• 제목/요약/키워드: mixture process

검색결과 2,048건 처리시간 0.027초

실용적인 혼합물 성분 공정변수 실험설계 (Practical designs for mixture component-process experiments)

  • 임용빈
    • 품질경영학회지
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    • 제39권3호
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    • pp.400-411
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    • 2011
  • Process variables are factors in an experiment that are not mixture components but could affect the blending properties of the mixture ingredients. For example, the effectiveness of an etching solution which is measured as an etch rate is not only a function of the proportions of the three acids that are combined to form the mixture, but also depends on the temperature of the solution and the agitation rate. Efficient designs for the mixture components-process variables experiments depend on the mixture components-process variables model which is called a combined model. We often use the product model between the canonical polynomial model for the mixture and process variables model as a combined model. In this paper we propose three starting models for the mixture components-process variables experiments. One of the starting model we are considering is the model which includes product terms up to cubic order interactions between mixture effects and the linear & pure quadratic effect of the process variables from the product model. In this paper, we propose a method for finding robust designs and practical designs with respect to D-, G-, and I-optimality for the various starting combined models and then, we find practically efficient and robust designs for estimating the regression coefficients for those models. We find the prediction capability of those recommended designs in the case of three components and three process variables to be good by checking FDS(Fraction of Design Space) plots.

혼합 정규공정 하에서의 공정능력지수 Cp에 대한 가설검정 (Statistical Tests for Process Capability Index Cp Based on Mixture Normal Process)

  • 조중재;허태영;정준철
    • 품질경영학회지
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    • 제42권2호
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    • pp.209-219
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to develop the statistical test for process capability index $C_p$ based on mixture normal process. Methods: This study uses Bootstrap method to calculate the approximate P-value for various simulation conditions under mixture normal process. Results: This study indicates that our proposed method is effective way to test for process capability index $C_p$ based on mixture normal process. Conclusion: This study finds out that statistical test for process capability index $C_p$ based on mixture normal process is useful for real application.

혼합물 생산공정을 위한 성분변수의 진화적 조업법 (An Evolutionary Operation with Mixture Variables for Mixture Production Process)

  • 김치환;변재현
    • 대한산업공학회지
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    • 제29권4호
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    • pp.334-344
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    • 2003
  • A mixture experiment is a special type of response surface experiment in which factors are the ingredients or components of a mixture, and the response is a function of the proportions of each ingredient. Evolutionary operation is useful to improve on-line full-scale manufacturing process by systematically changing the levels of the process variables without jeopardizing the product. This paper presents an evolutionary operation procedure with mixture variables for large-scale mixture production process which can be beneficial to practitioners who should improve on-line mixture quality while maintaining the production amount of the mixture product.

공정변수를 갖는 혼합물 실험 자료의 분석 (Analysis of mixture experimental data with process variables)

  • 임용빈
    • 품질경영학회지
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    • 제40권3호
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    • pp.347-358
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: Given the mixture components - process variables experimental data, we propose the strategy to find the proper combined model. Methods: Process variables are factors in an experiment that are not mixture components but could affect the blending properties of the mixture ingredients. For example, the effectiveness of an etching solution which is measured as an etch rate is not only a function of the proportions of the three acids that are combined to form the mixture, but also depends on the temperature of the solution and the agitation rate. Efficient designs for the mixture components - process variables experiments depend on the mixture components - process variables model which is called a combined model. We often use the product model between the canonical polynomial model for the mixture and process variables model as a combined model. Results: First we choose the reasonable starting models among the class of admissible product models and practical combined models suggested by Lim(2011) based on the model selection criteria and then, search for candidate models which are subset models of the starting model by the sequential variables selection method or all possible regressions procedure. Conclusion: Good candidate models are screened by the evaluation of model selection criteria and checking the residual plots for the validity of the model assumption. The strategy to find the proper combined model is illustrated with examples in this paper.

혼합물 생산공정의 최적 공정평균의 경제적 선정 (Economic Selection of Optimum Process Mean for a Mixture Production Process)

  • 이민구
    • 품질경영학회지
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    • 제33권4호
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    • pp.111-116
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    • 2005
  • This paper considers the problem of optimally choosing the sub-process means of a mixture production process where two important ingredients are mixed. The quantity of each ingredient is controlled through each corresponding sub-process. The values of the sub-process mean directly affect the defective rate, production, scrap and reprocessing costs for the mixture production process. After inspecting every incoming item, each conforming item is sold in a regular market for a fixed price and any nonconforming item is scraped. A model is constructed on the basis of the selling price, production, inspection, and scrap and reprocessing costs. The goal is to determine the optimum sub-process mean values based on maximizing expected profit function relating selling price and cost components. A method of finding the optimum sub-process means is presented when the quantities of the two ingredients are assumed to be normally distributed with known variances. A numerical example is given and numerical studies are performed.

혼합물실험(混合物實驗)의 공정변수(工程變數)에 관한 교락(交絡) block 효과(效果) (Block Confounding Effect for Mixture Experiments with Process Variables)

  • 정중희;김정만
    • 품질경영학회지
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    • 제13권2호
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    • pp.66-72
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    • 1985
  • The objective of mixture experiments with process variables is to find experimental blends and conditions that produce the product of highest quality. In this paper, designs for mixture experiments with process variables are presented, where the emphasis is on using only a fraction of the total number of possible design points and the fitting of reduced models for measuring the effects of the mixture components and process variables.

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혼합기 형성-유입과정을 고려한 천연가스엔진 모델링 연구 (A Study of on a Natural Gas Engine Modeling for Mixture formation and Intake Process)

  • 심한섭
    • 한국기계가공학회지
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    • 제8권3호
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    • pp.13-20
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    • 2009
  • Development of a dynamic engine model is essential to predict and analyze of dynamic characteristics from a natural gas engine. Reducing the harmful exhaust emissions can be accomplished by a precise air-fuel ratio control. In this paper, the dynamic engine model was proposed and included mixture formation and intake process because the dynamic characteristics can be affected by the mixture components such as an air and a gaseous fuel. The air mass flow, the partial pressure ratio, and the gas constant are changed by variations of the components in the mixture formation and intake process. The dynamic engine model is applied to the natural gas engine for validation test. Experimental results show that the dynamic engine model is effective to predict the dynamic characteristics of the natural gas engine.

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증발디젤분무의 혼합기 형성과정에 대한 열역학적 접근 (Thermodynamic Approach to the Mixture Formation Process of Evaporative Diesel Spray)

  • 염정국
    • 대한기계학회논문집B
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    • 제33권3호
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    • pp.201-206
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    • 2009
  • The focus of this work is placed on the analysis of the mixture formation process under the evaporative diesel-free spray conditions. In order to examine homogeneity of mixture within the vapor phase region of the injected spray, image analysis was carried out based on the entropy of statistical thermodynamics. As an experimental parameter, the injection pressure and ambient gas density were selected, and effects of the injection pressure and density variation of ambient gas on the mixture formation process in the evaporative diesel spray were investigated. In the case of application of the thermodynamic entropy analysis to evaporative diesel spray, the value of the dimensionless entropy always increases with increase in time from injection start. Consequently, the dimensionless entropy in the case of the higher injection pressure is higher than that of lower injection pressure during initial injection period.

혼합냉매의 누출과정에 관한 시뮬레이션 (Simulation of a Leakage Process of Refrigerant Mixtures)

  • 김민수
    • 설비공학논문집
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    • 제5권3호
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    • pp.217-225
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    • 1993
  • Nonflammable mixtures of flammable and nonflammable refrigerants are possible as substitute refrigerants for use in domestic heat pumps and refrigerators. Refrigerant leakage from such a system is of paramount concern since it is possible that the resulting mixture composition remaining in system will reside in the flammable range. This paper presents a simulation of a leakage process of refrigerant mixtures. Idealized cases of isothermal leakage process are considered in this study representing a slow leak. Simulation is performed for selected composition of binary and ternary refrigerant mixture; R-32/134a and R-32/125/134a. Mixture compositions with respect to percentage leak of original charge are presented. In isothermal leakage process, both vapor and liquid compositions of more volatile refrigerant decrease during vapor and liquid leak, but the total composition of this component decreases during vapor leak and increases during liquid leak. Vapor and liquid compositions are determined depending on the vapor-liquid equilibrium relation of the refrigerant mixture. The refrigerant mixture left in the system can go to a nonflammable direction relying on which component in the mixture is flammable.

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Multimax Reactor System을 이용한 시멘트 혼화제 제조시 에스테르화공정의 열적 위험성 평가 (Assessment of Thermal Hazard on Esterification Process in Manufacture of Concrete Mixture Agents by Multimax Reactor System)

  • 한인수;이근원;표돈영
    • 한국안전학회지
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    • 제24권5호
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    • pp.13-20
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    • 2009
  • The risk assessment of thermal hazard to identify chemical or process hazard during early process developments have been considered. The early identification of thermal hazards associated with a process, such as rapid heats of reaction, exothermic decompositions, and the potential for thermal runaways before any large scale operations are undertaken. This paper presents to evaluate the safe operating parameters/envelope for exist plant operations. The assessment of thermal hazard with operating conditions such as amount of process materials, inhibitor, and catalyst on esterification process in manufacture of concrete mixture agents are described. The experiments were performed by a sort of calorimetry with the Multimax reactor system as a screening tool. The aim of the study was to evaluate the thermal risk of process material and mixture in terms of safety security to be practical applications in esterification process. It suggested that we should provide the thermal hazard of reaction materials to present safe operating conditions with cause of accident through this study.