• 제목/요약/키워드: normal score

검색결과 1,448건 처리시간 0.029초

대구지역 주부들의 비만정도에 따른 식행동 특성과 영양섭취 실태 평가 (Dietary Behaviors and Status of Nutrient Intakes by the Obesity Levels of Housewives in Daegu)

  • 박정아;윤진숙
    • 대한지역사회영양학회지
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    • 제10권5호
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    • pp.623-632
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    • 2005
  • This study was intended to collect the baseline information on dietary behavior of adults to develop nutrition education program in the context of healthy weights at community level. Nutrient intakes of 128 housewives were assessed by 24 hour recall method. Also food habits, nutrition knowledge and attitude were investigated by self-administered questionnaires. Subjects were divided to under-weight, normal-weight, over-weight groups by body mass index (BMI). Most under-weight groups evaluated as their current body images were normal. $41\%$ of normal-weight groups judged as their current body images were obese. Energy and fat intakes of over-weight group were significantly higher than that of under-weight and normal weight groups (p<0.05). However, carbohydrate and protein intakes showed no significant differences among the three groups. It appeared that active attitude toward change in nutrition attitude of normal weight group was significantly higher than that of under-weight group (p<0.05). There were no significant differences of food habit score, nutrition knowledge, and obesity habit scores among the three groups. The frequency of eating-out showed significant difference among three groups (p<0.05). Food habit scores were positively related to health-concerned attitude (r=0.174), convenience-concerned attitude (r=0.229) and food enjoyed attitude (0.213) and negatively related to obesity habit score (r=-0.206). Also, positive correlation of body fat mass with frequency of eatingout (r=0.213), instant food (r=0.227) and amount of meal (r=0.187) existed (p<0.05). We concluded that nutrition education programs for housewives should include specific strategies to modify unsound food behaviors and inappropriate perception of body image for a healthy weight.

은닉 마코프 모델과 켑스트럴 계수들에 따른 한국어 속삭임의 인식 비교 (Comparison of HMM models and various cepstral coefficients for Korean whispered speech recognition)

  • 박찬응
    • 전자공학회논문지 IE
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    • 제43권2호
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    • pp.22-29
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    • 2006
  • 본 논문에서는 모바일 환경에 따른 속삭임의 사용이 증가하는 데 따른 속삭임 인식을 위하여 음성인식에 많이 사용되고 있는 특징벡터들을 은닉 마코프 모델을 이용, 정상어 모델, 속삭임 모델, 정상어, 속삭임 통합 모델들에 인식 시험하고 결과를 분석하여 가장 적합한 인식 시스템을 찾으려고 하였다. 인식 시험을 통하여 속삭임의 인식은 정상어 모델로 인식하는 시스템은 낮은 인식률로 실용성이 없으며 속삭임 모델을 별도로 사용하는 것이 85%이상의 가장 높은 인식률을 보였다. 또한 '정상어+속삭임' 모델도 인식률은 조금 벌어지나 가능성을 확인할 수 있었다. 특징벡터로는 속삭임 모델을 사용하는 경우 MFCC 혹은 PLCC를 사용하는 것이 거의 유사하게 높은 인식률을 얻을 수 있었으나 '정상어+속삭임' 모델을 사용하는 경우 PLCC를 특징벡터로 사용하는 것이 속삭임 인식에서 가장 좋은 결과를 보였다.

The Study on Respiratory Function, Spirometric Lung Pattern and Fatigue of Elderly in a Facility

  • Shin, Hee Joon;Kim, Ji Sung;Wang, Joong San;Choi, Yoo Rim;Kim, Hong Rae;Park, Si Eun;An, Ho Jung;Min, Kyung Ok
    • 국제물리치료학회지
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    • 제4권1호
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    • pp.488-493
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate spirometric lung pattern, respiratory function and degree of fatigue by lung function tests and fatigue tests of 39 elderly people in a care facility aged 65 and over. The respiratory function tests were used to the Spirovit SP-1 and fatigue tests were used modified Piper fatigue scale(mPFS). Regarding the respiratory function, the FVC was $1.41{\pm}0.36$l, the FVC % predicted was $69.10{\pm}14.98$%, the $FEV_1$ was $1.02{\pm}0.31$l, the $FEV_1$ % predicted was $63.27{\pm}16.05$%, the $FEV_1$/FVC was $72.77{\pm}13.40$%, and the fatigue score was $5.83{\pm}1.09$. As for the spirometric lung pattern, 19 patients had a restrictive pattern(48.7%), followed by 11 with a mixed pattern(28.2%), 5 with an obstructive pattern( 12.8%), and 4 with a normal pattern(10.3%). Regarding the respiratory function and fatigue by spirometric lung pattern, the FVC and the FVC % predicted of patients with a normal pattern or an obstructive pattern were greater than other groups at a statistically significant level. As for the $FEV_1$, that of patients with a normal pattern was significantly higher than others, and for the $FEV_1$ % predicted, that of patients with a normal pattern or a restrictive pattern was significantly higher(p<.001). Fatigue score by patients with a normal pattern was significantly less than patients of other patterns(p<.001). Therefore, pulmonary physical therapy is considered necessary to improve respiratory function and fatigue degradation of elderly in a facility.

MMPI를 이용한 악교정 수술환자의 인성에 관한 연구 (A study on the personality characteristics of orthognathic surgery patients through the MMPI.)

  • 박우경;박재억;박수병
    • 대한치과교정학회지
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    • 제28권5호
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    • pp.741-750
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    • 1998
  • 이 연구에서는 악교정 수술환자의 술전, 술후 인성의 특성 및 술후 변화를 알아보기 위해 실시되었으며 객관적인 인성검사의 한가지인 MMPI를 이용하였다. 악교정 수술환자들의 수술동기와 술후 만족도는 질문지를 통하여 조사하였다. 연구대상은 술전교정 중인 환자50명과 악교정 수술을 받은 환자 22명으로 이루어졌다. 이 연구에서 얻은 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 술전 환자군에서 K척도를 제외한 모든 T-scores는 정상적인 범주에 놓여 있었다. K척도값은 57.7이었으며 이것은 이 환자들이 다소 스트레스를 많이 받고 있음을 보여주었다. 2. 술후 환자군은 모든 척도에서 정상범주에 놓여 있었다. 3. 술전, 술후 환자군을 비교했을 때, 단지 K-score만이 수술 후에 통계학적으로 유의성있는 증가를 보였다. (p<0.05) 4. 남성환자는 술전 K 척도를 제외한 모든 척도에서 정상적이었으며, 술후에 K, Hs 척도에서 통계학적으로 유의성있는 증가를 보였다. (p<0.05) 5. 여성환자는 모든 T-score가 정상적인 범주에 놓여 있었다. 6. 수술동기는 크게 심미적, 기능적, 악관절문제, 정신사회학적 동기로 나눌 수 있었으며, 각각 28.2, 32.1, 9.0, $30.7\%$였다. 7. 수술 후 수술 동기에 대한 만족도는 매우 만족하는 환자가 전체의 $14.3\%$, 만족하는 환자가 $71.4\%$, 그저 그렇다고 답한 환자가 $9.5\%$였으며, 매우 불만족스러움을 답한 환자가 $4.8\%$였다.

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Lactobacillus delbruckii 첨가가 식빵의 품질에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 (Studies on the effect of Lactobacillus delbruckii on the quality of bread)

  • 안종훈;유제현;심의진
    • Journal of Dairy Science and Biotechnology
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    • 제14권1호
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    • pp.85-95
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    • 1996
  • 식빵 제조에 있어 유산균을 첨가하여 산생성을 촉진시켜 pH가 저하되고 빵의 보존기간을 연장시키며 독특한 풍미를 갖게 하는 등 그 품질과 보존성에 관한 기초적 자료를 마련하고자 수분함량, 수분활성, 제품의 pH, Hardness측정, 보존기간 및 관능검사로 빵의 품질 특성을 연구하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 수분함량의 감소는 저장기간에 따라 일반 식빵이 sourdough를 10, 30, 50% 첨가한 식빵보다 빨랐다. 2. 수분활성도는 일반 식빵의 경우 0.94, sourdough 첨가 식빵은 0.94에서 0.96으로 약간의 차이는 있으나 대체로 비슷한 수치를 나타내었다. 3. 제품의 pH는 sourdough 첨가량과 straight dough method와 sponge dough method에 따라서 차이가 있었다. 즉 장시간의 발효를 실시한 sponge dough method 식빵이 sourdough첨가 %가 증가할수록 pH의 변화가 pH 5.5${\sim}$4.5로 straight dough method의 식빵 pH 5.4${\sim}$4.8보다 낮아지는 경향을 보였다. 4. Hardness 측정시 저장기간이 경과할수록 일반식빵이 sourdough 첨가 식빵에 비해 대체로 단단하였다. 5. Sponge dough method가 straight dough method에 비해 이취, 곰팡이 발생이 30${\circ}$C에서 1일 정도 늦어지며 sourdough % 증가할수록 이취, 곰팡이 발생이 I~2일 늦어지는 경향을 나타내었다. 6. 관능검사 결과 sourdough 첨가 식빵이 일반식빵 보다 높게 평가되었다. 7, 관능검사 결과 straight dough method에 있어서는 sourdough 30% 첨가 식빵이 가장 기호에 맞는 것으로 평가되었으며, sponge dough method에 있어서는 sourdough 10% 첨가 식빵이 가장 기호에 맞는 것으로 평가되어 Sourdough 첨가 %와 method에 따라 score 차이를 보였다.

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어혈변증 설문지를 통한 오십견의 어혈변증 평가 및 통증, 견관절 운동범위와 어혈변증과의 관계 (A Study of Blood Stasis Pattern for Frozen Shoulder Using Blood Stasis Pattern Questionnaires (BSPQ) and the Relationship of Pain, Shoulder Range of Motion and BSPQ Score)

  • 권신애;이정우;김민정;송지연;성원석;서병관;우현수;백용현;박동석
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • 제28권4호
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    • pp.49-55
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    • 2011
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study was 1) to investigate the possibility of taking blood stasis pattern as a clinical parameter of frozen shoulder, using blood stasis pattern questionnaire (BSPQ) to frozen shoulder group comparing with normal group, and 2) to find out the relationship of the severity of main frozen shoulder symptoms (pain and limited range of motion of shoulder) and the level of blood stasis pattern through BSPQ analysis. Methods : During the period of January 2010 to July 2010, fifty five frozen shoulder patients who visited outpatient clinic of department of acupuncture and moxibustion in East-West Neo Medical Center, Kyung Hee University and fifty five normal people without shoulder pain nor limited ROM in shoulder joint were evaluated through BSPQ, and to the frozen shoulder group, also evaluated three different visual analogue scales (VAS) of pain (pain on average, pain at night, and pain on motion) and active / passive range of motion (ROM) of shoulder joint. Results : Mean blood stasis pattern score of frozen shoulder patients group was significantly higher than the score of normal group (patients vs normal group : $4.85{\pm}1.68$ vs $3.49{\pm}1.54$). Three different types of pain VAS (on average, at night and on motion) showed low to very low positive correlation with BSPQ scores when analyzed with Pearson's correlation coefficient. ROM levels in shoulder joint were not significantly related to BSPQ scores, though active external rotation range showed low positive correlation with BSPQ scores. Conclusions : Patients with frozen shoulder showed higher blood stasis pattern score in BSPQ but the level of blood stasis pattern is not significantly related to the severity of pain or limitation of ROM in shoulder joint.

일부 농업인의 개인보호구 착용빈도 점수와 요 중 유기인계 농약 대사체 농도와의 연관성 (The Relationship between Frequency Score of Wearing Personal Protective Equipment and Concentration of Urinary Organophosphorus Pesticide Metabolites in Farmers)

  • 최지희;문선인;노상철
    • 한국환경보건학회지
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    • 제45권6호
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    • pp.583-593
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    • 2019
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationship between the frequency score of wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) and concentration of urinary organophosphorus pesticide metabolites in farmers. Methods: The study was conducted in Chungcheongnam-do Province of South Korea. We collected urine samples from 308 farmers from September to December 2017 and May to July 2018. Among them, 17 farmers with urinary creatinine levels outside the normal range were excluded. Information on the frequency of wearing PPE was obtained from the farmers through face-to-face survey. Each frequency of wearing for seven types of PPE was converted into a score and expressed as a total score, which was divided into quartiles. Four types of urinary organophosphorus pesticide metabolites were analyzed using a gas chromatography mass selective detector. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to identify concentrations of urinary organophosphorus pesticide metabolites affected by the frequency of wearing PPE. Results: The average frequency score of wearing PPE was 8.0. The quartiles of frequency score of wearing PPE were divided as follows: 1st quartile (≤1), 2nd quartile (1-6), 3rd quartile (6-12), and 4th quartile (>12). Compared with subjects with a low frequency score of wearing PPE (reference), subjects with a high frequency score of wearing PPE (4th quartile) had lower concentrations of urinary diethyl phosphate (DEP) (p<0.01) and dialkyl phosphate (ΣDAP) (p<0.05), which is the sum of dimethyl phosphate (DMP), DEP, dimethyl thiophosphate (DMTP), and diethyl thiophosphate (DETP). Conclusion: Concentrations of urinary organophosphorus pesticide metabolites were associated with frequency score of wearing PPE. Particularly as the frequency score of wearing PPE increased, concentrations of urinary DMP, DEP, DETP, and ΣDAP significantly decreased. The findings of this study can contribute to the management of health effects among farmers working with pesticides.

서울시내(市內) 고등학교(高等學校) 교사의 성지식(性知識), 태도(態度) 및 학생에 대한 성교육(性敎育) 요구(要求) 조사(調査) (A Study on the High School Teachers' Sexual Knowledge, Attitude and Their Need of Sex Education for the Students)

  • 김차영
    • 한국학교보건학회지
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    • 제3권1호
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    • pp.19-47
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    • 1990
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the high school teachers' sexual knowledge, attitude and their need of sex education for the students in Seoul. These data were collected by questionnaire in Oct. 1989. The result was compared by the type of teacher (school health nurse and high school teacher), involving in sex education or not, age, marital status and religion. The major findings of this study were as follows: 1. The mean score of sexual knowledge of the school health nurses was higher than the high school teachers. (P<0.05) (the average correct answer rate:the school health nurses=80.85%, the high school teachers=62.65%)Female teachers who were involved in sex education got higher score than the male high school teachers and female teachers who were not. (P<0.05) The married female high school teachers got higher score than never-married. (p<0.05) 2. About the sexual attitudes, the respondents were asked in the Likert's four-point scale with 3 groups of questions that were anatomical and physiological terminology about sex, normal sexual life and immoral sexual life. About anatomical and physiological terminology about sex, they had a little positive feeling. (mean score= 2.62) The school health nurses and the male high school teachers had more positive feeling than the female. (P< 0.05) Also the aged and married male high school teachers had more positive feeling than others. (P<0.05) About normal sexual life, they had a little positive feeling and moderately permissive attitude. (feeling mean score=2.96, attitude mean score=3.23) The school health nurses and the male high school teachers had more positive feeling than the female. (P<0.05) And the male high school teachers had more permissive attitude than the female. (P<0.05) About immoral sexual life, they had strongly negative feeling and conservative attitude. (feeling mean score =3.49, attitude mean score=3.35) The school health nurses the female high school teachers had more negative feeling and conservative attitude than the male. (P<0.05) And the male protestant high school teachers had more conservative attitude than no-religion group. (P<0.05) 3. There was a weak correlation between sexual knowledge and attitude. 4. There was no significant difference about starting of sex education between the school health nurses and the high school teachers. (P>0.05) Generally, they answered that the starting of sex education about physical growth and development could bp given with the students' physical growth and development. But for the sex education about emotional and social development, they answered that the education should be given later than the emotional and social development of students. 62.1% of the school health nurses did sex education and 36.5% of the high school teachers did. The common contents of sex education were intersexual-fellowship(date), venereal disease and marriage. And the education about abnormal sex-behavior. divorce and sexual intercourse was given rarely.

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한열성향에 따른 위전도 특성 연구 (A study on the characteristic of electrogastrography according to the heat-cold patternization)

  • 하성룡;김민용;박영재;박영배
    • 대한한의진단학회지
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    • 제12권1호
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    • pp.131-141
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    • 2008
  • Background: In relation to a diagnosis of Korean Medicine, heat-cold is one of the most important indicators for evaluation. In spite of this importance, there has not been the study that tries to examine the change of indicators in an electrogastrography (EGG) according to the heat-cold patternization. Objective: The objective of this study is to establish the correlation between the heat-cold patternization and indicators of EGG by means of Standardized Questionnaire for Heat-Cold Patternization. Method: To conduct this study, we used the method as follows: Before conducting EGG, subjects were requested to give answers to the questionnaire which was developed by Kim. Before EGG, subjects were demanded to fast for more than 8 hours and then eat the test meal. Before eating the test meal(test meal: two slices of bread, 4oz of apple juice), EGG signals were detected for 30 minutes, and then subjects could eat the test meal for 10 minutes. After eating the test meal, EGG signals were detected for 30 minutes. Results: 1. There was a negative correlation between heat score and the power ratio of channel 1 and channel 2 of EGG. There was a positive correlation between cold score and the power ratio of channel 1 of EGG. 2. There was a positive correlation between heat score and pre-prandial gastric arrhythmia in the channel 1, 2 and 4 of EGG. There was a negative correlation between cold score and post-prandial gastric arrhythmia in the channel 1, 2 and 3 of EGG. 3. There was a negative correlation between heat score and normal pre-prandial gastric slow wave in the channel 1, 2 and 4 of EGG. There was a positive correlation between cold score and normal post-prandial gastric slow wave in the channel 3 of EGG. Conclusions: From the results above, we could conclude as follows: Indicators of EGG and cold score presented a positive correlation, and heat score displayed a negative correlation. As a result, to apply EGG to a diagnosis of functional indigestion, the application of EGG to subjects who have heat patternization would increase the reliability of a diagnosis.

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뇌 해마를 떼어버린 흰쥐의 공격적 행동 (Aggressive behavior of Male Rats following Hippocampal Ablation)

  • 박노순;김철
    • The Korean Journal of Physiology
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    • 제1권2호
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    • pp.169-175
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    • 1967
  • 해마가 공격정 행동에 미치는 영향을 알기 위하여 두정-측두 경계 부위 신피질을 양측성으로 둥글게(지름 3 mm 정도) 떼고 이를 거쳐 해마를 거의 완전히 떼어 버린 흰쥐 17마리(해마군)와 신피질에만 지름 3 mm 정도의 손상을 준 흰쥐 8마리(수술대조군) 및 정산 흰쥐 17 마리(정상군)를 마련하여 다음과 같은 실험을 실시하였다. 발에 가해진 전기 충격을 계기로 하여 해마군에 속하는 개체와 정상군에 속하는 개체사이, 해마군에 속하는 개체와 수술대조군에 속하는 개체 및 수술대조군에 속하는 개체와 정산군에 속하는 개체 사이에 싸움을 일으키고 일정한 판단기준에 따라 승리, 패배 및 무승부를 가렸다. 약 2분의 시간 간격을 두고 15회에 걸쳐 반복한 전기 충격에 의하여 얻은 성적을 총괄하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 해마군과 정상군 사이의 싸움에서 해마군이 승리를 거둔 수는 정상군의 그것 보다 유의하게 많다. 2. 해마군과 수술대조군 사이의 싸움에 있어서는 두 무리의 성적이 서로 유의하게 다르지 않으나 해마군이 우위를 차지하는 경향만은 뚜렷하다. 3. 수술대조군과 정상군 사이의 싸움에서 수술대조군이 얻은 성적은 정상군의 그것과 비교하여 유의하게 다르지 않다. 위의 실험결과로 미루어 해마는 정상기 공격적 행동을 다소나마 억압하는 경향이 있는 것으로 보인다.

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