• Title/Summary/Keyword: one-way function.

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Occlusal scheme in a group of Thais

  • Asawaworarit, Nattaya;Mitrirattanakul, Somsak
    • The Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.132-135
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    • 2011
  • PURPOSE. To study the distribution of various occlusal schemes as well as associated static occlusal relationship among Thais. MATERIALS AND METHODS. The subjects'occlusal schemes on the left and right sides were classified as canine protected occlusion, group function, or unclassified according to the definition from Glossary of Prosthodontic Terms ($8^{th}$ edition). In addition, the presence of occlusal interferences during mandibular excursions were recorded. The measurement of the horizontal overlap and vertical overlap was also performed. Chi-square, One-way ANAVA and Mann-Whitney U statistical tests were used with level of significance set at P=.05. RESULTS. Total of 104 subjects were included in this study. The ratio for male to female was 1.8 to 1. Average age of the population was $25.01{\pm}6.87$ years old. The mean vertical overlap and horizontal overlap were $1.94{\pm}1.20$ and $2.41{\pm}1.32$ mm respectively. The majority of the populations (68.3%) possessed group function occlusal scheme. For the remaining, 17.3% possess canine protected occlusion and 12.5% possess combination of both occlusal schemes. We also found that occlusal interference was presented in 20.2% of the population. The most common was protrusive interference (57.14%), the second was balancing interference (38.1%) and the third was working interference (4.1%). CONCLUSION. Among Thais, the most common occlusal scheme was group function, however there were no significant occlusal factors related to any particular occlusal scheme.

Effect of Insamyangyoung-tang on the Skin Barrier Function of Hairless Mice

  • Nam, Hae-Jeong;Kim, Yoon-Bum
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.18-26
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    • 2007
  • Objective : To study the effect of the Insamyangyoung-tang(ISYT) extract on the skin barrier function, the skin pH, skin humidity and transepidermal water loss(TEWL) were measured and histological changes were observed in DNCB(2,4-dinitrochloro-benzen)-induced contact dermatitis(CD) hairless mice. Methods : The male hairless mice were divided into three groups. Each group consisted of 15 mice. The normal group which had acetone- olive oil applied. The control group which had intentionally induced CD by DNCB and it was fed normal saline orally. The ISYT group which had intentionally induced CD by DNCB and it was fed ISYT extract orally for 7 days. The three groups were checked 24h, 48h and 72h later after inducing CD, and the skin pH, skin humidity and TEWL were observed. Tissue samples were taken, and damage to the epithelial cell was observed. Statistical analysis was performed by using one way-ANOVA: significance was set at p values less than 5% (p<0.05). Results : ISYTextract efficiently maintained the pH balance, it kept the skin humidity at a normal level, and it inhibited TEWL of the DNCB-induced CD hairless mouse. The damage to the epithelium was decreased and the regeneration power of the skin was increased in the ISYT group. Conclusion : Insamyangyoung-tang has a good effect on the skin barrier function of DNCB induced contact dermatitis hairless mice.

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Deflection of axially functionally graded rectangular plates by Green's function method

  • Rezaiee-Pajand, Mohammad;Sani, Ahmad Aftabi;Hozhabrossadati, Seyed Mojtaba
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.57-67
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    • 2019
  • This paper deals with the static analysis of axially functionally graded rectangular plates. It is assumed that the flexural rigidity of the plate varies exponentially along one of the plate's in-plane dimensions. Both an analytical approach and a numerical method are utilized to solve the problem. The analytical solution is obtained by using the Green's function method. To employ this approach, the adjoint boundary value problem is established. Then, exact solutions for deflection of the plate for different boundary conditions are found. In another way, a finite element formulation for the problem is developed. In order to demonstrate the validity of the Authors' formulation, the results obtained via both mentioned schemes are compared with each other for functionally graded plates and with results of previously published works for homogeneous plates. The effect of plate parameters on the response of the plate is also investigated. To remind the research background, a brief review on the application of Green's function method in plates' analysis and functionally graded plates is also presented.

A Study on the Effect of Time Lapse After Position Change and Abdominal Band on Pulmonary Function in the Cervical Cord Injuries (척수손상 환자의 자세 변화 후 시간경과와 복대사용이 폐기능에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Jae-Ho;Park, Chang-Il;Chon, Joong-Sun
    • Physical Therapy Korea
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.17-33
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    • 1997
  • The objective of this study was to identify pulmonary functional variations in relation to postural changes, lapse after changing position, and the use of abdominal band in the cervical cord injured. The subjects of this study were 19 quadriplegic patients who had been admitted to the department of the Rehabilitation Hospital, College of Medicine, Yousei University, from April, 1997 through May 3, 1997. A spiroanalyzer was used to measure pulmonary function in supine, standing, time after changing position, and recording to the position, application method, and tightness of the abdominal band. The data were analyzed by the repeated measure one-way ANOVA, and Wilcoxon signed rank test. The findings were as follows: 1. All phase of the patients' pulmonary function improved significantly in supine posture in contrast to standing (vital capacity by $0.46{\ell}$ and expiratory reserve volume by $0.09{\ell}$). 2. The longer the time lapsed from supine posture to standing, the patient's expiratory reserve volume, maximum ventilation volume, vital capacity, and forced expiratory volume increased. 3. When the patient lay in supine position, the maximum ventilation volume, vital capacity, and the forced vital capacity increased then the center line of the abdominal band was placed along iliac crest; on the other hand, when the patient was standing, placing the bottom line of the abdominal band along iliac crest increased the maximum ventilation volume, vital capacity, and forced expiratory volume. 4. In placing the abdominal band in the patients, leaving space between the top and bottom lines of the band helped increased in maximum ventilation volume, vital capacity, and forced vital capacity for patient in supine as well as in standing. 5. When placing the abdominal band to patients in supine posture, reducing the length of the band by 2.5% along the patient's waist line increased the patients' vital capacity, while reducing the length by 10% to patients in standing increased the maximum ventilation volume. The abdominal band should be placed in such a way that the bottom part of the band should be more tightly fastened while leaving enough room for a hand to be placed in between the body and the band for the top part of the hand. It should also be noted that in a supine position, the bottom line of the band should be placed along the iliac crest, while in standing, the center line should be placed along the iliac crest. The length of the band should also be reduced by 2.5% of the waist line in supine position, and in standing, the length should be reduced by 10%. It should also be noted that the pulmonary function of the patients should be measured at least 10 minutes after one position change.

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Passageway to Stage and for Civic Unification: Reconsideration of the Function of Parodos in Ancient Greek Theatre (무대 진입로에서 시민 참여와 소통으로 -고대 그리스 파로도스 공간의 기능과 의미에 대한 재고-)

  • Park, Jumgman
    • Journal of Korean Theatre Studies Association
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    • no.48
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    • pp.485-507
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    • 2012
  • Parodos, the side entrances to orchestra (acting space), was one of the intrinsic elements for the ancient Greek theatre structure. It is worth noting that parodos was the sole structural component that remained the original form while all the other elements such as orchestra, skene, and theatron experienced drastic or gradual changes in form throughout the passage of time. On the reason for parodo's maintenance of the original form, this study suggests a possibility that parodos could be the most intrinsic among the elements for Greek theatre buildings. For evidence, this paper indicates the historical fact that the procession tradition was the key event in the national or civic festival known as City Dionysia, and that the single-direction passageway, as seen in the Panathenaic Way passing through the City Athens, could be the easiest and most efficient way to realize the cause for the procession tradition that is the citizens' participation and subsequent unification. This study suggests another possibility that the single-direction passageway in the procession could be the archetype of parodos. For evidence, this study finds that this type of passageway was ubiquitous around the City Athens especially in the Agora, the most popular place in the city and the gateway to the processional event for Dionysian Cult as well as the space for the earliest Greek theatricality and, therefore, was familiar to the citizens. From the discussion, this paper argues that the Greek theatre should be the miniature of the Agora in terms of form (single-direction passageway) and function (civic participation and unification), and that parodos was the theatrical version of the processional passageway in the Dionysian Cult. In conclusion, this paper argues that parodos played a double role. It satisfied the theatrical necessity by functioning as the passageway to dramatic action (entrance and exit of actor/chorus) and as the literal door for the entrance of the audience members. At the same time, it satisfied the social cause, that is civic participation and subsequent unification, by functioning as the processional passage to relay the theatre space to civic events for the national religious cult.

Uncertainty of Efficiency Equation of Solar Thermal Collectors (태양열 집열기 효율식의 불확도)

  • Lee, Kyoung-Ho;Lee, Soon-Myung
    • 한국신재생에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2010.11a
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    • pp.65.1-65.1
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    • 2010
  • Thermal performance tests of solar thermal collectors include determination of coefficient parameters in an efficiency equation. The parameters can be estimated using regression method to minimize an objective function as sum of differences between measured efficiency data and regressed efficiency equation. However, this conventional approach doesn't consider measurement uncertainties. In this presentation, a method to determine regression parameters in the efficiency equation and uncertainties of the parameters is described with mainly mathematical expressions based on literature reviews. In the method, parameters in the equation for collector efficiency can be determined using regression analysis with a weighting factor in the objective function. The weighting factor can be uncertainties of the differences between measured and fitted efficiencies. To evaluate the approach, performance estimation of a solar collector using the efficiency equation with uncertainties is compared to the result using the conventional efficiency equation by a simulated way for a case in one of previous studies.

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Global torque optimization of redundant manipulator using dynamic programming

  • Shim, Ick-Chan;Yoon, Yong-San
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 1997.10a
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    • pp.811-814
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    • 1997
  • In this paper, the torque optimization of a kinematically redundant manipulator for minimizing the torque demands is discussed. The minimum torque solution based on a local optimization has been known to encounter the instability problem and then the global torque optimization was suggested as one of the alternatives. Herein, by adopting the infinity-norm rather than the 2-norm for the magnitude of torques, we are to propose a new cost function more advantageous to the avoidance of torque limits. By the way, a solution to the global torque optimization formulated with the new cost function can not be obtained by the previous methods due to their difficulties such as inability to treat discontinuous cost functions and various constraints on the joint variables. Thus, to overcome those deficiencies, we are developing a new approach using the dynamic programming. The effectiveness of the proposed method is shown through simulation examples for a 3-link planar redundant manipulator.

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Authentication and Key Agreement Protocol for Secure End-to-End Communications on Mobile Networks

  • Park, Jeong-Hyun;Kim, Jin-Suk;Kim, Hae-Kyu;Yang, Jeong-Mo;Yoo, Seung-Jae
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems Conference
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    • 2003.09a
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    • pp.256-259
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    • 2003
  • This paper presents mutual authentication scheme between user and network on mobile communications using public key scheme based on counter, and simultaneously shows key agreement between user and user using random number for secure communications. This is also a range of possible solutions to authentication and key agreement problem-authentication and key agreement protocol based on nonce and count, and secure end-to-end protocol based on the function Y=f(.)$\^$1/, C$\^$i/ is count of user I, and f(.) is one way function.

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The solution of single-variable minimization using neural network

  • Son, Jun-Hyug;Seo, Bo-Hyeok
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2004.07d
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    • pp.2528-2530
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    • 2004
  • Neural network minimization problems are often conditioned and in this contribution way to handle this will be discussed. It is shown that a better conditioned minimization problem can be obtained if the problem is separated with respect to the linear parameters. This will increase the convergence speed of the minimization. One of the most powerful uses of neural networks is in function approximation(curve fitting)[1]. A main characteristic of this solution is that function (f) to be approximated is given not explicitly but implicitly through a set of input-output pairs, named as training set, that can be easily obtained from calibration data of the measurement system. In this context, the usage of Neural Network(NN) techniques for modeling the systems behavior can provide lower interpolation errors when compared with classical methods like polynomial interpolation. This paper solve of single-variable minimization using neural network.

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  • Rhee, Min Surp
    • Journal of the Chungcheong Mathematical Society
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.259-268
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    • 2008
  • To the design of secret key, there are two types of basic approaches called the tame approach and the wild approach. In the tame approach we try to use only simple primitives such as linear feedback shift registers and to prove mathematical theorems about their cryptographic properties. In the wild approach we try to use crazy compositions of operations which mix a variety of domains in a nonlinear and nonalgebraic way. There are several papers which try to bridge this gap by considering semi-wild constructions. A T-function on n-bit words plays an important role in semi-wild constructions. In this paper we study the invertibility and the period of some T-functions. Especially we characterize some polynomials which has a single cycle property.

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