• Title/Summary/Keyword: meandering

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A Numerical Experiment on the Inter-annual Variation Induced by the Current in a Basin with Dimension Comparable to the East Sea

  • Cho Kyoung-Ho;Seung Young Ho
    • Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.163-171
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    • 2000
  • A series of numerical experiments are performed to examine the generation of inter-annual variations by an inertial current in an idealized semi-enclosed basin with dimension comparable to that of the East Sea. Model results indicate that the inter-annual variations dominate the kinetic energy spectrum with a peak around the time scales of 2-3 years. These variations are mostly due to the westward propagating meanders and large eddies induced by the instability of current, indicating their dependency on the eddy-resolving capacity of the model. They are generated in the interior of the basin but their energy is largely confined near the western boundary such that the east-west dimension of the basin cannot be considered as a critical factor as long as the basin covers enough western boundary region. Overall, this study suggests that the inter-annual variation observed in the East Sea is due to the meandering and large eddies induced by the instability of the current.

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A Study on the Characteristics of Channel Line (유심특성에 관한 연구)

  • Mun, Su-Nam;Lee, Jong-Nam
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.15-22
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    • 1997
  • The flow in meandering channel has a great influence on curved bank revetment in river morphology. It is difficult to state generalized cirteria for channel improvement applicable to any paricular river. But it is very important to provide some principles and guidelines for design engineers. The objective of this experimental study in fixed bed model is to povide effective data that find out maximum velocity size by the mean velocity and the radius of curvature in curved channel, for the purpose of improving small stream without hydraulic modeling test each time.

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Transverse Dispersion of Pollutant Solute in the Nonuniform Natural Channel - By Using the Cumulative Discharge Model - (불규칙한 자연하천에서 오염물질의 횡확산 - 누적유량 Model을 이용하여 -)

  • 강주복;박상길
    • Water for future
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.213-225
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    • 1990
  • A mathematical model is presented for predicting the steady state two-demensional distribution of solute concentration in the meandering nonuniform natural channel. The dispersion equation derived herein employs the transverse cumulative discharge as an independent variable replacing the transverse distance and that it is developed in an orthogonal curvilinear coordinnate system which follows the flow direction of natural channel. The prediction from the results of numerical model are compared with laboratory experiment data. It is found that results from simulation and experiments are in good agreement.

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A Study on Meandering Phenomenon in Dicing process (다이싱가공에 있어서 가공구사행현상에 대한 연구)

  • 정윤교
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 1994.10a
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    • pp.144-149
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    • 1994
  • 반도체 산업계에 있어서 IC 등을 주류로 하는 마이크로칩의 생산성 및 성능이 현저히 성장하여 많은 경제효과를 가져오고 있다. 이와함께 전자부품에 사용되어지는 취성재료의 종류 및 그양도 점점 증가하는 추세이다. 이러한 취성재료의 절단에는 초극박의 다이야몬드 브레이드가 널리 사용되어지고 있다. 실리콘웨이퍼와 같은 취성재료의 다이싱가공에서 문제가 되고있는것은 칩핑과 사행현상의 발생이다. 사행현상의 원인으로서는 브레이드축면의 비대칭성,절삭날의 둔화,숫돌축과 이송방향의 위치결정오차,후렌지 단면의 흔들림등을 들수 있다. 그러나, 사행의 발생영역과 사행이 계속되는 이유에 대해서는 전혀 검토되어진바 없는것이 현실이다. 본 연구에서는 다이싱가공시의 사행현상에 주목해서 사행현상의 발생영역을 명확하게 함과 동시에 AE 센서를 이용하여 인프로세서로 사행현상의 검출방법을 개발하는 것을 목적으로 한다.

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Flow Characteristics and Transverse Bed Slope in Curved Alluvial Channels (만곡 수로의 횡방향 하상경사와 흐름특성)

  • 차영기;이대철
    • Water for future
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.99-107
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    • 1991
  • This study is for simulating to the model which analyzes flow characteristics and transverse bed slopes in a coarse-streambed of the meandering alluvial channels. Using the equations for conservation of mass, momentum, and for lateral stability of the streambed, a linear differential equation of transverse bed slope is derived from the flow characteristics in curved channels. Its solutions are solved by the Sine-generated curve method(SCM) and compared with results of field measurements. Lag distances by the maximum transverse bed slope and velocity profiles will predict risk sections of concave bank under floods.

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The Fluctuation Characteristics of the Water Mass and the Current Structure of the Southeastern Region of The East Sea

  • Cho, Kyu-Dae;Lee, Chung-Il
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Fisheries Technology Conference
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    • 2000.05a
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    • pp.181-182
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    • 2000
  • Due to the instability of the EKWC, the oceanic conditions in the East Sea are affected by the fluctuations of the moving paths of the TWC, polar fronts, and warm eddies. In particular, warm eddies play an important role in spreading the surface water of the East Sea from its southern coastal region to its interior region (Isoda, 1994). However, the fluctuation characteristics of the meandering TWC and the warm eddies in the East Sea are not yet known due to the instability of the TWC. Hideaki(1999) showed that the moving paths and features of the TWC in the coastal regions of Japan were not constant. (omitted)

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A Study of Rivulet Flow on an Inclined Solid Surface (경사면에서의 리뷸릿 유동에 관한 연구)

  • 김진호;김호영;강병하;이재헌
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.13 no.10
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    • pp.1042-1048
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    • 2001
  • When a liquid is supplied through a nozzle onto a relatively non-wetting inclined solid surface, a narrow rivulet forms. This work provides novel physical insights into the following phenomena in the rivulet flow that have not been well understood to date. Firstly, the fundamental mechanism behind the transition of a linear rivulet to a droplet flow is investigated. The experiments show that the droplet flow emerges due to the necking of a liquid thread near the nozzle. Based on the observation, it is argued that when the axial velocity of a liquid is slower than the retraction velocity of its thread, the bifurcation of the liquid thread occurs, and this argument is experimentally verified. Secondly, a discussion on the curled motion of a meandering rivulet is given. This study proposes the contact angle hysteresis as a primary origin of the centripetal force that enables the rivulet\`s curved motion. A simple scaling analysis based on this assumption predicts a radius of curvature which agrees with the experimental observation.

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Velocity Distribution in Meandering Channel by Roughness Coefficient and Eddy Viscosity (조도계수와 난류점성계수에 따른 사행수로에서의 유속분포)

  • Seo, Il-Won;Song, Chang-Geun;Choi, Hwang-Jeong
    • 한국방재학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2010.02a
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    • pp.97.1-97.1
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    • 2010
  • 본 연구에서는 천수방정식의 매개변수인 조도계수와 난류점성계수에 따른 사행수로에서의 유속분포를 수치모의하였다. 벽면조도계수와 텐서형 난류점성계수를 변화시켜 8가지 수치모의 조건을 구성하였으며, 만곡부 정점에서의 횡방향 유속분포를 수리실험에 의한 측정값과 비교하였다. 벽면조도계수가 커질수록 벽면에서의 유속이 감소하여 실측값과 가까워지지만 벽면 이외의 영역에서는 오히려 유속이 증가하여 실측값보다 커졌다. 난류점성계수가 커질수록 만곡부 내외측의 유속차는 작게 나타났으며 xx와 yy방향으로 가중된 난류점성계수를 가지는 경우가 xy방향으로 가중된 난류점성계수를 가지는 경우에 비해 내외측 유속차가 약간 작게 나타났다.

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The Effect of Structure on the Fatigue of Low Carbon Steel (조직변화(組織變化)가 피로현상(疲勞現象)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • C.S.,Kang;C.M.,Suh
    • Bulletin of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.33-42
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    • 1972
  • This paper was studied on the behavior, crack formation and propagation of slip bands on low carbon steel which was heat-treated in three conditions in order to change metallic structure. The specimens were tested by rotating bending fatigue testing machine and also observed the variations of grains by microscope. From the test results it was clear that fatigue endurance limit and life of low carbon steel were more increased in contrast with the case that the grain size of specimen was more decreased. Slip bands developed at oil-quenched specimen and furnace-cooled specimen. Formed cracks in the first one or two grains below the surface were approximately "planar" type, there after they followed "wavy" type. It was also found that cracks at 30% higher stress than fatigue limit were usually developed inter-granular, and cracks at 12% higher stress than fatigue limit were propagated meandering path, partly trans- and partly inter-grandular.

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Analysis of Flow Characteristics in the Meandering Compound Channel Using 3D Numerical Simulation (3차원 수치모의를 이용한 복단면 사행수로의 흐름 특성 분석)

  • Kim, Myoung-Hwan;Lee, Du-Han;Cho, Won-Cheol
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2010.05a
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    • pp.645-648
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    • 2010
  • 본 연구에서는 복단면 사행수로의 흐름특성과 수위특성을 정량적으로 분석하고자 코사인 유도형(cosine-generated) 복단면 만곡 수로 실험 자료를 기초로 3차원 수치모의를 수행하였다. 수치모의에는 3차원 수치모의 프로그램인 Flow3D을 사용하였고, 난류 모델은 RNG ${\kappa}-{\epsilon}$ 모델을 사용 하였다. 수치모의 결과는 실험 결과와의 비교를 통하여 평면유속분포 및 유속벡터, 만곡부 단면에서의 수위분포 등으로 분석하였고, 이는 이전의 실험결과와 일치하는 것으로 나타난다. 특히, 평면 유속분포는 수위 증가에 따라 저수로 중심의 최대 유속선이 만곡 내측으로 이동하는 것이 모의되었다. 이런 흐름구조는 다른 연구자들이 이전까지 연구한 실험 및 수치모의 결과와도 일치한다. 또한, 수위 분포 결과에서는 사행하도의 원심력에 의한 흐름특성인 만곡부 내측과 외측의 수위차가 미세하게 발견되었다.

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