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Study of East Asia Climate Change for the Last Glacial Maximum Using Numerical Model (수치모델을 이용한 Last Glacial Maximum의 동아시아 기후변화 연구)

  • Kim, Seong-Joong;Park, Yoo-Min;Lee, Bang-Yong;Choi, Tae-Jin;Yoon, Young-Jun;Suk, Bong-Chool
    • The Korean Journal of Quaternary Research
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    • v.20 no.1 s.26
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    • pp.51-66
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    • 2006
  • The climate of the last glacial maximum (LGM) in northeast Asia is simulated with an atmospheric general circulation model of NCAR CCM3 at spectral truncation of T170, corresponding to a grid cell size of roughly 75 km. Modern climate is simulated by a prescribed sea surface temperature and sea ice provided from NCAR, and contemporary atmospheric CO2, topography, and orbital parameters, while LGM simulation was forced with the reconstructed CLIMAP sea surface temperatures, sea ice distribution, ice sheet topography, reduced CO2, and orbital parameters. Under LGM conditions, surface temperature is markedly reduced in winter by more than 18C in the Korean west sea and continental margin of the Korean east sea, where the ocean exposed to land in the LGM, whereas in these areas surface temperature is warmer than present in summer by up to 2C. This is due to the difference in heat capacity between ocean and land. Overall, in the LGM surface is cooled by 46C in northeast Asia land and by 7.1C in the entire area. An analysis of surface heat fluxes show that the surface cooling is due to the increase in outgoing longwave radiation associated with the reduced CO2 concentration. The reduction in surface temperature leads to a weakening of the hydrological cycle. In winter, precipitation decreases largely in the southeastern part of Asia by about 14mm/day, while in summer a larger reduction is found over China. Overall, annual-mean precipitation decreases by about 50% in the LGM. In northeast Asia, evaporation is also overall reduced in the LGM, but the reduction of precipitation is larger, eventually leading to a drier climate. The drier LGM climate simulated in this study is consistent with proxy evidence compiled in other areas. Overall, the high-resolution model captures the climate features reasonably well under global domain.

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A Study of Feasibility of Dipole-dipole Electric Method to Metallic Ore-deposit Exploration in Korea (국내 금속광 탐사를 위한 쌍극자-쌍극자 전기탐사의 적용성 연구)

  • Min, Dong-Joo;Jung, Hyun-Key;Park, Sam-Gyu;Chon, Hyo-Taek;Kwak, Na-Eun
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.250-262
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    • 2008
  • In order to assess the feasibility of the dipole-dipole electric method to the investigation of metallic ore deposit, both field data simulation and inversion are carried out for several simplified ore deposit models. Our interest is in a vein-type model, because most of the ore deposits (more than 70%) exist in a vein type in Korea. Based on the fact that the width of the vein-type ore deposits ranges from tens of centimeters to 2m, we change the width and the material property of the vein, and we use 40m-electrode spacing for our test. For the vein-type model with too small width, the low resistivity zone is not detected, even though the resistivity of the vein amounts to 1/300 of that of the surrounding rock. Considering a wide electrode interval and cell size used in the inversion, it is natural that the size of the low resistivity zone is overestimated. We also perform field data simulation and inversion for a vein-type model with surrounding hydrothermal alteration zones, which is a typical structure in an epithermal ore deposits. In the model, the material properties are assumed on the basis of resistivity values directly observed in a mine originated from an epithermal ore deposits. From this simulation, we can also note that the high resistivity value of the vein does not affect the results when the width of the vein is narrow. This indicates that our main target should be surrounding hydrothermal alteration zones rather than veins in field survey. From these results, we can summarize that when the vein is placed at the deep part and the difference of resistivity values between the vein and the surrounding rock is not large enough, we cannot detect low resistivity zone and interpret the subsurface structures incorrectly using the electric method performed at the surface. Although this work is a little simple, it can be used as references for field survey design and field data Interpretation. If we perform field data simulation and inversion for a number of models and provide some references, they will be helpful in real field survey and interpretation.

Comparison of Seawater Exchange Rate of Small Scale Inner Bays within Jinhae Bay (수치모델을 이용한 진해만 내 소규모 내만의 해수교환율 비교)

  • Kim, Nam Su;Kang, Hoon;Kwon, Min-Sun;Jang, Hyo-Sang;Kim, Jong Gu
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.74-85
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    • 2016
  • For the assessment of seawater exchange rates in Danghangpo bay, Dangdong bay, Wonmun bay, Gohyunsung bay, and Masan bay, which are small-scale inner bays of Jinhae bay, an EFDC model was used to reproduce the seawater flow of the entire Jinhae bay, and Lagrange (particle tracking) and Euler (dye diffusion) model techniques were used to calculate the seawater exchange rates for each of the bays. The seawater exchange rate obtained using the particle tracking method was the highest, at 60.84%, in Danghangpo bay, and the lowest, at 30.50%, in Masan bay. The seawater exchange rate calculated based on the dye diffusion method was the highest, at 45.40%, in Danghangpo bay, and the lowest, at 34.65%, in Masan bay. The sweater exchange rate was found to be the highest in Danghangpo bay likely because of a high flow velocity owing to the narrow entrance of the bay; and in the case of particle tracking method, the morphological characteristics of the particles affected the results, since once the particles get out, it is difficult for them to get back in. Meanwhile, in the case of the Lagrange method, when the particles flow back in by the flood current after escaping the ebb current, they flow back in intact. However, when a dye flows back in after escaping the bay, it becomes diluted by the open sea water. Thus, the seawater exchange rate calculated based on the dye diffusion method turned out to be higher in general, and even if a comparison of the sweater exchange rates calculated through two methods was conducted under the same condition, the results were completely different. Thus, when assessing the seawater exchange rate, more reasonable results could be obtained by either combining the two methods or selecting a modeling technique after giving sufficiently consideration to the purpose of the study and the characteristics of the coastal area. Meanwhile, through a comparison of the degree of closure and seawater exchange rates calculated through Lagrange and Euler methods, it was found that the seawater exchange rate was higher for a higher degree of closure, regardless of the numerical model technique. Thus, it was deemed that the degree of closure would be inappropriate to be used as an index for the closeness of the bay, and some modifications as well as supplementary information would be necessary in this regard.

Improvements for Atmospheric Motion Vectors Algorithm Using First Guess by Optical Flow Method (옵티컬 플로우 방법으로 계산된 초기 바람 추정치에 따른 대기운동벡터 알고리즘 개선 연구)

  • Oh, Yurim;Park, Hyungmin;Kim, Jae Hwan;Kim, Somyoung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.36 no.5_1
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    • pp.763-774
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    • 2020
  • Wind data forecasted from the numerical weather prediction (NWP) model is generally used as the first-guess of the target tracking process to obtain the atmospheric motion vectors(AMVs) because it increases tracking accuracy and reduce computational time. However, there is a contradiction that the NWP model used as the first-guess is used again as the reference in the AMVs verification process. To overcome this problem, model-independent first guesses are required. In this study, we propose the AMVs derivation from Lucas and Kanade optical flow method and then using it as the first guess. To retrieve AMVs, Himawari-8/AHI geostationary satellite level-1B data were used at 00, 06, 12, and 18 UTC from August 19 to September 5, 2015. To evaluate the impact of applying the optical flow method on the AMV derivation, cross-validation has been conducted in three ways as follows. (1) Without the first-guess, (2) NWP (KMA/UM) forecasted wind as the first-guess, and (3) Optical flow method based wind as the first-guess. As the results of verification using ECMWF ERA-Interim reanalysis data, the highest precision (RMSVD: 5.296-5.804 ms-1) was obtained using optical flow based winds as the first-guess. In addition, the computation speed for AMVs derivation was the slowest without the first-guess test, but the other two had similar performance. Thus, applying the optical flow method in the target tracking process of AMVs algorithm, this study showed that the optical flow method is very effective as a first guess for model-independent AMVs derivation.

Numerical Simulation of Residual Currents and tow Salinity Dispersions by Changjiang Discharge in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea (황해 및 동중국해에서 양쯔강의 담수유입량 변동에 따른 잔차류 및 저염분 확산 수치모의)

  • Lee, Dae-In;Kim, Jong-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.67-85
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    • 2007
  • A three-dimensional hydrodynamic model with the fine grid is applied to simulate the barotropic tides, tidal currents, residual currents and salinity dispersions in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea. Data inputs include seasonal hydrography, mean wind and river input, and oceanic tides. Computed tidal distributions of four major tides(M2,S2,K1 and O1) are presented and results are in good agreement with the observations in the domain. The model reproduces well the tidal charts. The tidal residual current is relatively strong around west coast of Korea including the Cheju Island and southern coast of China. The current by M2 has a maximum speed of 10 cm/s in the vicinity of Cheju Island with a anti-clockwise circulation in the Yellow Sea. General tendency of the current, however, is to flow eastward in the South Sea. Surface residual current simulated with M2 and with M2+S2+K1+O1 tidal forcing shows slightly different patterns in the East China Sea. The model shows that the southerly wind reduces the southward current created by freshwater discharge. In summer during high runoff(mean discharge about 50,000m3/s of Yangtze), low salinity plume-like structure(with S < 30.0 psu) extending some 160 km toward the northeast and Changjiang Diluted Water(CDW), below salinity 26 psu, was found within about 95 km. The offshore dispersion of the Changjiang outflow water is enhanced by the prevailing southerly wind. It is estimated that the inertia of the river discharge cannot exclusively reach the around sea of Cheju Island. It is noted that spatial and temporal distribution of salinity and the other materials are controlled by mixture of Changjiang discharge, prevailing wind, advection by flowing warm current and tidal current.

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Estimating Carrying Capacity of Lake Shihwa for Water Quality Management (수질관리를 위한 시화호의 환경용량 산정)

  • Kim, Hyung-Chul;Choi, Woo-Jeung;Lee, Won-Chan;Koo, Jun-Ho;Lee, Pil-Yong;Park, Sung-Eun;Hong, Seok-Jin;Jang, Ju-Hyoung
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.571-581
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    • 2007
  • The mechanism of water pollution in Lake Shihwa, one of highly eutrophicated artificial lakes in Korea, has been studied using a numerical 3D physical-biochemical coupled model. In this study, the model was applied to estimate the contribution of land-based pollutant load to water quality of heavily polluted Lake Shihwa. The chemical oxygen demand(COD) was adopted as an index of the lake water quality, and the spatial distribution of an average COD concentration during the summer from 1999 to 2000 was simulated by the model. The simulated COD showed a good agreement with the observed data. According to reproducibility of COD, the high-est levels between 8 and 9 mg/L were shown at the inner site of the lake with inflow of many rivers and ditches, while the lowest was found to be about 5 mg/L at the southwestern site near to dike gate. In the pre-diction of water quality of Lake Shihwa, COD showed still higher levels than 3 mg/L in case of reduction of 95% for land-based pollutant load. This suggests that the curtailment of land-based pollutant load is not only sufficient but the improvement of sediment quality or the increase of seawater exchange should be considered together to improve a water quality in Lake Shihwa.

Application of Greenhouse Climate Management Model for Educational Simulation Design (교육용 시뮬레이션 설계를 위한 온실 환경 제어 모델의 활용)

  • Yoon, Seungri;Kim, Dongpil;Hwang, Inha;Kim, Jin Hyun;Shin, Minju;Bang, Ji Wong;Jeong, Ho Jeong
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.485-496
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    • 2022
  • Modern agriculture is being transformed into smart agriculture to maximize production efficiency along with changes in the 4th industrial revolution. However, rural areas in Korea are facing challenges of aging, low fertility, and population outflow, making it difficult to transition to smart agriculture. Among ICT technologies, simulation allows users to observe or experience the results of their choices through imitation or reproduction of reality. The combination of the three-dimension (3D) model and the greenhouse simulator enable a 3D experience by virtual greenhouse for fruits and vegetable cultivation. At the same time, it is possible to visualize the greenhouse under various cultivation or climate conditions. The objective of this study is to apply the greenhouse climate management model for simulation development that can visually see the state of the greenhouse environment under various micrometeorological properties. The numerical solution with the mathematical model provided a dynamic change in the greenhouse environment for a particular greenhouse design. Light intensity, crop transpiration, heating load, ventilation rate, the optimal amount of CO2 enrichment, and daily light integral were calculated with the simulation. The results of this study are being built so that users can be linked through a web page, and software will be designed to reflect the characteristics of cladding materials and greenhouses, cultivation types, and the condition of environmental control facilities for customized environmental control. In addition, environmental information obtained from external meteorological data, as well as recommended standards and set points for each growth stage based on experiments and research, will be provided as optimal environmental factors. This simulation can help growers, students, and researchers to understand the ICT technologies and the changes in the greenhouse microclimate according to the growing conditions.

The Characteristics and the Effects of Pollutant Loadings from Nonpoint Sources on Water Quality in Suyeong Bay (수영만 수질에 미치는 비점원 오염부하의 특성과 영향)

  • CHO Eun Il;LEE Suk Mo;PARK Chung-Kil
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.279-293
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    • 1995
  • The most obvious and easily recognizable sources of potential water pollution are point sources such as domestic and industrial wastes. But recently, the potential effects of nonpoint sources on water quality have been increased apparently. In order to evaluate the characteristics and the effects of nonpoint sources on water quality, this study was performed in Suyeong Bay from May, 1992 to July, 1992. The depth-averaged 2-dimensional numerical model, which consists of the hydrodynamic model and the diffusion model was applied to simulate the water quality in Suyeong Bay. When flowrate was 65.736m3/s, the concentration of pollutants (COD, TSS and VSS) at Oncheon stream (Sebeong bridge) during second flush were very high as much as 121.4mg/l of COD, 1148.0mg/l of TSS and 262.0mg/1 of VSS. When flowrate was 4.686m^3/s, the concentration of pollutants (TIN,NH4+N,NO2NandPO43P) during the first flush were very high as much as 20.306mg/1 of TIN, 14.154mg/1 of NH4+N, 9.571mg/l of NO2N and l.785mg/l of PO23P As results of the hydrodynamic model simulation, the computed maximum velocity of tidal currents in Suyeong Bay was 0.3m/s and their direction was clockwise flow for ebb tide and counter clockwise flow for Hood tide. Four different methods were applied for the diffusion simulation in Suyeong Bay. There were the effects for the water quality due to point loads, annual nonpoint loads and nonpoint loads during the wet weather and the investigation period, respectively. The efforts of annual nonpoint loads and nonpoint loads during the wet weather seem to be slightly deteriorated in comparison with the effects of point loads. However, the bay was significantly polluted by the nonpoint loads during the investigation period. In this case, COD and SS concentrations ranged 2.0-30.0mg/l, 7.0- 200.0mg/l in ebb tide, respectively. From these results, it can be emphasized that the large amount of pollutants caused by nonpoint sources during the wet weather were discharged into the bay, and affected significantly to both the water quality and the marine ecosystem. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the loadings of nonpoint pollutants to plan wastewater treatment plant.

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Wintertime Extreme Storm Waves in the East Sea: Estimation of Extreme Storm Waves and Wave-Structure Interaction Study in the Fushiki Port, Toyama Bay (동해의 동계 극한 폭풍파랑: 토야마만 후시키항의 극한 폭풍파랑 추산 및 파랑 · 구조물 상호작용 연구)

  • Lee, Han Soo;Komaguchi, Tomoaki;Yamamoto, Atsushi;Hara, Masanori
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.335-347
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    • 2013
  • In February 2008, high storm waves due to a developed atmospheric low pressure system propagating from the west off Hokkaido, Japan, to the south and southwest throughout the East Sea (ES) caused extensive damages along the central coast of Japan and along the east coast of Korea. This study consists of two parts. In the first part, we estimate extreme storm wave characteristics in the Toyama Bay where heavy coastal damages occurred, using a non-hydrostatic meteorological model and a spectral wave model by considering the extreme conditions for two factors for wind wave growth, such as wind intensity and duration. The estimated extreme significant wave height and corresponding wave period were 6.78 m and 18.28 sec, respectively, at the Fushiki Toyama. In the second part, we perform numerical experiments on wave-structure interaction in the Fushiki Port, Toyama Bay, where the long North-Breakwater was heavily damaged by the storm waves in February 2008. The experiments are conducted using a non-linear shallow-water equation model with adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) and wet-dry scheme. The estimated extreme storm waves of 6.78 m and 18.28 sec are used for incident wave profile. The results show that the Fushiki Port would be overtopped and flooded by extreme storm waves if the North-Breakwater does not function properly after being damaged. Also the storm waves would overtop seawalls and sidewalls of the Manyou Pier behind the North-Breakwater. The results also depict that refined meshes by AMR method with wet-dry scheme applied capture the coastline and coastal structure well while keeping the computational load efficiently.

Comparison of Algorithms for Generating Parametric Image of Cerebral Blood Flow Using H215O PET Positron Emission Tomography (H215O PET을 이용한 뇌혈류 파라메트릭 영상 구성을 위한 알고리즘 비교)

  • Lee, Jae-Sung;Lee, Dong-Soo;Park, Kwang-Suk;Chung, June-Key;Lee, Myung-Chul
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.37 no.5
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    • pp.288-300
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    • 2003
  • Purpose: To obtain regional blood flow and tissue-blood partition coefficient with time-activity curves from H215O PET, fitting of some parameters in the Kety model is conventionally accomplished by nonlinear least squares (NLS) analysis. However, NLS requires considerable compuation time then is impractical for pixel-by-pixel analysis to generate parametric images of these parameters. In this study, we investigated several fast parameter estimation methods for the parametric image generation and compared their statistical reliability and computational efficiency. Materials and Methods: These methods included linear least squres (LLS), linear weighted least squares (LWLS), linear generalized least squares (GLS), linear generalized weighted least squares (GWLS), weighted Integration (WI), and model-based clustering method (CAKS). H215O dynamic brain PET with Poisson noise component was simulated using numerical Zubal brain phantom. Error and bias in the estimation of rCBF and partition coefficient, and computation time in various noise environments was estimated and compared. In audition, parametric images from H215O dynamic brain PET data peformed on 16 healthy volunteers under various physiological conditions was compared to examine the utility of these methods for real human data. Results: These fast algorithms produced parametric images with similar image qualify and statistical reliability. When CAKS and LLS methods were used combinedly, computation time was significantly reduced and less than 30 seconds for 128×128×46 images on Pentium III processor. Conclusion: Parametric images of rCBF and partition coefficient with good statistical properties can be generated with short computation time which is acceptable in clinical situation.