• Title/Summary/Keyword: old maps

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  • Kim, Duk-Jin;Feng, Lanying;Moon, Wooil-M.
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 1999.11a
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    • pp.148-153
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    • 1999
  • Baikdu-san was a very active volcano during the Cenozoic era and is believed to be formed in late Cenozoic era. Recently it was also reported that there was a major eruption in or around 1002 A.D. and there are evidences which indicate that it is still an active volcano and a potential volcanic hazard. Remote sensing techniques have been widely used to monitor various natural hazards, including volcanic hazards. However, during an active volcanic eruption, volcanic ash can basically cover the sky and often blocks the solar radiation preventing any use of optical sensors. Synthetic aperture radar(SAR) is an ideal tool to monitor the volcanic activities and lava flows, because the wavelength of the microwave signal is considerably longer that the average volcanic ash particle size. In this study we have utilized several sets of SAR data to evaluate the utility of the space-borne SAR system. The data sets include JERS-1(L-band) SAR, and RADARSAT(C-band) data which included both standard mode and the ScanSAR mode data sets. We also utilized several sets of auxiliary data such as local geological maps and JERS-1 OPS data. The routine preprocessing and image processing steps were applied to these data sets before any attempts of classifying and mapping surface geological features. Although we computed sigma nought ($\sigma$$^{0}$) values far the standard mode RADARSAT data, the utility of sigma nought image was minimal in this study. Application of various types of classification algorithms to identify and map several stages of volcanic flows was not very successful. Although this research is still in progress, the following preliminary conclusions could be made: (1) sigma nought (RADARSAT standard mode data) and DN (JERS-1 SAR and RADARSAT ScanSAR data) have limited usefulness for distinguishing early basalt lava flows from late trachyte flows or later trachyte flows from the old basement granitic rocks around Baikdu-san volcano, (2) surface geological structure features such as several faults and volcanic lava flow channels can easily be identified and mapped, and (3) routine application of unsupervised classification methods cannot be used for mapping any types of surface lava flow patterns.

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Spatial Structure and Historical Change of Cemeteries in Seattle, USA (시애틀 공동묘지의 공간적 구조와 역사적 변화 양상)

  • Kim, Chung Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.36-45
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    • 2018
  • Cemeteries in the United States are frequently observed near residential areas in cities even though they are spaces for the dead. However, it has not been fully studied when and how cemeteries were formed in the process of urbanization. Thus, this research aimed to investigate the spatial structure and historical change of cemeteries in Seattle due to urbanization, focusing on the contextual relationship between cemeteries and the surroundings according to two time periods: the early formation period of cemeteries in Seattle and the current period. For this, a mixed method was taken in this paper that combined historical analysis based on old references and historic maps with cluster analysis using GIS. In conclusion, the research found that early cemeteries of Seattle in downtown areas were introduced as by-products of urban formation, but the cemeteries in the suburbs were established ahead of urban growth and neighborhood development. In addition, Seattle's cemeteries not only showed a similar locational pattern to Seattle's shopping centers, but also were positively associated with population distribution given the Hot Spot Analysis. In other words, Seattle's cemeteries were originally located in rural areas, but later came to be located in urban areas, sustaining the landscape of American rural cemeteries.

Analysis on Fluvial Geomorphological Characteristics based on Past and Present Data for River Restoration: An Application to the Miho River and the Naesung River (하천 복원을 위한 과거 및 현재 자료 기반의 하천지형학적 특성 분석: 미호천과 내성천을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Chan Joo;Kim, Ji Sung;Kim, Kyu Ho;Shin, Hyoung Sub
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.48 no.3
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    • pp.169-183
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    • 2015
  • As a basic work for river restoration, analysis on fluvial geomorphological characteristics is made using past and present data to understand close-to-nature geomorphic status. The Miho and the Naesung Rivers are targets of this study. Fluvial geomorphic variables including valley-floor width, sinuosity, bankfull width, channel gradient, bed material size, bankfull discharge and unit stream power are evaluated with dominant processes. Though common sand-bed rivers with similar catchment area, the Miho and the Naesung Rivers are different in terms of valley-floor width, channel shape variables and dominant processes related with longitudinal location. In addition, analyses on interrelationship among the geomorphological variables are carried. Bankfull width is shown to be proportional to bankfull discharge, as is in a rough agreement with the previous studies. Relationship of bankfull discharge and channel gradient shows meandering and braiding are prevalent in the Miho River, whereas the most of the sub-reaches of the Naesung River fall to braiding. Relationship of channel gradient with width-depth ratio indicates dune-ripple processes are dominant in the Miho River, while the Naesung River shows longitudinal diversity from braiding in the downstream sub-reaches to riffle-pool and plane-bed along the upper ones. Analyses based on the past data on a river in a close-to-nature status are thought to be rather reasonable in comparison with those on the same river in a engineered condition.

Advanced National Base Map by Using High-Resolution Digital Aerial Photograph (고해상도 디지털 항공사진을 이용한 국가기본도 고도화 방안)

  • Lee, Hyun-Jik;Koo, Dae-Sung;Park, Chan-Ho
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.135-143
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    • 2010
  • The national base map has its value sand roles as the basic spatial information of the nation. The current national base map that is a 1/5,000 digital map, however, has failed to perform its roles as basic spatial information due to the limitations with its quality and accuracy and requires measures to complement them. Thus this study set out to suggest ways to advance the current 1/5,000 national base map, selected topography and natural features of a digital map that could be made with GSD 0.25m digital aerial photographs, and set up the optimal ways to make a digital map by conducting an experiment of making an optimal digital map with such photographs. It also analyzed the map made with GSD 0.25m digital aerial photographs for accuracy and usability. In order to establish a set of criteria of making a digital map with GSD 0.25m digital aerial photographs, the investigator carried out analyses and picked topography and natural features items, which include 9 large categories, 31 medium categories, and 509 small categories. Then an experiment of making a digital map was conducted according to the digital map making method. As a result, solid drawing was selected as the optimal way to making a digital map, and the optimal process was established. Using the research achievements, a model digital map was made with GSD 0.25mm digital aerial photographs. The map recorded about two times horizontal and vertical location accuracy than the old 1/5,000 digital map and was capable of detailed descriptions of topography and natural features. A new national base map made with GSD 0.25m digital aerial photographs will provide reliable spatial data, thus increasing the level of satisfaction among people and the level of advancement of national base maps.

The Korean Geodetic Network Adjustments for EDM Area (국가기준점 망조정에 관한 연구 - EDM 관측지역)

  • Yang, Hyo-Jin;Choi, Yun-Soo;Kwon, Jay-Hyoun;Kim, Dong-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.393-398
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    • 2007
  • According to the Korean datum change to a world geodetic system, the EDM area should be readjusted to provide consistent product over the country. The data set for EDM area is extracted from the previous KTN1987 DB and checked for the moved markers in XY network adjustment which provides quality verification. Then, EDM data set for the seven areas are rebuilt for the adjustment. Since the data is still based on the old datum, the coordinates of the data are transformed by applying the coordinate transformation parameters. Here, the transformation parameters, which were determined for the conversion of 1:50,000 topographic maps by NGII, were used. For each EDM point, the geoidal height from EGM96 model is applied to obtain the ellipsoidal height based on the GRS80. The measured distance projected onto GRS80 is adjusted using BL network adjustment by fixing 2nd order or 3rd order GPS control points. The results from the readjustment show the minimum standard error of 1.37" and the maximum standard error of 2.13". Considering the measurement accuracy of EDM (1.6" corresponding to about 2cm) and GPS position for fixed points (2cm), this result is considered to be reasonable and it is good for the practical use.

Change of the Land Use in Yanji city of China in the Connection with Urbanization Process (도시화에 따른 중국 연길시 토지이용의 변화)

  • Li, Mingyu
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.323-337
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    • 2006
  • This thesis aims to study Change of the Land Use in Yanji city since the reformation and opening of China in the Connection with Urbanization Process. This study is based on Landsat image and maps and data related to topography, urban planning basic, the cadastral map were employed. Softwares such as Arcview3.3, ArcGis8.0 were used. The result of the research is as follows. It clearly appears that there have decreased in the ratio of agricultural areas since the increase in other urban usage of land. There has greatly increased in residential, commercial and industrial areas. Such as the capitalist and market economic city the highest point of city land price emerged in downtown of the old city center. In addition spatial pattern of land price is unusually quite different from the western city in its pattern of land price surface declining tendency between the highest land price and the lowest land price. The land price surface shows irregular patterns with increase of distance from downtown due to various urban developments. According to the land price distribution map, it is possible to guess spatial development of the city that the north-eastern part of Yanji was developed prior to south-western area. The center of the city, or downtown expanded to eastward, and the city expanded to south-westward out skirt. Along the main road, Xin-xing areas developed toward east and west ward.

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Study of the Value of National Cultural Heritage in the Gaetaesa Temple Site, Nonsan and the Establishment of an Integrated Maintenance Plan (논산 개태사지의 국가문화재적 가치 및 종합정비방안 수립에 관한 연구)

  • Seo, Jung-young
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.47 no.2
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    • pp.76-87
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    • 2019
  • This study aims to analyze the status of the Gaetaesa Temple Site in Nonsan and the value of national cultural heritage associated with it, to work towards gaining the acceptance criteria to become state-designated cultural property and to propose a plan for comprehensive maintenance, a plan for the promotion of the project and a plan for the management and operation. The Gaetaesa Temple Site in Nonsan has unprecedented advancements, and the condition of the remains are relatively good. It would be necessary to conduct digging/excavation surveys continuously in the future and ensure the dignity of the Gaetaesa Temple Site in Nonsan as a cultural asset. In addition, the Gaetaesa Temple Site has excellent historical and cultural values as treasure-class cultural heritage. Most temples had treasures taken out of them, so it is necessary to designate this site as a state-designated cultural property instead of a municipality-designated cultural heritage site, and to manage it systematically. Accordingly, this study investigated the history and historical facts about the Gaetaesa Temple Site in Nonsan through the analysis of literature, including old documents, old maps, related academic papers and books, and referred to the results of digging/excavation surveys, conducted up to six times since the first excavation survey conducted in 1986, in order to understand the status of the remains, ruins and the building sites excavated at the Gaetaesa Temple Site in Nonsan. In addition, this study analyzed the values of the Gaetaesa Temple Site in Nonsan, dividing them into the remains, relics and ruins, and set up the scope of the Gaetaesa Temple Site in Nonsan, the cultural property area (designated and protected areas) and the acceptance criteria for the construction work in the historical and cultural environment preservation area. This study proposed a plan for the comprehensive maintenance of the Gaetaesa Temple Site in Nonsan, a plan for the promotion of the project and a plan for the management and operation. It is necessary to carry out ongoing excavation investigations and to reflect the opinions of the residents for the purchase of land, to supplement the comprehensive maintenance plan, business promotion and management plans, and step-by-step business plans should be established in detail.

The Space Use in the Initial Period of Namsan Park - Focus on the Newspaper Articles from 1883 to 1917 - (남산공원 태동기의 공간별 활용 유형 - 1883~1917년까지 신문기사를 중심으로 -)

  • Seo, Young-Ai;Son, Yong-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.28-37
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    • 2013
  • As a symbolic landscape of Seoul, Namsan has undergone not only physical changes but also changes in its human use and characteristics. At this point, research on Namsan, which holds diverse stories that have accumulated over a long period, as a cultural landscape is necessary. In particular, a concrete understanding of the characteristics of the mountain's use in the period of its initiation as a modern park is an important task in research on the history of urban parks. Consequently, the purpose of the present study lies in grasping the use of Namsan at the time of the establishment of Kyongsungbu Namsan Park Design Proposal in 1917 and examining the characteristics per space. The research process was based on the status of the park design plan. The primary source of information came from the analysis of historical newspaper articles. Additional materials including documents, old maps, photographs, postcard materials were also used. The period of the study was 1883 to 1917. This time was the initial period of Namsan Park soon after the opening up of Korea's ports to the world. The major spaces in which Namsan was used as a park encompassed Hanyang Park, Waeseongdae Park, Noin-jeong, Jangchung-dan, and remaining parts of Namsan in a natural state. When the main ways in which each space is used are examined based on the data analyzed, Namsan has been used for purposes including public events, accidents, religious worship, track and field days, field trips, and strolls. When the nature of each of the spaces is determined in terms of the characteristics of their use, these spaces were characterized as community parks, outdoor community spaces, indoor community spaces, sports arenas, and natural parks, among other things. The present study is significant in terms of research on the history of parks for confirming that Namsan in the initial period already served as a modern park for urban activities and grasping the specific urban activities that were engaged in on Namsan.

QTL Mapping for 6-Year-Old Growths of a Single Open-Pollinated Half-Sib Family of a Selected Clone 7-1037 in Loblolly Pine(Pinus taeda) and Average Effect of QTL Allele Substitution (테다소나무 7-1037 클론의 단일 반형매 풍매가계 6년생 생장에 대한 QTL mapping과 QTL 대립유전자 치환의 평균효과)

  • Kim, Yong-Yul;Lee, Bong-Choon;O'Malley, David M.
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.95 no.4
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    • pp.483-494
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    • 2006
  • We conducted QTL mapping for 6-year growths of open-pollinated half-sib progenies from a selected clone 7-1037 in Pinus taeda. With an AFLP marker analysis on haploid DNA samples from the megagametophytes of the open-pollinated seeds, we constructed 20 framework maps spanning a total of 1,869 cM in total length and 18.5 cM in an average interval length between markers. Composite interval mapping reveals that one QTL explains 5.9% of the total phenotypic variation of height, and three QTLs account for 3.9~5.6% of the variation of diameter at breast height (DBH). There are no correlations between the QTLs. The genetic effects of the QTLs are 39.6 cm in height and 7.20~9.41 mm in DBH, respectively, The average effects of gene substitution of the markers closely linked with the QTLs are 44.3 cm in height and 8.38~11.81 m in DBH. Under an assumption that the within-family heritability for the growth traits of loblolly pine is less than 0.2, the QTLs account for 26.8% of the additive genetic variance of the progenies. In terms of relative selection efficiency, the individual selection based on QTL markers could be 5 times as high as phenotypic selection. The results in this study indicate that the QTL mapping method with open-pollinated half-sib family could be more practical and applicable to the conventional seed orchard-based selection work than other mapping methods with a single full-sib family, in particular from the viewpoint that it can provide crucial information for within-family individual selection such as breeding value.

Appraisal or Re-Appraisal of the Japanese Colonial Archives and the Colonial City Planing Archives in Korea: Theoretical Issues and Practice (일제시기 총독부 기록과 도시계획 기록의 평가 혹은 재평가 - 이론적 쟁점과 평가의 실제 -)

  • Lee, Sang-Min
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.14
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    • pp.3-51
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    • 2006
  • In this paper, I applied known theories of appraisal and re-appraisal to the Japanese Colonial Archives and the Colonial City Planing Archives in Korea. The purpose of this application to some of sample archives was to develop a useful and effective approach to appraise the archives which were not appraised before they were determined to be "permanent" archives by the Japanese colonial officials. The colonial archives have lost their context and "chain of custody." A large portion of their volume also disappeared. Only thirty thousands volumes survived. The appraisal theories and related issues applied to and tested on these archives are; "original natures" of archives defined by Sir. Hillary Jenkinson, Schellenburg's information value appraisal theory, the re-appraisal theory based on economy of preservation and prospect for use of the archives, function-based appraisal theory and documentation theory, the special nature of the archives as unique, old and rare colonial archives, the intrinsic value of the archives, especially the city planing maps and drawings, and finally, the determination of the city planing archives as permanent archives according to the contemporary and modern disposal authority. The colonial archives tested were not naturally self-proven authentic and trustworthy records as many other archives are. They lost their chain of custody and they do not guarantee the authenticity and sincerity of the producers. They need to be examined and reviewed critically before they are used as historical evidence or any material which documented the contemporary society. Rapport's re-appraisal theory simply does not fit into these rare historical archives. The colonial archives have intrinsic values. Though these archives represent some aspects of the colonial society, they can not document the colonial society since they are just survived remains or a little part of the whole archives created. The functions and the structure of the Government General of Korea(朝鮮總督府) were not fully studied yet and hardly can be used to determine the archival values of the archives created in some parts of the colonial apparatus. The actual appraisal methods proved to be effective in the case of colonial archives was Schellenburg's information value appraisal theory. The contextual and content information of the colonial archives were analysed and reconstructed. The appraisal works also resulted in full descriptions of the colonial archives which were never described before in terms of archival principles.