• Title/Summary/Keyword: mid-connection

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Study of central buckle effects on flutter of long-span suspension bridges

  • Han, Yan;Li, Kai;Cai, C.S.
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.403-418
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    • 2020
  • To investigate the effects of central buckles on the dynamic behavior and flutter stability of long-span suspension bridges, four different connection options between the main cable and the girder near the mid-span position of the Aizhai Bridge were studied. Based on the flutter derivatives obtained from wind tunnel tests, formulations of self-excited forces in the time domain were obtained using a nonlinear least square fitting method and a time-domain flutter analysis was realized. Subsequently, the influences of the central buckles on the critical flutter velocity, flutter frequency, and three-dimensional flutter states of the bridge were investigated. The results show that the central buckles can significantly increase the frequency of the longitudinal floating mode of the bridge and have greater influence on the frequencies of the asymmetric lateral bending mode and asymmetric torsion mode than on that of the symmetric ones. As such, the central buckles have small impact on the critical flutter velocity due to that the flutter mode of the Aizhai Bridge was essentially the symmetric torsion mode coupled with the symmetric vertical mode. However, the central buckles have certain impact on the flutter mode and the three-dimensional flutter states of the bridge. In addition, it is found that the phenomenon of complex beat vibrations (called intermittent flutter phenomenon) appeared in the flutter state of the bridge when the structural damping is 0 or very low.

High redshift galaxy clusters in ELAIS-N1/N2 fields with a new color selection technique

  • Hyun, Minhee;Im, Myungshin;Kim, Jae-Woo;Lee, Seong-Kook
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.48.1-48.1
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    • 2014
  • Galaxy clusters, the largest gravitationally bound systems, are an important means to place constraints on cosmological models. Moreover, they are excellent places to test galaxy evolution models in connection to the environments. To this day, massive clusters have been found unexpectedly(Kang & Im 2009, Durret et al. 2011, Tashikawa et al. 2012) and evolution of galaxies in cluster have been still controversial (Elbaz et al. 2007, Cooper et al. 2008, Tran et al. 2009). Finding galaxy cluster candidates at z>1 in a wide, deep imaging survey data will enable us to solve the such issues of modern extragalactic astronomy. We report new candidates of galaxy clusters and their physical properties in one of the wide and deep survey fields, European Large Area ISO Survey North1(ELAIS-N1) and North2(ELAIS-N2) fields, covering sky area of and each. We also suggest a new useful color selection technique to separate 1 < z < 2 galaxies from low-z galaxies by combining multi-wavelength data from the UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey Deep Extragalactic Survey (UKIDSS DXS/J and K band), Spitzer Wise-area InfraRed Extragalactic survey (SWIRE/two mid-infrared bands), Canada France Hawaii Telescope (CFHT/z band), Issac Newton Telescope(INT/ u, g, r, i, z band) and Infrared Medium-deep Survey(IMS/J band).

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A Study on the Working space Lay-out for Working on Information in the Offices (정보성 업무특성 따른 업무공간 레이아웃(Lay-out)에 관한 연구)

  • 이상호;신동준
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • no.32
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    • pp.64-71
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    • 2002
  • Today, term of ‘industrial society’means the totally changing society by new technical innovation through the Industrial Revolution begun in England at the mid-nineteenth century and it made social structure centering agricultural culture change with industrial culture with expansion of goods by the massive production. Information working area has to bo a space not just for improving business efficiency in industrial society but for developing efficiency in working in harmony with the information and structural aspects based on computer and communication technology. There are two kinds of environmental elements of working space : the tangible ones are the area and the structure of working space, lights, network, layout and information machines in office, the intangible ones are a feeling of satisfaction of management and arrangement of office information machines capability of information delivery, common ownership of documents and their files, the security and connection between office workers, and harmony. According to the wave of information begun from the late twentieth century, structural layout of working area has become various by the working type through network of new developed information communication machines. But it is hard to apply them in actually.

The Direction of Capability-based Military Build-up (국가능력에 기초한한 군사력 건설방향)

  • 이필중
    • Journal of the military operations research society of Korea
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.88-109
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    • 2001
  • Defense minister of the ROK, Kim Bong-sin suggested that the ROK′s military build-up policy will change from "scenario-based" to "capability-based". Entering the 1990s the ROK′s military build-up policy met difficulties to accomplish its goal, modernizing and strengthening of its force structure and weapon systems because of limited budget. The concept of capability-based military build-up could commit a fault in estimating total amount of defense resources required for force planing. This is because that the total amount of defense resources related to force plan for the 15 years is fixed to embody military strategy. The concept of capability-based military build-up plays a role as a constraint in choosing a military strategy. This has no connection with military build-up. Therefore the resources of mid-term military build-up program and scale of annual defense budget could be affected by the situations of its national economy. In this respect, the scale of annual defense budget and resources could be changed in accordance with national economic condition, however, the total amount of resources required to build-up military force for 15 years, namely resources of military force planing requirement for 15 years, is given already for the accomplishment of military strategy. The purpose of this study is to seek a direction of the ROK′s military build-up policy in a viewpoint of capability-based military build-up.

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Seismic response of built-up double-I column in steel moment resisting frame using welded external diaphragm plate

  • Tabebordbar, Amir;Dehghan, Seyed Mehdi;Fathi, Farshid;Najafgholipour, Mohammad Amir
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.41 no.5
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    • pp.747-759
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    • 2021
  • Built-up Double-I (BD-I) columns have been commonly used for mid-rise steel-frame structures in Iran. These columns consist of two hot rolled IPE sections which are connected by two cover plates and fillet welds. Until 2017, BD-I columns were employed in intermediate moment resisting frames (MRF) using welded flange plate (WFP) connections. To evaluate the seismic behavior of the connections, four samples were made and tested based on cyclic loading according to AISC 341-16. It was concluded that typical samples cannot satisfy the seismic provisions related to intermediate MRFs. In contrast, the proposed connections retrofitted with two-part external diaphragms were able to satisfy not only the seismic requirements related to intermediate MRFs but also those related to special MRFs according to AISC. The numerical modeling of these samples was performed using ABAQUS finite element software. This study compared the hysteresis moment-rotation curves, plastic strains, and behavior modes in both experimental samples and numerical models.

Mukbang's Foodcasting beyond Korea's Borders: A Study Focusing on OTT Platforms

  • Lim, Jia
    • Journal of Information Processing Systems
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.470-479
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    • 2022
  • Mukbang is a type of foodcasting where a host records or streams their eating rituals for audience consumption in live format. With origins in South Korea via the online broadcast genre found on Afreeca TV in the mid-2000s, the phenomenon has since found global popularity. Its development as a full-fledged genre is based on a communication culture that invites people to a meal rather than to talk to one another; viewers watch in silence as a host consumes a copious number of dishes from Korean gastronomy to fast food to other ethnic cuisine on display. An invitation to eat means the beginning of a public relationship that quickly turns to a private shared experience. This study analyzes several Mukbang video postings and makes use of Linden's culture approach model to provide a view toward a number of cross-cultural connections by Koreans and non-Korean audiences. Prior to the study, 10 Korean eating shows were selected and used as standard models. Korean Mukbang mainly consists of eating behavior and ASMR, with very few storytelling or narrative devices utilized by its creators. For this reason, eating shows make a very private connection. In other ways, this paper shows how 28 Mukbang-related YouTube contents selected by Ranker were evolving and examined through notions of acculturation and reception theory.

Soil Salinity and Continuum Distribution of Vegetation on the Three Reclaimed Tidal Flats of Kyonggi-Bay in the Mid-West Coast of Korea (한국 중부 서해안 경기만 일대 3개 간척지의 토양 염농도와 식생의 연속분포)

  • Kim, Eun-Kyu;Chun, SoUl;Joo, Young-K.;Jung, Yeong-Sang;Jung, Hyeung-Gun
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.83-93
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    • 2008
  • Assessing for flora distribution is necessary for land management and environmental research in reclaimed lands. This study was conducted to find out the relationship between vegetation distribution and soil salinity on three reclaimed tidal flats of Kyonggi-bay in the mid-west coast of Korea. We investigated the soil salinity and identified the vegetation at the continuum distribution spots, and describe the characteristics of continuum distribution. On the reclaimed tidal flats, spatial variation of vegetation formed partially, however as the result for connection of each spatial variation along with the soil salinity, continuum distribution formed and it was overlapped edaphic gradient with vegetation distribution, it means that the continuum distribution correspond with soil salinity gradient, as the evidence high salt tolerance species occurred at high saline spots, non salt tolerance species occurred at low saline spots. On the aged reclaimed tidal flats, continuum type was various and also clearly distinguished but it was not clear on the early stage of reclamation. The continuum distribution distinguished sequential and non-sequential type. Sequential type started from high saline zone and connected to low saline zone gradually, on this type, vegetation changed from pioneer halophyte to facultative halophyte and glycophyte along with the salinity gradient. Non-sequential type formed by non-sequential change of soil salinity, on this type, vegetation distribution was non-regular form because it has not changed gradually. In the aged reclaimed land, vegetation wilted zone existed with high salinity, and continuum distribution started from this zone with bare patch.

Research of Water-related Disaster Monitoring Using Satellite Bigdata Based on Google Earth Engine Cloud Computing Platform (구글어스엔진 클라우드 컴퓨팅 플랫폼 기반 위성 빅데이터를 활용한 수재해 모니터링 연구)

  • Park, Jongsoo;Kang, Ki-mook
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.38 no.6_3
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    • pp.1761-1775
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    • 2022
  • Due to unpredictable climate change, the frequency of occurrence of water-related disasters and the scale of damage are also continuously increasing. In terms of disaster management, it is essential to identify the damaged area in a wide area and monitor for mid-term and long-term forecasting. In the field of water disasters, research on remote sensing technology using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellite images for wide-area monitoring is being actively conducted. Time-series analysis for monitoring requires a complex preprocessing process that collects a large amount of images and considers the noisy radar characteristics, and for this, a considerable amount of time is required. With the recent development of cloud computing technology, many platforms capable of performing spatiotemporal analysis using satellite big data have been proposed. Google Earth Engine (GEE)is a representative platform that provides about 600 satellite data for free and enables semi real time space time analysis based on the analysis preparation data of satellite images. Therefore, in this study, immediate water disaster damage detection and mid to long term time series observation studies were conducted using GEE. Through the Otsu technique, which is mainly used for change detection, changes in river width and flood area due to river flooding were confirmed, centered on the torrential rains that occurred in 2020. In addition, in terms of disaster management, the change trend of the time series waterbody from 2018 to 2022 was confirmed. The short processing time through javascript based coding, and the strength of spatiotemporal analysis and result expression, are expected to enable use in the field of water disasters. In addition, it is expected that the field of application will be expanded through connection with various satellite bigdata in the future.

On the assessment of modal nonlinear pushover analysis for steel frames with semi-rigid connections

  • Zarfam, Panam;Mofid, Massood
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.383-398
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    • 2009
  • Applying nonlinear statistical analysis methods in estimating the performance of structures in earthquakes is strongly considered these days. This is due to the methods' simplicity, timely lower cost and reliable estimation in seismic responses in comparison with time-history nonlinear dynamic analysis. Among nonlinear methods, simplified to be incorporated in the future guidelines, Modal Pushover Analysis, known by the abbreviated name of MPA, simply models nonlinear behavior of structures; and presents a very proper estimation of nonlinear dynamic analysis using lateral load pattern appropriate to the mass. Mostly, two kinds of connecting joints, 'hinge' and 'rigid', are carried out in different type of steel structures. However, it should be highly considered that nominal hinge joints usually experience some percentages of fixity and nominal rigid connections do not employ totally rigid. Therefore, concerning the importance of these structures and the significant flexibility effect of connections on force distribution and elements deformation, these connections can be considered as semi-rigid with various percentages of fixity. Since it seems, the application and implementation of MPA method has not been studied on moment-resistant steel frames with semi rigid connections, this research focuses on this topic and issue. In this regard several rigid and semi-rigid steel bending frames with different percentages of fixity are selected. The structural design is performed based on weak beam and strong column. Followed by that, the MPA method is used as an approximated method and Nonlinear Response History Analysis (NL-RHA) as the exact one. Studying the performance of semi-rigid frames in height shows that MPA technique offers reasonably reliable results in these frames. The methods accuracy seems to decrease, when the number of stories increases and does decrease in correlation with the semi-rigidity percentages. This generally implies that the method can be used as a proper device in seismic estimation of different types of low and mid-rise buildings with semi-rigid connections.

Development of Hybrid Panel with C-shaped Steel Beam at Top and Bottom of Precast Concrete Wall (프리캐스트 콘크리트 벽체의 상하부에 C형강 보가 결합된 복합 패널의 개발)

  • Lee, Sang Sup;Park, Keum Sung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.435-442
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    • 2017
  • A lateral load resisting system is a necessary structural element for the mid- to high-rise modular buildings and concrete cores are known as the most typical lateral load resisting systems in 10- to 20-story modular buildings. It is difficult to construct a concrete core simultaneously with the installation and finishing work of modular units because concrete placed using wet methods might contaminate or destroy the modular unit. Therefore, we have developed a hybrid PC (precast concrete) panel construction method that can construct a concrete core together with the installation of modular units. The hybrid PC panel is a load-bearing element in which a pair of C-shaped beams are combined at the top and bottom of a concrete wall. Concrete cores can be constructed by dry method to connect the hybrid PC panels with bolts. In this study, the details and connection of hybrid PC panels are improved to have the lateral performance comparable to reinforced concrete structural walls and are verified through FE analysis.