• Title/Summary/Keyword: multiple logistic regression

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Association between Maternal and Cord Blood Interleukin-10 (-819T/C and -592A/C) Gene Polymorphisms and Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Preterm Korean Infants (한국 미숙아 산모와 제대혈의 IL-10 유전자형 빈도와 신생아 호흡 곤란증 발생과의 연관성)

  • Park Eun-Ae;Cho Su-Jin;Kim Young-Ju;Park Hye-Sook;Ha Eun-Hee;Suh Young-Ju
    • Neonatal Medicine
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.137-145
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: The aim of this study was to determine the genotype frequencies of interleukin 10 (IL-10) gene polymorphisms and to investigate their association with the risk of respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) in preterm Korean infants. Methods: Two hundred fourteen preterm infants born at Ewha Womans University Mok Dong Hospital between November 2003 and July 2008 were studied. The cord blood of preterm neonates and the corresponding maternal blood were analyzed by PCR for IL-10 gene (IL-10 -1082A/G, -819T/C, and -592A/C) polymorphisms. The clinical data of patients were collected retrospectively by chart review. Results: The genotype frequencies of IL-10 genes in Korean mothers with preterm infants differ from other reports. The prevalence of two promoter SNPs of the IL-10 cytokine gene was similar but none had the IL-10-1082GG homozygote. Multiple logistic regression analysis demonstrated the risk of RDS to be significantly lower in the infants of the mothers with an IL-10-592AC/CC genotype than in those with an AA genotype (P=0.033). The risk of RDS was significantly lower in the mother with an IL-10-819TC/CC genotype than in those with a TT genotype (P=0.030). However, IL-10 polymorphisms in the cord blood were not significantly different in preterm infants with RDS compared with the preterm infants without RDS. When we compared the incidence of RDS and each IL-10A-1082G/T-819C/A-592C haplotype, the ACC haplotype had a protective effect on RDS (P=0.007). Conclusion: We conclude that the maternal IL-10-592A/C and IL-10-819T/C polymorphisms may have a role in the development of the RDS in preterm infants.

Risk Factors of Nosocomial Sepsis in Very Low Birth Weight Infants (극소 저출생 체중아에서 병원 감염 패혈증의 위험인자)

  • Kim, Cu-Rie;Kim, Seung-Yeon;Park, Ho-Jin;Ki, Mo-Ran;Yoon, Hye-Sun
    • Neonatal Medicine
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.84-93
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    • 2010
  • Purpose : This study was performed to estimate the incidence of nosocomial sepsis and to identify the most relevant risk factors for nosocomial sepsis in high-risk very low birth weight (VLBW) infants. Methods : A retrospective review of 341 VLBW infants, admitted to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of the Eulji University Hospital (Daejeon & Seoul) between January 2002 and June 2009, who survived more than 72 hours was performed. The incidence, causative organisms, risk factors and prognosis of nosocomial sepsis in VLBW infants were analyzed. Results : The incidence of nosocomial sepsis was 16.1% and the onset date of nosocomial sepsis was 21.5$\pm$15.9 days (mean$\pm$SD) after delivery. Staphylococcus aureus (21.3%) was the most common organism in the patients with nosocomial sepsis in VLBW infants. The multiple logistic regression analysis showed that, gestational age [odds ratio (OR), 0.87; 95% CI, 0.83-0.91], umbilical artery catheter use for more than 5 days (OR, 2.2; 95% CI, 1.15-4.46), umbilical venous catheter use for more than 5 days (OR, 2.1; 95% CI, 1.11-4.16), peripheral arterial line use (OR, 2.1; 95% CI, 1.14-4.04) and intravenous intralipids (OR, 4.3;95% CI, 1.13-14.32) were identified as risk factors. Conclusion : The limited usage of intravascular catheter related procedures and the short providence of intravenous nutrition may decrease the incidence of nosocomial sepsis in VLBW infants.

Association of Exposure to Chemicals with Dyspnea among Employed Workers: Analysis of the 3rd Korean Working Conditions Survey (근로자의 화학적 노출과 주관적 호흡곤란 증상간의 연관성: 3차 근로환경조사 자료 분석)

  • Park, Moon-Young;Hwang, Sung-Ho;Hong, Kimyong;Oh, Se-Eun;Lee, Kyoung-Mu
    • Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.64-74
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    • 2016
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate whether chemical exposure among workers has relevance to dyspnea using data from the $3^{rd}$ Korea Working Conditions Survey. Methods: The research subjects were 29,711 wage workers. Chemical exposures consist of four factors, (1) breathing in vapors, fumes, dust and dirt, (2) breathing in organic solvent vapors, (3) handling or touching chemicals, and (4) secondhand smoke. Multiple logistic regression analysis was performed to examine the association between chemical exposure and dyspnea in the last 12months using proc surveylogistic in SAS 9.3 statistical software excluding people who had received a diagnosis of hypertension or obesity that can affect the respiratory distress symptoms(n=27,842). Results: Chemical exposure among workers was associated with dyspnea after adjustment for demographics and job characteristics. Prevalence of dyspnea was 4.9 per 1,000 among men and 5.8 per 1,000. Compared to a total score of 0 points of chemical exposure among workers, a total score of 1, 2-3, and 4 points tended to have increased risk of dyspnea in a dose-response manner for both men (OR=1.43, 1.93, and 4.26; P-for trend=0.002) and women(OR=1.10, 2.81, and 7.70; P-for trend=0.002). Stratified analysis by duration of current job showed that the association between chemical exposure and dyspnea tended to get stronger until 15 years and then disappeared afterwards, which reflects healthy worker survivor effect. Conclusions: We observed significant association between chemical exposure and dyspnea using the data of the $3^{rd}$ Korea Working Conditions Survey. Our results warrants providing knowledge related to chemical exposure, performing prevention activities, and creating various health policies to protect workers.

A Study of the Obesity Index and Psychosocial Factors Influencing Obesity among Adolescent Girls (여고생들의 비만도 및 비만과 관련된 사회심리적 요인 분석)

  • 김경원;김영아;김정희
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.496-504
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the dietary intake, obesity index and psychosocial factors influencing obesity among 200 high school girls in Seoul. The Social Cognitive Theory provided the Conceptual basis for this study. A cross-sectional survey was conducted to examine factors related to obesity, including self-efficacy for controlling overeating, social support for eating behavior, perception of body image and weight control, nutrition knowledge, and attitudes toward obesity. The data were analyzed using t-test and multiple logistic regression. The results of this study are as follows : 1) The mean age of the girls was 16.4 years, and the rate of overweight and obesity(measured by obesity index) was 27.0$\%$. 2) The mean energy intake of subjects was 1832.3$\pm$384.0kcal. The energy derived from carbohydrates, proteins and fats was 62.7$\%$, 13.8$\%$, and 23.5$\%$, respectively. There was no significant difference between the obese and the comparison group in energy intake. 3) The result of multivariate analysis indicated that obesity had a significant relation to the perception of ideal body image, social support for eating behavior, and self-efficacy for controlling overeating(p〈0.01). As subjects preferred thinner body images(OR=0.39) and received less social support(OR=0.93), the odds of being classified as obese increased. The odds of being obese were also associated with self-efficacy, however, the relation was not strong(OR=1.04). 4) Specific social support was related to obesity among adolescent girls. As subjects received more support from family member, the odds of being obese decreased. The emotional support as well as family member's positive nutrition behavior plays a significant role. In addition, instrumental support from friends was associated with obesity. With repect to self-efficacy, the odds of being obese were increased as subjects felt less confident in controlling overeating when tempting food was placed in front of them or after an argument. In contrast, the obese group felt more confident in controlling overeating for the rest of the specific situations examined. These findings suggest that educational interventions for weight control should incorporate strategies to help participants realize their degree of obesity, to reduce the discrepancy between current and ideal body image, to elicit and maintain social support from friends and family, and to increase the self-efficacy for changing eating behaviors. (Korean J Community Nutrition 2(4) : 496-504, 1997)

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The association between diabetes mellitus and community periodontal index: The 5th Korean National Health and Nutrition examination survey (당뇨와 지역사회치주지수의 관련성: 제5기 국민건강영양조사)

  • Kim, Young-Suk;Jeon, Ji-Hyun;Min, Hee-Hong
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.805-812
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    • 2014
  • Objectives: The purpose of the study was to examine the association between diabetes mellitus and community periodontal index in Korean adults. Methods: The study populations were recruited by the Fifth Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Study subjects were 10,411 who were examined oral examination, blood test, and aged over 19 years. Using multiple logistic regression analyses, the variables were adjusted for gender, age, household income, family history of diabetes, body mess index, smoking habit, and frequency of tooth brushing. Periodontal tissue examination of the subjects was performed and scored by Community periodontal index(CPI). Using probe, six teeth were examined for hemorrhage, plaque, and pocket depth and classified into $CPI_0$, $CPI_1$, $CPI_2$, $CPI_3$ and $CPI_4$. Healthy periodontal groups($CPI_{0-2}$) and periodontal disease groups($CPI_{3-4}$) were divided by the periodontal disease status. The definition of diabetes mellitus(DM) was decided by the diagnosis by the doctors and fasting blood sugar level. Those who were diagnosed as DM were included in DM group. The DM variables included normal blood sugar level, increased fasting blood sugar level, and DM blood sugar level. The DM variables were compared to periodontal disease blood sugar level and analyzed. Results: The periodontitis prevalence rate was 23.2%. Those who had diabetes mellitus accounted for 5.5% of the subjects. Those who had impaired fasting glucose accounted for 17.7% and 7.9% of subjects were diabetes mellitus by blood test. In the confirmed diabetes group by doctor, the periodontitis prevalence rate was significantly higher than the non-diabetic group. Diabetic group by blood test had the highest prevalence rate of periodontitis than those who had impaired fasting glucose group or normal group. After adjusting for gender, age, household income, family history of diabetes, body mass index, smoking habit, and frequency of tooth brushing, the risk of periodontitis in diagnosed diabetes mellitus was 1.57 times(95% CI; 1.27-1.94) higher than the normal group. In impaired fasting glucose group and diabetes mellitus group by blood test, the risk of periodontitis was 1.11 times(95% CI; 0.95-1.30) and 1.45 times(95% CI; 1.45-2.12) higher, respectively. Conclusions: There was a significant relationship between diabetes mellitus and periodontitis in Korean adults. These results suggest that diabetes mellitus is a risk factor for periodontitis.

Depression Symptoms and its Related Factors among the Elderly People Affiliated with Long-term Care Insurance Services in Urban Areas (일부 도시지역 장기요양급여 인정 노인들의 우울수준과 관련 요인)

  • Yoon, Hyun-Suk;Ji, Eun-Mi;Cho, Young-Chae
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.2674-2683
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    • 2015
  • This study was performed to determine the levels of depression(CES-D) and its related factors among the elderly people affiliated with long-term care insurance services in urban areas. The interviews were performed, during the period from March 1st, to May 31th, 2012, to 388 elderlies. As a result, the levels of depression among all subjects were 21.6% of normal group, and 78.4% of depression group. The distribution of depression according to the grade of long-term care insurance were 83.6% in Grade I, 82.1% in Grade II and 67.0% in Grade III, and the level of distribution were significantly higher according to the higher grade of long-term care insurance. For the results of multiple logistic regression analysis, the odds ratio was increased in older age group, in the poor health status group, and in the group of seldom in activity of hobbies than their counterparts, but it was decreased in the higher monthly income group than lower group. Above results suggested that the depression was significantly related with the variables such as sociodemographic characteristics, economic status, health related factors and health status.

Relationship Between Job stress and Job Satisfaction Among Nurses in General Hospitals (종합병원 간호사들의 직무스트레스와 직무만족도와의 관련성)

  • Lee, Hyun-Joo;Cho, Young-Chae
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.8
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    • pp.5314-5324
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    • 2015
  • The present study was intended to measure the relationship between job stress and job satisfaction among nurses working for a general hospitals. The self-administered questionnaires were given to 312 nurses during the period from February 25 to March 16, 2013. As a results, the level of job satisfaction of subjects was significantly lower in high group than low group in job demand, but it was significantly lower in low group than high group in job control, supervisor support and coworker support. In correlations, job satisfaction were found to be in a negative correlation with job demand, whereas in positive correlation with job control, supervisor and coworker support. In logistic analysis, the odds ratio of job satisfaction on job demand were significantly increased in the high group than in low group, but job control supervisor and coworker support were significantly decreased in the high group than in low group. In hierarchial multiple regression analysis, the affecting factors to the job satisfaction was selected variables such as educational background, work station, subject satisfaction of work, career choice motives, turnover experience, job stress contents(job demand, job control, supervisor support and coworker support). especially, job stress contents was significantly increased of explanatory power of job satisfaction. It suggested that the level of job satisfaction got more power by addition of job stress contents.

Comparison of Face-to-Face Interview Questionnaires and Medical Records Data for Smoking Habits in Lung Cancer Patients (폐암 환자들의 일대일 설문조사와 의무기록의 흡연 습관 비교)

  • Lee, Eui-Cheol;Ryu, Jeong-Seon;Kim, Hyun-Jung;Cho, Jae-Hwa;Kwak, Seoung-Min;Lee, Hong-Lyeol
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.62 no.1
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    • pp.27-32
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    • 2007
  • Background: This study evaluated the accuracy of smoking habit from the data obtained from the medical records of lung cancer patients against the data obtained form face-to-face interview questionnaires Methods: The smoking habits of 225 lung cancer patients were categorized into never smoked, ex-smoker and current smoker in face-to-face interview questionnaire and medical record taken at the time of admission for a diagnosis. The overall agreement between two sources was evaluated. The factors affecting the disagreement between two sources and the level of data omission of the smoking habits in medical records were analyzed suing multiple logistic regression. Results: The smoking habit between two sources showed moderate overall agreement(Kappa $({\kappa})=0.60$). The lowest agreement was observed in the ex-smokers(${\kappa}=0.49$). Multivariate analysis revealed an age of 65 or older to be a statistically significant factor associated with the increasing disagreement risk compared with those 64 or younger (OR 3.02; 95% CI 1.58-5.80). The omission rate of smoking habits in the medical records was 18.2%. Adenocarcinoma was shown to be a statistically significant factor of associated with an increasing omission rate compared with squamous cell carcinoma (OR 3.00; 95% CI 1.19-7.59). Conclusion: The smoking habits obtained from medical record moderately reflect their true behavior. However, the smoking habit data from medical record should be used with caution when being used in a clinical study or cohort study of lung cancer.

Factors Related to Self-care Behavior and the Control of Hypertension in the Low-income Elderly (저소득층 고혈압노인의 자가간호행위 및 혈압조절에 관련된 요인)

  • Choi, Young-Soon;Kim, Hyun-Li
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.441-450
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: The purposes of this study were to identify variables related to self-care behavior and to find factors related to the control of hypertension. A cross-sectional study was carried out to provide basic data for effective and continuous hypertension control in the low-income elderly. Methods: This study was performed with a total of 189 subjects who were hypertensive and were receiving pharmacological treatment of hypertension from a community health center in D Metropolitan City. Data were collected through a face to face survey, and systolic and diastolic blood pressure (the mean value of the two measures) were measured during May 2004. Obtained data were analyzed by $x^2$ test, t-test, multiple logistic regression and Pearson's correlation coefficient (using SPSS Version 10.1). Results: 1. According to demographical characteristics, the score of self-care behavior was significantly higher in elders living along ($47.63{\pm}7.276$) than in those living with the family ($45.19{\pm}5.501$) (p<.05), and in those with religion ($47.11{\pm}6.722$) than in those without religion ($45.01{\pm}6.110$) (p<.05) 2. As to blood pressure control, the percentage of blood pressure control within the normal range (systolic 140mmHg, diastolic below 90mmHg) was 37.03%. According to demographical characteristics, the percentage of blood pressure control was significantly lower in those without religion (p<.05). In practicing hypertension self-care behavior, those who do not control salk intake showed a significantly lower percentage of hypertension control (p<.05). The score of hypertension self-care was $48.28{\pm}4.443$ in the controlled group, and $45.42{\pm}7.399$ in the uncontrolled group, showing a significant difference (p<.01). 3. Hypertension self-care behavior was in a positive correlation with blood pressure control (r=.210, p<.05). Conclusion: Attention should be paid to self-care behavior to increase the control of hypertension in the low-income elderly. These results can be used guidances for improving self-care behavior and the control of hypertension in the low-income elderly.

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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Among Male French Farmers and Agricultural Workers: Is It Only Associated With Physical Exposure?

  • Roquelaure, Yves;Jego, Sylvaine;Geoffroy-Perez, Beatrice;Chazelle, Emilie;Descatha, Alexis;Evanoff, Bradley;Garlantezec, Ronan;Bodin, Julie
    • Safety and Health at Work
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.33-40
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    • 2020
  • Background: Exploratory study to investigate whether co-exposure to physical wrist stressors and chemicals is associated with carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) in French male farmers and agricultural workers. Methods: Cross-sectional study of 711 men aged 30-65 years and working as either farmers or agricultural workers in 2009-2010 within a cohort covered by the French Agricultural Workers' and Farmers' Mutual Benefit Fund. CTS and exposure to physical wrist stressors and chemicals were assessed using a self-administered questionnaire. Associations between CTS and personal/medical factors, exposure to physical wrist stressors, exposure to chemicals, and co-exposure to physical wrist stressors and chemicals were studied using multivariate logistic regression models. Results: Forty-four men {5.6% [95% confidence interval (CI) 4.0-7.7]} reported that they had suffered from unilateral/bilateral CTS during the last 12 months. CTS was associated with age, current smoking [odds ratio (OR) = 2.1 (1.0-4.5)], and exposure to physical wrist stressors [OR = 2.6 (1.1-5.9)]. An association was found between CTS and co-exposure to physical wrist stressors and chemicals [OR = 3.3 (0.8-14.3), p = 0.044] in comparison with the no-exposure group. Conclusions: This exploratory study shows an association of CTS with exposure to biomechanical wrist stressors in male farmers and agricultural workers and suggests an association of CTS with co-exposure to physical wrist stressors and chemicals. Owing to the limitations of the study, this result must be confirmed by a prospective study with objective assessments of the outcome and exposure before drawing conclusions on the possible synergistic effects of mechanical stressors and chemicals on the impairment of the median nerve.