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Clinical Parameters Predicting Responsiveness to Treatment in Enuresis Patients (야뇨증 치료반응 예측에 관계하는 평가지표)

  • Lee, Kang-Gyoon;Lee, Hyun-Jung;Lim, Yun-Ju;Kwon, Duck-Geun;Kim, Eun-Jin;Pai, Ki-Soo
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.272-279
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    • 2007
  • Purpose : We tried to find out the clinical parameters which predict the outcome of treatment in children with enuresis. Methods : Enuresis patients who visited our hospital during 2003-2007 were included. Parameters such as age, gender, height, weight, minimal voided volume, maximal voided volume, maximum functional bladder capacity, frequency of voiding, urine S,G. before and after sleep were measured and an enuresis diary was also recorded. The reduction in wetting frequencies were classified into three groups; none(<50%), partial(50-90%) and complete(90%) response groups. We also compared the 'initial responders' who showed improvement(${\ge}50%$) during the 2 weeks of evaluation and behavioral therapy to the 'initial non-responders'. Results : Parameters mentioned above showed no significant relation to the treatment out-come. The response rate during the 2 weeks of the evaluation period was 32%(49/151) [complete in 1.3% (2/151), partial in 29.6% (47/151)]. Two-months' treatment responses were complete in 14(40%), partial in 19(54.3%) and none in 2(5.9%) responders(n=35), while they were 10(13.5%), 46(62.2%) and 18(24.3%), respectively in the non-responders(n=73) (P<0.05). Conclusion : We suggest that initial 'responsiveness' can be used as a predictor for good treatment outcome in patients with enuresis.

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Management of Non-pain Symptoms in Terminally Ill Cancer Patients: Based on National Comprehensive Cancer Network Guidelines (말기암환자에서 통증 외 증상의 관리: 최신 NCCN(National Comprehensive Cancer Netweork) 권고안을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Hye Ran
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.205-215
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    • 2013
  • Most terminally ill cancer patients experience various physical and psychological symptoms during their illness. In addition to pain, they commonly suffer from fatigue, anorexia-cachexia syndrome, nausea, vomiting and dyspnea. In this paper, I reviewed some of the common non-pain symptoms in terminally ill cancer patients, based on the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) guidelines to better understand and treat cancer patients. Cancer-related fatigue (CRF) is a common symptom in terminally ill cancer patients. There are reversible causes of fatigue, which include anemia, sleep disturbance, malnutrition, pain, depression and anxiety, medical comorbidities, hyperthyroidism and hypogonadism. Energy conservation and education are recommended as central management for CRF. Corticosteroid and psychostimulants can be used as well. The anorexia and cachexia syndrome has reversible causes and should be managed. It includes stomatitis, constipation and uncontrolled severe symptoms such as pain or dyspnea, delirium, nausea/vomiting, depression and gastroparesis. To manage the syndrome, it is important to provide emotional support and inform the patient and family of the natural history of the disease. Megesteol acetate, dronabinol and corticosteroid can be helpful. Nausea and vomiting will occur by potentially reversible causes including drug consumption, uremia, infection, anxiety, constipation, gastric irritation and proximal gastrointestinal obstruction. Metoclopramide, haloperidol, olanzapine and ondansetron can be used to manage nausea and vomiting. Dyspnea is common even in terminally ill cancer patients without lung disease. Opioids are effective for symptomatic management of dyspnea. To improve the quality of life for terminally ill cancer patients, we should try to ameliorate these symptoms by paying more attention to patients and understanding of management principles.

Is the BRCA Germline Mutation a Prognostic Factor in Korean Patients with Early-onset Breast Carcinomas? (한국의 젊은 여성유방암 환자에서 BRCA 배선유전자 돌연변이는 예후인자인가?)

  • Choi Doo Ho;Lee Min Hyuk;Haffty Bruce G.
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.149-157
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    • 2003
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine if there were prognostic differences between BRCA related and BRCA non-related Korean patients with early-onset breast carcinomas. Materials and Methods: Sixty women who had developed breast cancers before the age of 40, and who were treated at the Soonchunhyang University Hospital, were studied independently of their family histories. The age range was 18 to 40 with a median of 34.5 years. Lymphocyte specimens from peripheral blood were studied for the heterozygous mutations of BRCA1 and BRCA2 using direct sequencing methods. Immunohistochemistry was peformed on the paraffin-embedded tissue blocks that were available. Results: Eleven deleterious mutations (18.3%, 6 in BRCA1 and 5 in BRCA2) and 7 missense mutations of unknown significance (11.7%), were found among the 60 patients. More than half of the mutation were novel, and were not reported in the database. Most of the BRCA-associated patients had no history of breast cancer. No treatment related failures were observed in the BRCA carriers, with the exception of one patient that had experienced a new primary tumor of the contralateral breast. The seven year relapse free survival rate were 50 and 79% In the BRCA carrier and BRCA negative patients, respectively. Although the expression of estrogen and progesterone receptors were less common, and histological features more aggressive, in the BRCA associated tumors, the outcome of the patients with BRCA mutations was not poorer than that on the patients without deleterious mutations. Conclusion.: Despite the BRCA mutation carriers having adverse prognostic features, the recurrence rate was relatively lower than that in the BRCA non-carrying Korean patients wi4h early-onset breast carcinomas. In addition, although the prevalence of the BRCA mutation in Korean patients was higher than that in white patients, the penetrance of the cancer seemed to be relatively low in Korean women carrying BRCA mutations. A large population based study of the BRCA mutation, with a long-term follow-up of the study patients will be required to confirm these results.

A Study of Clinical Model for Radiation Therapy in Lung Cancer Patients of Busan and South Gyeongnam Province (부산, 경남지역 폐암 환자의 방사선치료 이용에 대한 임상 결정 모델 연구)

  • Son, Jongki;Kim, Yunjin;Jo, Deokyoung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.393-401
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    • 2015
  • Radiation therapy for lung cancer is an effective treatment during monotherapy or combination therapy. Studies have reported that the optimum utilization rate of radiation therapy is estimated at 61% to 74%. Radiation therapy in Korea has been investigated to be low; further studies are needed. This study was intended to assess the appropriateness of the use of radiation and to reveal the use of radiation therapy-related factors by examining radiation therapy in lung cancer patients of Busan and South Gyeongnam Province. This study was aimed at the population diagnosed with lung cancer in Busan and South Gyeongnam Province. To conduct the study, 1036 patients enrolled in two hospitals were collected and 897 appropriate as subjects were selected. We compared the optimum utilization rate and actual rate of radiation therapy, and revealed the adequacy and related factors for use of radiotherapy. Of 897 patients, 503 (56%) were treated with medical therapy and 394 (44%) were given radiotherapy. The radiotherapy utilization rate of all lung cancer patients was 42%. The proportion of non-small cell lung cancer by histologic type was 33% and that of small cell lung cancer was 90%. Factors related to radiation therapy used in cancer were age, histological type, clinical stage, doctor refereed to, and clinical examination. Compared to radiation utilization by region (site), curative chest therapy was 42%; palliative treatment was 26%. In the comparison of histologic types, utilization of small-cell lung cancer is lower; the lowest especially in the stage III. Utilization of radiation therapy in Busan and South Gyeongnam Province was lower than the reasonable one. Utilization difference could be explained by patient factors, tumor factors, and health service factors. To improve utilization,development ofoutreach service programs and activation of the multidisciplinary team are required.

Assessment of Parameters Measured with Volumetric Pulmonary Artery Catheter as Predictors of Fluid Responsiveness in Patients with Coronary Artery Occlusive Disease (관상동맥 질환을 가진 환자에서 폐동맥카테터로 측정한 전부하 지표들은 수액부하 반응을 예상할 수 있는가?)

  • Lee, Ji-Yeon;Lee, Jong-Hwa;Shim, Jae-Kwang;Yoo, Kyung-Jong;Hong, Seung-Bum;Kwak, Young-Lan
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.41-48
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    • 2008
  • Background: Accurate assessment of the preload and the fluid responsiveness is of great importance for optimizing cardiac output, especially in those patients with coronary artery occlusive disease (CAOD). In this study, we evaluated the relationship between the parameters of preload with the changes in the stroke volume index (SVI) after fluid loading in patients who were undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). The purpose of this study was to find the predictors of fluid responsiveness in order to assess the feasibility of using. certain parameters of preload as a guide to fluid therapy. Material and Method: We studied 96 patients who were undergoing CABG. After induction of anesthesia, the hemodynamic parameters were measured before (T1) and 10 min after volume replacement (T2) by an infusion of 6% hydroxyethyl starch 130/0.4 (10 mL/kg) over 20 min. Result: The right ventricular end-diastolic volume index (RVEDVI), as well as the central venous pressure (CVP) and pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP), failed to demonstrate significant correlation with the changes in the SVI (%). Only the right ventricular ejection fraction (RVEF) measured at T1 showed significant correlation. with the changes of the SVI by linear regression (r=0.272, p=0.017). However, when the area under the curve of receiver operating characteristics (ROC) was evaluated, none of the parameters were over 0.7. The volume-induced increase in the SVI was 10% or greater in 31 patients (responders) and under 10% in 65 patients (non-responders). None of the parameters of preload measured at T1 showed a significant difference between the responders and non-responders, except for the RVEF. Conclusion: The conventional parameters measured with a volumetric pulmonary artery catheter failed to predict the response of SVI following fluid administration in patients suffering with CAOD.

Relative Risk for Lung Cancer According to Smoking Habits in Koreans (한국인의 흡연습관에 따른 폐암발생의 비교위험도)

  • Shin, Kyeong-Cheol;Ryoo, Hun-Mo;Park, Hye-Jung;Mun, Yeung-Chul;Chung, Jin-Hong;Lee, Kwan-Ho
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.48 no.3
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    • pp.331-338
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    • 2000
  • Background : While the incidence of lung cancer is gradually leveling off in developed countries, it is continuing to rise in Korea. With the rapid increase in the prevalence of smoking among women and the young, the incidence of lung cancer is also expected to increase within the next three and four decades. The aims of the present study are to analyze the smoking habits in patients with lung cancer and to evaluate of the relative risk of lung cancer according to patients' smoking habits. Method : This investigation was a hospital-based, case control study, which included data of 93 case subjects with lung cancer and 1132 controls with disease unrelated to smoking, obtained through a smoking history questionnaire by a direct personal interview. Result : Compared with non-smokers, those who smoked for more than 50 years had an odds ratio for lung cancer of 8.8(1.8-20.7). The odds ratios was 8.5(3.5-20.7) for those who smoke more than a total of 40 cigarettes per day and 5.5(2.3-13.3) for men who started habitual smoking under the age of 20. The risk increased for men with more than of cigarette smoking(OR : 5.5, 95% CIa : 2.6-11.9). Odds ratios associated with cigarette smoking were 2.5(1.1-5.8) and 5.1(2.6-10.4) for ex-smokers and current smokers, respectively and 2.2(0.0-4.6) for non-filter smokers of more than 16 years. Conclusion : There was a clear dose-response relationship between the risk of lung cancer and smoking. It can be concluded that dose is an important risk factor for lung cancer, as well as smoking habits.

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Multidisciplinary Management of the Locally Advanced Unresectable Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (수술 불가능한 국소 진행 비소세포성 폐암의 집합적 요법)

  • Cho, Kwan-Ho
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2004
  • Locally advanced (Stage III) non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) accounts for approximately one third of all cases of NSCLC. Few patients with locally advanced NSCLC present with disease amenable to curative surgical resection. Historically, these patients were treated with primary thoracic radiation therapy (RT) and had poor long term survival rates, due to both progression of local disease and development on distant metastases. Over the last two decades, the use of multidisciplinary approach has improved the outcome for patients with locally advanced NSCLC. Combined chemoradiotherapy is the most favored approach for treatment of locally advanced unresectable NSCLC. There are two basic treatment protocols for administering combined chemotherapy and radiation, sequential versus concurrent. The rationale for using chemotherapy is to eliminate subclinical metastatic disease while improving local control. Sequential use of chemotherapy followed by radiotherapy has improved median and long term survival compared to radiation therapy alone. This approach appears to decrease the risk of distant metastases,, but local failure rates remain the same as radiation alone. Concurrent chemoradiotherapy has been studied extensively. The potential advantages of this approach may include sensitization of tumor cells to radiation by the administration of chemotherapy, and reduced overall treatment time compared to sequential therapy; which is known to be important for improving local control in radiation biology. This approach Improves survival primarily as a result of improved local control. However, it doesn't seem to decrease the risk of distant metastases probably because concurrent chemoradiation requires dose reductions in chemotherapy due to increased risks of acute morbidity such as acute esophageal toxicity. Although multidisciplinary therapy has led to improved survival rates compared to radiation therapy alone and has become the new standard of care, the optimal therapy of locally advanced NSCLC continues to evolve. The current issues in the multidisciplinary management of locally advanced NSCLC will be reviewed in this report.

Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy in Locally Advanced Hypopharyngeal Cancer (국소 진행된 하인두암의 선행 항암화학요법 후 방사선치료)

  • Kim Suzy;Wu Hong-Gyun;Heo Dae-Seog;Park Charn I1
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.244-250
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    • 2000
  • Purpose : To see the relationship between the response to chemotherapy and the final outcome of neoadiuvant chemotherapy and radiotherapy in patients with mocanry advanced hypopharyngeal cancer. Methods and Materials :A retrospective analysis was done for thirty-two patients with locally advanced hypopharyngeal cancer treated in the Seoul National University Hospital with neoadiuvant chemotherapy and radiotherapy from August 1979 to July 1997. The patients were treated with Co-60 teletherapy unit or 4MV or 6MV photon beam produced by linear accelerator. Daily fractionation was 1.75 to 2 Gy, delivered five times a week. Total dose ranged from 60.8 Gy to 73.8 Gy. Twenty-nine patients received continuous infusion of cisplatin and 5-FU. Other patients were treated with cisplatin combined with bleomycin or vinblastin. Twenty-four (75$\%$) patients received all three prescribed cycles of chemotherapy delivered three weeks apart. Six patients received two cycles, and two patients received only one cycle. Results :The overall 2-year and 5-year survival rates are 65.6$\%$ and 43.0$\%$, respectively. 5-year local control rate is 34$\%$. Organ preservation for more than five years is achieved in 12 patients (38$\%$). After neoadjuvant chemotherapy, 24 patients achieved more than partial remission (PR): the response rate was 75$\%$ (24/32). Five patients had complete remission (CR), 19 patients PR, and 8 patients no response (NR). Among the 19 patients who had PR to chemotherapy, 8 patients achieved CR after radiotherapy. Among the 8 non-responders to chemotherapy, 2 patients achieved CR, and 6 patients achieved PR after radiotherapy. There was no non-responder after radiotherapy. The overall survival rates were 60$\%$ for CR to chemotherapy group, 35.1$\%$ for PR to chemotherapy group, and 50$\%$ for NR to chemotherapy group, respectively (p=0.93). There were significant difference in five-year overall survival rates between the patients with CR and PR after neoadjuvant chemotherapy and radiotherapy (73.3$\%$ vs. 14.7$\%$, p<0.01). The prognostic factor affecting overall survival was the response to overall treatment (CR vs. PR, p<0.01). Conclusion :In this study, there were only five patients who achieved CR after neoadiuvant chemotherapy. Therefore the difference of overall survival rates between CR and PR to chemotherapy group was not statistically significant. Only the response to chemo-radiotherapy was the most important prognostic factor. There needs to be more effort to improve CR rate of neoadjuvant chemotherapy and consideration for future use of concurrent chemoradiotherapy.

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Fine needle aspiration cytology of enlarged lymph nodes in children and adolescents (소아 및 청소년에 있어서 림프절 종대에 대한 미세침 흡인 세포검사법)

  • Lee, Seung Min;Oh, Yoon Jung;Jun, Yong Hoon;Hong, Young Jin;Son, Byong Kwan;Kim, Soon Ki;Han, Jee Young;Chu, Young Chae
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.49 no.2
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    • pp.167-172
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    • 2006
  • Purpose : Palpable lymph nodes are common in the pediatric population, and most of them are either inflammatory or congenital. As the diagnostic evaluation, fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) is known to be more convenient and economical than tissue biopsy. We evaluated the usefulness of FNAC in children and adolescents. Methods : Four hundred and thirteen FNAC samples(M : F=1 : 1.15) were retrospectively analyzed in patients who were brought to Inha University Hospital, from August 1999 to August 2004. Results : The most common age group was 16-20 years of age(N=148, 35.8 percent). The cervical area was the most frequently involved site(N=310, 75 percent). Non-specific lymphadenitis was the most common(N=227, 54.9 percent), followed by the benign neoplasm(N=59, 14.2 percent). Malignant tumors were 18 cases(4.3 percent), and congenital diseases were found in 10 cases(2.4 percent). In inflammatory lesions, tuberculous lymphadenitis(N=22, 5.3 percent) was the most common with a histologic sensitivity of 90.9 percent. The peripheral blood and serologic studies were non-specific. Fifty nine percent(N=244) of lymphadenitis improved without specific management. Antibiotics were prescribed in 15.2 percent of lymphadenitis and lymphadenectomy was performed in 12.6 percent. Conclusion : Most of the enlarged lymph nodes in children and adolescents were benign. These results show FNAC is a safe, rapid and reliable diagnostic procedure for the appropriate differential diagnosis of enlarged lymph nodes in children and adolescents.

Psychosocial Impact of Chronic Orofacial Pain (만성 구강안면통증의 사회심리적 영향)

  • Yang, Dong-Hyo;Kim, Mee-Eun
    • Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.397-407
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    • 2009
  • The aim of the study was to evaluate psychosocial impact of non-dental chronic orofacial pain (OFP) on daily living using the graded chronic pain (GCP) scale. It is also investigated the clinical profile such as demographics, event related to initiation of OFP and prior treatments for patients. During previous 6 months since September 2008, 572 patients (M:F=1:1.5, mean age=34.7 years) with non-dental OFP attended university-based specialist orofacial pain clinic (Dankook University Dental Hospital, Cheonan) to seek care although 63% of them already experienced related treatment for their OFP problem. They visited the most frequently general dental practitioner and orthopedic doctors due to their pain problem and medication was the most commonly employed modality. Most of the patients (89.2%) had TMD and the most common related event to initiation of their pain was trauma, followed by dental treatment. Almost half of the patients (46%) suffered from chronic pain(${\geq}6\;M$) and 40% of them exhibited relatively high disability due to chronic OFP. GCP pain intensity and disability days were significantly different for age and diagnosis (p<0.05) but not for gender and duration. GCP grades were affected by all the factors including gender, age, pain duration and diagnosis.(p=0.000) Female gender, elders, and long lasting pain were closely related to high disability. The patients with neuropathic Pain and mixed OFP rather than TMD were graded as being highly disabled. Conclusively, a considerable percentage of chronic OFP patients reports high pain-related disability in their daily, social and work activity, which suggest a need for psychosocial support and importance of earlier referral for appropriate diagnosis and tailored management.