• Title/Summary/Keyword: minimum energy control

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A Study on the Development of the Engine Room Fan Control System and ERFCS Algorithm for Ships Energy Saving (선박 에너지 절감을 위한 기관실 팬 제어 시스템 구축 및 알고리즘에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Young-Min;Oh, Jin-Seok
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.39 no.6
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    • pp.642-648
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    • 2015
  • Recently, there have been many studies pertaining to reducing energy consumption on ships. As part of those studies, the energy consumption of ships can be reduced by understanding and controlling the varying loads, excluding fixed loads. In existing ships, engine room fans are usually operated based on the actual experience of the crew without any special guidelines. To realize energy reduction, we investigate the characteristics of engine-room fans, and we propose an energy-management system called the engine room fan control system (ERFCS) and the ERFCS algorithm. The ERFCS controls the fan speed depending on the temperature and pressure, where one to four fans are operated depending on changes in the load. In addition, the minimum rotation speed of the engine-room fan was limited to 50% to prevent the surging phenomenon, which is due to fan damage or low pressure resulting from mechanical friction or heating at low fan speeds. We develop a fan control system simulation model using LabVIEW that is based on the proposed algorithm and ISO 8861. Finally, we perform simulations to confirm that operation of the proposed fan control system is possible using only 46.4% of the power required by the existing method.

Packaging Standardization for Biological Control Agents (천적 곤충 포장 표준화에 관한 연구)

  • Ham, Eun Hye;Nam, Yun Bok;Jun, Hye Jeong
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.60 no.2
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    • pp.203-214
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    • 2021
  • This study aimed at establishing a packaging standardization method that allows the maintenance of biological control agents product quality during delivery. First, based on the results of distribution status analysis of biological control agent products from four manufacturers, we confirmed that the mean temperature was maintained at 25.6℃ (minimum and maximum temperatures.: 18.1 and 30.7℃, respectively) inside the packaging box of each company for 36-48 h. To establish the optimal packaging method for each season, seven external temperature conditions were set ranging between 0℃ and 30℃ at intervals of 5℃. In addition, we evaluated internal temperature maintenance performance for each coolant pack handling method and determined 14 packaging combinations. A packaging combination that maintained a temperature of 3℃ - 9.9℃ at each external temperature conditions was considered efficient. This temperature range is close to a lower developmental threshold at which the biological control agents can survive with minimum energy for 12 h (direct delivery time), or 36-48 h (general delivery time) after packaging.

A Study on Energy Recovery Circuit in Sputtering Plasma Power supply for arc Discharge Prevention (스퍼터용 플라즈마 전원장치의 아크방지를 위한 에너지 회생회로에 대한 연구)

  • Ban, Jung-Hyun;Han, Hee-Min;Kim, Joohn-Sheok
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers P
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    • v.61 no.3
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    • pp.116-121
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    • 2012
  • Recently, in the field of renewable energy such as solar cells including the semiconductor and display industries, thin film deposition process is being diversified. Furthermore, to deal with trend of making high-quality and fast, the high-capacity and output plasma power supply which can control high density plasma is required. The biggest problem is arc discharge caused by using high voltage power supply. Thus, the key function of plasma power supply is to prevent arc discharge and there is a need to maintain the possible minimum arc energy. In DC sputtering power supply, on a periodic basis (-)voltage powering up is able to significantly reduce arcing, as well as arc discharge prevention, and maintaining uniform charge density. This conventional method for powering up (-)voltage requires heavy mutual inductance of the transformer to avoid distortion problem of the output voltage. This study is about energy recovery circuit for arc discharge prevention in sputtering plasma power supply. By using energy recovery circuit, it is possible to reduce the mutual inductance and size of the transformer dramatically, prevent distortion of the output voltage and has a stable output waveform. This work was proved through simulation and experimental study.

A Simple Cooperative Transmission Protocol for Energy-Efficient Broadcasting Over Multi-Hop Wireless Networks

  • Kailas, Aravind;Thanayankizil, Lakshmi;Ingram, Mary Ann
    • Journal of Communications and Networks
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.213-220
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    • 2008
  • This paper analyzes a broadcasting technique for wireless multi-hop sensor networks that uses a form of cooperative diversity called opportunistic large arrays (OLAs). We propose a method for autonomous scheduling of the nodes, which limits the nodes that relay and saves as much as 32% of the transmit energy compared to other broadcast approaches, without requiring global positioning system (GPS), individual node addressing, or inter-node interaction. This energy-saving is a result of cross-layer interaction, in the sense that the medium access control (MAC) and routing functions are partially executed in the physical (PHY) layer. Our proposed method is called OLA with a transmission threshold (OLA-T), where a node compares its received power to a threshold to decide if it should forward. We also investigate OLA with variable threshold (OLA-VT), which optimizes the thresholds as a function of level. OLA-T and OLA-VT are compared with OLA broadcasting without a transmission threshold, each in their minimum energy configuration, using an analytical method under the orthogonal and continuum assumptions. The trade-off between the number of OLA levels (or hops) required to achieve successful network broadcast and transmission energy saved is investigated. The results based on the analytical assumptions are confirmed with Monte Carlo simulations.

A Fault Diagnosis and Control Integrated System for an SP-100 Space Reactor (SP-100 우주선 원자로를 위한 고장진단 및 제어 통합 시스템)

  • Na, Man-Gyun;Yang, Heon-Young;Lim, Dong-Hyuk;Lee, Yoon-Joon
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2007.10a
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    • pp.231-232
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    • 2007
  • In this paper, a fault diagnosis and control integrated system (FDCIS) was developed to control the thermoelectric (TE) power in the SP-100 space reactor. The objectives of the proposed model predictive control were to minimize both the difference between the predicted TE power and the desired power, and the variation of control drum angle that adjusts the control reactivity. Also, the objectives were subject to maximum and minimum control drum angle and maximum drum angle variation speed. A genetic algorithm was used to optimize the model predictive controller. The model predictive controller was integrated with a fault detection and diagnostics algorithm so that the controller can work properly even under input and output measurement faults. With the presence of faults, the control law was reconfigured using online estimates of the measurements. Simulation results of the proposed controller showed that the TE generator power level controlled by the proposed controller could track the target power level effectively even under measurement faults, satisfying all control constraints.

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Design of a PID-type Autopilot Concerned with Propulsive Energy of Ship (선박의 추진에너지를 고려한 PID형 자동조타기 설계)

  • Ahn, Jong-Kap;Lee, Chang-Ho;Lee, Yun-Hyung;Choi, Jae-Jun;So, Myung-Ok
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.437-442
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    • 2009
  • The PID controller type autopilot is applied to support shipmaneuvering for course-keeping and heading control. A control constants of autopilot system should be evaluated by promoting energy loss (fuel consumption) from the view point of economic efficiency of the ship. This paper is obtained control constants of autopilot system from the RCGA pursued the minimum energy loss. In addition, the controller which is designed involves a constrained optimization problem. The performance of the proposed method is demonstrated through a set of simulation.

A Low-voltage Vibration Energy Harvesting System with MPPT Control (MPPT 제어 기능을 갖는 저전압 진동 에너지 하베스팅 시스템)

  • An, Hyun-jeong;Kim, Ye-chan;Hong, Ye-jin;Yang, Min-Jae;Yoon, Eun-jung;Yu, Chong-gun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2015.10a
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    • pp.477-480
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    • 2015
  • In this paper a low-voltage vibration energy harvesting circuit with MPPT(Maximum Power Point Tracking) control is proposed. By employing bulk-driven technique, the minimum operating voltage of the proposed circuit is as low as 0.8V. The designed MPPT control circuit traces the maximum power point by periodically sampling the open circuit voltage of a full-wave rectifier circuit connected to the piezoelectric device output and delivers the maximum available power to load. The proposed circuit is designed using a $0.35{\mu}m\;CMOS$ process, and the chip area including pads is $1.33mm{\times}1.31mm$. Simulation results show that the maximum power efficiency of the designed circuit is 85.49%.

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Energy and Air Quality Benefits of DCV with Wireless Sensor Network in Underground Parking Lots

  • Cho, Hong-Jae;Jeong, Jae-Weon
    • International Journal of High-Rise Buildings
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.155-165
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    • 2014
  • This study measured and compared the variation of ventilation rate and fan energy consumption according to various control strategies after installing wireless sensor-based pilot ventilation system in order to verify the applicability of demand-controlled ventilation (DCV) strategy that was efficient ventilation control strategy for underground parking lot. The underground parking lot pilot ventilation system controlled the ventilation rate by directly or indirectly tracking the traffic load in real-time after sensing data, using vehicle detection sensors and carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide ($CO_2$) sensor. The ventilation system has operated for 9 hours per a day. It responded real-time data every 10 minutes, providing ventilation rate in conformance with the input traffic load or contaminant level at that time. A ventilation rate of pilot ventilation system can be controlled at 8 levels. The reason is that a ventilation unit consists of 8 high-speed nozzle jet fans. This study proposed vehicle detection sensor based demand-controlled ventilation (VDS-DCV) strategy that would accurately trace direct traffic load and CO sensor based demand-controlled ventilation (CO-DCV) strategy that would indirectly estimate traffic load through the concentration of contaminants. In order to apply DCV strategy based on real-time traffic load, the minimum required ventilation rate per a single vehicle was applied. It was derived through the design ventilation rate and total parking capacity in the underground parking lot. This is because current ventilation standard established per unit floor area or unit volume of the space made it difficult to apply DCV strategy according to the real-time variation of traffic load. According to the results in this study, two DCV strategies in the underground parking lot are considered to be a good alternative approach that satisfies both energy saving and healthy indoor environment in comparison with the conventional control strategies.

Space Weather Effects on GEO Satellite Anomalies during 1997-2009

  • Choi, Ho-Sung;Lee, Jae-Jin;Cho, Kyung-Suk;Cho, Il-Hyun;Park, Young-Deuk
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.30.2-30.2
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    • 2010
  • Numerous operational anomalies and satellite failures have been reported since the beginnings of the "space age". Space weather effects on modern spacecraft systems have been emphasized more and more as increasing their complexity and capability. Energetic particles potentially can destroy and degrade electronic components in satellites. We analyzed the geostationary (GEO) satellite anomalies during 1997-2009 to search possible influences of space weather on the satellite anomalies like power problem, control processor problem, attitude control problem, etc. For this we use particle data from GOES and LANL satellites to investigate space weather effects on the GEO satellites' anomalies depending on Kp index, local time, seasonal variation, and high-energy electron contribution. As results, we obtained following results: (1) there is a good correlation between geomagnetic index(Kp) and anomaly occurrences of the GEO satellite; (2) especially during the solar minimum, occurrence of the satellite anomalies are related to electron flux increase due to high speed solar wind; (3) satellite anomalies occurred more preferentially in the midnight and dawn sector than noon and dusk sector; (4) and the anomalies occurred twice more in Spring and Fall than Summer and Winter; (5) the electron with the lowest energy channel (50-75keV) has the highest correlation (cc=0.758) with the anomalies. High association between the anomalies and the low energy electrons could be understand by the facts that electron fluxes in the spring and fall are stronger than those in the summer and winter, and low-energy electron flux is more concentrated in the dawn sector where the GEO satellite anomalies occurred more frequently than high-energy electron flux. While we could not identify what cause such local time dependences, our results shows that low-energy electrons (~100keV) could be main source of the satellite anomaly, which should be carefully taken into account of operating satellites.

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Imposed Weighting Factor Optimization Method for Torque Ripple Reduction of IM Fed by Indirect Matrix Converter with Predictive Control Algorithm

  • Uddin, Muslem;Mekhilef, Saad;Rivera, Marco;Rodriguez, Jose
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.227-242
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    • 2015
  • This paper proposes a weighting factor optimization method in predictive control algorithm for torque ripple reduction in an induction motor fed by an indirect matrix converter (IMC). In this paper, the torque ripple behavior is analyzed to validate the proposed weighting factor optimization method in the predictive control platform and shows the effectiveness of the system. Therefore, an optimization method is adopted here to calculate the optimum weighting factor corresponds to minimum torque ripple and is compared with the results of conventional weighting factor based predictive control algorithm. The predictive control algorithm selects the optimum switching state that minimizes a cost function based on optimized weighting factor to actuate the indirect matrix converter. The conventional and introduced weighting factor optimization method in predictive control algorithm are validated through simulations and experimental validation in DS1104 R&D controller platform and show the potential control, tracking of variables with their respective references and consequently reduces the torque ripple.