• Title/Summary/Keyword: moving Kriging interpolation

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A novel meshfree model for buckling and vibration analysis of rectangular orthotropic plates

  • Bui, Tinh Quoc;Nguyen, Minh Ngoc
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.579-598
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    • 2011
  • The present work mainly reports a significant development of a novel efficient meshfree method for vibration and buckling analysis of orthotropic plates. The plate theory with orthotropic materials is followed the Kirchhoff''s assumption in which the only deflection is field variable and approximated by the moving Kriging interpolation approach, a new technique used for constructing the shape functions. The moving Kriging technique holds the Kronecker delta property, thus it makes the method efficiently in imposing the essential boundary conditions and no special techniques are required. Assessment of numerical results is to accurately illustrate the applicability and the effectiveness of the proposed method in the class of eigenvalue problems.

The Hierarchical Interpolation of the Coastal Echo Sounding Data (연안 해역 음향 측심 자료의 계층적 보간)

  • 이석찬;이창경
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.63-73
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    • 1991
  • The data type of the echo sounding for the contouring of coastal chart is continuous profiles, and there are no data between the profiles. In this study, at first, the depths of the regular grid along the sounding line were interpolated by linear equation. After that the depths of the regular grid located between the profiles were interpolated by kriging. The semivariogram contributes to the weight of interpolation. After comparison with the conventional Moving Average and Kriging, it turns out that this algorithm shows merits in the field of the accuracy and computing time.

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An Analysis on the Change Pattern of Spatio-Temporal Land Price in Gongju City Using the Geostatistical Methods (공간통계를 이용한 공주시의 시공간적 지가변화패턴 분석)

  • Kim, Jung-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.93-99
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    • 2012
  • This study aims to identify spatio-temporal land price change pattern in Gongju city including the area incorporated and surrounding area depending on the Multifunctional Administrative City Construction. For this, GIS data was built by calculating the average land price each 209 Dong and Ri by the time of the year 2000, 2005 and 2010 based on. The first, the change in the land price was to identify in the 5-year intervals through a kriging interpolation as a kind of geostatistical techniques. The second, a trend analysis was conducted to know directional change pattern of the east-west axis and the north-south axis. Finally, the weighted mean center was calculated by the land price at a weight to examine moving direction on the center point of land price, point of view. The result is that the land price change pattern appeared visible higher growth on the eastern built in the Multifunctional Administrative City, moving direction on the center point of the land price appeared that the phenomenon was concentrated in the northeastern area.


  • Lee Ju Young;Krishinamurshy Ganeshi
    • Water Engineering Research
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.31-38
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    • 2005
  • Groundwater recharge is defined in an addition of water to groundwater reservoir. Recently, many people have been moving to the Edwards aquifer and urban and agricultural industry have been expending. Hydrologists and water planning managers concern about insufficient groundwater amounts and irrigation water price variability. In this paper, I focus on estimates of local recharge volumes and quantify preferential flow through GIS technique. Chloride Mass Balance (CMB) and hydrochemical components have been widely applied to recharge rate and evaluate flow paths. The CMB method is based on relationship between wet-dry chloride deposition data and Rainfall data. These data are manipulated using ArcGIS. Especially, hydrochemical concentration distribution is good index for groundwater residence times or flow paths such as $[Mg^{2+}]/[Ca^{2+}],[Cl]$ and log$([Ca^{2+}]+[Mg^{2+}])/[Na^+]$. Well information such as hydrological-hydrochemical data are imported into ArcGIS and manipulated by interpolation techniques. For each potentiometric surface and water quality, point data are converted to spatial data through each Kriging and Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) techniques.

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