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Surgical Mnayement of Left Ventricular Outflow Tract Obstuction -A Clinical Study on Subaortic Stenosis- (좌심실유출로 협착증의 외과적 요법 - 대동맥판막하 협착증의 임상고찰 -)

  • 김관민
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.27 no.11
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    • pp.893-901
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    • 1994
  • Forty nine patients [M: 31, F: 18], age from 2 months to 17 years [mean= 4.9 years], underwent operations, from April 1986 to December 1992, for the relief of subvalvular aortic stenosis in normal atrioventricular and ventriculoarterial connections.There were 4 anatomic types of subaortic stenosis : membranous in 29 cases [59.2%], fibromuscular in 11 [22.4%], diffuse tunnel type in 7 [14.3%], and miscellaneous in 2 cases. Thirty four patients [69.4%] had associated cardiac anomalies, of which ventricular septal defect was the most common [27 cases]. Other anomalies were patent ductus arteriosus, coarctation of the aorta, valvular aortic stenosis, double chambered right ventricle [DCRV], infundibular pulmonic stenosis, persistent left superior vena cava, and rigt aortic arch. Mean systolic pressure gradient between the left ventricle and ascending aorta was 26.4$\pm$17.6 mmHg : 13.1$\pm$17.6mmHg in the membranous type, 22.0$\pm$18.4mmHg in the fibromucular type, and 56.1$\pm$38.4mmHg in the diffuse tunnel type. Operative procedures were determined according to the type of subvalvular aortic stenosis : simple excision of subaortic membrane in the membranous type [29 cases], left ventricular myectomy with or without myotomy or fibrous tissue excision in the fibromuscular type [11 cases]. Among the 7 of diffuse tunnel type cases, ventricular myectomy was performed in 2 and a modified Konno operation was performed in 5 . Postoperative follow up was made with periodic echocardiography. The Mean postoperative follow up period was 33.8 months. There were 2 hospital mortalities [4.1%] and 2 late deaths. Residual stenosis remained in 3 cases and recurrence developed in 2 cases during the follow up period. 5 years actuarial survival rate was 91.8$\pm$3.9% and 5 year complication free rate was 72.3$\pm$10.4%. Conclusions : 1. Subvalvular aortic stenosis should be relieved completely as soon as possible when diagnosed, regardless of left ventricular outflow tract pressure gradient. 2. Good results were obtained using only simple excision of subaortic membrane in the membranous type of subaortic stenosis. However, aortoventriculoplasty [modified Konno prodedure] was necessary for good results in the diffuse tunnel type. 3. Periodic postoperative echocardiography was helpful in detecting the progression of residual stenosis and development of new stenosis.

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The Level of Anxiety and Relating Factors of ICU Patients (중환자실 환자의 입원시 불안정도와 영향요인)

  • Han, Kyoung-Shin;Park, Young-Im
    • The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.155-166
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    • 2002
  • This study was performed to figure out the level of anxiety and relating factors of ICU patients as the hospitalization in ICU grows more recently. Data collection was conducted from July 1st to August 31st, 2001. The subjects of this study were consisted of 101 ICU patients who were selected according to the criteria in S hospital, C city. The instruments of the research were consisted of 14 questions of general characteristics, 20 items of STAI, VAS, 24 questions for the anxiety relating factors. And data were analyzed by t-test, ANOVA, and pearson correlation for group difference and correlation with SPSS Win 10.0 program. The followings were the results of the study: 1. In the anxiety level, mean score on STAI was 53.7(item mean $2.69{\pm}.83$), and mean score on VAS was 5.23. It means that the anxiety level of ICU patients was moderate. 2. Among the relating factors of anxiety, the most highest scores were 'by seeing other patient's emergency situation' and 'by seeing other patient's death' figured 3.85 and 3.79 each. And the lowest marks were 'by the unkind behavior of doctors and nurses'(2.13) and 'nurses' or doctors' indifferent actions'(2.21). And the anxiety according to the environmental factor was the highest (3.17) and the anxiety regarding to the human relationship was the lowest (2.53). 3. In the anxiety level STAI according to the general characteristics, the patients who didn't have to take care of their family showed more anxiety than who had to take care of their family(t=-2.38, p=.02). And the variables that shows a significant difference on VAS was sex and women's anxiety was higher than men's level (t=-2.56, p=.01). 4. When the physical anxiety level was compared, the patients who had to take care of their family showed more anxiety than the people who didn't have to take care of their family(t=-1.95, p=.05). In the level of anxiety relating the human relationship, the patients who had religion showed more anxiety than patients who didn't(t=2.43 p=.02). And the married patients(t=2.43, p=.01) and more educated people(F=3.77, p=.01) showed more anxiety. Even though environmental anxiety was the highest factor, it was not significant with general characteristics. 5. The anxiety and relating factors showed positive significant relationship, and physical anxiety factor showed the strongest relation with STAI(r=.21, p<.01). And VAS level showed stronger relation with every factor of the anxiety than STAI. When the VAS level became higher, the anxiety relating to physical factor(r=.72, p<.01), human relationship(r=.63, P<.01), and environment became higher. According to the above result, the environmental anxiety was the highest level than other factors in ICU patient and thus the environmental nursing intervention becomes very important in ICU. Also nurses in ICU have to support the patients who showed higher level of anxiety in this study and try to develop the nursing intervention to relieve the anxiety of patients. And it is recommended that VAS is convenient and practical instrument for measuring the anxiety level in ICU patients.

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Profile and Outcome of Management of Brain Tumours in Kaduna Northwestern Nigeria

  • Danjuma, Sale;Dauda, Happy Amos;Kene, Aghadi Ifeanyi;Akau, Kache Stephen;Jinjiri, Ismail Nasiru
    • Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
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    • v.65 no.5
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    • pp.751-757
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    • 2022
  • Objective : Tumours of the brain are a rare occurrence accounting for approximately 2% of all neoplasms in adults. Few studies have been done in Nigeria on the profile of brain tumours. The aim of this study is to determine the profile of brain tumours in general and determine the change in Kanofsky Performance Score (KPS) after treatment. Methods : This is a prospective hospital-based study in Kaduna. All consecutive patients over 18 years of age with diagnosis of brain tumours from January 2016 to December 2019 were included in the study. Demographic and clinical data was collected using a proforma during the study. Patients who received treatment were followed up for 12 months. The primary outcome data was the difference in the quality of life as measured by KPS at the point of first contact and at 1-month after treatment and at 12-month follow up. Data obtained was analysed with SPSS version 25.0 for Windows. Descriptive statistics was done to determine the profile. Paired t-test at 95% confidence interval was done to check for significant correlation between the mean KPS. Results : A total of 39 consecutive patients were included in the study. There was a slight male preponderance with a M : F of 1.17 : 1. Meningioma and metastasis were more common in females while gliomas and pituitary tumours were more common in males. The mean age of patients was 49.8 years and standard deviation of 11.8 years. Pituitary tumours were the most common tumours. The most common location of the tumour was frontal lobe followed by the pituitary gland. The mean duration of symptoms before neurosurgical consultation was 38 weeks. The most common presenting symptoms of patient with brain tumour was headache. The quality of life improve compare to the baseline in 81% of patient at discharge and at 1 year follow up. The overall mortality rate was 25.6%. Conclusion : The most common brain tumour in our study is pituitary tumour. Most patients present late. The most common presenting symptoms is headache. There is significant improvement in the KPS of patients following treatment. The overall mortality rate at 1-year post treatment is 25.6%.

Factors Affecting the Clinical Practice Adaptation of the First Year of Clinical Practice (임상실습 1년차의 임상실습적응에 미치는 영향 요인)

  • Je, Nam-Joo;Hwa, Jeong-seok;Park, Meera
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.11
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    • pp.314-323
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    • 2019
  • This study examined the factors affecting clinical practice adaptation to provide basic data for the improvement of clinical practice adaptation for the first year of clinical practice. The subjects were 153 nursing students and medical students in G-do. Data were collected from April 1 to April 30, 2019, and analyzed using a t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficient, and multiple regression using IBM SPSS WIN/21.0. The mean of college adjustment, character, interpersonal competence, communicative competence, and clinical practice adaptation was 3.37 points, 3.82, 3.61, 3.56, and 3.54, respectively. Clinical practice adaptation was related to college adjustment, character, interpersonal competence, and communicative competence (p<.001). The most influential factor in clinical practice was interpersonal competence (β=.502, p<.001), followed by department adaptation (β=-.215, p<.001) and college adjustment (β=.174, p=.010), respectively. The explanatory power was 41.1% (F=34.11, p<.001). Therefore, a way to improve interpersonal competence is needed to advance clinical practice adaptation. In the character building program for adjustment to college life, systematic education is needed, including the opportunity to think about and understand oneself, continuous meeting to understand and accept others. In addition, repeated communication training to improve interpersonal competence is needed.

Relationship between Core competencies, Nursing professionalism and Employment strategies in Nursing students (간호대학생의 핵심역량과 간호전문직관 및 취업전략과의 관계)

  • Han, Young-In
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.144-152
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    • 2016
  • This paper reports a descriptive correlation to explore the relationships among core competencies, nursing professionalism, and employment strategies of nursing students. Data collection was conducted from November 1 to November 28, 2014. A structural questionnaire were completed by 107 nursing students of 4th year in B city and G city. The data was analyzed using the SPSS 22.0 program. The mean value of the study was as follows: core competencies, 3.57; nursing professionalism, 4.22; and employment strategies, 3.69. A positive relationship was observed between the core competencies and nursing professionalism (r=.401, p<.001), core competencies and employment strategies (r=.559, p<.001), and nursing professionalism and employment strategies (r=.465, p<.001). The factors affecting the employment strategies of the study participants were core competencies (${\beta}=.43$, p<.001), nursing professionalism (${\beta}=.28$, p=.001), school score (${\beta}=-.19$, p=.011), which explained approximately 42% (F=24.82, p<.001). Overall, this study indicates that the core competencies and nursing professionalism, employment strategies of Nursing students have a significant positive relationship. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the curriculum, program development and repeat research for improving the core competencies, nursing professionalism, and employment strategies.

Feasibility Study of Applying the Acrylic Assistant Equipment (ACR) to Reduce Patient's Discomfort in Lower Abdomen MRI Scan (하복부 MRI 검사 시 환자의 불편함을 줄이기 위한 아크릴 보조 장치 사용의 타당성 조사)

  • Park, Eunhye;Lee, Minsik
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.475-480
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    • 2018
  • In lower abdominal MRI scan, patients have been tested by physically contacting with the body array coil. In this study, we have designed the acrylic assistant equipment (ACR) which allows the contactless scan of the patient to the coil and evaluated the feasibility by comparing the acquired images with ACR to those obtained without ACR. We tested 10 cases (F: 5, m: 5) by using the Ingenia $3.0T^{TM}$ MR system and dStreamTM torso coil (Philips Healthcare, Netherlands). We implemented T1 AX TSE and eTHRIVE (GRE) techniques. The scanned images were quantitatively and qualitatively assessed. In qualitatively, the TSE shows 4.44 and 4.56 mean values with and without the ACR and 4.34 and 4.28 at the GRE, respectively. In quantitatively, the TSE shows 12.15 CNR, 17.95 SNR and 12.71 CNR, 18.96 SNR with and without the ACR. And GRE shows 17.72 CNR, 22.59 SNR and 18.26 CNR, 24.47 SNR with and without the ACR, respectively. We have designed and implemented the acrylic assistant equipment to lower abdominal patients. Our data indicate that it is possible to obtain similar image qualities to current lower abdominal MRI scan without the physical contact to the patient.

Transfer Force Characteristics of Seedling Bed Transfer Equipment Using Pneumatic Cylinder for Automation of Plant Factory (식물공장 자동화를 위한 공압 실린더를 이용한 육묘베드 이송장치의 이송력 특성)

  • Min, Young-Bong;Park, Sang-Min;Lee, Gong-In;Kim, Dong-Ouk;Kang, Dong-Hyun;Moon, Sung-Dong
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.155-165
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    • 2012
  • This study was performed to offer the data for design of the seedling bed transfer equipment to make the automation of working process in a plant factory. The seedling bed transfer equipment pushing the seedling bed with bearing wheels on the rail for interconnecting each working process by a pneumatic cylinder was made and examined. The examined transfer force to push the seedling bed with a weight of 178.9 N by the pneumatic cylinder with length of 60 cm and section area of 5 $cm^2$ was measured by experiments. The examined transfer forces was compared with theoretical ones calculated by the theoretical formula derived from dynamic system analysis according to the number of the seedling bed and pushing speed of the pneumatic cylinder head at no load. The transfer function of the equipment with the input variable as the pushing speed $V_{h0}$(m/s) and the output variable as the transfer force f(t)(N) was represented as $F(s)=(V_{h0}/k)(s+B/M)/(s(s^2+Bs/M+1/(kM))$ where M(kg), k(m/N) and B(Ns/m) are the mass of the bed, the compression coefficient of the pneumatic cylinder and the dynamic friction coefficient between the seedling bed and the rail, respectively. The examined transfer force curves and the theoretical ones were represented similar wave forms as to use the theoretical formular to design the device for the seedling bed transfer. The condition of no vibration of the transfer force curve was $kB^2>4M$. The condition of transferring the bed by the repeatable impact and vibration force according to difference of transfer distance of the pneumatic cylinder head from that of the bed was as $Ce^{-\frac{3{\pi}D}{2\omega}}<-1$, where ${\omega}=\sqrt{\frac{1}{kM}-\frac{B^2}{4M^2}}$, $C=\{\frac{\frac{B}{2M}-\frac{1}{kB}}{\omega}\}$, $D=\frac{B}{2M}$. The examined mean peak transfer force represented 4 times of the stead state transfer force. Therefore it seemed that the transfer force of the pneumatic cylinder required for design of the push device was 4Bv where v is the pushing speed.

Water Chemistry and Age Dating of Thermal Spring in Chullabukdo Region (전라북도 온천수의 수질 화학적 특성과 연대 측정)

  • Kim, Jong Hun;Choi, Yong Wook
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.101-108
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    • 1996
  • The chemical characteristics and age dating of the thermal springwater developed recently in Chullabukdo were investigated. The temperature range of the thermal springwater was found 27∼29$^{\circ}C$, indicating a low temperature thermal springwater. The concentration of $F^-$ ion in the springwater was found relatively high in the range of 2∼3 ppm, but $NO_3^-$ ion was nearly not detected. The concentration range of $SO_4^{2-}$ ion was 0.02∼23 ppm, among which $SO_4^{2-}$ content of $Y_3$ was found very high compared to that of other springwater, since this site is known as a sulfur spring. $HCO_3^-$ ion content was found 2∼5 times higher than that of groundwater. $Y_1,\;Y_3,\;Y_5,\;Y_2,\;Y_4,\;and\;Y_8$, were classified as $HCO_3^-$ type, $Y_6$ as $CI^-$type, and $Y_7$, as no domonant type by classification diagram for anion and cation facies. From the results of age dating on the basis of the mean tritium level of precipitation and thermal springs, $Y_1$ was identified as the oldest thermal spring (-89 years) and $Y_7$ was identified as -89 years and $Y_7$ was -1 year using dispersive model. The results calculated by two models agreed well each other.

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DNA Delivery into Embryogenic Cells of Zoysiagrass(Zoysia japonica Steud.) and Rice(Oryza sativa L.) by Electroporation (Electroporation을 이용한 잔디(Zoysia japonica Steud.) 및 벼(Oryza sativa L.) 배발생세포로의 DNA 도입)

  • 박건환;최준수;윤충호;안병준
    • Korean Journal of Plant Tissue Culture
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.309-314
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    • 1994
  • To develop simple and efficient transformation methods of monocotyledonous plane, electroporation-mediated delivery of DNA into intact embryogenic cell clumps was investigated in zoysiagrass and rice. Calli of zoysiagrass, induced from 3-week-old immature embryos, were suspension-cultured in MS basic medium supplemented with 1.0 mg/t 2.4-D and used for elechuporation. Calli, derived from immature inflorescences of 20 mm lenth of rice, were also suspension-cultured on N6 basic medium supplemented with 1.0 mg/L 2.4-D. Suspension-cultured embryogenic cell clumps were electroporated in liqid MS medium added with a Plasmid DNA (30 $\mu\textrm{m}$/ml), pGA1074, encoding ${\beta}$-glucuronidiase (GUS). DNA delivery into the cells through cell walls and cell membrane was confirmed by the transient expression of the GUS gene. Cell clumps of zoysiagrass and rice, electroporated with 400 volt at 800 pF capacitance, expressed GUS gene activity at a mean frequency of 25 units (one unit = one clony of blue cells) per 200 ${\mu}\ell$ of packed cell volume. Untreated cells and healed non-embryogenic cells did not exhibit GUS activity These results indicate that electroporation-mediated transformation can use intact embryogenic cells (thus avoiding the use protoplasts) in zoysiagrass and rice.

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Influences of Self-esteem, Rehabilitation Motivation on Quality of Life in Stroke Pateints with Rehabilitation Therapy (재활치료 중인 뇌졸중 환자의 자아존중감, 재활동기가 삶의 질에 미치는 영향)

  • An, Eun-Seo;Suh, Soon-Rim;Kim, Eun-Hee
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.176-187
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    • 2019
  • This study was conducted to investigate the levels of self-esteem, rehabilitation motivation and quality of life and to identify the influencing factors of quality of life in stroke patients who were receiving rehabilitation therapy. Data were collected from February 22 to March 20, 2016 using self-administered questionares and the data from 216 participants were analyzed using SPSS WIN 21.0 program(SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). The results of this study were as follows: the mean self-esteem was 3.09/5, rehabilitation motivation was 3.60/5, and quality of life was 2.95/5. Sex, age, education, caregiver, occupation, duration after attack, the degree of disability(dependence), and cognitive function were significantly associated with quality of life. There was positive correlation between quality of life and self-esteem(r=.45, p<.001) and there was positive correlation between quality of life and rehabilitation motivation(r=.27, p<.001). Variables such as self-esteem, duration after attack, the degree of disability(dependence), and cognitive function explained 43.6%(F=14.87 p=<.001) of the variance in quality of life in model 3. Consequently, it is needed to develop and apply nursing intervention and programs for improving self-esteem during rehabilitation in order to improve quality of life of stroke patients.