• Title/Summary/Keyword: model-driven

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Analysis of Precipitation Characteristics of Regional Climate Model for Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources (기후변화에 따른 수자원 영향 평가를 위한 Regional Climate Model 강수 계열의 특성 분석)

  • Kwon, Hyun-Han;Kim, Byung-Sik;Kim, Bo-Kyung
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.28 no.5B
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    • pp.525-533
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    • 2008
  • Global circulation models (GCMs) have been used to study impact of climate change on water resources for hydrologic models as inputs. Recently, regional circulation models (RCMs) have been used widely for climate change study, but the RCMs have been rarely used in the climate change impacts on water resources in Korea. Therefore, this study is intended to use a set of climate scenarios derived by RegCM3 RCM ($27km{\times}27km$), which is operated by Korea Meteorological Administration. To begin with, the RCM precipitation data surrounding major rainfall stations are extracted to assess validation of the scenarios in terms of reproducing low frequency behavior. A comprehensive comparison between observation and precipitation scenario is performed through statistical analysis, wavelet transform analysis and EOF analysis. Overall analysis confirmed that the precipitation data driven by RegCM3 shows capabilities in simulating hydrological low frequency behavior and reproducing spatio-temporal patterns. However, it is found that spatio-temporal patterns are slightly biased and amplitudes (variances) from the RCMs precipitation tend to be lower than the observations. Therefore, a bias correction scheme to correct the systematic bias needs to be considered in case the RCMs are applied to water resources assessment under climate change.

Long-term runoff simulation using rainfall LSTM-MLP artificial neural network ensemble (LSTM - MLP 인공신경망 앙상블을 이용한 장기 강우유출모의)

  • An, Sungwook;Kang, Dongho;Sung, Janghyun;Kim, Byungsik
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.57 no.2
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    • pp.127-137
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    • 2024
  • Physical models, which are often used for water resource management, are difficult to build and operate with input data and may involve the subjective views of users. In recent years, research using data-driven models such as machine learning has been actively conducted to compensate for these problems in the field of water resources, and in this study, an artificial neural network was used to simulate long-term rainfall runoff in the Osipcheon watershed in Samcheok-si, Gangwon-do. For this purpose, three input data groups (meteorological observations, daily precipitation and potential evapotranspiration, and daily precipitation - potential evapotranspiration) were constructed from meteorological data, and the results of training the LSTM (Long Short-term Memory) artificial neural network model were compared and analyzed. As a result, the performance of LSTM-Model 1 using only meteorological observations was the highest, and six LSTM-MLP ensemble models with MLP artificial neural networks were built to simulate long-term runoff in the Fifty Thousand Watershed. The comparison between the LSTM and LSTM-MLP models showed that both models had generally similar results, but the MAE, MSE, and RMSE of LSTM-MLP were reduced compared to LSTM, especially in the low-flow part. As the results of LSTM-MLP show an improvement in the low-flow part, it is judged that in the future, in addition to the LSTM-MLP model, various ensemble models such as CNN can be used to build physical models and create sulfur curves in large basins that take a long time to run and unmeasured basins that lack input data.

Predictive Clustering-based Collaborative Filtering Technique for Performance-Stability of Recommendation System (추천 시스템의 성능 안정성을 위한 예측적 군집화 기반 협업 필터링 기법)

  • Lee, O-Joun;You, Eun-Soon
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.119-142
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    • 2015
  • With the explosive growth in the volume of information, Internet users are experiencing considerable difficulties in obtaining necessary information online. Against this backdrop, ever-greater importance is being placed on a recommender system that provides information catered to user preferences and tastes in an attempt to address issues associated with information overload. To this end, a number of techniques have been proposed, including content-based filtering (CBF), demographic filtering (DF) and collaborative filtering (CF). Among them, CBF and DF require external information and thus cannot be applied to a variety of domains. CF, on the other hand, is widely used since it is relatively free from the domain constraint. The CF technique is broadly classified into memory-based CF, model-based CF and hybrid CF. Model-based CF addresses the drawbacks of CF by considering the Bayesian model, clustering model or dependency network model. This filtering technique not only improves the sparsity and scalability issues but also boosts predictive performance. However, it involves expensive model-building and results in a tradeoff between performance and scalability. Such tradeoff is attributed to reduced coverage, which is a type of sparsity issues. In addition, expensive model-building may lead to performance instability since changes in the domain environment cannot be immediately incorporated into the model due to high costs involved. Cumulative changes in the domain environment that have failed to be reflected eventually undermine system performance. This study incorporates the Markov model of transition probabilities and the concept of fuzzy clustering with CBCF to propose predictive clustering-based CF (PCCF) that solves the issues of reduced coverage and of unstable performance. The method improves performance instability by tracking the changes in user preferences and bridging the gap between the static model and dynamic users. Furthermore, the issue of reduced coverage also improves by expanding the coverage based on transition probabilities and clustering probabilities. The proposed method consists of four processes. First, user preferences are normalized in preference clustering. Second, changes in user preferences are detected from review score entries during preference transition detection. Third, user propensities are normalized using patterns of changes (propensities) in user preferences in propensity clustering. Lastly, the preference prediction model is developed to predict user preferences for items during preference prediction. The proposed method has been validated by testing the robustness of performance instability and scalability-performance tradeoff. The initial test compared and analyzed the performance of individual recommender systems each enabled by IBCF, CBCF, ICFEC and PCCF under an environment where data sparsity had been minimized. The following test adjusted the optimal number of clusters in CBCF, ICFEC and PCCF for a comparative analysis of subsequent changes in the system performance. The test results revealed that the suggested method produced insignificant improvement in performance in comparison with the existing techniques. In addition, it failed to achieve significant improvement in the standard deviation that indicates the degree of data fluctuation. Notwithstanding, it resulted in marked improvement over the existing techniques in terms of range that indicates the level of performance fluctuation. The level of performance fluctuation before and after the model generation improved by 51.31% in the initial test. Then in the following test, there has been 36.05% improvement in the level of performance fluctuation driven by the changes in the number of clusters. This signifies that the proposed method, despite the slight performance improvement, clearly offers better performance stability compared to the existing techniques. Further research on this study will be directed toward enhancing the recommendation performance that failed to demonstrate significant improvement over the existing techniques. The future research will consider the introduction of a high-dimensional parameter-free clustering algorithm or deep learning-based model in order to improve performance in recommendations.

Evaluation of Community Land Model version 3.5-Dynamic Global Vegetation Model over Deciduous Forest in Gwangneung, Korea (광릉 활엽수림에서 Community Land Model 3.5-Dynamic Global Vegetation Model의 평가)

  • Lim, Hee-Jeong;Lee, Young-Hee;Kwon, Hyo-Jung
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.95-106
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    • 2010
  • The performance of Community Land Model version 3.5 - Dynamic Global Vegetation Model (CLM-DGVM) was evaluated through a comparison with the observation over temperate deciduous forest in Gwangneung, Korea. Influence of plant phenology, composition of plant functional type, and climate variability on carbon exchanges was also examined through sensitivity test. To get equilibrium carbon storage, the model was run for 400 years driven by the observed atmospheric data at the deciduous forest of the year 2006. We run the model for 2006 with the equilibrium carbon storage at Gwangneung forest and compared the model output with the observation. A comparison of leaf area index (LAI) between the model and observation indicated that the simulated phenology poorly represented the timing of budburst, leaf-fall, and evolution of LAI. Senescence of the phenology was delayed about four weeks and the simulated maximum LAI (of 5.8 $m^2$ $m^{-2}$) was greater than the observed value (of 4.5 $m^2$ $m^{-2}$). The overestimated LAI contributed to overestimation of both gross primary productivity (GPP) and ecosystem respiration $(R_e)$ through increased photosynthesis and foliar autotropic respiration $(R_a)$, respectively. Despite the discrepancy between the simulated and observed LAI, the simulated tree carbon storage amounts were comparable with the reported values at the site. Change in plant phenology from the simulated to the observed reduced more than six weeks of the plant growth period, resulting in the decreased amount of GPP and $R_e$. These values, however, were still higher (~10% of GPP and 40% of $R_e$) than the observed values. The effect of change in plant functional type composition (from dominant temperate deciduous forest to the coexistence of temperate deciduous and needle leaf forests) on the estimated amount of GPP and $R_e$ was marginal. The influence of climate variability on carbon storage amounts was not significant. The simulated inter-annual variation of GPP and $R_e$ from 1994 to 2003 depended on annual mean air temperature and total radiation but not on precipitation. Other deficiencies of CLM3.5-DGVM have been discussed.

A Study on the Effect of Startup's Innovation Orientation on Growth Aspiration (창업기업의 혁신지향성이 성장열망에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Oh, Hyemi;Lee, Chaewon;Kim, Jinsoo
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2021
  • Innovation and Scale-up of Start-up companies are becoming important national tasks. In the past, it was spread the start-up policy paradigm such as 'Start-up America', 'Start-up Chile', 'Start-up Britain' to overcome the recession globally. However as the economic recovery has become more visible recently in advanced economies, it is shifting from a start-up support policy to a scale-up oriented policy paradigm such as 'Scale-up America', Scale-up UK', 'Scale-up Denmark'. It is necessary to enter the scale-up phase beyond the start-up phase to increase the number of high-quality jobs and to continue economic growth. Therefore, it is necessary to grow the start-up into a strong medium-sized company and to lay the foundation for survival. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to consider the antecedent factors that influence the scale-up aspiration for the start-up firm to grow into a scale-up company, and empirically identifies the differences between the stages of economic development and entrepreneurs in the country. In order to accomplish the purpose, this study predicted scale-up by aspiration which is a predictor of scale-up behavior because it is difficult to achieve visible growth in a short period of time due to the characteristics of start-up companies. In order to empirically explore these relationships, the data were collected from nascent entrepreneurs who have less than 3.5 years of the Adult Population Survey(APS) among the subjects surveyed by the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor(GEM) and the national economic development stage are divided into Innovation-driven, Efficiency-driven, Factor-driven type economies. For the test hypotheses, this study adopted the multi-level model analysis for comparison between national economic development stages and using the R 3.5.0 program. The results of this study are as follows. There is difference between the national economic development and the entrepreneur in the relationship between innovation orientation of entrepreneurs and scale-up aspirations. As the economy of the country develops, the innovation activity of the entrepreneur becomes more active. Since start-ups are heavily influenced by entrepreneurs, there is a difference in the degree of aspiration depending on how innovative an entrepreneur is in the same environment. In terms of the relationship between innovation orientation and scale-up aspiration, the fear of failure was found to differ between national economic development and entrepreneurs. The fear of failure differ from country to country, and this is one of the important factors affecting entrepreneurial activities. It is expected that the factors influencing the growth of the start-up companies which are identified through the results of these studies, will be used to create a suitable scale-up ecosystem according to the national economic development stage.

Data-driven Analysis for Developing the Effective Groundwater Management System in Daejeong-Hangyeong Watershed in Jeju Island (제주도 대정-한경 유역 효율적 지하수자원 관리를 위한 자료기반 연구)

  • Lee, Soyeon;Jeong, Jiho;Kim, Minchul;Park, Wonbae;Kim, Yuhan;Park, Jaesung;Park, Heejeong;Park, Gyeongtae;Jeong, Jina
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.54 no.3
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    • pp.373-387
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    • 2021
  • In this study, the impact of clustered groundwater usage facilities and the proper amount of groundwater usage in the Daejeong-Hangyeong watershed of Jeju island were evaluated based on the data-driven analysis methods. As the applied data, groundwater level data; the corresponding precipitation data; the groundwater usage amount data (Jeoji, Geumak, Seogwang, and English-education city facilities) were used. The results show that the Geumak usage facility has a large influence centering on the corresponding location; the Seogwang usage facility affects on the downstream area; the English-education usage facility has a great impact around the upstream of the location; the Jeoji usage facility shows an influence around the up- and down-streams of the location. Overall, the influence of operating the clustered groundwater usage facilities in the watershed is prolonged to approximately 5km. Additionally, the appropriate groundwater usage amount to maintain the groundwater base-level was analyzed corresponding to the precipitation. Considering the recent precipitation pattern, there is a need to limit the current amount of groundwater usage to 80%. With increasing the precipitation by 100mm, additional groundwater development of approximately 1,500m3-1,900m3 would be reasonable. All the results of the developed data-driven estimation model can be used as useful information for sustainable groundwater development in the Daejeong-Hangyeong watershed of Jeju island.

The Impacts of Need for Cognitive Closure, Psychological Wellbeing, and Social Factors on Impulse Purchasing (인지폐합수요(认知闭合需要), 심리건강화사회인소대충동구매적영향(心理健康和社会因素对冲动购买的影响))

  • Lee, Myong-Han;Schellhase, Ralf;Koo, Dong-Mo;Lee, Mi-Jeong
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.44-56
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    • 2009
  • Impulse purchasing is defined as an immediate purchase with no pre-shopping intentions. Previous studies of impulse buying have focused primarily on factors linked to marketing mix variables, situational factors, and consumer demographics and traits. In previous studies, marketing mix variables such as product category, product type, and atmospheric factors including advertising, coupons, sales events, promotional stimuli at the point of sale, and media format have been used to evaluate product information. Some authors have also focused on situational factors surrounding the consumer. Factors such as the availability of credit card usage, time available, transportability of the products, and the presence and number of shopping companions were found to have a positive impact on impulse buying and/or impulse tendency. Research has also been conducted to evaluate the effects of individual characteristics such as the age, gender, and educational level of the consumer, as well as perceived crowding, stimulation, and the need for touch, on impulse purchasing. In summary, previous studies have found that all products can be purchased impulsively (Vohs and Faber, 2007), that situational factors affect and/or at least facilitate impulse purchasing behavior, and that various individual traits are closely linked to impulse buying. The recent introduction of new distribution channels such as home shopping channels, discount stores, and Internet stores that are open 24 hours a day increases the probability of impulse purchasing. However, previous literature has focused predominantly on situational and marketing variables and thus studies that consider critical consumer characteristics are still lacking. To fill this gap in the literature, the present study builds on this third tradition of research and focuses on individual trait variables, which have rarely been studied. More specifically, the current study investigates whether impulse buying tendency has a positive impact on impulse buying behavior, and evaluates how consumer characteristics such as the need for cognitive closure (NFCC), psychological wellbeing, and susceptibility to interpersonal influences affect the tendency of consumers towards impulse buying. The survey results reveal that while consumer affective impulsivity has a strong positive impact on impulse buying behavior, cognitive impulsivity has no impact on impulse buying behavior. Furthermore, affective impulse buying tendency is driven by sub-components of NFCC such as decisiveness and discomfort with ambiguity, psychological wellbeing constructs such as environmental control and purpose in life, and by normative and informational influences. In addition, cognitive impulse tendency is driven by sub-components of NFCC such as decisiveness, discomfort with ambiguity, and close-mindedness, and the psychological wellbeing constructs of environmental control, as well as normative and informational influences. The present study has significant theoretical implications. First, affective impulsivity has a strong impact on impulse purchase behavior. Previous studies based on affectivity and flow theories proposed that low to moderate levels of impulsivity are driven by reduced self-control or a failure of self-regulatory mechanisms. The present study confirms the above proposition. Second, the present study also contributes to the literature by confirming that impulse buying tendency can be viewed as a two-dimensional concept with both affective and cognitive dimensions, and illustrates that impulse purchase behavior is explained mainly by affective impulsivity, not by cognitive impulsivity. Third, the current study accommodates new constructs such as psychological wellbeing and NFCC as potential influencing factors in the research model, thereby contributing to the existing literature. Fourth, by incorporating multi-dimensional concepts such as psychological wellbeing and NFCC, more diverse aspects of consumer information processing can be evaluated. Fifth, the current study also extends the existing literature by confirming the two competing routes of normative and informational influences. Normative influence occurs when individuals conform to the expectations of others or to enhance his/her self-image. Whereas informational influence occurs when individuals search for information from knowledgeable others or making inferences based upon observations of the behavior of others. The present study shows that these two competing routes of social influence can be attributed to different sources of influence power. The current study also has many practical implications. First, it suggests that people with affective impulsivity may be primary targets to whom companies should pay closer attention. Cultivating a more amenable and mood-elevating shopping environment will appeal to this segment. Second, the present results demonstrate that NFCC is closely related to the cognitive dimension of impulsivity. These people are driven by careless thoughts, not by feelings or excitement. Rational advertising at the point of purchase will attract these customers. Third, people susceptible to normative influences are another potential target market. Retailers and manufacturers could appeal to this segment by advertising their products and/or services as products that can be used to identify with or conform to the expectations of others in the aspiration group. However, retailers should avoid targeting people susceptible to informational influences as a segment market. These people are engaged in an extensive information search relevant to their purchase, and therefore more elaborate, long-term rational advertising messages, which can be internalized into these consumers' thought processes, will appeal to this segment. The current findings should be interpreted with caution for several reasons. The study used a small convenience sample, and only investigated behavior in two dimensions. Accordingly, future studies should incorporate a sample with more diverse characteristics and measure different aspects of behavior. Future studies should also investigate personality traits closely related to affectivity theories. Trait variables such as sensory curiosity, interpersonal curiosity, and atmospheric responsiveness are interesting areas for future investigation.

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Estimation and assessment of natural drought index using principal component analysis (주성분 분석을 활용한 자연가뭄지수 산정 및 평가)

  • Kim, Seon-Ho;Lee, Moon-Hwan;Bae, Deg-Hyo
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.49 no.6
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    • pp.565-577
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    • 2016
  • The objective of this study is to propose a method for computing the Natural Drought Index (NDI) that does not consider man-made drought facilities. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was used to estimate the NDI. Three monthly moving cumulative runoff, soil moisture and precipitation were selected as input data of the NDI during 1977~2012. Observed precipitation data was collected from KMA ASOS (Korea Meteorological Association Automatic Synoptic Observation System), while model-driven runoff and soil moisture from Variable Infiltration Capacity Model (VIC Model) were used. Time series analysis, drought characteristic analysis and spatial analysis were used to assess the utilization of NDI and compare with existing SPI, SRI and SSI. The NDI precisely reflected onset and termination of past drought events with mean absolute error of 0.85 in time series analysis. It explained well duration and inter-arrival time with 1.3 and 1.0 respectively in drought characteristic analysis. Also, the NDI reflected regional drought condition well in spatial analysis. The accuracy rank of drought onset, termination, duration and inter-arrival time was calculated by using NDI, SPI, SRI and SSI. The result showed that NDI is more precise than the others. The NDI overcomes the limitation of univariate drought indices and can be useful for drought analysis as representative measure of different types of drought such as meteorological, hydrological and agricultural droughts.

Numerical Modeling of Flow Characteristics within the Hyporheic Zones in a Pool-riffle Sequences (여울-소 구조에서 지표수-지하수 혼합대의 흐름 특성 분석에 관한 수치모의 연구)

  • Lee, Du-Han;Kim, Young-Joo;Lee, Sam-Hee
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.75-87
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    • 2012
  • Hyporheic zone is a region beneath and alongside a stream, river, or lake bed, where there is mixing of shallow groundwater and surfacewater. Hyporheic exchange controls a variety of physical, biogeochemical and thermal processes, and provides unique ecotones in a aquatic ecosystem. Field and experimental observations, and modeling studies indicate that hyporheic exchange is mainly in response to pressure gradients driven by the geomorphological features of stream beds. In the reach scale of a stream, pool-riffle structures dominate the exchange patterns. Flow over a pool-riffle sequence develops recirculation zones and stagnation points, and this flow structures make irregular pressure gradient which is driving force of the hyporheic exchange. In this study, 3 D hydro-dynamic model solves the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations for the surface water and Darcy's Law and the continuity equation for ground water. The two sets of equations are coupled via the pressure distribution along the interface. Simulation results show that recirculation zones and stagnation points in the pool-riffle structures dominantly control the upwelling and downwelling patterns. With decrease of recirculation zones, length of donwelling zone formed in front of riffles is reduced and position of maximum downwelling point moves downward. The numerical simulation could successfully predict the behavior of hyporheic exchange and contribute the field study, river management and restoration.

Effect of Permeability Anisotropy on the Effective Radius of Grout Bulb in Horizontal Permeation Grouting - Numerical Study (투수계수 이방성을 고려한 수평 약액 그라우트 구근의 침투 유효 반경에 관한 수치해석적 연구)

  • Baek, Seung-Hun;Joo, Hyun-Woo;Kwon, Tae-Hyuk;Han, Jin-Tae;Lee, Ju-Hyung;Yoo, Wan-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.36 no.11
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    • pp.149-156
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    • 2020
  • Permeation grouting effectively enhances soil strength and decreases permeability of soil; however, the flow of grout is heavily affected by anisotropy of hydraulic conductivity in layers. Therefore, this study investigates the effect of permeability anisotropy on the effective radius of horizontal permeation grout using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). We modeled the horizontal permeation grout flow as a two-phase viscous fluid flow in porous media, and the model incorporated the chemical diffusion and the viscosity variation due to hardening. The numerical simulation reveals that the permeability anisotropy shapes the grout bulb to be elliptic and the dissolution-driven diffusion causes a gradual change in grout pore saturation at the edge of the grout bulb. For the grout pore saturations of 10%, 50% and 90%, the horizontal and vertical radii of grout bulb are estimated when the horizontal-to-vertical permeability ratio varies from 0.01 to 100, and the predictive model equations are suggested. This result contributes to more efficient design of injection strategy in formation layers with permeability anisotropy.