compared. In all indicators, the performance was shown in the order of CMAE, MAE, and AE. Especially, the reproduction rate was 0.9828 for CMAE, which can be confirmed to detect almost most of the abnormalities. The accuracy of the model was also improved and 87.12%, and the F1-score was 0.8883, which is considered to be suitable for anomaly detection. In practical aspect, the proposed model has an additional advantage in addition to performance improvement. The use of techniques such as time series decomposition and sliding windows has the disadvantage of managing unnecessary procedures; and their dimensional increase can cause a decrease in the computational speed in inference.The proposed model has characteristics that are easy to apply to practical tasks such as inference speed and model management.

The Effect of the Axial Plane on Measurement of Available Bone Height for Dental Implant in Computed Tomography of the Mandible (하악의 전산화 단층사진에서 횡단면이 임플랜트를 위한 가용골 높이의 결정에 미치는 영향)

  • Jhin, Min-Ju
    • Journal of Periodontal and Implant Science
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.379-388
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    • 2002
  • For the success of dental implant, accurate radiographic evaluation is prerequisite for planning the location of the osseointegrated implants and avoiding injury to vital structures. CT/MPR(computed tomography/multiplanar reformation) shows improved visualization of inferior alveolar canal. In order to obtain cross-sectional images parallel to the teeth, the occlusal plane is used to orientate for the axial plane. If the direction of axial plane is not parallel to the occlusal plane, the reformatted cross-sectional scans will be oblique to the planned fixture direction and will not show the actual dimension of the planned fixture's location. If the available bone height which measured in the cross-sectional view is much greater than the actual available bone height, penetration of canal may occur. The aim of this study is to assess the effect of the axial plane to measurement of available bone height for dental implant in computed tomography of the mandible. 40 patients who had made radiographic stents and had taken CT were selected. The sites that were included in the study were 45 molar regions. In the central panoramic scan, the length from alveolar crest to superior border of inferior alveolar canal(available bone height, ABH) was measured in direction of reformatted cross-sectional plane(uncorrected ABH). Then, length from alveolar crest to superior border of canal was measured in direction of stent(corrected ABH). The angle between uncorrected ABH and corrected ABH was measured. From each ABH, available fixture length was decided by $Br{{\aa}}nemark$ system. The results were following ; the difference between two ABHs was statistically significant in both first and second molar(p< 0.01). The percentage of difference more than 1 mm was 8.7% in first molar and 15.5% in second molar. The percentage of difference more than 2 mm was 2.0% in first molar and 6.6% in second molar. The maximum value of difference was 2.5 mm in first molar and 2.2 mm in second molar. The correlations between difference of 2 ABHs and angle was positive correlations in both first and second molar. The correlation coefficient was 0.534 in first molar and 0.728 in second molar. The second molar has a stronger positive correlation. The percentage of disagreement between 2 fixture lengths from two ABHs was 24.4% in first molar and 28.9% in second molar.