• Title/Summary/Keyword: meal situation

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A Research on Using Satisfaction and Situation Survey of Common Meal Facilities for Seniors in Rural Areas - Focusing on the Pilot Project of Common Facilities for Rural Seniors from 2014 to 2015- (농촌고령자 공동급식시설의 현황 및 이용 만족도 연구 - 2014~15년 농촌고령자 공동시설지원 시범사업을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Seung-Geun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.41-51
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    • 2016
  • This The purpose of this study is to evaluate user satisfaction with village bathhouses, selected from a two-year pilot project of common facilities for senior in rural areas from 2014 to 2015. A survey was conducted using a questionnaire to evaluate user satisfaction, and 135 questionnaires were collected from 18 common meal facilities. User satisfaction was evaluated in five categories with a five-point scale: location and spatial composition; emotions and intimacy; safety; nutrition; and maintenance and management. The results are as follows. First, when overall user satisfaction was evaluated on a five-point scale, the average score stood at 4.24 out of five points and 90.03 out of 100 points. These findings suggest that users were generally satisfied with the common meal facilities. Among five categories, scores except safety stood at four points or higher, indicating higher user satisfaction. Second, communal meal in rural areas have been carried out already but the environment for communal meal like cooking equipment, wastewater disposal, and space have been poor. However, the environment is improved through this pilot project, which has a positive effect to user satisfaction. Third, space planning for barrier-free or sanitary in storage of food containers are not adequate, which is necessary to detailed planning and concrete guideline.

A Study on the Current Situation and Needs for the Internet Program of the Nutrition Computing (인터넷 영양전산 프로그램의 현황과 요구도에 대한 조사연구)

  • Hong, Sun-Myeong;Hwang, Hye-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.9-18
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    • 2002
  • This study was reviewed databases and outcomes of national/international off-line and on-line(Internet) nutrition softwares to identify the present conditions of nutrition softwares, and investigated user's needs and determine which component should be included in nutrition software. The most frequently used databases for the national programs were the food composition table provided from the National Rural Living Science Institution in Rural Development Administration and the food composition table and the nutrient contents of foods provided from the Korean Nutrition Society. For international programs, the food composition table from the USDA was commonly used. The analysed outcomes included the degree of obesity, nutrient analysis and nutrient intake compared with RDA, food intake from each by food group, food habits and the frequency of food consumption. As to the result of needs assessment for the Internet nutrition softwares, it was suggested that the needs of the Internet nutrition softwares were high because most of the respondents replied that 3-point('it is needed') or 4-point('it is necessary') on 4-points likert scale. As to the databases, the needs of 'food composition analysis' and 'the suggestion of the Korean RDA' were high. For the basic information for foods, the respondents replied that 'the classification of foods', 'foods codes', 'the amount of ingredients' and 'nutrient analysis' should be included. The needs of 'nutrient analysis of meal', 'diet therapy' and 'meal plan by caloric requirements' were high. As for utilizing the Internet meal planning programs, the respondents replied that 'it should be easy to use' most and demand for 'data saving and the saved data should be usable later' and 'meal planning education tools' were high. In conclusion, the Internet nutrition software that satisfies various needs of users should be developed for policy making that promote public health, nutritional care and self-supporting of foods.

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What is an Appropriate Promotion Strategy for Korean Wheat Consumption? - Find Out in the Sensory Evaluation of Rice Meal Versus Rice Containing Wheat Meal by Age Groups-

  • Kyunsik Lee;Sehwa Lim;Kyeonghoon Kim;Jinhee Park
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Crop Science Conference
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    • 2022.10a
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    • pp.321-321
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    • 2022
  • Wheat was brought to solve food scarcity with aid from the United States caused by the Korean War. The Korean government launched a campaign to encourage mixed rice and wheat meals due to shortage of rice production in the 1960s, Wheat consumption began in earnest. However, it is difficult to rebuild the domestic wheat production base devastated by the Korean War with the technology at the time. Thus, wheat was mainly consumed from imported in the past. Since then, as wheat consumption has increased due to westernization and diversification of dietary life, wheat became the second staple grain in Korea. In this situation, the government enacted the Wheat Industry Promotion Act to create a basis for sustainable production and consumption of wheat in Korea. This study sought to improve the self-sufficiency of domestic wheat by examining the possibility of using "Ariheuk", a variety of new Korean wheat, as a rice supplement in the same context as the govemment's policy. Wheat has been used as a raw material for the processed food, such as noodles and bread. However, we approached it by using whole wheat as a nutritional grain. Participants were recruited from the agri-food consumer panel conducted by Rural Development Administration. We set a final sample of 525 consumer panels based on the age of census household heads. The experiment was conducted in such a way that participants cooked and ate 100% rice meal and rice containing 20% whole wheat meal. Participants completed the sensory evaluation questionnaire with online. For this experiment, all participants were given same whole wheat product. The sensory evaluation questionnaire consisted of color, glossiness, stickiness, aroma, chewing, sweetness, nuttiness, chewiness, softness, bursting, flavor, texture and swallowability. The sensory evaluation results were analyzed by giving -3 points to +3 points. The former points were given to the response that 100% rice meal is very superior to the response that rice containing 20% whole wheat meal. The latter points were given vice versa. Zero point was given to the response that they are similar each other. As a result, rice with 20% whole wheat meal was better than 100% rice meal in terms of color, aroma, chewiness, bursting and flavor. In case of sweetness and glossiness, there didn't exist significantly different. On the other hands, 100% rice meal was better in terms of softness and swallowability. As a result of ANOVA by age groups, from 30s or younger to 60s or more, there was significant difference among the groups in terms of color, chewiness and bursting. As a result of post-hoc analysis with Duncan's multiple range test (p < 0.05), 50s were evaluated to be significantly superior in color, chewiness and bursting compared to other age groups. In conclusion, it is appropriate to use whole wheat as a supplement to rice in order to improve the self-sufficiency of domestic wheat. As a strategy to promote domestic wheat consumption, in case of Ariheuk, it is necessary to provide an experience through whole wheat tasting and to establish a marketing strategy segmented by age groups.

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Changes in School Foodservice during COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown based on Focus Group Interviews (포커스 그룹 인터뷰를 통한 COVID-19 유행 동안 학교 급식의 변화)

  • Ji, Mirim;Um, Mihyang;Kye, Seunghee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2022
  • This qualitative study analyzed various environmental factors and difficulties faced by school foodservices during the COVID-19 pandemic. Focus group interviews were conducted by enrolling 12 nutrition teachers and nutritionists. Data collected were subsequently analyzed for changes implemented during the pandemic, in hygiene management, diet management, and distribution management of the school meal. The content and method of delivery of information related to diet guidance and school foodservice by related organizations were also examined. Results of the survey show that personal hygiene (such as maintaining student-to-student distance, checking students for a fever, and hand disinfection) was duly applied, installation of table coverings and distancing between school cafeteria seats were conducted, and mandatory mask-wearing to prevent droplet transmission was enforced. Depending on the COVID-19 situation, the number of students having school meals was limited per grade, and time-spaced meals were provided. To prevent infection, menus that required frequent hand contact were excluded from the meal plan. Overall, it was difficult to manage the meal plan due to frequent changes in tasks, such as the number of orders and meal expenses. These changes were communicated by nutrition teachers and nutritionists wherein the numbers of school meals were adjusted, depending on situations arising from each COVID-19 crisis stage. Furthermore, in some schools, either face-to-face nutrition counseling was stopped entirely, or nutrition education was conducted online. Parent participation was disallowed in the monitoring of school meals, and the prohibition on conversations inside the school cafeteria resulted in the absence of communication among students, nutrition teachers, and nutritionists. Additionally, confusion in meal management was caused by frequent changes in the school meal management guidelines provided by the Office of Education and the School Health Promotion Center in response to COVID-19. In anticipation of the emergence of a new virus or infectious diseases caused by mutations in the years to come, it is suggested that a holistic, well-thought-out response manual for safe meal operation needs to be established, in close collaboration with schools and school foodservice-related institutions.

A Comparison Study of the Daily Food Intake and Its Related Factors of the Elderly Living in Incheon (인천지역 노인들의 식품군별 식품섭취 및 관련인자 비교연구)

  • 우경자;천종희;최은옥;노정옥
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.379-390
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    • 2003
  • The daily food intake and its related factors of the elderly(aged over 60) living in Incheon were compared. Self administered questionnaires were collected from 418 elderly. Statistical data analysis was completed using a SPSS v. 10.0 program. The results are summarized as follows: About 70% of elderly took grains and starch foods relatively high. The daily intakes of them was significantly influenced by ages of elderly, self-perceived health status, degree of drinking, meal regularity and nutritional balance of meals. More than 80% of elderly responded to take the food group of meat, fish and eggs poorly. Among various factors, the residence type and snack intake frequency influenced the daily intake of those foods statistically. A half of elderly took the vegetables and fruits everyday more than average. The daily consumption of vegetables and fruits was significantly influenced by sex, ages, exercise, snack intake frequency and preference of spices. Most elderly consumed fewer servings of milk and dairy products. About 60% of them did not take milk and dairy products daily. The daily contribution of those foods was significantly influenced by residence and exercise. 45.5% of elderly took oils and sugars more than average everyday which was influenced significantly by residence, exercise, snack intake frequency and meal regularity. In conclusion, the important influencing factors on the daily food intakes of elderly might be related to ages, residence, family, smoking, drinking, exercise, snack intake frequency and meal regularity. Therefore, a situation-oriented and practically organized nutrition education and ingestion support programs which consider the elderlies' socioeconomic status may help to improve the daily food intake of elderly in Incheon area.

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A Study on the Survey of the Meal Management (식생활관리 실태에 관한 연구 -서울시내 주부를 중심으로-)

  • 유영상
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.53-66
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    • 1980
  • One of the most pressing problems of the day in our household economy is the scientific improvement of meal management, which has direct bearings on the efficiency of housewives, domestic economy, and health care for the whole family. The concern of this paper is to investigate the current meal management situation in which more than three hundred housewives in Seoul find themselves, and to propose a tentative plan for its improvement. The result of the investigation is summarized as follows : 1) The number of families with old-fashioned kitchens forms a percentage of 30.3 ; only 4.3 percent of them have waterworks and drainage system. 2) The number of families equipped with cooking machines and utensils constitutes 51.2 percent ; that of those without cooking machines reaches the high percentage of 92.8. 3) The expense for daily meals amounts to 37.9 percent of the whole domestic expenses. the number of those who prepare daily meals without any planning comprises 78 percent. It is from habit that 60.5 percent of them make no workable plan for their meals. 4) The frequency of housewives doing daily marketing is comparatively high. 5) The time spent in preparing and clearing the table is 280.4 minutes a day on the average. 6) In preparing daily meals the low income bracket tends to keep expense as low as possible, while the high income bracket is chiefly concerned with taste. 7) The frequency of home cooking is on the increase as the housewives grow older, especially in the large families with housemaids. 8) In most cases housewives do the cooking for themselves; the high income brackets have housemaids do the cooking. The number of husbands who help their wives do kitchen work a small percentage of 10-14. 9) The simplification of kitchen work presupposes the simplification of the daily cooking, the improvement of the structure and equipment of the kitchen, and a good help of the whole family.

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Nursing Home Environment with Positive Distraction for Reduction of Chronic Pain and Healing (만성통증의 경감과 치유를 위한 노인요양시설의 긍정적 관심 전환 환경)

  • Chung, Miryum
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.206-216
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    • 2015
  • Majority of the seniors living in nursing homes suffer from persistent chronic pain, which may cause depression and compromised quality of life if untreated. The environment should support them to lift their focus from current pain and worries to the positive feelings and the delight of life. The purpose of this research is to classify the healing environment elements for positive distraction, and analyze 6 international cases to see the current situation. The elements were categorized as follows, based on literature review from both healing spaces and elderly care field: spatial elements(view, natural elements, artificial elements, exercise space, garden), psychological elements(grooming area, space for privacy, meal/drink area, elements for recollection, religious space), social elements(common living area, activity/hoppy room, family/visitor area, information area, local community program space). Analysis on 6 facilities showed that each elements were reflected to designed relatively well. New inventions from workers who think distraction is important were also introduced. Healing environment for positive distraction requires delicate touch, derived from understanding characteristics and situation of the residing elderly individuals. Technology update is also significant, from audio books to virtual reality devices, since cultural life of nursing home is far behind from what the others enjoy now.

Effect of Development and Implementation of Home Economics Education's 'Meal and Cooking for Single-Person Households' Education Program in Preparation for the High School Credit System (고교학점제를 대비한 가정 교과 '1인 가구의 식사와 조리' 교육 프로그램 개발 및 실행 효과)

  • Choi, Buroni;Park, Mi Jeong
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.19-41
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    • 2022
  • This study aims to confirm the effect of the 'Meal and Cooking for Single-Person Households' education program on improving the dietary management competency of high school students. In order to achieve this research purpose, 'Meal and Cooking for Single-Person Households' education program was developed, implemented, and evaluated based on the ADDIE instructional design model. The results of this study are as follows. First, an analysis was conducted on literature and prior research related to the dietary life of single-person households and dietary education programs of the home economics subject. Based on this, the theoretical background for the 'Meal and Cooking for Single-Person Households' education program was established. Then, teaching-learning process plan and student workbooks for a total of 16 unit classes were developed. The expert validity of the program was verified by 6 experts who are current high school home economics teachers and have experience in conducting research related to dietary education programs. As a result, the average of all items was 4.89 (out of 5 points) and the CVI was 0.98, securing very excellent content validity. Second, the researcher directly implemented 'Meal and Cooking for Single-Person Households' education program for 100 students in Y high school located in Sejong city. Considering the school's situation, the 16th session of teaching-learning process plan was shortened to 6th sessions while all the core topics. A survey was conducted on students who participated in the program and the pre- and post- results were analyzed. As a result of the survey analysis, the 'Meal and Cooking for Single-Person Households' education program had a positive effect on improving the dietary management competency of high school students. This study is meaningful in that it has implications for the development of a new subject in home economics in preparation for the high school credit system and improving dietary management competency in accordance with social changes in the era of single-person households, and the 'Meal and Cooking for Single-Person Households' education program developed in this study can be used as a mini-subject in the 2022 revised curriculum.

Food security experiences of displaced North Korean households

  • Lee, Soo-Kyung;Nam, So-Young
    • Nutrition Research and Practice
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.198-204
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    • 2014
  • BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: Food shortage situation in North Korea has gained much interest, however food insecurity caused by the food shortage in North Korean households has not been much investigated. This study examined food security experiences and food consumption pattern of displaced North Korean households currently living in South Korea. SUBJECTS/METHODS: Food security experience among 51 North Korean households living in South Korea was examined using the Household Food Insecurity Access Scale (HFIAS) in three time points: immediately before childbirth, immediately before leaving North Korea, and immediately before entering South Korea. Meal/snack consumption frequencies and food diversity were also examined. RESULTS: Food security situation was the worst at the time of immediately before leaving North Korea with the average HFIAS score of 10.05. The households that were food insecure, they tended to be "severely" insecure. Although majority of the subjects reported having three or more meals a day, food diversity in their diet was very low with the average food diversity score of 2.17 immediately before childbirth and 1.74 immediately before leaving North Korea. Their diet appeared to heavily rely on grain and vegetable. CONCLUSIONS: This study is one of few that specifically examined food security of North Korean households with a pre-developed scale, and that demonstrated food security situation at different time points in quantified terms. Replicating this study with different groups of North Korean households for different time points would allow more complete understanding of impacts of food shortage. Food diversity score could provide a good way to examine changes of food consumption occurring to North Koreans in the process of adaptation. More attention to the changes occurring during adaption to South Korea should be given to understand the process and impact and to prepare public nutrition policy for the re-unified Korea.

A study on the perception about the Situation of Facilities and Utilities of Foodservice in Chonbuk Area (전북지역 학교급식의 시설.설비에 대한 영양사의 인지도 조사)

  • Choi, Hyu-Yeun;Yang, Hyang-Sook;Rho, Jeong-Ok
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.59-70
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    • 2007
  • This study was conducted to investigate the perception about situation about school foodservice facilities and utilities in Chonbuk area. Self administered questionnaires were collected from 222 dietitians. Statistical data analysis was completed using a SPSS v. 10.0 program. The results are summarized as follows: Among 222 school foodservice systems, 68.5% of schools prepared the meal with conventional way and 31.5% of with commissary way. As the results of condition of school foodservice facilities, there was significantly differences between conventional and commissary foodservice systems; wall and ceilings(p<0.05), lighting(p<0.05), kitchen ventilation(p<0.05), preparation facilities(p<0.01), washstands(p<0.05), dressing rooms for employees(p<0.001), rest, and showers(p<0.01). On the basis those result it was assumed that the status of facilities of conventional foodservice systems better than commissary ones. About 66% of conventional foodservice systems and 34.5% of commissary ones have conducted own dining rooms. As to situation of dining rooms, conventional foodservice systems had better facilities than commissary ones. Therefore, governmental regulation agencies have to review and approval of plans prior to new construction or extensive remodeling of school foodservice facilities. In addition, content analysis was conducted regarding to dietitian's opinions on foodservice facilities and utilities.

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