• Title/Summary/Keyword: networking skills

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Design and Implementation of web based cyber counseling system (웹기반 사이버 상담시스템의 설계 및 구현)

  • Lee Jae-Inn
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.21-39
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    • 2003
  • Many people including teachers and students' parents must assist each student who will be a hero of future to develop their potential abilities and acquire various skills. Counseling is a fundamental thing to achieve this goal. But, in reality, it is usually difficult to do counseling which makes it possible to establish desirable self-view and world view expertly and systema tically because of burdensome task of teachers, spatial and time limit and students' extracurri cular activities. Taking advantages of computer networking, this research was designed to solve various problematic situations we can usually face with in school and home, to reduce limitations among three parties: teachers, parents and students, and to keep record continuously on the process and contents of counseling. And, also, this research is focused to web-based counseling network that makes possible to build database system easily adapts to specialty of each schools. Web based counseling system will provide these advantages: 1. Through analyzing and editing which will be done by expert In of accumulated database, to realize more systematic and expert database will be possible. 2. Owing to the physical characteristic of cyber space, counseling will be done any time and anywhere the computer is. 3. Because it is possible to minimize social limitations on physical condition, communication channel and anonymity of cyber space, counseling will be relatively easy to perform. 4. The contents of counseling will be automatically recorded on the database.

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Analysis of Mentors' Roles using IPA in the Workplace Mentoring : From the Perspective of Mentors and Mentees (IPA를 이용한 직장멘토링에서 멘토의 역할 분석 : 멘토와 멘티의 관점에서)

  • Kim, Jae Kyeong;Choi, Bhang Gil;Choi, Il Young;Son, Yu Kyung
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.69-80
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    • 2021
  • Many studies have discussed the effectiveness of mentoring from a mentor or mentee perspective. However, it is is necessary to deeply understand the formal mentoring relationship from the perspective of both the mentor and the mentee because the mentoring relationship is the interaction between the mentor and the mentee. Therefore, in this study, the mentors' role through IPA was compared and analyzed from the perspective of mentors and mentees. A survey was conducted on 376 employees of the financial bank, and the managers in charge of the company's official workplace mentoring and employees who participated in the mentoring program were interviewed. As a result of the analysis, mentors are more satisfied with the rewarding experience, while mentees are satisfied with commitment, and organizational ascendency and impact. In addition, mentees judge that "Coach", "Provides support", "Provides vision & widens horizons", "Broaden experience", "Cooperation", "Motivates", "Networking ability", "Provide cross-functional information", "Role model", "Share credit", "Teacher", and "Transfer skills, leadership, & technology" are important as mentor's roles are important. Therefore, in order to foster mentors for effective workplace mentoring, it is necessary to educate the mentor in advance about the mentors' role that the mentee considers to be important.

Design for Recommended System of Movies using Social Network Keyword of Analysis (소셜 네트워크 키워드 분석을 통한 영화 추천 시스템 설계)

  • Yang, Xi-tong;Lee, Jong-Won;Chu, Xun;Pyoun, Do-Kil;Jung, Hoe-Kyung
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2014.10a
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    • pp.609-611
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    • 2014
  • Was developed of the web service in Due to the dissemination for IT skills development and smart appliances. In particular, Social network service for should be able to communicate feel free to a user across without distinguishing between production and consumption information in contrast to the existing web service. And strengthen to the information sharing relationships between existing human relation and new human relation. In this paper, a social network service in providing a social networking from users using their communication and information sharing is used to collect and analyze in the keyword. And a design of recommended system of movies for appropriate keyword.

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A Study on the Awareness of Academic Librarians about "Ten Technology Ideas Your Library" (도서관에서 활용할 수 있는 10가지 방법에 대한 대학도서관 사서의 인식에 관한 연구)

  • Noh, Dong-Jo;Min, Sook-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.15-34
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    • 2010
  • In this study we determine the level of awareness among academic librarians of ten technological tools as outlined in American Libraries. Towards this end, we conducted a survey targeting 156 academic librarians in 25 Korean university libraries. Questionnaires were designed to determine both the viability and level of acceptance of the ten technological proposals in question. Conclusions drawn after analyzing the responses to the survey were as follows: 1) Customer service can be improved by first drawing up a list of technological skills required for staff members. Methods to develop the cataloging service to more closely match individual user preferences and the use of SMS to send alerts proved to be the proposals, of the ten that were proposed, that not only bore the greatest necessity but also proved to be the most effective once they were implemented. 2) Proposals that proved to be the most difficult to implement were: Using technology to improve the cataloging service to make it more capable of evolving according to the individual preferences of users; the special event wiki for users; and improvements in customer service arising from identifying and drawing up a list of technological skills required for staff members.

Design and Implementation of IoT based Low cost, Effective Learning Mechanism for Empowering STEM Education in India

  • Simmi Chawla;Parul Tomar;Sapna Gambhir
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.163-169
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    • 2024
  • India is a developing nation and has come with comprehensive way in modernizing its reducing poverty, economy and rising living standards for an outsized fragment of its residents. The STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education plays an important role in it. STEM is an educational curriculum that emphasis on the subjects of "science, technology, engineering, and mathematics". In traditional education scenario, these subjects are taught independently, but according to the educational philosophy of STEM that teaches these subjects together in project-based lessons. STEM helps the students in his holistic development. Youth unemployment is the biggest concern due to lack of adequate skills. There is a huge skill gap behind jobless engineers and the question arises how we can prepare engineers for a better tomorrow? Now a day's Industry 4.0 is a new fourth industrial revolution which is an intelligent networking of machines and processes for industry through ICT. It is based upon the usage of cyber-physical systems and Internet of Things (IoT). Industrial revolution does not influence only production but also educational system as well. IoT in academics is a new revolution to the Internet technology, which introduced "Smartness" in the entire IT infrastructure. To improve socio-economic status of the India students must equipped with 21st century digital skills and Universities, colleges must provide individual learning kits to their students which can help them in enhancing their productivity and learning outcomes. The major goal of this paper is to present a low cost, effective learning mechanism for STEM implementation using Raspberry Pi 3+ model (Single board computer) and Node Red open source visual programming tool which is developed by IBM for wiring hardware devices together. These tools are broadly used to provide hands on experience on IoT fundamentals during teaching and learning. This paper elaborates the appropriateness and the practicality of these concepts via an example by implementing a user interface (UI) and Dashboard in Node-RED where dashboard palette is used for demonstration with switch, slider, gauge and Raspberry pi palette is used to connect with GPIO pins present on Raspberry pi board. An LED light is connected with a GPIO pin as an output pin. In this experiment, it is shown that the Node-Red dashboard is accessing on Raspberry pi and via Smartphone as well. In the final step results are shown in an elaborate manner. Conversely, inadequate Programming skills in students are the biggest challenge because without good programming skills there would be no pioneers in engineering, robotics and other areas. Coding plays an important role to increase the level of knowledge on a wide scale and to encourage the interest of students in coding. Today Python language which is Open source and most demanding languages in the industry in order to know data science and algorithms, understanding computer science would not be possible without science, technology, engineering and math. In this paper a small experiment is also done with an LED light via writing source code in python. These tiny experiments are really helpful to encourage the students and give play way to learn these advance technologies. The cost estimation is presented in tabular form for per learning kit provided to the students for Hands on experiments. Some Popular In addition, some Open source tools for experimenting with IoT Technology are described. Students can enrich their knowledge by doing lots of experiments with these freely available software's and this low cost hardware in labs or learning kits provided to them.

A Study of Programs Operation within all the Related Agency Provides Services for Married-Immigrant Families in Korea (결혼 이민자 가족 관련기관의 프로그램 운영 현황에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Yang-Hee;Park, Jeong-Yoon;Kim, Hyo-Min;Paik, Sun-Ah
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.121-140
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to guide in providing quality services to meet the needs of married immigrants and their families. The researched agencies in this study were 14 public agencies and local government agencies, 21 married-immigrant family support centers, and 11 community social welfare centers located in the Seoul and Kyung-Gi areas. The program was categorized by the participating researchers, SPSS WIN 12.0 was used to calculate frequency, percentage and average then cross-tabulation was initiated. The results of the study are as follows: 1) The married-immigrant family support centers provide dominant services compared to public agencies and local government agencies, and community social welfare centers are located in the region of Seoul and Kyoung-Gi in the service areas of education, counseling, culture, child care and protect, support group and network. 2) All agencies provide service targeted to married immigrant women and their children 3) Three different types of agencies are mainly focused on providing Korean education programs. Married-immigrant family support centers and community social welfare centers are focused on providing computer skills programs. Public agencies and local government agencies are focused on providing vocation-oriented education. 4) Married-immigrant family support centers were investigated to service to the needs of married-immigrant families through networking with their neighboring communities.

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Music Pattern Analysis of K-POP (K-POP의 음악 패턴 분석)

  • Kang, HyunGoo;Kouh, HoonJoon
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.95-100
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    • 2013
  • K-POP is getting population at the all over the world. K-POP is based on the hook song that made using repetitive lyrics and melody. The characteristics of the music is a bit simple and cheerful rhythm and melody easy to sing along, interesting lyrics and great dance skills. K-POP is spreading to various countries via various social networking services such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter. K-POP dominated by the digital music market, showed a growing tendency to shorten the length of music, to create a music that can give a strong impression. And 60 second pre-listening function increased music used the chorus in the first part. But it was generated the result that made obscures the configuration of the music and the meaning of the lyrics. In this paper, we study the characteristics of K-POP music and will present three directions of the hook song music production. Finally, we compared to Kangnamstyle of Psy using the proposed three standards.

Designing Job Description of Data Trader (데이터 트레이드 직무 모델링에 관한 연구)

  • Um, Hyemi
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.33-38
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    • 2021
  • The data economy' is growing rapidly with the corona era. The quantity and quality of digital data is increasing rapidly. The domestic data industry needs a variety of data manpower, but there is still a shortage of high-quality data manpower. The data manpower in high demand is the development manpower, but the data business manpower is needed to increase the added value of the data industry. The role of a data trade manager that creates high core value among data business personnel is attracting attention. This study derives the job definition of the data trade manager, the necessary knowledge and skills, and the educational content necessary for the training course through Delphi research. In order to validate the results of the research, the study try to verifies the role of data trade managers. This study can be used as a theoretical basis for an educational model that is the basis for training data manpower, and can be used to establish a manpower training policy in the future.

The Allentown Connection-A Tribute for Lew Jae-duk, the "Father of Korean Plastic Surgery"

  • Geoffrey G. Hallock;Joon Pio Hong
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.50 no.3
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    • pp.225-232
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    • 2023
  • In retrospect, the irony of this story began with the first meeting of these co-authors-in of all places, Coimbatore, India, in 2008, at the 12th International Perforator Flap Course. Here the junior author [hereafter "jp"] demonstrated his unparalleled skills in networking, and soon thereafter journeyed some 11,073 km to Allentown, U.S. to peruse the operating room and clinics of the senior author [sic. ggh] in action. Within 2 years jp orchestrated the presentation of the 14th International Perforator Flap Course, so ggh with great anticipation flew only 6,830 miles to reach Seoul, Korea for his first time. But four years more elapsed before ggh returned again to Korea to be a visiting professor, all the while not quite sure why any Korean would want anything from a country doctor who resided in nowheresville Allentown, Pennsylvania. Yet, an extraordinary fact then was to be unveiled, about which ggh was totally ignorant. The pioneer of plastic surgery in Korea, the first Korean to have completed an accredited plastic surgery fellowship, by coincidence had accomplished all this in . . . . . Allentown. The collegial relationship that evolved between these co-authors, who met by chance, indeed had a precedent coincidence! Was this "by chance" alone or predestination? Amazingly, in a way similar, the origin of plastic surgery itself in Korea also had Allentown connections. As a tribute to Lew Jae-duk, this important story must be here told, so let us now retrace his past in Allentown so we can find how the future was to be not so far away.

Womenswear Collections based on Italian Fashion Market Trends-utilizing 1990's demographics data- (이태리 패션시장 트렌드 분석을 통한 여성복 컬렉션 기획-1990년대 통계자료를 중심으로-)

  • 김유경
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.38
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    • pp.193-211
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    • 1998
  • Without a solid marketing system in placed, the fashion industry cannot flourish on out-standing design or technology alone. Even though the significance of collecting and analyzing information, merchandising, and retail distribution is recognized, these functions are not firmly rooted or prevalent in our industry. In contrast, Italy which possesses similar demographic traits such as the lack of natural resources and other physical factors has succeed-ed in globalizing its fashion market by responding swiftly and exercising flexiblity to its constantly changing consumer demand. This in turn has earned Italy the competitive edge in the global fashion arena. Italy's unique management skills and operation know-how, along with successful market strategies come into play in bringing competitiveness to Italy's fashion market. Firstly, smaller companies with ability to adopt swiftly to the ever changing market. Secondly, fashion friendly social environment. Thirdly, niche marketing through highly specialized system and differentiation. Fourthly, timeless innovation through intense corporate competition. Lastly, establishment of foundations to support the industry through diverse networking. The alone building blocks have formed a basis for erecting an unparalleled market with a reputation for excellence in design and quality in the global fashion world. This study has examined how Italy's fashion industry has evolved from an underdeveloped textile business into a cutting edge fashion in-dustry. Italy's unique business processes and practices were studied to come up with a collection and merchandising ideas in a niche market. By selecting this venue we are able to continuously grow and develop in a market with diverse consumer needs. To analyze the Italian fashion market, data from 3 institutions were utilized, namely, CIT-ER which has provided consumer trends and sales analysis, SITA,a data service provided statistics from the textile and apparel businesses, and NBI has also furnished valuable data. Italian consumer preference, buying behavior, consumer profile, retail channels and other related data from the above institutions has formed a backbone for market segmentation and target markets, and as a result, we were able to zero in on the type of consumer, produce, pricing and retail channels for our womenswear. Going forward the direction is to elevate product image and pretige, and create syn-ergy between related industries, and at the same note, in order to develop internationally recognized brands such as Max Mara and Benetton. Certain elements such as the specialization of the fashion industry, alon-g with fashion-related data base and systems support, and most importantly experts with acute fashion sense and capacity to analyze pertinent data are in need. I firmly believe that we can achieve Italy's level in the fashion market with support from the government and unrelenting effort within the industry itself, and hope that this report can prove to be useful.

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