• Title/Summary/Keyword: network interpolation

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Spatial Interpolation of Hourly Air Temperature over Sloping Surfaces Based on a Solar Irradiance Correction (일사 수광량 보정에 의한 산악지대 매시기온의 공간내삽)

  • 정유란;윤진일
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.95-102
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    • 2002
  • Spatial interpolation has become a common procedure in converting temperature forecasts and observations at irregular points for use in regional scale ecosystem modeling and the model based decision support systems for resource management. Neglection of terrain effects in most spatial interpolations for short term temperatures may cause erroneous results in mountainous regions, where the observation network hardly covers full features of the complicated terrain. A spatial interpolation model for daytime hourly temperature was formulated based on error analysis of unsampled site with respect to the site topography. The model has a solar irradiance correction scheme in addition to the common backbone of the lapse rate - corrected inverse distance weighting. The solar irradiance scheme calculates the direct, diffuse and reflected components of shortwave radiation over any surfaces based on the sun-slope geometry and compares the sum with that over a reference surface. The deviation from the reference radiation is used to calculate the temperature correction term by an empirical conversion formula between the solar energy and the air temperature on any sloped surfaces at an hourly time scale, which can be prepared seasonally for each land cover type. When this model was applied to a 14 km by 22 km mountainous region at a 10 m horizontal resolution, the estimated hourly temperature surfaces showed a better agreement with the observed distribution than those by a conventional method.

Post-processing Method of Point Cloud Extracted Based on Image Matching for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Image (무인항공기 영상을 위한 영상 매칭 기반 생성 포인트 클라우드의 후처리 방안 연구)

  • Rhee, Sooahm;Kim, Han-gyeol;Kim, Taejung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.38 no.6_1
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    • pp.1025-1034
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    • 2022
  • In this paper, we propose a post-processing method through interpolation of hole regions that occur when extracting point clouds. When image matching is performed on stereo image data, holes occur due to occlusion and building façade area. This area may become an obstacle to the creation of additional products based on the point cloud in the future, so an effective processing technique is required. First, an initial point cloud is extracted based on the disparity map generated by applying stereo image matching. We transform the point cloud into a grid. Then a hole area is extracted due to occlusion and building façade area. By repeating the process of creating Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN) triangle in the hall area and processing the inner value of the triangle as the minimum height value of the area, it is possible to perform interpolation without awkwardness between the building and the ground surface around the building. A new point cloud is created by adding the location information corresponding to the interpolated area from the grid data as a point. To minimize the addition of unnecessary points during the interpolation process, the interpolated data to an area outside the initial point cloud area was not processed. The RGB brightness value applied to the interpolated point cloud was processed by setting the image with the closest pixel distance to the shooting center among the stereo images used for matching. It was confirmed that the shielded area generated after generating the point cloud of the target area was effectively processed through the proposed technique.

Effects of Observation Network Density Change on Spatial Distribution of Meteorological Variables: Three-Dimensional Meteorological Observation Project in the Yeongdong Region in 2019 (관측망 밀도 변화가 기상변수의 공간분포에 미치는 영향: 2019 강원영동 입체적 공동관측 캠페인)

  • Kim, Hae-Min;Jeong, Jong-Hyeok;Kim, Hyunuk;Park, Chang-Geun;Kim, Baek-Jo;Kim, Seung-Bum
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.169-181
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    • 2020
  • We conducted a study on the impact of observation station density; this was done in order to enable the accurate estimation of spatial meteorological variables. The purpose of this study is to help operate an efficient observation network by examining distributions of temperature, relative humidity, and wind speed in a test area of a three-dimensional meteorological observation project in the Yeongdong region in 2019. For our analysis, we grouped the observation stations as follows: 41 stations (for Step 4), 34 stations (for Step 3), 17 stations (for Step 2), and 10 stations (for Step 1). Grid values were interpolated using the kriging method. We compared the spatial accuracy of the estimated meteorological grid by using station density. The effect of increased observation network density varied and was dependent on meteorological variables and weather conditions. The temperature is sufficient for the current weather observation network (featuring an average distance about 9.30 km between stations), and the relative humidity is sufficient when the average distance between stations is about 5.04 km. However, it is recommended that all observation networks, with an average distance of approximately 4.59 km between stations, be utilized for monitoring wind speed. In addition, this also enables the operation of an effective observation network through the classification of outliers.

Effect of Tropospheric Delay Irregularity in Network RTK Environment (기준국 간 대류권 지연 변칙이 네트워크 RTK에 미치는 영향)

  • Han, Younghoon;Ko, Jaeyoung;Shin, Mi-Young;Cho, Deuk-Jae
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.19 no.11
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    • pp.2569-2575
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    • 2015
  • Network RTK generally uses a linear interpolation method by using the corrections from reference stations. This minimizes the spatial decorrelation error caused by the increase of distance between the reference station's baseline and user's baseline. However, tropospheric delay, a function of the meteorological data can cause a spatial decorrelation characteristic among reference stations within a network by local meteorological difference. A non-linear characteristic of tropospheric delay can deteriorate Network RTK performance. In this paper, the modeling of tropospheric delay irregularity is made from the data when the typhoon is occurred. By using this modeling, analyzing the effect of meteorological difference between reference stations on correction is performed. Finally, we analyze an effect of non-linear characteristics of tropospheric delay among reference stations to Network RTK user.

Face Region Detection using a Color Union Model and The Levenberg-Marquadt Algorithm (색상 조합 모델과 LM(Levenberg-Marquadt)알고리즘을 이용한 얼굴 영역 검출)

  • Kim, Jin-Ok
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.14B no.4
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    • pp.255-262
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    • 2007
  • This paper proposes an enhanced skin color-based detection method to find a region of human face in color images. The proposed detection method combines three color spaces, RGB, $YC_bC_r$, YIQ and builds color union histograms of luminance and chrominance components respectively. Combined color union histograms are then fed in to the back-propagation neural network for training and Levenberg-Marquadt algorithm is applied to the iteration process of training. Proposed method with Levenberg-Marquadt algorithm applied to training process of neural network contributes to solve a local minimum problem of back-propagation neural network, one of common methods of training for face detection, and lead to make lower a detection error rate. Further, proposed color-based detection method using combined color union histograms which give emphasis to chrominance components divided from luminance components inputs more confident values at the neural network and shows higher detection accuracy in comparison to the histogram of single color space. The experiments show that these approaches perform a good capability for face region detection, and these are robust to illumination conditions.

A Study on Triangulated Irregular Network Generation Method for GSIS (지형공간정보체계의 이용을 위한 불규칙삼각망 생성기법에 관한 연구)

  • 유복모;장지원;윤정학
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.209-218
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    • 1994
  • This study aims to generate triangulated irregular network in a form of digital terrain model which is being increasingly used. In general, grid digital elevation model and triangulated irregular network are reasonable units for solving terrain problems. But, triangulated irregular network is an efficient alternative to grid digital elevation model because of their efficiency in storing data and their convenient data structure for accommodating irregularly spaced elevation data. Various methods represented for extracting triangulated irregular networks from grid digital elevation model, and then algorithm that get accurate results for triangulation with their data set was introduced. The new approach for triangulation in this study uses the Elevation and Changeable Distance criterion, and adding interpolation points and restricted constraint lines can generate triangulated irregular network which is more close to real surface. This made database efficient construction and could be used for many applications of geo-spatial information system.

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Effects of Network Density on Gridded Horizontal Distribution of Meteorological Variables in the Seoul Metropolitan Area (관측망 밀도가 기상 자료의 격자형 수평 분포에 미치는 영향)

  • Kang, Minsoo;Park, Moon-Soo;Chae, Jung-Hoon;Min, Jae-Sik;Chung, Boo Yeon;Han, Seong Eui
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.183-196
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    • 2019
  • High-quality and high-resolution meteorological information is essential to reduce damages due to disastrous weather phenomena such as flash flood, strong wind, and heat/cold waves. There are many meteorological observation stations operated by Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) in Seoul Metropolitan Area (SMA). Nonetheless, they are still not enough to represent small-scale weather phenomena like convective storm cells due to its poor resolution, especially over urban areas with high-rise buildings and complex land use. In this study, feasibilities to use additional pre-existing networks (e.g., operated by local government and private company) are tested by investigating the effects of network density on the gridded horizontal distribution of two meteorological variables (temperature and precipitation). Two heat wave event days and two precipitation events are chosen, respectively. And the automatic weather station (AWS) networks operated by KMA, local-government, and SKTechX in Incheon area are used. It is found that as network density increases, correlation coefficients between the interpolated values with a horizontal resolution of 350 m and observed data also become large. The range of correlation coefficients with respect to the network density shows large in nighttime rather than in daytime for temperature. While, the range does not depend on the time of day, but on the precipitation type and horizontal distribution of convection cells. This study suggests that temperature and precipitation sensors should be added at points with large horizontal inhomogeneity of land use or topography to represent the horizontal features with a resolution higher than 350 m.

Accuracy Enhancement using Network Based GPS Carrier Phase Differential Positioning (네트워크 기반의 GPS 반송파 상대측위 정확도 향상)

  • Lee, Yong-Wook;Bae, Kyoung-Ho
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.111-121
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    • 2007
  • The GPS positioning offer 3D position using code and carrier phase measurements, but the user can obtain the precise accuracy positioning using carrier phase in Real Time Kinematic(RTK). The main problem, which RTK have to overcome, is the necessary to have a reference station(RS) when using RTK should be generally no more than 10km on average, which is significantly different from DGPS, where distances to RS can exceed several hundred kilometers. The accuracy of today's RTK is limited by the distance dependent errors from orbit, ionosphere and troposphere as well as station dependent influences like multipath and antenna phase center variations. For these reasons, the author proposes Network based GPS Carrier Phase Differential Positioning using Multiple RS which is detached from user receiver about 30km. An important part of the proposed system is algorithm and software development, named DAUNet. The main process is corrections computation, corrections interpolation and searching for the integer ambiguity. Corrections computation of satellite by satellite and epoch by epoch at each reference station are calculated by a Functional model and Stochastic model based on a linear combination algorithm and corrections interpolation at user receiver are used by area correction parameters. As results, the users can obtain the cm-level positioning.

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Filling of Incomplete Rainfall Data Using Fuzzy-Genetic Algorithm (퍼지-유전자 알고리즘을 이용한 결측 강우량의 보정)

  • Kim, Do Jin;Jang, Dae Won;Seoh, Byung Ha;Kim, Hung Soo
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.97-107
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    • 2005
  • As the distributed model is developed and widely used, the accuracy of a rainfall measurement and more dense rainfall observation network are required for the reflection of various spatial properties. However, in reality, it is not easy to get the accurate data from dense network. Generally, we could not have the proper rainfall gages in space and even we have proper network for rainfall gages it is not easy to reflect the variations of rainfall in space and time. Often, we do also have missing rainfall data at the rainfall gage stations due to various reasons. We estimate the distribution of mean areal rainfall data from the point rainfalls. So, in the aspect of continuous rainfall property in time, we should fill the missing rainfall data then we can represent the spatial distribution of rainfall data. This study uses the Fuzzy-Genetic algorithm as a interpolation method for filling the missing rainfall data. We compare the Fuzzy-Genetic algorithm with arithmetic average method, inverse distance method, normal ratio method, and ratio of distance and elevation method which are widely used previously. As the results, the previous methods showed the accuracy of 70 to 80 % but the Fuzzy-Genetic algorithm showed that of 90 %. Especially, from the sensitivity analysis, we suggest the values of power in the equation for filling the missing data according to the distance and elevation.

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Setting the Current Air Quality Concentration Using the National Atmosphere Measurement Network

  • CHO, Dong-Myung;LEE, Ju-Yeon;KWON, Lee-Seung;KIM, Su-Hye;KWON, Woo-Taeg
    • Journal of Wellbeing Management and Applied Psychology
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.23-33
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: In the course of the domestic environmental impact assessment, the current status survey was improperly conducted, and the issue of false and inaccurate environmental impact assessment reports has been raised several times recently through media reports. Research design, data and methodology: There is a continuous demand for improvement measures for the current status measurement method, such as having difficulties in securing a normal measurement date in consideration of equipment operation and rainfall days in the field. Results: In addition, in order to grasp the general air quality status of the evaluation target area, it is necessary to check the various current status concentrations by season and time series per year. However, there is a problem that is currently being carried out based on limited results such as measurement for 1 day or 3 days. Conclusions: Therefore, in this study, based on the national atmospheric measurement network, an inverse distance weighted (IDW) interpolation method was applied to calculate the current state concentration. This study suggested a method to use it in preparing the air quality item in the environmental impact assessment report.