• 제목/요약/키워드: middle layer

검색결과 772건 처리시간 0.021초

역삼투막을 이용한 해수담수화 플랜트에서 전처리 공정 기술 (An Overview of the Pretreatment Processes in Seawater Desalination Plants using Reverse Osmosis Membranes)

  • 안창훈;이원일;윤제용
    • 상하수도학회지
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    • 제23권6호
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    • pp.811-823
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    • 2009
  • Seawater desalination process using a reverse osmosis (RO) membrane has been considered as one of the most promising technologies in solving the water scarcity problems in many arid regions around the world. To protect RO membrane in the process, a thorough understanding of the pretreatment process is particularly needed. Seawater organic matters (SWOMs) may form a gel layer on the membrane surface, which will increase a concentration polarization. As the SWOMs can be utilized as a substrate, membrane biofouling will be progressed on the RO membrane surface, resulting in the flux decline and increase of trans-membrane pressure drop and salt passage. In the middle of disinfection, an optimal chlorine dosage and neutralizer (sodium bisulfite, SBS) should be practiced to prevent oxidizing the surface of RO membranes. Additional fundamental research including novel non-susceptible biofouling membranes would be necessary to provide a guide line for the proper pretreatment process.

무당거미(Nephila clavata L. Koch) 병상선(甁狀腺)의 미세구조(微細構造) III. 소병상선(小甁狀腺)의 분필관(分泌管) (Ultrastructure of the Ampullate Glands in the Orb Web Spider, Nephila clav ata L. Koch III. Excretory Duct of the Small Ampullate Gland)

  • 문명진;김우갑
    • Applied Microscopy
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    • 제19권1호
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    • pp.49-58
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    • 1989
  • Ultrastructure of the excretory duct of the small ampullate gland in the orb web spider, Nephila clavata L. Koch are studied with light and electron microscopes. The small ampullate glands, located near the midline portion of the abdominal cavity, are connected with the spigots(large spinning tubes) on the middle spinnerets and composed of three parts which are the excretory duct, the storage sac and the convoluted tail. The excretory duct of this gland is enclosed by a thin layer of the outer connective tissues. By the morphology of the apical cuticles and internal textures of the epithelial cells, the duct is subdivided into two regions which are proximal duct region near the sac and distal duct region near the spinnerets. At the distal region of the ducts, the subcuticle which had the function of water removal form the progenetive silk material is well developed, whereas at the proximal region this cuticle disappeared and instead of these, endocuticle is developed. Moreover the epithelium of the distal duct region is composed of columnar epithelial cells, but at the proximal region the epithelium is changed to squamous or cuboidal forms. In the cytoplasm of the epithelial cells, rough endoplasmic reticula, Golgi comlexes and large secretory vesicles related to the production of the cuticular materials are well developed. And between the adjacent epithelial cells, specialized septate junction and desmosomes are formed along the plasma membrane.

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Recognition of English Calling Cards by Using Projection Method and Enhanced RBE Network

  • Kim, Kwang-Baek
    • 한국지능시스템학회논문지
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    • 제13권4호
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    • pp.474-479
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, we proposed the novel method for the recognition of English calling cards by using the projection method and the enhanced RBF (Radial Basis Function) network. The recognition of calling cards consists of the extraction phase of character areas and the recognition phase of extracted characters. In the extraction phase, first of all, noises are removed from the images of calling cards, and the feature areas including character strings are separated from the calling card images by using the horizontal smearing method and the 8-directional contour tracking method. And using the image projection method, the feature areas are split into the areas of individual characters. We also proposed the enhanced RBF network that organizes the middle layer effectively by using the enhanced ART1 neural network adjusting the vigilance threshold dynamically according to the homogeneity between patterns. In the recognition phase, the proposed neural network is applied to recognize individual characters. Our experiment result showed that the proposed recognition algorithm has higher success rate of recognition and faster learning time than the existing neural network based recognition.

Recognition of the Passport by Using Fuzzy Binarization and Enhanced Fuzzy Neural Networks

  • Kim, Kwang-Baek
    • 한국지능시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국퍼지및지능시스템학회 2003년도 ISIS 2003
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    • pp.603-607
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    • 2003
  • The judgment of forged passports plays an important role in the immigration control system, for which the automatic and accurate processing is required because of the rapid increase of travelers. So, as the preprocessing phase for the judgment of forged passports, this paper proposed the novel method for the recognition of passport based on the fuzzy binarization and the fuzzy RBF neural network newly proposed. first, for the extraction of individual codes being recognized, the paper extracts code sequence blocks including individual codes by applying the Sobel masking, the horizontal smearing and the contour tracking algorithm in turn to the passport image, binarizes the extracted blocks by using the fuzzy binarization based on the membership function of trapezoid type, and, as the last step, recovers and extracts individual codes from the binarized areas by applying the CDM masking and the vertical smearing. Next, the paper proposed the enhanced fuzzy RBF neural network that adapts the enhanced fuzzy ART network to the middle layer and applied to the recognition of individual codes. The results of the experiment for performance evaluation on the real passport images showed that the proposed method in the paper has the improved performance in the recognition of passport.

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장대끈끈이주걱 분비모의 미세구조와 peroxidase 활성 (Ultrastructure and Activity Pattern of Peroxidase in Secretory Trichomes of Drosera capensis)

  • 김은수;오승은;유성철
    • Applied Microscopy
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    • 제28권3호
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    • pp.399-414
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    • 1998
  • Glandular trichomes present on the leaf surface of Drosera capensis were examined using transmission electron microscopy. A large number of stalked glands exist on the adaxial surfaces of the leaf blade. The secretory head is composed of two layers of secretory cells, one layer of middle cells, and the inner tracheids. The secretory cells contain rough endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, plastids, Golgi apparatus, and vacuoles. The secretory cells show prominent cell wall ingrowth, and thick cuticle restricted on the subcuticular wall. Frequently, the cuticle has some pores, canal-like structures, showing electron -dense granules being penetrated through them. Ultrastructural localization using diaminobenzidine showed the electron-dense deposits in the vacuole. No peroxidase activity was seen in the cell wall and cytolasm. The activity of peroxidase (POX) isozymes in Drosera which isoelectric point (pI) is 3.6 and some anionic POX isozymes which pIs are laid between 3.6 and 4.6 were especially increased according to the development and the formation of glandular trichomes. Also, the activity of some POX isozymes which isoelectric points are laid between 4.6 and 5.1 were increased in the regions of leaves which has trichomes.

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생활폐기물 소각장 작업복의 중금속 분석 (Analysis of Heavy Metal Concentration on Working Clothes for Waste Incinerating Workers)

  • 박순자
    • 한국지역사회생활과학회지
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    • 제18권1호
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    • pp.39-53
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of an experimental protective clothing material with regard to comfort and isolation from the hazardous heavy metals produced in municipal waste incineration. An analysis was conducted on the total concentrations of heavy metals in some parts such as surface, middle layer, and interior for the treated fabric, and the untreated one, and working clothes. We conclude that the processed fabric with charcoal for working clothes showed the least exposure to heavy metals of the three. Working clothes worn by workers during waste incineration were much more contaminated than the untreated and treated materials. The material of working clothes could be chosen according to the function with regard to its original chemical characteristics, which are the proper results of the dyeing process. The processed fabric material has high degrees of moisture regain, thermal insulation, water vapor penetration, and antibacterial function; consequently, it is much more comfortable to wear. The fabric material proposed in this research contributed much more to blocking heavy metal concentrations (such as Cd, Pb, Cu, Cr, Zn, Mn) than did the fabric of working clothes at present. Consequently, we strongly suggest that the material of working clothes be upgraded by adopting the above-mentioned charcoal-processed fabric. Materials of working clothes must be improved to increase comfort and prevent harmful gas, flying dust, and heavy metals from permeating the fabrics.

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忠武灣 海水의 腐生細菌 分布와 相關係數 分析에 關하여 (Distribution of saprophytic bacteria and correlation-coefficient analysis in the seawater of Chungmu bay, Korea.)

  • 홍순우;하영칠;안태영
    • 한국해양학회지
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    • 제20권3호
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    • pp.62-69
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    • 1985
  • 忠武灣에서 分離한 108個의 菌株에 대하여 고전적 분류방법과 수리적 분류방법을 비교하고, 균주간의 相關關係數를 구하여 유사성을 確認하였다. 수리적 분류에서는 고전적 분류와는 달리 Gram(+)와 Gram(-) 菌株가 전체 cluster에 分散되어있고, coccus와 rod가 분리되었으며, genus간의 分類는 수리적 방법과 고전적 방법사이에 連關性이 크게 나타났다. 下層에서 採取된 균주는 다른 層에 비해 균주간의 분류학적 유사성이 떨어지는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 灣 內部 (Group I)의 菌株와 外部 (Group II)의 菌株間의 거리는 각 Group內의 菌株間의 연관성보다 적은 것으로 나타났으며, 干潮時 海水에서 분리된 균주와 滿潮時 분리된 균주간에는 연관성이 적음이 확인 되었다.

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식도중복증의 1례 (Duplication of the Esophagus -Report of A Case-)

  • 홍기우
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • 제7권2호
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    • pp.169-174
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    • 1974
  • Duplication of the alimentary tract, especially of the esophagus, have been regarded as rare cong- enital anomalies. However, they are being reported with increasing frequency in the literature. In the . ,- past they have been described by a variety of names, such as "enteric cysts", "intestinal cysts", "giant diverticula", "`mediastinal cysts of foregut origin" "enterogenous cysts" and other descriptive terms. . Most authorities now agree that these anomalies are best described by the term "duplications of the alimentary tract. The duplications [of the alimentary tract] are spherical or tubular structures which poses a well developed smooth muscle layer and are lined with a mucous membrane from any part of the alimentary tract. They may occur at any place in the digestive tube from the tongue to the rectum and usually are intimately attached to some portion of the alimentary tube. We have experienced a duplication of the esophagus in 14 years old middle schoolboy. He complained dysphagia, eructation and substernal pain associated with intermittent high fever and chilliness, increasing in severity for recent three weeks. Routine chest X-ray film revealed nore markable abnormal finding but esophagogram. revealed marked narrowing of the esophagus throughout with a large blind pouch in lower half with fistulous communication at mid portion of the esophagus. On thoracotomy, a large infected blind pouch communicating with the lumen of normal esophagus proximally, Was extended from the level of 5th to 10th thoracic spine. The duplicated segment of the esophagus has a common muscular .wall and proximal communication with the adjacent esophagus. The infected, duplicated esophagus was segmentally resected, and esophagogastrostomy with pyloroplasty was done by displacing the stomach into the right thoracic cavity through midline laparotomy. His Postoperative course was uneventful and discharged without complication.

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열대 및 북태평양에서 ENSO와 관련된 표층수온과 해면고도의 경년 변동성 (Interannual Variabilities of Sea Surface Temperature and Sea Level Anomaly related to ENSO in the Tropical and North Pacific Ocean System)

  • 김응;전동철
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • 제30권3호
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    • pp.313-324
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    • 2008
  • In order to understand the variation of ENSO-related oceanic environments in the tropical and North Pacific Ocean, spatio-temporal variations of sea surface temperature anomaly (SSTA) and sea surface height anomaly (SSHA) are analyzed from distributions of complex empirical orthogonal functions (CEOF). Correlations among warm pool variation, southern oscillation index, and ocean surface currents were also examined with respect to interannual variability of the warm pool in western tropical Pacific. Spatio-temporal distributions of the first CEOF modes for SSTA and SSHA indicate that their variabilities are associated with ENSO events, which have a variance over 30% in the North Pacific. The primary reasons for their variabilities are different; SST is predominantly influenced by the change of barrier layer thickness, while SSH fluctuates with the same phase as propagation of an ENSO episode in the zonal direction. Horizontal boundary of warm pool area, which normally centered around $149^{\circ}E$ in the tropics, seemed to be expanded to the middle and eastern tropical regions by strong zonal currents through the mature phase of an ENSO episode.

완도 연안 낭장망에 채집된 어류 군집구조의 12년 전후 변화 (Change of Structure Community of Fish Collected by a Gape Net with Wings after 12 Years in the Coast of Wando Island, Korea)

  • 유준택;김진구;최문성
    • 한국수산과학회지
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    • 제47권5호
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    • pp.659-666
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    • 2014
  • Our aim was to compare the community structure of fish in the coast of Wando Island between 2001 and 2013. Using a gape net with wings, we collected 61 taxa, wherein the most dominant species was Engraulis japonicus. The sea temperature in the middle layer of the survey station in 2001 (after June) was obviously higher than that in 2013, which was < $20^{\circ}C$. Except for Thryssa kammalensis in 2013, the log transformed individuals of seven dominant species, selected using a SIMPER (similarity-percentages procedure) analysis, decreased. Decreases in the individuals of Gobiidae spp., the warm-water species Trichiurus japonicus and Conger myriaster, and the migratory species Syngnathus schlegeli, Setipinna taty and Sardinella zunasi, which arrive in the southern coastal waters of Korea during summer-autumn, could be due to decreasing sea temperature in 2013. Thus, fish species diversity, estimated from rarefaction and k-dominance curves, declined in the coastal waters of Wando Island from 2001 to 2013, resulting in a significant difference in fish community structure.