• Title/Summary/Keyword: object information

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A Study on LoD1 Spatial Data Generation Using 2D Geospatial Data and CityGML Standard Texture Mapping Techniques (2D 공간정보 데이터를 활용한 LoD1 수준의 3D 객체 생성 및 CityGML 표준 기반 텍스처 적용 기법에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jeong-Yeon;Kang, Dong-Hwi;Lee, Hae-Ju;Choi, Gwang-Yeol
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.54 no.2
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    • pp.97-109
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    • 2024
  • This study presents a methodology for generating LoD1 objects using 2D spatial data in Shapefile format, converting them into CityGML 3.0 standard files, and applying textures for validation. High-resolution Z-values were extracted using DEM data, and a constrained Delaunay triangulation algorithm was applied to create LoD1 objects efficiently. Orthophoto TIF files were used as textures for these generated objects to achieve realistic visual representation. Finally, the CityGML 3.0 Validator tool was used to verify that the generated LoD1 models comply with the CityGML 3.0 standard. This research offers an efficient LoD1 object generation and texture application method that enhances visual realism, which can be beneficial for urban planning, disaster management, and smart city implementation.

A Control Method for designing Object Interactions in 3D Game (3차원 게임에서 객체들의 상호 작용을 디자인하기 위한 제어 기법)

  • 김기현;김상욱
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.322-331
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    • 2003
  • As the complexity of a 3D game is increased by various factors of the game scenario, it has a problem for controlling the interrelation of the game objects. Therefore, a game system has a necessity of the coordination of the responses of the game objects. Also, it is necessary to control the behaviors of animations of the game objects in terms of the game scenario. To produce realistic game simulations, a system has to include a structure for designing the interactions among the game objects. This paper presents a method that designs the dynamic control mechanism for the interaction of the game objects in the game scenario. For the method, we suggest a game agent system as a framework that is based on intelligent agents who can make decisions using specific rules. Game agent systems are used in order to manage environment data, to simulate the game objects, to control interactions among game objects, and to support visual authoring interface that ran define a various interrelations of the game objects. These techniques can process the autonomy level of the game objects and the associated collision avoidance method, etc. Also, it is possible to make the coherent decision-making ability of the game objects about a change of the scene. In this paper, the rule-based behavior control was designed to guide the simulation of the game objects. The rules are pre-defined by the user using visual interface for designing their interaction. The Agent State Decision Network, which is composed of the visual elements, is able to pass the information and infers the current state of the game objects. All of such methods can monitor and check a variation of motion state between game objects in real time. Finally, we present a validation of the control method together with a simple case-study example. In this paper, we design and implement the supervised classification systems for high resolution satellite images. The systems support various interfaces and statistical data of training samples so that we can select the most effective training data. In addition, the efficient extension of new classification algorithms and satellite image formats are applied easily through the modularized systems. The classifiers are considered the characteristics of spectral bands from the selected training data. They provide various supervised classification algorithms which include Parallelepiped, Minimum distance, Mahalanobis distance, Maximum likelihood and Fuzzy theory. We used IKONOS images for the input and verified the systems for the classification of high resolution satellite images.

Automated-Database Tuning System With Knowledge-based Reasoning Engine (지식 기반 추론 엔진을 이용한 자동화된 데이터베이스 튜닝 시스템)

  • Gang, Seung-Seok;Lee, Dong-Joo;Jeong, Ok-Ran;Lee, Sang-Goo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2007.06a
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    • pp.17-18
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    • 2007
  • 데이터베이스 튜닝은 일반적으로 데이터베이스 어플리케이션을 "좀 더 빠르게" 실행하게 하는 일련의 활동을 뜻한다[1]. 데이터베이스 관리자가 튜닝에 필요한 주먹구구식 룰(Rule of thumb)들을 모두 파악 하고 상황에 맞추어 적용하는 것은 비싼 비용과 오랜 시간을 요구한다. 그렇게 때문에 서로 다른 어플 리케이션들이 맞물려 있는 복잡한 서비스는 필수적으로 자동화된 데이터베이스 성능 관리와 튜닝을 필 요로 한다. 본 논문에서는 이를 해결하기 위하여 지식 도매인(Knowledge Domain)을 기초로 한 자동화 된 데이터베이스 튜닝 원칙(Tuning Principle)을 제시하는 시스템을 제안한다. 각각의 데이터베이스 튜닝 이론들은 지식 도매인의 지식으로 활용되며, 성능에 영향을 미치는 요소들을 개체(Object)와 콘셉트 (Concept)로 구성하고 추론 시스템을 통해 튜닝 원칙을 추론하여 쉽고 빠르게 현재 상황에 맞는 튜닝 방법론을 적용시킬 수 있다. 자동화된 데이터베이스 튜닝에 대해 여러 분야에 걸쳐 학문적인 연구가 이루어지고 있다. 그 예로써 Microsoft의 AutoAdmin Project[2], Oracle의 SQL 튜닝 아키텍처[3], COLT[4], DBA Companion[5], SQUASH[6] 등을 들 수 있다. 이러한 최적화 기법들을 각각의 기능적인 방법론에 따라 다시 분류하면 크게 Design Tuning, Logical Structure Tuning, Sentence Tuning, SQL Tuning, Server Tuning, System/Network Tuning으로 나누어 볼 수 있다. 이 중 SQL Tuning 등은 수치적으로 결정되어 이미 존재하는 정보를 이용하기 때문에 구조화된 모델로 표현하기 쉽고 사용자의 다양한 요구에 의해 변화하는 조건들을 수용하기 쉽기 때문에 이에 중점을 두고 성능 문제를 해결하는 데 초점을 맞추었다. 데이터베이스 시스템의 일련의 처리 과정에 따라 DBMS를 구성하는 개체들과 속성, 그리고 연관 관계들이 모델링된다. 데이터베이스 시스템은 Application / Query / DBMS Level의 3개 레벨에 따라 구조화되며, 본 논문에서는 개체, 속성, 연관 관계 및 데이터베이스 튜닝에 사용되는 Rule of thumb들을 분석하여 튜닝 원칙을 포함한 지식의 형태로 변환하였다. 튜닝 원칙은 데이터베이스 시스템에서 발생하는 문제를 해결할 수 있게 하는 일종의 황금률로써 지식 도매인의 바탕이 되는 사실(Fact)과 룰(Rule) 로써 표현된다. Fact는 모델링된 시스템을 지식 도매인의 하나의 지식 개체로 표현하는 방식이고, Rule 은 Fact에 기반을 두어 튜닝 원칙을 지식의 형태로 표현한 것이다. Rule은 다시 시스템 모델링을 통해 사전에 정의되는 Rule와 튜닝 원칙을 추론하기 위해 사용되는 Rule의 두 가지 타업으로 나뉘며, 대부분의 Rule은 입력되는 값에 따라 다른 솔루션을 취하게 하는 분기의 역할을 수행한다. 사용자는 제한적으로 자동 생성된 Fact와 Rule을 통해 튜닝 원칙을 추론하여 데이터베이스 시스템에 적용할 수 있으며, 요구나 필요에 따라 GUI를 통해 상황에 맞는 Fact와 Rule을 수동으로 추가할 수도 었다. 지식 도매인에서 튜닝 원칙을 추론하기 위해 JAVA 기반의 추론 엔진인 JESS가 사용된다. JESS는 스크립트 언어를 사용하는 전문가 시스템[7]으로 선언적 룰(Declarative Rule)을 이용하여 지식을 표현 하고 추론을 수행하는 추론 엔진의 한 종류이다. JESS의 지식 표현 방식은 튜닝 원칙을 쉽게 표현하고 수용할 수 있는 구조를 가지고 있으며 작은 크기와 빠른 추론 성능을 가지기 때문에 실시간으로 처리 되는 어플리케이션 튜닝에 적합하다. 지식 기반 모률의 가장 큰 역할은 주어진 데이터베이스 시스템의 모델을 통하여 필요한 새로운 지식을 생성하고 저장하는 것이다. 이를 위하여 Fact와 Rule은 지식 표현 의 기본 단위인 트리플(Triple)의 형태로 표현된다, 트리플은 Subject, Property, Object의 3가지 요소로 구성되며, 대부분의 Fact와 Rule들은 트리플의 기본 형태 또는 트리플의 조합으로 이루어진 C Condition과 Action의 두 부분의 결합으로 구성된다. 이와 같이 데이터베이스 시스템 모델의 개체들과 속성, 그리고 연관 관계들을 표현함으로써 지식들이 추론 엔진의 Fact와 Rule로 기능할 수 있다. 본 시스템에서는 이를 구현 및 실험하기 위하여 웹 기반 서버-클라이언트 시스템을 가정하였다. 서버는 Process Controller, Parser, Rule Database, JESS Reasoning Engine으로 구성 되 어 있으며, 클라이 언트는 Rule Manager Interface와 Result Viewer로 구성되어 었다. 실험을 통해 얻어지는 튜닝 원칙 적용 전후의 실행 시간 측정 등 데이터베이스 시스템 성능 척도를 비교함으로써 시스템의 효용을 판단하였으며, 실험 결과 적용 전에 비하여 튜닝 원칙을 적용한 경우 최대 1초 미만의 전처리에 따른 부하 시간 추가와 최소 약 1.5배에서 최대 약 3배까지의 처리 시간 개선을 확인하였다. 본 논문에서 제안하는 시스템은 튜닝 원칙을 자동으로 생성하고 지식 형태로 변형시킴으로써 새로운 튜닝 원칙을 파생하여 제공하고, 성능에 영향을 미치는 요소와 함께 직접 Fact과 Rule을 추가함으로써 커스터마이정된 튜닝을 수행할 수 있게 하는 장점을 가진다. 추후 쿼리 자체의 튜닝 및 인텍스 최적화 등의 프로세스 자동화와 Rule을 효율적으로 정의하고 추가하는 방법 그리고 시스템 모델링을 효과적으로 구성하는 방법에 대한 연구를 통해 본 연구를 더욱 개선시킬 수 있을 것이다.

  • PDF

The Improvement of Real-time Updating Methods of the National Base Map Using Building Layout Drawing (건물배치도를 이용한 국가기본도 수시수정 방법 개선)

  • Shin, Chang Soo;Park, Moon Jae;Choi, Yun Soo;Baek, kyu Yeong;Kim, Jaemyeong
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.139-151
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    • 2018
  • The National Base Map construction consists of the regular correction work of dividing the whole country into two regions and carrying out the modification Plotting by aerial photographs every two years as well as the real time updating work of correcting the major change feature within two weeks by the field survey and the As-Built Drawing. In the case of the Building Layout Drawing of Korea Real estate Administration intelligence System(KRAS) used for real time updating work of the National base map, the coordinate transformation error is included in the positional error when applied to the National Base Map based on the World Geodetic Reference System as the coordinate system based on the Regional Geodetic Reference System. In addition, National Base Map is registered based on the outline(eaves line) of the building in the Digital Topographic Map, and the Cadastral and Architecture are registered based on the building center line. Therefore, the Building Object management standard is inconsistent. In order to investigate the improvement method, the network RTK survey was conducted directly on a location of the Building Layout Drawing of Korea Real estate Administration intelligence System(KRAS) and the problems were analyzed by comparing with the plane plotting position reference in National Base Map. In the case of the general structure with the difference on the Building center line and the eaves line, beside the location information was different also the difference in the ratio of the building object was different between Building center line and the eave. In conclusion, it is necessary to provide the Base data of the double layer of the Building center line and the outline of the building(eaves line) in order to utilize the Building Layout Drawing of Korea Real estate Administration intelligence System(KRAS). In addition, it is necessary to study an organic map update process that can acquire the up-to-dateness and the accuracy at the same time.

S-MADP : Service based Development Process for Mobile Applications of Medium-Large Scale Project (S-MADP : 중대형 프로젝트의 모바일 애플리케이션을 위한 서비스 기반 개발 프로세스)

  • Kang, Tae Deok;Kim, Kyung Baek;Cheng, Ki Ju
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.2 no.8
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    • pp.555-564
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    • 2013
  • Innovative evolution in mobile devices along with recent spread of Tablet PCs and Smart Phones makes a new change not only in individual life but also in enterprise applications. Especially, in the case of medium-large mobile applications for large enterprises which generally takes more than 3 months of development periods, importance and complexity increase significantly. Generally Agile-methodology is used for a development process for the medium-large scale mobile applications, but some issues arise such as high dependency on skilled developers and lack of detail development directives. In this paper, S-MADP (Smart Mobile Application Development Process) is proposed to mitigate these issues. S-MADP is a service oriented development process extending a object-oriented development process, for medium-large scale mobile applications. S-MADP provides detail development directives for each activities during the entire process for defining services as server-based or client-based and providing the way of reuse of services. Also, in order to support various user interfaces, S-MADP provides detail UI development directives. To evaluate the performance of S-MADP, three mobile application development projects were conducted and the results were analyzed. The projects are 'TBS(TB Mobile Service) 3.0' in TB company, mobile app-store in TS company, and mobile groupware in TG group. As a result of the projects, S-MADP accounts for more detailed design information about 'Minimizing the use of resources', 'Service-based designing' and 'User interface optimized for mobile devices' which are needed to be largely considered for mobile application development environment when we compare with existing Agile-methodology. Therefore, it improves the usability, maintainability, efficiency of developed mobile applications. Through field tests, it is observed that S-MADP outperforms about 25% than a Agile-methodology in the aspect of the required man-month for developing a medium-large mobile application.

Region of Interest Extraction and Bilinear Interpolation Application for Preprocessing of Lipreading Systems (입 모양 인식 시스템 전처리를 위한 관심 영역 추출과 이중 선형 보간법 적용)

  • Jae Hyeok Han;Yong Ki Kim;Mi Hye Kim
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.189-198
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    • 2024
  • Lipreading is one of the important parts of speech recognition, and several studies have been conducted to improve the performance of lipreading in lipreading systems for speech recognition. Recent studies have used method to modify the model architecture of lipreading system to improve recognition performance. Unlike previous research that improve recognition performance by modifying model architecture, we aim to improve recognition performance without any change in model architecture. In order to improve the recognition performance without modifying the model architecture, we refer to the cues used in human lipreading and set other regions such as chin and cheeks as regions of interest along with the lip region, which is the existing region of interest of lipreading systems, and compare the recognition rate of each region of interest to propose the highest performing region of interest In addition, assuming that the difference in normalization results caused by the difference in interpolation method during the process of normalizing the size of the region of interest affects the recognition performance, we interpolate the same region of interest using nearest neighbor interpolation, bilinear interpolation, and bicubic interpolation, and compare the recognition rate of each interpolation method to propose the best performing interpolation method. Each region of interest was detected by training an object detection neural network, and dynamic time warping templates were generated by normalizing each region of interest, extracting and combining features, and mapping the dimensionality reduction of the combined features into a low-dimensional space. The recognition rate was evaluated by comparing the distance between the generated dynamic time warping templates and the data mapped to the low-dimensional space. In the comparison of regions of interest, the result of the region of interest containing only the lip region showed an average recognition rate of 97.36%, which is 3.44% higher than the average recognition rate of 93.92% in the previous study, and in the comparison of interpolation methods, the bilinear interpolation method performed 97.36%, which is 14.65% higher than the nearest neighbor interpolation method and 5.55% higher than the bicubic interpolation method. The code used in this study can be found a https://github.com/haraisi2/Lipreading-Systems.

Contactless Data Society and Reterritorialization of the Archive (비접촉 데이터 사회와 아카이브 재영토화)

  • Jo, Min-ji
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.79
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    • pp.5-32
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    • 2024
  • The Korean government ranked 3rd among 193 UN member countries in the UN's 2022 e-Government Development Index. Korea, which has consistently been evaluated as a top country, can clearly be said to be a leading country in the world of e-government. The lubricant of e-government is data. Data itself is neither information nor a record, but it is a source of information and records and a resource of knowledge. Since administrative actions through electronic systems have become widespread, the production and technology of data-based records have naturally expanded and evolved. Technology may seem value-neutral, but in fact, technology itself reflects a specific worldview. The digital order of new technologies, armed with hyper-connectivity and super-intelligence, not only has a profound influence on traditional power structures, but also has an a similar influence on existing information and knowledge transmission media. Moreover, new technologies and media, including data-based generative artificial intelligence, are by far the hot topic. It can be seen that the all-round growth and spread of digital technology has led to the augmentation of human capabilities and the outsourcing of thinking. This also involves a variety of problems, ranging from deep fakes and other fake images, auto profiling, AI lies hallucination that creates them as if they were real, and copyright infringement of machine learning data. Moreover, radical connectivity capabilities enable the instantaneous sharing of vast amounts of data and rely on the technological unconscious to generate actions without awareness. Another irony of the digital world and online network, which is based on immaterial distribution and logical existence, is that access and contact can only be made through physical tools. Digital information is a logical object, but digital resources cannot be read or utilized without some type of device to relay it. In that respect, machines in today's technological society have gone beyond the level of simple assistance, and there are points at which it is difficult to say that the entry of machines into human society is a natural change pattern due to advanced technological development. This is because perspectives on machines will change over time. Important is the social and cultural implications of changes in the way records are produced as a result of communication and actions through machines. Even in the archive field, what problems will a data-based archive society face due to technological changes toward a hyper-intelligence and hyper-connected society, and who will prove the continuous activity of records and data and what will be the main drivers of media change? It is time to research whether this will happen. This study began with the need to recognize that archives are not only records that are the result of actions, but also data as strategic assets. Through this, author considered how to expand traditional boundaries and achieves reterritorialization in a data-driven society.

Recognition and Attitudes on DNR of College Students (Focused on Comparison between Nursing and Non-Health Department College Students) (DNR에 대한 대학생들의 인식 및 태도(간호대학생과 비 보건계열대학생 비교를 중심으로))

  • Kim, Sung-Mi
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.11 no.12
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    • pp.4907-4921
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    • 2010
  • The object of this descriptive survey research was to provide basic information source for building objective standards of DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) that can be clinically applied, by analyzing college students' awareness and attitude toward DNR. The participants of the study were 1,267 students from one college of Daegu, South Korea. The structured survey questionnaire was used for data collection, and the survey was conducted from 1-31 July, 2010. The error and percentage was estimated by SPSS 17.0 program, and analyzed with $x^2$-test. As a result of comparing the nursing students' and non-health care major students' awareness and attitude toward DNR, the significant differences were found in the necessity of DNR, reason for supporting DNR, reason for opposing DNR, and DNR decision-maker, among the awareness dimension; among the attitude dimension, significant differences were found in implication of family DNR and self-DNR. Comparing the nursing students' and non-health care major students' awareness toward DNR related information provision, researchers have found significant differences in the necessity of giving information on DNR, timing of the DNR information provision, result of the DNR-related information provision, and guidelines for the DNR information provision. In terms of the difference in DNR's necessity recognition by the demographic information, the significant differences existed based on the religion and the history of blood donation; in terms of the differences in attitude toward DNR decision-maker, the differences were found on the religion and the number of siblings. For the attitude toward family member's DNR, the significant differences existed for the sex, age, economic status, religion, the number of siblings, the history of familial illness and death, and experience of blood donation; the attitude toward the DNR for the self was significantly differed by the sex, economic status, the number of siblings, and the history of familial illness and death. To establish the standards for DNR based on the study, we suggest more well-designed future studies.

Influence of Perceptual Information of Previewing Stimulus on the Target Search Process: An Eye-tracking Study (사전제시 자극의 지각적 정보가 목표자극 탐색에 미치는 영향: 안구추적연구)

  • Lee, Donghoon;Kim, Shinjung;Jeong, Myung Yung
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.211-232
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    • 2014
  • People search a certain object or a person so many time in a day. Besides the information about what the target is, perceptual information of the target can influence on the search process. In the current study, using an eye-tracker we aimed to examine whether the perceptual information of previewing target stimuli on the visual search process of the target and the task performance. Participants had to identify the previewing target stimulus presented in the middle of the screen, and then had to search the target among 8 items presented in a circle array, and had to decide whether the size of the target in the search display was same as that of the previewing stimulus. The experimental conditions were divided into 8 within-subject conditions by whether the search display was consisted of all the same size items or different size items (homogeneous search display vs. inhomogeneous search display), by the size of the preview target stimulus, and by the size of the target stimulus in the search display. Research hypothesis is that the size information of the previewing influence on the visual search process of the target and task performance when the items in the search display are in different sizes. In the results of behavioral data analysis, the reaction time showed the main effect of the search display, and the size of the target stimulus in the search display. and the interaction between the size consistency effect of target stimulus and the search display condition. In the results of analysis of eye-movement information, the Initial Saccade to Target Ratio measurement showed the interaction between the size consistency effect of target stimulus and the search display condition as the reaction time measurement did. That is, the size consistency effect of target stimulus only in the inhomogeneous search display condition indicated that participants searched the items in the same size as that of preview target stimulus. Post-hoc analyses revealed that the search and task performance in the inhomogeneous display condition were faster when the target size was consistent, but rather slower when the target size was inconsistent.