• Title/Summary/Keyword: multimedia server

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Scalable scheduling techniques for distributed real-time multimedia database systems (분산 실시간 멀티미디어 데이터베이스 시스템을 위한 신축성있는 스케줄링 기법)

  • Kim, Jin-Hwan
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartA
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    • v.9A no.1
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    • pp.9-18
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    • 2002
  • In this paper, we propose scalable scheduling techniques based on EDF to efficiently integrate hard real-time and multimedia soft real-time tasks in the distributed real-time multimedia database system. Hard tasks are guarangteed based on worst case execution times, whereas multimedia soft tasks are served based on mean execution times. This paper describes a served-based scheme for partitioning the CPU bandwidth among different task classes that coexist in the same system. To handle the problem of class overloads characterized by varying number of tasks and varying task arrival rates, thus scheme shows how to adjust the fraction of the CPU bandwidth assigned to each class. This scheme fixes the maximum time that each hard task can execute in the period of the server, whereas it can dynamically change the bandwidth reserved to each multimedia task. The proposed method is capable of minimizing the mean tardiness of multimedia tasks, without jeopardizing the schedulability of the hard tasks. The performance of this scheduling method is compared with that of similar mechanisms through simulation experiments.

Mixed Reality Extension System Using Beam Projectors : Beyond the Sight (빔 프로젝터를 이용한 혼합현실 확장 시스템 : Beyond the Sight)

  • Kim, Jongyong;Song, J.H;Park, J.H.;Nam, J.;Yoon, Seung-Hyun;Park, Sanghun
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Graphics Society
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.65-73
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    • 2019
  • Recently commercial mixed-reality devices have be launched and a variety of mixed-reality content has produced, but narrow field of view, which appear to be hardware technical limitations, are mentioned as an important issue for hindering immersion and limiting the scope of use. We propose a new innovative system that cooperate multiple beam projectors and a number of mixed reality devices. Using this technology, users can maximize immersion and minimize frustration of narrow viewing angles through 3D object rendering on background of large 2D screens. This system, named BtS (Beyond the Sight), is implemented on a client-server basis and includes the ability to calibrate between devices, share spatial coordinate systems, and synchronize real-time renderings as core modules. In this paper, each configuration module is described in detail and the possibility of its performance and application is shown through the introduction of mixed reality content case created using BtS system.

Implementation of Mobile Multi-sensor System for Measuring an Environment (환경 측정을 위한 모바일 다기능 센서의 구현)

  • Ju, Ji-Dong;Kim, Jin-Seoung;Kang, Bong-Gu;Shim, Jeachang
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.17 no.8
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    • pp.1020-1024
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    • 2014
  • The environment information such as dust, temperature, humidity, illumination and gas are very important in daily life. We implemented multi-sensor system which made for measuring an environment by using Arduino, ZigBee, and Appinventor. We also designed a packet for transmitting environment data. The data are sent to the server via ZigBee and then it communicates to a smart phone via WI-Fi. In this study, we added divers sensors, designed a protocol which made for transfer several kinds of data and improve mobility for real time monitoring by using smart phones. The system was worked well and the data was transmitted correctly to the smart phone.

A Bridge Technique of Heterogeneous Smart Platform supporting Social Immersive Game (소셜 실감 게임을 위한 이기종 스마트 플랫폼 브릿지 기술)

  • Jang, S.E.;Tang, J.M.;Kim, Sangwook
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.17 no.8
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    • pp.1033-1040
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    • 2014
  • Recently, the concept of mobile content service has changed from providing unilaterally contents for single-device to providing same contents for multi-device. This service should be able to provide diverse contents for multi-devices without platform and specification of multi-device. In this study, we propose a bridge technique of heterogeneous smart platform supporting social immersive game. It is possible to access social immersive game by using a multi-platform bridge. To achieve this, we explain techniques of device connection and data transmission between heterogeneous devices using server-client structure and UPnP. It provides an immersive game environment for multi-user, which is able to play in a public place using big screen.

A Study on the Web-based Cost-Effective Education System for C Programming

  • Park, Kwan-Sun;Jun, Heung-Goo;Kim, Dongsik;Lee, Sunheum
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2002.07a
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    • pp.250-253
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    • 2002
  • We have implemented an interactive multimedia education system for C programming. The system consists of two pars. One is multimedia contents to help students better understand C language syntax, programming style, and program logic and the other is a web-based compilation support system that compiles C programs at the server side which are submitted trough Web by students and returns their execution results to the students' PC. Although there are currently some restrictions that students should replace the inputs functions such as scanf(), getc() and getch() with assignment statements or fscanf(fp, , ), since the system has been implemented using general web technologies and shareware C compiler, the education system could be one solution that education institutions seek to reduce annual immense expenditure of money on C complier.

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A New Multimedia Service Transmit Method using IPv6 (IPv6를 이용한 새로운 멀티미디어 서비스 전달 방식)

  • Chang, Jeong-Uk;Kim, Ki-Bog;Lin, Chi-Ho
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2005.11a
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    • pp.1193-1196
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    • 2005
  • In this paper, we presents a new multimedia service transmit method using IPv6. The IPv6 provides the address system of 128 bit and the address space which is infinite it provides. But it will not become the IPv4 and interchange not to be, it uses the DSTM Transition mechanism which will reach and the IPv4 center in the packet header the service type it will be able to support the service class of multi type (TOS) it secures the weak point of data transfer delay it puts a base in the IPv6. The efficiency of this proposed technique have been proven by MPEG-4 streaming video streaming of the IPv6 namely, 6Xtream embodied a order form/live streaming server and the client which it uses to be possible in base and real-time decoding method.

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Protocol for Mobile On-line Conents in GVM Development Environment (GVM 개발환경에서 모바일 온라인 컨텐츠를 위한 프로토콜)

  • 김승훈
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.241-250
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, an application layer protocol between sewer and client is proposed for mobile on-line contents in heterogeneous distributed environments. The proposed protocol guarantees the global state consistency in the distributed environments and controls the flow of communication. The protocol reduces the overhead of handsets for flow control and does not need to maintain state information for contents. CPs, by using the proposed sealable protocol, can easily develop their contents as application processes.

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Application of Sensor Technology for the Efficient Positioningand Assembling of Ship Blocks

  • Lee, Sang-Don;Eun, Seong-Bae;Jung, Jai-Jin;Song, Ha-Cheol
    • International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.171-176
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    • 2010
  • This paper proposes the application of sensor technology to assemble ship blocks efficiently. A sensor-based monitoring system is designed and implemented to improve shipbuilding productivity by reducing the labor cost for the adjustment of adequate positioning between ship blocks during pre-erection or erection stage. For the real-time remote monitoring of relative distances between two ship blocks, sensor nodes are applied to measure the distances between corresponding target points on the blocks. Highly precise positioning data can be transferred to a monitoring server via wireless network, and analyzed to support the decision making which needs to determine the next construction process; further adjustment or seam welding between the ship blocks. The developed system is expected to put to practical use, and increase the productivity during ship blocks assembly.

Study on the Directory server implementation using the Kerberos for the authentication system in the electronic commerce (Kerberos를 이용한 전자상거래 인증시스템 디렉토리서버 구현에 관한 연구)

  • 심완보
    • Proceedings of the Korea Multimedia Society Conference
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    • 2000.04a
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    • pp.76-81
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    • 2000
  • 앞으로 전자상거래는 미국 , 일본등 경제선진국을 중심으로 확대, 발전해 나갈것이고 이에 따라 이를 시스템적으로 지원할 수 있는 지불시스템의 필요성은 더욱 부각될 것이다. 이 지불 시스템에서 핵심적인 기능은 인증기능이 될 것이고 인증에 대한 데이터를 관리하는 디렉토리 서버의 기능과 성능향상은 전제 지불시스템 더 나아가 전자상거래를 활성화 시키는데 절대적인 역할을 할 것이다. 이러한 현시점에서 세계 각국의 대응에 관심을 가지고 국내에서도 독자적인 기술로 국내 환경에 맞는 인증시스템의 개발이 절실하게 필요한 때이다. 본고에서는 X500시리즈와 MIT의 Kerberos Authentication System을 접목시켜 운용 가능한 전자상거래모델을 제시하고 이를 구현시 고려해야할 사항들을 제시함으로 해서 향후 보안 및 전자상거래 관련 분야에서 급속한 수요 증가가 예상되는 디렉토리 서버구현을 위한 모델을 제시하고자한다.

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Image Label Prediction Algorithm based on Convolution Neural Network with Collaborative Layer (협업 계층을 적용한 합성곱 신경망 기반의 이미지 라벨 예측 알고리즘)

  • Lee, Hyun-ho;Lee, Won-jin
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.756-764
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    • 2020
  • A typical algorithm used for image analysis is the Convolutional Neural Network(CNN). R-CNN, Fast R-CNN, Faster R-CNN, etc. have been studied to improve the performance of the CNN, but they essentially require large amounts of data and high algorithmic complexity., making them inappropriate for small and medium-sized services. Therefore, in this paper, the image label prediction algorithm based on CNN with collaborative layer with low complexity, high accuracy, and small amount of data was proposed. The proposed algorithm was designed to replace the part of the neural network that is performed to predict the final label in the existing deep learning algorithm by implementing collaborative filtering as a layer. It is expected that the proposed algorithm can contribute greatly to small and medium-sized content services that is unsuitable to apply the existing deep learning algorithm with high complexity and high server cost.