• Title/Summary/Keyword: molten iron

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Riser Control Technology for Rectangle Cast Iron Blocks Applying the Heat Control Method of the Heater

  • Chul-Kyu Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.27 no.4_1
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    • pp.797-803
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    • 2024
  • In this study, a device was used to conduct heat to the riser by combining a cylindrical heater with the riser to maintain the molten metal above a certain temperature while continuously compensating for the shrinkage phenomenon that occurs as the molten metal solidifies in the product area. A cylindrical heater is coupled to the riser portion of the upper part of the upper mold, and a heater portion mold is formed between the riser and the cylindrical heater. The cylindrical heater is connected to a controller to control the temperature and a power supply. The cylindrical heater conducts a heat source to the molten metal located on the riser and can continuously compensate for the shrinkage of the cast product by heating the molten metal located on the riser or maintaining it at a constant temperature. The block without a riser had a large shrinkage cavity at the top, and the top became concave due to shrinkage. There is no shrinkage in the block with the Ø100 mm riser. Blocks that did not apply heaters to the Ø50 mm riser experienced shrinkage around the riser and also at the bottom. There is no shrinkage in the block with the Ø50 mm riser to which the heater was applied.

Formation and Progression of Intermetallic phase on Iron Base Alloy PTA weld overlay in Molten Zn Alloys (용융 Zn 합금에서 Fe합금의 PTA 오버레이 용접 금속간 상의 형성과 진행)

  • Zulkarnain, Zulkarnain;Baek, E.R.
    • Proceedings of the KWS Conference
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    • 2009.11a
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    • pp.95-95
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    • 2009
  • Zinc coatings provide the most effective and economical way of protecting steel against corrosion. There are three types of galvanizing lines typically used in production line in galvanizing industries,Galvanize (GI) coating (Zn-0.1-0.3%Al), Galfan coating (Zn-5%Al), Galvalume(GL) coating (45%Zn-Al). In continuous Galvanizing lines, the immersed bath hardware (e.g. bearings, sink, stabilizer, and corrector rolls, and also support roll arms and snout tip) are subjected to corrosion and wear failure. Understanding the reaction of these materials with the molten Zn alloy is becomes scientific and commercial interest. To investigate the reaction with molten Zn alloys, static immersion test performed for 4, 8, 16, and 24 Hr. Two different baths used for the static immersion, which are molten Zn and molten Zn-55%Al. Microstructures characterization of each of the materials and intermetallic layer formed in the reaction zone was performed using optical microscope, SEM and EDS. The thickness of the reaction layer is examined using image analysis to determine the kinetics of the reaction. The phase dominated by two distinct phase which are eutectic carbide and matrix. The morphology of the intermetallic phase formed by molten Zn is discrete phase showing high dissolution of the material, and the intermetallic phase formed by Zn-55wt%Al is continuous. Aluminum reacts readily with the materials compare to Zinc, forming iron aluminide intermetallic layer ($Fe_2Al_5$) at the interface and leaving zinc behind.

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The Effect of Ball-Milling of Elemental Powders on Ni-Al Based Intermetallic Coatings using the Heat of Molten Cast Iron (주철의 용탕열을 이용한 Ni-Al계 금속간화합물의 연소합성 코팅에 미치는 Ball Milling의 영향)

  • Lee, Han-Young;Cho, Yong-Jae;Kim, Tae-Jun;Bang, Hee-Jang
    • Korean Journal of Metals and Materials
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    • v.50 no.1
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    • pp.28-33
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    • 2012
  • Ball-milled Ni-Al powder compacts have been synthesized by the heat of molten cast iron and have been coated on cast iron. The effects of the ball-milling time on the microstructure of the intermetallic coatings have been investigated. The experimental results showed that the ball-milled Ni-Al powder compacts were completely reacted and were successfully coated on the cast iron without re-melting the substrate. Densification of the coating layers was enhanced by increasing the ball-milling time. This might be attributed to the fact that the heat released during the intermetallic reaction was dispersed over a prolonged reaction time by the ball-milling of the elemental powders.

The Effects of Alloying Elements on the Formation of Interfacial Reaction Layer between Molten Aluminium Alloys and STD61 Tool Steel (알루미늄 합금 용탕/STD61 공구강의 계면 반응층 형성에 미치는 합금원소의 영향)

  • Park, Heung-Il;Park, Ho-Il
    • Journal of Korea Foundry Society
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.161-167
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    • 2005
  • The experiment of hot dip interaction tests was carried out in order to study the formation behavior of interfacial reaction layer between as-received STD61 hot work tool steel and a commercial pure aluminum melt, Al-xwt.%Fe(x=0.2, 0.5, 0.8 and 1.1) alloys melt and Al-xwt.%Si(x=1.0, 4.0, 7.0 and 10.0) alloys melt, respectively. The results show that the reaction layer, over 300 ${\mu}m$ in thickness, is easily formed by the dissolution of silicon from as-received tool steel. When the iron content in the aluminum alloy is higher than 1.1 wt.%, the thickness of reaction layer decreases below 180 ${\mu}m$ by preventing iron dissolution from the tool steel. The silicon dissolved from tool steel acts as a strong promoter on the formation of reaction layer, but the alloyed silicon in molten aluminum alloys acts as an inhibitor on the formation of reaction layer.

Study on the Spheroidizing Mechanism of Graphite in Cast Iron (II) (鑄鐵에 있어서의 黑鉛球狀化 機構에 關한 硏究 (Ⅱ))

  • Choi, Hyung-Sup;Park, Won-Koo
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.57-61
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    • 1964
  • It was verified at Part Ⅰ of this investigation that there is a minimum wettability between molten iron and graphite, which was preliminarily coated with magnesium, and thus the spheroidization of graphite might have resulted from the lack of wettability between magnesium-adsorbed graphite and iron matrix. Being continued from the last work, the wettability between pure iron and graphite, coated with the various thickness of cerium, are measured at melting point of pure iron in vacuum and 200 mmHg argon gas atmosphere. The result indicates the presence of a minimum wettability at a critical thickness of cerium film as was proved in the case of magnesium. The experimental analysis shows that, the minimum wettability could be attributed entirely to a minimum work of adhesion between liquid iron and graphite at a critical concentration of cerium in the iron-graphite interface.

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Morphology of the Inclusion as the Al Deoxidation Product of Molten Iron (용융철에서 알루미늄 탈산 생성 개재물의 형상)

  • Lee, Bong-Ok;Lee, Kyung-Ku
    • Journal of Korea Foundry Society
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.466-471
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    • 1999
  • To investigate inclusions(oxides) which cause some trouble in the quality of the metal and a steel-making process, samples were manufactured. The molten irons were deoxidized using Al deoxidizer, and the morphology of the deoxidation products and the process of deoxidation were investigated by optical microscope, scanning electron microscope (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer(EDS). The reactions between Fe melt and Al deoxidizer formed deoxidation product, and those reaction may accelerates the reduction of oxide in Fe melt. According to the results of SEM analysis after deoxidizing treatment, it was found that deoxidation products had spherical cluster shape when 1% Al was added and dendritic shape with $2{\sim}3%$ A1 addition. The deoxidation products were globular, dendritic, polygonal(square) and cluster shape.

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Use of Converter Dust as Desiliconization Agent for Molten Pig Iron (전로분진의 용선탈규특성)

  • 김동수;주선헌;구성은;반봉찬
    • Resources Recycling
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    • v.8 no.5
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    • pp.19-27
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    • 1999
  • The desilica~ilalioc~h~ar .~ctcrisocs or conveutcu dust for molten pg iron has bee11 sludled for the pulposc of converter dust reuse. Desiloconizalir~ne ff~c~encwya s observed 10 be increased with increasing feeding rate of dust, and there was 110 cffccl to Lhe des~lica~~iratiearlfli cio~cyfo r the addtioolI CaO Ln dust. In ~noslc ases, the dcs~l~conizaliornea ction was ucconlpl~shed wrthin 10 minutes regadless of thc dust cornpasilim In addition lo the desil~comzat~oenfl ect, the rzmow~lc hal-i~cteristo~fs M u, P. C, and S from mallen iron by convcrtcr dust also have been in\~esligataled. CuO m thc converlel. dust was observed to ~educc the demanganizi~tion eflect and slag laming phenomenon and make thc dephosphoriralion pn,ce*s easler.

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Effects of Coating Materials on Fluidity and Temperature Loss of Molten Metals from Runner Systems in Full Moulds.

  • Cho, Nam-Don;Kim, Yong-Hyun;Choi, Jung-Kwon
    • Journal of Korea Foundry Society
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.31-42
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    • 1990
  • The full mould casting process in one of the newly developed techniques which has many advantages. Unbonded sand mould has been prepared for the major mould and $CO^2$ gas mould has been used occasionally for comparison. Patterns were built up with expanded polystyrene and coated with three different materials. Silica, graphite and zircon were used for the coating layer. The effects on fluidity and temperature loss of molten metals were investigated. The molten metals were Al-5% Si alloy, Cu-30% Zn alloy and gray iron of approximately 4.0% of carbon equivalent. Experimental variables were runner section area, superheat, sprue height, coating materials, coating thickness and apparent density of EPS pattern. The effects of coating materials on fluidity and temperature loss of the molten metals during transient pouring are summarized as follows : As runner section area, superheat and sprue height increased, fluidity increased. Temperature loss decreased as runner section area and sprue height increased. However, reversed effects were observed in the case of superheat increment. The coating materials decreased the fluidity of each alloy in the order of silica, graphite and zircon. Zircon brought to the highest temperature loss among the coating materials used. The fluidity increased in the order gray iron, Cu-30% Zn and Al-5% Si alloy while temperature loss in the reverse order. Especially in case of reduced pressure process, the fluidity was increased apparently. Al-5% Si alloy showed the lowest temperature loss among the alloys. The increment of the apparent density of EPS pattern resulted in the fluidity decrease and temperature loss increase. The relation between fluidity and temperature loss of each alloy can be expressed by the following equation within the coating thickness limit of 0.5-1.5㎜. F^*={\frac{a}{T^*-b}}-c$ where, $F^*$ : fluidity in the Full mould, $T^*$ : temperature loss in the mould. a : parameter for full mould. b, c : constants.

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