• Title/Summary/Keyword: one-way function.

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Effect of Surface Modification of Coffee Grounds on Epoxy Composites (커피찌꺼기의 표면개질이 에폭시 복합재료에 미치는 영향)

  • Ga In Cho;Donghyeon Lee;Yu Kyung Lee;Min Ji Woo;Mantae Kim;Dong-Jun Kwon
    • Composites Research
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    • v.37 no.5
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    • pp.381-385
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    • 2024
  • Spent coffee grounds (SCG) are one of the most common waste products contributing to environmental problems, with their volume continuously increasing. The most efficient way to utilize SCG is by leveraging their large amounts of organic matter and oils for energy production. This study investigates the recycling potential of cellulosic structures after the removal of organic matter and oils. Surface changes in the organic matter of SCG were examined as a function of washing time using FE-SEM, FT-IR, and XRD. As washing time increased, significant changes in particle size were observed, and the tensile properties were evaluated at varying concentrations to assess their suitability as a reinforcing material in epoxy composites. The study found that the reinforcement effect of SCG was minimal under conditions of high polymer crystallinity, indicating that a minimal organic layer is necessary to promote interfacial adhesion between SCG and epoxy. Ultimately, it was determined that SCG is best used in epoxy composites at concentrations of 1 wt% or less. This research provides a potential method for recycling various types of coffee grounds.

Conjunction of Consciousness and The Unconscious·Individuation and Circumambulation of The Psyche: Focusing on the Hexagram Bi, Pi (比) and Hexagram Gon, Kun (坤) (의식과 무의식의 통합 및 개성화와 정신의 순환: 수지비괘(일양오음괘)와 중지곤괘를 중심으로)

  • Hyeon Gu Lee
    • Sim-seong Yeon-gu
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.1-44
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    • 2023
  • Hexagram Bi (比 ䷇ 8) is one of the hexagrams comprised of one-unbroken line and five-broken lines. The hexagrams of one-unbroken and five-broken lines symbolize the relationship and dynamics between one yang-consciousness and the five-yin unconsciousness. The hexagram of one-unbroken line and five-broken lines has six different images depending on the position of the one unbroken line from the beginning line to the top line. In terms of psychology, this means that the position change of one yang line in relation to five yin lines may symbolize the function of consciousness which clarifies and determines the content of the psyche. In addition, the flow of psychic energy can be examined through the process of one unbroken line's movement. In other words, the psychic contents of the beginning line of hexagram Bok (復 ䷗ 24), which is the beginning of the hexagram of one-unbroken line and five-broken lines, proceed sequentially, and then arrive at the process of the last sixth, hexagram Bak (剝 ䷖ 23) through the fifth, the hexagram Bi (8). That is, it can be said that the content of the hexagram and the line determined according to the position of one unbroken line show a certain psychic flow. As a result, the first hexagram Bok (復 ䷗ 24), after recovering and starting newly, means the beginning of consciousness. After that the process of proceeding with the second, third, and fourth lines represents the flow of consciousness. And in the fifth place, the fifth line of hexagram Bi, it reaches its peak and is placed in the optimal state of consciousness because of its right and centered position at this hexagram Bi. Like nature, the psyche gradually enters the path of decline from the highest state, which leads to the last sixth, the top line of hexagram Bak. However, the top line of the hexagram Bak, where everything falls off, contains the content of starting again in its top line. It is the beginning line of hexagram Bok to inherit this. This means the circumambulation of the psyche that changes from a psychologically difficult state of depression to a stage of recovery. There is a stage that must be passed in this circulation process, and that is the hexagram Gon (坤 ䷁ 2). October(tenth month)'s hexagram Gon is placed between hexagram Bak, the ninth month of the lunar calendar, and hexagram Bok, the eleventh month of the lunar calendar. This represents that the flow of recovery must go through a maternal process of hexagram Gon. The retreat to the psychological uterus is inevitable in regenerating the psyche. This process flows from the hexagram Bak and through hexagram Gon to the hexagram Bok. At this situation the hexagram Gon acts the absolutely necessary role. In addition, the main body of the hexagrams of one-unbroken and five-broken lines, including the Bi hexagram, is also the Gon hexagram composed of six-broken lines. In other words, all six hexagrams of one-unbroken and five-broken lines have a certain relationship with the Gon hexagram, and it would be meaningful to look at the correlation between the unbroken lines of the hexagrams of one-unbroken and five-broken lines and the corresponding broken lines of the hexagram Gon. This can be said to be the dynamics of the maternal unconscious connected to the state of consciousness in six forms. Therefore, each hexagram of one-unbroken and five-broken lines symbolizes the expression of the integration the mother archetype with the consciousness. Revealing this well is the meaning of the hexagram of one-unbroken and five-broken lines. Its hexagram image consists of a combination of Gon (☷), which symbolizes the mother, and the thunder (☳) the eldest son, the water (☵) the middle son and the mountain (☶) the third son. As a result, the hexagram Bok (復 ䷗ 24), Sa (師 ䷆ 7), Gyeom (謙 ䷠ 15), Ye (豫 ䷏ 16), Bi (比 ䷇ 8) and Bak (剝 ䷖ 23) are sequentially created in the order of the unbroken line. This is symbolically the evolutionary process of consciousness. In this way, the hexagrams of one-unbroken and five-broken lines, which mean the conjunction of mother and son, represent the advancing relationship between the maternal unconscious and consciousness. In addition, the relationship with the mother according to the position of the son is related to the dynamics of mother archetype to the attitude of consciousness. The psychological meaning can be deduced from the flow of six lines of hexagrams of one-unbroken and five-broken lines. And the state in which the activation of the consciousness is at its peak is the fifth line of the hexagram Bi, and comparing it with the contents of the corresponding fifth line of hexagram Gon not only can find the state and meaning of the conjunction of consciousness and the maternal unconscious, but the entire flow can be compared to the individuation process.

A study on knowledge, self-efficacy and compliance in Reumatic arthritis Patients (류마티스 관절염 환자의 지식, 자기효능감 및 치료이행과의 관계연구)

  • Kim, Soon-Bong
    • Journal of muscle and joint health
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.238-252
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    • 1998
  • Reumatic arthritis is a disease with joint pain being one of the key symptoms. The patient suffers from the pain, stiff sensation and edema due to the inflammation taking Place In one or more joints. Accompanying these problems are fatigue, unusual exhaustion, fever, tachycardia and weakness. Inaddition, joints are often deformed and muscles shrink along with the progress of edema, coupled with depression and psychological instability resulting from the loss of the mobile function and limitations on the daily life. Some patients become fed up with the long and hard flight with the disease and just give up, which aggravates the symptoms. Others come to the hospital only when the conditions have become serious. We need to prevent these and guide the patients in the right direction. Against this backdrop, this study aims to look into the relations between the knowledge on the part of the patients together with their feeling of self-efficacy and the compliance. The results are expected to help the patients improve their life, In addition to providing useful materials for setting up appropriate plan for nursing intervention. The study was conducted by distributing questionnaire to 88 patients selected from the out-patient department of a university hospital in Inchon, from April 6 to 27, 1998. The following tools were used the yardstick of self-efficacy, developed in 1997 by the Society for the Health of Rheumatism Patients, was used for measuring the levels of knowledge and the feeling of self-efficacy. The degree of compliance was measured by the data collected from documents in addition to the results of the analysis of the interviews with the patients. The reliability of the tools was confirmed. In the analysis, the general characteristics were expressed in figures and percentages. The levels of knowledge, feeling of self-efficacy, and compliance were expressed in the average values and standard deviations. The relations among the variables following the general characteristics were analysed by the t-test and one-way ANOVA. The Pearson correction coefficient was used for the analysis of factors. Multiple-loop analysis was used to identify the variables affecting the compliance. The following are the results of this study. 1. Among the 88 patients, 18 were men and the remaining 70 were women, with a ratio 1 : 3.87. Regarding the age groups, 23 were between 50 and 59 years old, with those between 50 and 69 accounting for 51.1% of the total. High school graduates or higher amounted to 58%. Religious patients was 67% or 59 persons. Fifty nine percent were unemployed, and 58.3% (49 persons) had two children or fewer. The period of suffering from rheumatism varied between 2 months and IS years, with 70% less than years. 2. The average figure In relation to the of knowledge was 17.63 points over 30 or 58. 76%, which means a medium level. 3. The average figure of the feeling of self-efficacy was 60.06 points. 4. The level of compliance was 3.26, which was above average. 5. The relation between the feeling of self-efficacy and compliance showed an "r" value of 0.37, which was significant. It means that the higher the feeling, the greater the compliance points. 6. The analysis of the knowledge level revealed that the difference is found only between the college graduates and junior-high graduates or lower. 7. The feeling of self-efficacy varied along with the age and education level. 8. The general characteristics of patients as discussed above did not show significant difference with the compliance. 9. Regarding the elements influencing the compliance, the number of children, period of suffering, income, age, feering of self-efficacy, knowledge, and compliance had 54% of significance. In conclusion, rheumatism victims can lead a better life if they are appropriately educated, based on efficient training program from the early days of the disease ; if they become able to manage themselves thanks to the training ; and if they are helped by a program focusing on the increase of the feeling of self-efficacy aimed at changing patient's behavior.

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A problem of authenticity in the chapter 'Confucius became aged, and liked "The Book of Changes"' of yao 要, "essentials," seen throughout 『帛書周易』 the Mawangdui Boshu Zhouyi Manuscript. -in relation to Confucius and 『易』"The Changes"- (『백서주역(帛書周易)』 「요(要)」의 '부자노이호역(夫子老而好易)'장의 진위(眞僞) 문제 -공자와 『역』의 관계를 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Sang-sup
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • v.129
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    • pp.1-22
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    • 2014
  • Columns 12-18 record a conversation between an aged Confucius and his disciple Zi Gong concerning the Changes and especially the role of divination in its use. The last section, from the bottom of column 24, concerns the hexagrams Sun損, "Decrease," and Yi益, "Increase," which Confucius is here made to regard as the culmination of wisdom in the Zhouyi. The conversation between Confucius and Zi Gong, and especially Zi Gong's apparent misunderstanding of Confucius's interest in the text, has already attracted considerable scholarly interest. Zi Gong criticizes Confucius for changing his teaching about the importance of the Zhouyi and for performing divinations. Confucius responds that while he does indeed perform divinations. there is a major difference between his use of the text and that of others: he regards the I Ching as a repository of an ancient wisdom. This would seem to signal recognition of a dramatic change in the function and status of the text. Zi Gong said: "Does the Master also believe in milfoil divination?" The Master said: "I am right in only seventy out of one hundred prognostications. Even with the prognostications of Liangshan of Zhou one necessarily follows it most of the time and no more." The Master said: "As for the Changes, I do indeed put its prayers and divinations last, only observing its virtue and property. Intuiting the commendations to reach the number, and understanding the number to reach virtue, is to have humaneness and to put it into motion properly. If the commendation do not lead to the number, then merely acts as a magician; if the number does not lead to virtue, then one merely acts as a scribe. The divinations of scribes and magicians tend toward it but are not yet there; delight in it but are not correct. Perhaps it will be because of the Changes that sires of later generations will doubt me. I seek its virtue and nothing more. I am on the same road as the scribes and magicians but end up differently. The conduct of the gentleman's virtue is to seek blessings; that is why he sacrifices, but little; the righteousness of his humaneness is to seek auspiciousness; that is why he divines, but rarely. Do not the divinations of priest and magicians come last!" Although Confucius says two ways of the symbolic numbers and virtue-property, he emphasizes his way of virtue and property more important. In fact he who wrote in Yao 要, "essentials," Confucius's saying describes his own viewpoints of the Changes throughout the conversations between Confucius and his disciple Zi Gong, and is only to borrow the name of Confucius. Furthermore, quoting the original text in Yao 要, "essentials," in sequence, also comparing the materials of "the Analects of Confucius論語," with "the Shih chi史記," this thesis will be centered to a great extent on the relative similarity and differences between the Mawangdui Boshu Zhouyi Manuscript and the received text, and discussed the authencity of Yao 要, "essentials," of the contents shown in the chapter of 'Confucius became aged, and liked "The Book of Changes."' the relation of Confucius and the Changes will be clarified naturally through this progress.

Cooperative Sales Promotion in Manufacturer-Retailer Channel under Unplanned Buying Potential (비계획구매를 고려한 제조업체와 유통업체의 판매촉진 비용 분담)

  • Kim, Hyun Sik
    • Journal of Distribution Research
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.29-53
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    • 2012
  • As so many marketers get to use diverse sales promotion methods, manufacturer and retailer in a channel often use them too. In this context, diverse issues on sales promotion management arise. One of them is the issue of unplanned buying. Consumers' unplanned buying is clearly better off for the retailer but not for manufacturer. This asymmetric influence of unplanned buying should be dealt with prudently because of its possibility of provocation of channel conflict. However, there have been scarce studies on the sales promotion management strategy considering the unplanned buying and its asymmetric effect on retailer and manufacturer. In this paper, we try to find a better way for a manufacturer in a channel to promote performance through the retailer's sales promotion efforts when there is potential of unplanned buying effect. We investigate via game-theoretic modeling what is the optimal cost sharing level between the manufacturer and retailer when there is unplanned buying effect. We investigated following issues about the topic as follows: (1) What structure of cost sharing mechanism should the manufacturer and retailer in a channel choose when unplanned buying effect is strong (or weak)? (2) How much payoff could the manufacturer and retailer in a channel get when unplanned buying effect is strong (or weak)? We focus on the impact of unplanned buying effect on the optimal cost sharing mechanism for sales promotions between a manufacturer and a retailer in a same channel. So we consider two players in the game, a manufacturer and a retailer who are interacting in a same distribution channel. The model is of complete information game type. In the model, the manufacturer is the Stackelberg leader and the retailer is the follower. Variables in the model are as following table. Manufacturer's objective function in the basic game is as follows: ${\Pi}={\Pi}_1+{\Pi}_2$, where, ${\Pi}_1=w_1(1+L-p_1)-{\psi}^2$, ${\Pi}_2=w_2(1-{\epsilon}L-p_2)$. And retailer's is as follows: ${\pi}={\pi}_1+{\pi}_2$, where, ${\pi}_1=(p_1-w_1)(1+L-p_1)-L(L-{\psi})+p_u(b+L-p_u)$, ${\pi}_2=(p_2-w_2)(1-{\epsilon}L-p_2)$. The model is of four stages in two periods. Stages of the game are as follows. (Stage 1) Manufacturer sets wholesale price of the first period($w_1$) and cost sharing level of channel sales promotion(${\Psi}$). (Stage 2) Retailer sets retail price of the focal brand($p_1$), the unplanned buying item($p_u$), and sales promotion level(L). (Stage 3) Manufacturer sets wholesale price of the second period($w_2$). (Stage 4) Retailer sets retail price of the second period($p_2$). Since the model is a kind of dynamic games, we try to find a subgame perfect equilibrium to derive some theoretical and managerial implications. In order to obtain the subgame perfect equilibrium, we use the backward induction method. In using backward induction approach, we solve the problems backward from stage 4 to stage 1. By completely knowing follower's optimal reaction to the leader's potential actions, we can fold the game tree backward. Equilibrium of each variable in the basic game is as following table. We conducted more analysis of additional game about diverse cost level of manufacturer. Manufacturer's objective function in the additional game is same with that of the basic game as follows: ${\Pi}={\Pi}_1+{\Pi}_2$, where, ${\Pi}_1=w_1(1+L-p_1)-{\psi}^2$, ${\Pi}_2=w_2(1-{\epsilon}L-p_2)$. But retailer's objective function is different from that of the basic game as follows: ${\pi}={\pi}_1+{\pi}_2$, where, ${\pi}_1=(p_1-w_1)(1+L-p_1)-L(L-{\psi})+(p_u-c)(b+L-p_u)$, ${\pi}_2=(p_2-w_2)(1-{\epsilon}L-p_2)$. Equilibrium of each variable in this additional game is as following table. Major findings of the current study are as follows: (1) As the unplanned buying effect gets stronger, manufacturer and retailer had better increase the cost for sales promotion. (2) As the unplanned buying effect gets stronger, manufacturer had better decrease the cost sharing portion of total cost for sales promotion. (3) Manufacturer's profit is increasing function of the unplanned buying effect. (4) All results of (1),(2),(3) are alleviated by the increase of retailer's procurement cost to acquire unplanned buying items. The authors discuss the implications of those results for the marketers in manufacturers or retailers. The current study firstly suggests some managerial implications for the manufacturer how to share the sales promotion cost with the retailer in a channel to the high or low level of the consumers' unplanned buying potential.

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  • 정지호
    • Journal for History of Mathematics
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.91-105
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    • 1985
  • Though the tradition of Korean mathematics since the ancient time up to the "Enlightenment Period" in the late 19th century had been under the influence of the Chinese mathematics, it strove to develop its own independent of Chinese. However, the fact that it couldn't succeed to form the independent Korean mathematics in spite of many chances under the reign of Kings Sejong, Youngjo, and Joungjo was mainly due to the use of Chinese characters by Koreans. Han-gul (Korean characters) invented by King Sejong had not been used widely as it was called and despised Un-mun and Koreans still used Chinese characters as the only "true letters" (Jin-suh). The correlation between characters and culture was such that , if Koreans used Han-gul as their official letters, we may have different picture of Korean mathematics. It is quite interesting to note that the mathematics in the "Enlightenment Period" changed rather smoothly into the Western mathematics at the time when Han-gul was used officially with Chinese characters. In Koryo, the mathematics existed only as a part of the Confucian refinement, not as the object of sincere study. The mathematics in Koryo inherited that of the Unified Shilla without any remarkable development of its own, and the mathematicians were the Inner Officials isolated from the outside world who maintained their positions as specialists amid the turbulence of political changes. They formed a kind of Guild, their posts becoming patrimony. The mathematics in Koryo is significant in that they paved the way for that of Chosun through a few books of mathematics such as "Sanhak-Kyemong, "Yanghwi - Sanpup" and "Sangmyung-Sanpup." King Sejong was quite phenomenal in his policy of promotion of mathematics. King himself was deeply interested in the study, createing an atmosphere in which all the high ranking officials and scholars highly valued mathematics. The sudden development of mathematic culture was mainly due to the personality and capacity of King who took any one with the mathematic talent onto government service regardless of his birth and against the strong opposition of the conservative officials. However, King's view of mathematics never resulted in the true development of mathematics per se and he used it only as an official technique in the tradition way. Korean mathematics in King Sejong's reign was based upon both the natural philosophy in China and the unique geo-political reality of Korean peninsula. The reason why the mathematic culture failed to develop continually against those social background was that the mathematicians were not allowed to play the vital role in that culture, they being only the instrument for the personality or politics of the King. While the learned scholar class sometimes played the important role for the development of the mathematic culture, they often as not became an adamant barrier to it. As the society in Chosun needed the function of mathematics acutely, the mathematicians formed the settled class called Jung-in (Middle-Man). Jung-in was a unique class in Chosun and we can't find its equivalent in China of Japan. These Jung-in mathematician officials lacked tendency to publish their study, since their society was strictly exclusive and their knowledge was very limited. Though they were relatively low class, these mathematicians played very important role in Chosun society. In "Sil-Hak (the Practical Learning) period" which began in the late 16th century, especially in the reigns of King Youngjo and Jungjo, which was called the Renaissance of Chosun, the ambitious policy for the development of science and technology called for the rapid increase of the number of such technocrats as mathematicians inevitably became quite ambitious and proud. They tried to explore deeply into mathematics per se beyond the narrow limit of knowledge required for their office. Thus, in this period the mathematics developed rapidly, undergoing very important changes. The characteristic features of the mathematics in this period were: Jung-in mathematicians' active study an publication, the mathematic studies by the renowned scholars of Sil-Hak, joint works by these two classes, their approach to the Western mathematics and their effort to develop Korean mathematics. Toward the "Enlightenment Period" in the late 19th century, the Western mathematics experienced great difficulty to take its roots in the Peninsula which had been under the strong influence of Confucian ideology and traditional Korean mathematic system. However, with King Kojong's ordinance in 1895, the traditonal Korean mathematics influenced by Chinese disappeared from the history of Korean mathematics, as the school system was changed into the Western style and the Western matehmatics was adopted as the only mathematics to be taught at the schools of various levels. Thus the "Enlightenment Period" is the period in which Korean mathematics sifted from Chinese into European.od" is the period in which Korean mathematics sifted from Chinese into European.pean.

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Overseas exhibition and organization of Korean exhibition room in foreign museum. (해외 전시와 외국 박물관의 한국실 설치-그리스 특별 전시 사례를 중심으로)

  • Jeong, Ho-Seop
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    • no.70
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    • pp.163-178
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    • 2007
  • Among many functions of the museum, the educational function is being emphasized. Museums should actively expand their scope of action through special exhibits or various educational activities. It is through exhibits that museums prove their reason for existence and raise calls for support. Through such activities, university museums should demonstrate the role and reason of existence of a museum inside a university to the members of the university. They should carry out various activities to raise the presence of the museum in the university. That may be the way for university museums, which face many difficulties in reality, to find their breakthrough. Especially in a situation of a low-budget, holding overseas exhibition may be a good opportunity to display the excellence of the Korean culture and, at the same time, publicize the school and the museum. Also, through such overseas exhibition, benchmarking of facilities and activities of advanced museums can be made and networks can be set up with museums around the world. This paper introduces the planning and progressing procedures of exhibitions abroad through the experiences of the Korea University Museum. I sincerely hope that it will contribute to the hereafter development of university museums. Aside from such overseas exhibition, the Korea Foundation has been supporting prestigious foreign museums to establish a Korean exhibition room in order to form a perpetual space to systematically introduce Korean culture and art to foreign audience. Thus far, the National Museum of Korea has stood in the forefront in lending relics to Korean exhibition rooms abroad. I believe it would be a worthwhile activity for the Korea Association of University Museums, which has approximately 100 institutions as its members, to actively participate in the establishment of Korean exhibitions rooms of foreign museums for the development of university museums. Participating in the establishment of Korean exhibition rooms is attractive as it will lead to a constant exchange with foreign museums instead of a one-time exchange. Localization and globalization, which became a big issue about ten years ago, is reality from which university museums cannot be free. In such reality, it is time for university museums to look back on whether they are ready to make their way forward in this era called the century of culture.

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The Necessity of Education and Understanding about Evil: with thought of Sunja and Hannah Arendt as the central figure (악(惡)에 대한 이해와 교육의 필요성 - 순자와 한나 아렌트의 사유를 중심으로 -)

  • Jeon, Sun Suk;Kim, Young Hoon;Shin, Chang Ho
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.48
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    • pp.253-287
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    • 2012
  • This research aimed to discuss the necessity of education and evil through perspective of Sunja and Hannah Arendt. In case of Sunja, it was reviewed by his opinion about Sunja as the central figure. As for Arendt, it was researched with "Eichmann in Jerusalem" as the central figure which she wrote participating in the trial process of Eichmann who was a war criminal of Nazi. Sunja thought evil as the nature of people and understood that they all are originally selfish, envious, and seeking desire. Therefore, Sunja thought it is important to properly seek human desire. He claimed Haw Seong Gi Wi(化性起僞, changing evil human nature into goodness through manner) which changes human nature from evil to goodness. A teacher who leads evil into goodness is surely needed in the process of Haw Seong Gi Wi. At the same time, in the dimension of educational content it put stress on the role of Ye(禮, manner) which lets them realize discernment so that they properly seek human desire and Ak(樂, harmony) which harmoniously controls human emotion, and key point on education regarding Ye and Ak. As for Arendt, however, she recognized evil as normal one. Even though he thought that conforming the order of superior authority was the best value and then took evil of killing many Jews in thoughtlessness, Eichmann maintained that he did not take evil but only conformed the order. This way, people could take evil in thoughtlessness in totalitarianism, and it makes circumstance that they could not take goodness. Therefore they could take evil in thoughtlessness and experience the radical evil and the banality of evil. Accordingly, political praxis which guarantees people's plurality as the words and praxis is needed. It is named natality because the truth that they are born in this world is a starting point, and makes the essence of education. In this process, teachers have to be a representative of this generation for children as new social members, and be able to keep children's newness. Sunja and Arendt have the same equality and difference in that they referred to the necessity of education to overcome human evil. It is the same quality that goodness could recover the function of community and the practice of education is considered important in the goal of education and the dimension of directivity. It is different in methodical characteristic of education that Arendt, however, suggests praxis as the way that they express themselves in totalitarianism while Sunja thought that continuous practice piling up virtue for goodness is important.

Comparison of capsule type resin modified glass ionomer porosity according to mixing methods (혼합방법에 따른 캡슐형 광중합글라스아이노머의 공극률 비교)

  • Kim, Jung-min;Kim, Jin-Woo;Cho, Kyung-Mo;Lee, Yoon;Kim, Eung-Hyun;Park, Se-Hee
    • Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.217-224
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the porosity of resin modified glass ionomer (RMGI) by different mixing methods. Materials and Methods: Five specimens were prepared for each groups according to capsules and mixing methods. Two RMGI capsule and two mixing machines were used for this study. One resin-modified glass ionomer cement is Fuji II LC (F2LC) and the other is Photac Fil Quick Aplicap (PFQ). For Mixing of RMGI capsule, Rotomix using rotating motion and CM-II using shaking motion were used. After measuring height, radius and mass of specimens, Density was calculated. And porosity was measured using micro-computed tomography (micro-CT). All data were statistically analyzed using T-test, two-way ANOVA to compare between groups at 95% significance level to evaluate the affect of capsule and mixing method on the porosity. Results: The porosity was observed in all specimens generally. And there is significant differece between porosities according to RMGI capsule and Mixing method. The porosity of PFQ was lower than that of F2LC and the porosity of Rotomix was lower than that of CM-II. Conclusion: There was a difference of porosity according to kind of capsules and mixing methods. When using same capsule, less porosity was observed on PFQ than F2LC. When using same mixing mehod, less porosity was observed on Rotomix than CM-II. Using mixing machine of same coporation as that of RMGI capsule did not lead to lower porosity. Therefore, Selecting optimal mixing machine is important.

The effects of skill-utilization based underemployment on self-esteem and mental health: Employment commitment and social support as moderators (기술활용도 측면의 불완전고용이 재취업자의 자아존중감과 정신건강에 미치는 영향: 일에 대한 몰입과 사회적 지지의 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • Youn-Hee Roh ;Myung Un Kim
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.355-383
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    • 2010
  • In this study, the effects of skill-utilization based underemployment on self-esteem and mental health were examined. Also the moderating effects of employment commitment and social support were verified. Data obtained by a longitudinally designed survey with the reemployed (N=153) after job loss were used. The skill-utilization based underemployment was measured in two ways. One is measured in the way that use objective data, the ratio of education - 'educational requirement for the current job' divided by 'individual educational attainment.' The other is measured in the way that use psychological and self-reported measure, two factors of overqualification - the absence of opportunity for growth (no-growth) and the occupational mismatch in educational attainment, skills and experiences (mismatch). The main effect revealed that the no-growth made self-esteem lower and mental health (GHQ-social maladjustment) worse. The significant interaction of the ratio of education and employment commitment indicates that the negative effects of underemployment measured by the ratio of education on mental health (GHQ-social maladjustment, GHQ-depression/anxiety) were greater for those perceiving low employment commitment than for those perceiving high employment commitment. The significant interaction of the ratio of education and social support indicates that the negative effects of underemployment measured by the ratio of education on mental health (GHQ-depression/anxiety) were greater for those perceiving low social support than for those perceiving high social support. The two moderators also interacted with the two factors of perceived overqualification. Employment commitment had significant interaction effects with the no-growth and the mismatch on self-esteem and mental health (GHQ-depression/anxiety), whereas social support had a significant interaction only with the no-growth on mental health (GHQ-depression/anxiety). The significant interactions show that employment commitment and social support function as buffers in reducing the negative effects of skill-utilization based underemployment on self-esteem and mental health.

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