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Quality Characteristics of Madeleine with Peach(Prunus persica L. Batsch) Juice (복숭아즙 첨가 마들렌의 품질 특성)

  • Lim, Yun-Teag;Kim, Dong-Ho;Ahn, Jun-Bae;Choi, Suk-Hyun;Han, Gyeong-Phile;Kim, Gil-Hah;Jang, Keum-Il
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.664-670
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    • 2012
  • In this study, we investigated the quality characteristics and the sensory evaluation for madeleine added with peach (Prunus persica L. Batsch) juice. The pH and specific volume of madeleine were decreased with increase of peach juice, whereas the moisture and loss rate were increased. In the color of madeleine crust, L and b value were decreased with increase of peach juice, and these results showed significant differences compared to control(p<0.05). The other hand, the colors of madeleine crumb showed less significant changes compared to the control. On texture of madeleine with increase of peach juice, the hardness, chewiness, gumminess and cohesiveness were increased, whereas the adhesiveness was decreased. In the sensory evaluation with taste, color, flavor and overall preference, the madeleine with 20%(w/w) peach juice showed the highest value. Consequently, these results should provide the possibile use of peach processing in bakery industry because the addition of peach juice enhanced the quality and sensory characteristics of madeleine.

Quality Characteristics of Toranbyung with Different Boiling Periods and Types of Gomyeong (가열 시간과 고명에 따른 토란병의 품질특성)

  • Hwang, In Guk;Park, Bo Ram;Yoo, Seon Mi
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.985-989
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    • 2013
  • This study was performed to determine the best conditions for preparing Toranbyung. We examined different boiling periods (0~20 min) and types of Gomyeong (pine nut, soy, black sesame, and chestnut powder), as recorded in "Sumunsasul". The boiled taros were evaluated for proximate composition, free sugar contents, and Hunter's color values. In addition, the sensory characteristics of Toranbyung boiled for different periods and prepared using different types of Gomyeong were investigated. The moisture, protein, fat, and ash contents of taro decreased by 83.42~84.61%, 1.25~1.31%, 0.08~0.11%, and 0.62~0.81%, respectively, as the length of boiling time increased. Fructose, glucose, and sucrose, the major free sugars found in taro, decreased by 0.17~0.33%, 0.16~0.29%, and 0.26~0.38%, respectively, as the length of boiling time increased. Sensory evaluation indicated no significant difference in the flavor and taste of Toranbyung boiled for different periods of time. However, Toranbyung boiled for 10 min was significantly better and was found to be the most acceptable among all the samples. Furthermore, sensory evaluation of Toranbyung prepared with different types of Gomyeong indicated that the Toranbyung prepared with soy powder was favored over Toranbyung prepared using other types of Gomyeong. In conclusion, we determine that the best conditions for preparing Toranbyung were boiling for 10 min and using soy powder as the Gomyeong.

Quality of Sponge Cakes Supplemented with Cinnamon (계피분말을 첨가한 스펀지케이크의 품질특성)

  • Lee, Subin;Lee, Jun Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.650-654
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    • 2013
  • The feasibility of incorporating cinnamon as a value-added food ingredient in bakery food products was investigated using sponge cakes as a model system. Cinnamon powder was incorporated into sponge cakes at 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4% weight amounts, based on the total weight of wheat flour. Cake qualities, such as pH, moisture content, specific volume, and baking loss, decreased significantly with increasing levels of cinnamon powder added (p<0.05). In terms of color, lightness and yellowness decreased, with increasing levels of cinnamon powder. Redness significantly increased for crumb, but decreased for crust (p<0.05) with increasing levels of cinnamon powder. Hardness also significantly increased (p<0.05), while total polyphenol content significantly increased, up to a 2% addition of cinnamon powder, and gradually increased afterwards. Finally, the consumer acceptance test has indicated that higher levels of cinnamon incorporation (2% or higher, w/w) have a considerable adverse effect on consumer preferences in all attributes. In contrast, sponges cakes with a minimal level of cinnamon powder (1%, w/w) are recommended for taking advantage of the functional properties of cinnamon powder without sacrificing consumer acceptability.

Processing and Characteristics of Snacks Make from Extrusion Rice Oryza sativa and Dried Shrimp Acetes chinensis (마른 새우(Acetes chinensis) 첨가 Extrusion 쌀(Oryza sativa) Collet을 이용한 Snack의 제조 및 품질특성)

  • Je, Hae-Soo;Kang, Kyung-Hun;Jung, Hee-Bum;Park, Si-Young;Kang, Young-Mi;Seoung, Tae-Jong;Lee, Jae-Dong;Park, Jin-Hyo;Kim, Jeong-Gyun
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.49 no.3
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    • pp.293-300
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    • 2016
  • In the present study, we investigated the quality, sensory characteristics and commercialization potential of a rice collet snack made with the addition of dried shrimp. “Mild” and “spicy” snack products were produced with an edible oil coating and mixed seasoning powder coating, respectively. The approximate composition of the mild and spicy snacks, respectively, were 2.44% and 2.24% for moisture, 8.52% and 8.64% for crude protein, 18.36% and 26.54% for crude lipids, 1.28% and 1.38% for ash, 1.1% and 1.2% for salt, and 0.61 and 0.62 for pH. The L (lightness), a (redness), b (yellowness), and ⊿E (color difference) values were higher for the mild snack than the spicy snack. The mild and spicy snack had values of 7,776.4 and 7,655.8 mg/100 g for total amino acids, and 221.6 and 253.5 mg/100 g for total free amino acids, respectively. The TBA (thiobarbituric acid) value did not differ significantly between the two types of snack. The hardness value of the spicy snack was higher than that of the mild snack, but there were no significant differences in flavor between the two products. The sensory evaluation score of the spicy snack was slightly higher than that of the mild snack. Organoleptic inspection indicated that both snacks had a favorable, unique taste.

Food Waste Composting by Soil Microbial Inoculators (토양미생물제제에 의한 음식물폐기물의 퇴비화 검토)

  • Bae, Il-sang;Jung, Kweon;Jeon, Eun-Mi;Kim, Gwang-Jin;Lee, Dong-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korea Organic Resources Recycling Association
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.160-167
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    • 2000
  • This study was performed to evaluate efficiency of soil microbial inoculator for active composting of food waste. In addition the number of microorganisms in roil microbial inoculator and the effect of seeding in the process of composting were investigated. food waste samples collected from a refectory were analyzed for physical-chemical properties. The samples were adjusted to moisture content of 65% by saw dust and seeded with soil microbial inoculator of 10% by the weight in case of reactor B. The number of microorganisms, aerobic bacteria, actinomyces, yeast, and fungi in soil microbial inoculator were over 2.98×109/g, 3.93×107/g, 1.21×105/g, and 5.79×107/g, respectively. During the process of composting, the highest temperatures were 63.4C at reactor A(unseeded control)after 10 days and 66.8C at reactor B(seeded compost) after 4 days. The pH values of reactor A and B rapidly increased after 3 days and after first few days during composting period, respectively. The highest CO2 concentrations were 6.1%(after 10 days) and 10.8%(afer 4 days) in reactor A and B, respectively. The degradation rates of organic matter(rd) between reactor A and B increased by 17.1% and 64.5%, respectively Consequently, the effects of Inoculation on comporting parameter such as temperature increasing, pH change, chemical properties, and the degradation rates of organic matter(rd) were higher in seeded compost than in unseeded control.

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Production of Fibrinolytic Enzyme and Peptides from Alkaline Fermentation of Soybean Curd Residue by Bacillus firmus NA-1 (Bacillus firmus NA-1 균주를 이용한 비지로부터 혈전분해능효소 및 펩타이드 생산)

  • Oh, Soo-Myung;Seo, Ji-Hyun;Lee, Sam-Pin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.904-909
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    • 2005
  • To produce functional food ingredient from the soybean curd residue (SCR), alkaline fermentation was performed with SCR from cold processed (D-SCR) or hot processed (P-SCR) tofu. The solid- state fermentation was performed by Bacillus firmus NA-1 at 42C. The fermentation of heat-treated D- SCR resulted in higher production of peptides and fibrinolytic enzyme compared with D-SCR without heating. The P-SCR showed higher production of peptides, fibrinolytic enzyme, indicating alkaline pH after fermentation for 18 hr. When the moisture content of P-SCR was reduced to 60%, the production of peptides and fibrinolytic enzyme were enhanced. The P-SCR fortified with 10% MFS (micronized full-fat soy flour) showed higher fibrinolytic enzyme activity and consistency index by fermentation of Bacillus firmus NA-1 Furthermore, the P- SCR fortified with 20% MFS indicated relatively higher peptide content, fibrinolytic enzyme activity and enhanced flavor. By increasing the addition of MFS, the peptide content of fermented P-SCR was increased significantly, but fibrinolytic enzyme was slightly decreased.

Quality Characteristics of Muffins Added with Moringa (Moringa oleifera Lam.) Leaf Powder (모링가 잎 분말을 첨가한 머핀의 품질 특성)

  • Jung, Kyung Im
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.45 no.6
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    • pp.872-879
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    • 2016
  • This study evaluated the quality characteristics of muffins prepared with different amounts (0%, 1%, 3%, 5%, and 7%) of moringa (Moringa oleifera Lam.) leaf powder (MLP). The weight of muffins increased as the amount of MLP increased. The height and pH of muffins significantly decreased as the amount of MLP increased (P<0.05). The moisture content was higher in groups containing 3% MLP. The hardness was higher at 0% MLP. Cohesiveness decreased as the amount of MLP increased (P<0.05), whereas springiness was not significantly different among all samples. Chewiness and brittleness decreased with increasing MLP concentration. Substitution of wheat flour with MLP yielded muffins with a higher 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radical scavenging activity and total polyphenol content (P<0.05). Alcohol dehydrogenase and acetaldehyde dehydrogenase activity significantly increased upon addition of MLP (P<0.05). In the sensory evaluation, appearance scores of muffins were higher in groups containing 7% MLP, whereas taste, flavor, texture, and overall acceptability scores were lowest in muffins with 7% MLP. Therefore, up to 3% MLP can be incorporated into muffins to satisfy the sensory quality and functional needs of the consumer. Furthermore, this study proposes the possibility of development of various products using MLP.

Quality Characteristics and Antioxidant Properties of Yanggaeng Supplemented with Hallabong Powder (한라봉 분말을 첨가한 양갱의 품질 및 항산화 활성)

  • Kim, Hyun Eun;Lim, Jeong Ah;Lee, Jun Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.44 no.12
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    • pp.1918-1922
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    • 2015
  • The feasibility of incorporating Hallabong powder (HP) as a value-added food ingredient into convenient food products was investigated using yanggaeng as a model system. HP was incorporated into yanggaeng at amounts of 0, 2, 4, 6, and 8% (w/w) based on total weight of cooked white beans and HP. pH level decreased while soluble solid content increased significantly with increasing levels of HP (P<0.05), whereas moisture content was not directly affected by level of HP incorporation. In terms of color, lightness decreased while redness and yellowness increased significantly (P<0.05) with increasing levels of HP. Hardness increased significantly when HP content exceeded 4% in the formulation (P<0.05). ABTS and DPPH radical scavenging activities were significantly elevated by HP addition, and they increased significantly as HP concentration increased in the formulation (P<0.05). Finally, consumer acceptance test indicated that the highest levels of HP incorporation (8%) had an adverse effect on general consumer preferences. In contrast, yanggaeng with moderate levels of HP (2%) is recommended based on its overall scores to take advantage of the antioxidant properties of HP without sacrificing consumer acceptability.

Optimum Formulation of Starch and Non-muscle Protein for Alkali Surimi Gel from Frozen White Croaker (냉동 백조기의 알칼리 수리미 겔 제조를 위한 전분 및 비근육 단백질의 최적화)

  • 박주동;김진수;조영제;최종덕;최영준
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.32 no.7
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    • pp.1026-1031
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    • 2003
  • The two-level full factorial and mixture design were used to screen ingredient type and to investigate effects of ingredients on properties of alkali surimi gel from frozen white croakers using measurements of a breaking force, deformation and color. The addition of starch decreased a breaking force and deformation of gel regardless of starch type. The breaking force was decreased, but a deformation was not significantly changed (p<0.05) with increasing starch level. The potato starch was more resonable than com and wheat starch for a breaking force and deformation. The bovine plasma protein (BPP) greatly improved a breaking force and deformation. The breaking force and deformation of gel were increased with concentration of BPP. The whiteness of gel was slightly improved with adding starch and non-muscle for all treatments. At 78% moisture, the optimum ratios of ingredients were 89.4∼90.0% for surimi, 5.9∼6.3% for potato starch and 5.0∼5.4% for BPP to obtain above 100g for a breaking force, 4.6 mm for a deformation, and 25.5 for a whiteness.

Effects of Supplementary Vitamin C and E to Moist Pellet Diet on Growth and Body Composition of Juvenile Olive Flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus (습사료에 비타민 C와 E 첨가가 넙치 치어의 성장과 체성분에 미치는 영향)

  • JEONG Gwan Sik;JI Seung Cheol;AHN Chang Bum;SHIN Tae Sun;YOO Jin Hyong
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.100-106
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    • 2003
  • This study was conducted to investigate the supplementary effects of vitamin C and E to moist pellet on growth and body composition in juvenile olive flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus). Four groups of diet made : moist pellet (MP) diet group was used as the control group where the ratio of raw feed and commercial compound meal is 5:5 (CP30%,CL17%), vitamin C added group (VC), vitamin I added group (VE) and vitamin C and I added group (VCE). The supplementary amount of vitamin C and E corresponded to 1000 mg/kg (dry wt.) and 220mg/kg (dry wt.), respectively. Vitamin C was destroyed 50% and vitamin E was destroyed 20% for manufacturing process. After 8 weeks feeding trial, weight gain was 121.9% in MP group, while it ranged from 180.5 to 184.9% in the VC, VE and VCE group. Feed efficiency was 71.\6 in MP group, whereas it ranged from 78.7 to 80.6% in the VC, VE and VCE group, weight gain and feed efficiency of fish fed vitamin supplemented diets were significantly higher than control group and no significant difference among the vitamin added groups was observed (p>0.05). There were no significant differences in moisture, crude protein, crude lipid, crude ash, condition factor (CF), hepatosomatic index (HSI), and visceraweight index (VWI) of body composition. Hemoglobin (Hb) was 3.79% in MP group, whereas 4.99% in VC group, 4.55% in VE group and 5.07% in VCE group; Hb was significantly higher in the vitamin added groups than the control group (p<0.05). Vitamin C retention in liver was 18.1, 20.7, 46.6, 54.0 mg/kg in MP, VE, VC and VCE groups, respectively. Vitamin E retention in liver was 25.9, 53.8, 88.2, 124.5 mg/kg in MP, VC, VE and VCE groups, respectively. These results indicate that supplementation of vitamin C and E to moist pellet diet significantly improved growth and feed efficiency of olive flounder, and the mixed addition of vitamin C (1,000 mg/kg dry wt.) and vitamin E (220 mg/kg dry wt.) did not lead to the synergy effect.