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Mixed Flow Characteristics of Aeration Process for Recirculation Aquaculture System Using Ejector (이젝터를 이용한 순환양식 시스템 폭기공정의 혼합유동 특성)

  • Park, Sang Kyoo;Yang, Hei Cheon
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.37 no.9
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    • pp.847-854
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    • 2013
  • The objective of this study is to experimentally investigate the mixed flow and oxygen transfer characteristics of a horizontally injected aeration process using an annular nozzle ejector. The flow rate ratio, pressure ratio and ejector efficiency are calculated using the measured flow rate and pressure with the experimental parameters of the ejector pitch and primary flow rate. The visualization images of mixed flow issuing from the ejector are analyzed qualitatively, and the volumetric oxygen transfer coefficients are calculated using the measured dissolved oxygen concentration. The mixed flow behaves like a buoyancy jet or horizontal jet owing to the momentum of primary flow and air bubble size. The buoyancy force of the air bubble and the penetration of mixed flow are found to be important parameters for the oxygen transfer rate owing to the contact area and time of two phases.

A Study on the Liquid-Liquid Extraction by Use of Hydrophobic Hollow Fiber Module (소수성 중공사 모듈에 의한 액-액 추출에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Young-II;Park, Dong-Won
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.237-244
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    • 1996
  • Liquid-liquid extractions by use of microporous hollow fiber modules are fast compared with conventional extraction equipment because of the large surface area per volume. In these modules, the extractant and feed can be contacted at high speed and two flows are completely independent, so there are no problems with loading and channeling. In this paper, it was investigated the extraction selectivities for liquid-liquid extraction of Fe(II) and Ni(II) from dilute aqueous solution into TOA (tri-n-octylamine) and EHPNA (bis(2-ethylhexyle)hydrogenphosphite) as organic extractants by using the hydrophobic hollow fiber module. To determine the rate controlling step for mass transfer in hollow fibers, we also examined the effect of inside and outside flow rates of the hollow fiber module. From these experiments, we identified for the extraction of system with high partition coefficient in hydrophobic hollow fibers, mass transfer in the inside aqueous feed dominated the overall mass transfer, and in this paper, correlation between Kw and vt was obtained as $K_w{\frac{d}{D}}=6.22\(\frac{d^2v_t}{LD}\)^{1/3}$ On the other hand, for the system with low partition coefficient, the resistance in the inside of hollow fibers was much less than membrane resistance because the extraction was not simple in the micropore. Thus, for systems with high partition coefficients, hydrophobic hollow fibers would be a better choice.

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Forced Convective Boiling of Pure Refrigerants in a Bundle of Enhanced Tubes (전열촉진관군의 순수냉매 강제대류비등)

  • Kim, Nae-Hyeon;Jeong, Ho-Jong;Jo, Jin-Pyo;Choe, Guk-Gwang
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.25 no.12
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    • pp.1831-1843
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    • 2001
  • In this study, convective boiling tests were conducted for enhanced tube bundles. The surface geometry consists of pores and connecting gaps. Tubes with three different pore sizes (dp = 0.20, 0.23 and 0.27 mm) were tested using R-123 and R-l34a for the following range: 8 kg/m2s G 26 kg/m2s, 10 kW/m2 q0 40 kW/m2and 0.1 χ 0.9. The convective boiling heat transfer coefficients were strongly dependent on heat flux with negligible dependency on mass flux or quality. For the present enhanced geometry (pores and gaps), the convective effect was apparent. The gaps of the present tubes may have served routes for the passage of two-phase mixtures, and enhanced the boiling heat transfer. The convective effect was more pronounced at a higher saturation temperature. More bubbles will be generated at a higher saturation temperature, which will lead to enhanced convective contribution. The pore size where the maximum heat transfer coefficient was obtained was larger for R-l34a (dp = 0.27 mm) compared with that for R-123 (dp = 0.23 mm). This trend was consistent with the previous pool boiling results. For the enhanced tube bundles, the convective effect was more pronounced for R-134a than for R-123. This trend was reversed for the smooth tube bundle. Possible reasoning is provided based on the bubble behavior on the tube wall. Both the modified Chen and the asymptotic model predicted the present data reasonably well. The RMSEs were 14.3% for the modified Chen model and 12.7% for the asymptotic model.model.

Prediction of the Environmental Conditions in Underground Tunnelling Spaces (地下터널 굴착作業場內 作業環境豫測)

  • Park, Hee-Bong
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.116-122
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    • 1992
  • A comprehensive, nonsteady state, computer simulation program for the environmental conditions in advancing tunnels (the HEADSIM simulation program) is constructed and successfully validated with heat balance amongst all heat sources, and with mass conservation amongst various airflows including the leakage air from ducts, under timedependent variations of inlet air conditions. which include sudden, diurnal and seasonal changes. Heat conduction in the wall strata and face strata is simulated with most complicated boundary conditions using the finite difference method, and the climatic conditions in roadway sections which contain air ducts, booster fan, spray cooler, compressed air pipes, cold water pipes, return water pipes, machinery and broken rock are simulated taking into account the variations of face operation and the heat storage mechanism in the strata. The limitations of simulation time steps and roadway section lengths are defined according to the stability criteria satisfying the principles of thermodynamics. Variations of heat transfer coefficients, which are newly set, and those of wetness factors are taken into account according to the variations of other parameters and the stepwise advance of the face. Newly-derived formulae are used for computing the air duct leakage and the pressure inside of the duct. A new concept of an 'imaginary duct' is introduced to simulate the climatic conditions in tunnels during holiday periods, which directly affect conditions on subsequent working days under the consideration of natural convection. A subsidiary program (the WALLSIM simulation program) is made to compute the dimensionless tunnel surface temperatures and to compare the results with those from analytical approaches, and to demonstrate the stability, convergence and accuracy of the strata heat conduction simulation, adopting the finite difference method. The WALLSIM also has wide applications, including those for the computation of age coefficients.

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The Drying Characteristics of Apples at Various Drying Conditions (사과의 건조조건(乾燥條件)에 따른 건조특성(乾燥特性))

  • Jung, Shin-Kyo;Choi, Yong-Hee;Shon, Tae-Hwa;Choi, Jong-Uck
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.61-65
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    • 1986
  • This study was performed to examine the drying characteristics of apples at various drying conditions. Air velocity has no effect on the drying rate except the constant rate period. In this experiment the diffusion coefficients of moisture in the apple tissue were in the range of 1.14702.2148×10cm2/sec. As a result of balance of heat and mass transfer during the falling rate period. an empirical equation based on Fick's law was obtained as follows; logΔt=logtoDπ2θ4d. This equation can be used to calculate the temperature of apples during the falling rate period, provided the diffusion coefficients of apple are known. The experimental values of the internal moisture distribution during apple dehydration were nearly in accord with the theoretical values.

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An Experimental and Numerical Study on Automotive IRDS Condenser (자동차용 IRDS 응축기에 대한 실험과 해석적 연구)

  • Kim, Hak-Jun
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.58-65
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    • 2011
  • The specific objective of this study was to develop an IRDS (integrated receiver drier subcooling) condenser model for use in a mobile air-conditioning system. A three-zone model based on the desuperheating, two-phase, and subcooling sections of a condenser could be used to estimate the performance with a good accuracy. Overall heat transfer coefficients for each of the three sections, expressed as a function of the air velocity across the condenser and refrigerant mass flow rate and the model using the elemental difference method incorporate calculations to determine the pressure drop, heat performance within the condenser and it includes physical parameters (pass, tube hole size and length) that can be varied to analyze potential design changes without exhaustive experimental efforts. it was found that an accuracy of heat performance was within 5% in case of using the various condensers, the refrigerant pressure drop was predicted within 25% and the pressure drop of air side was well matched with experiment data within 4%.

A Comparison of Flow Condensation HTCs of R22 Alternatives in the Multi-Channel Tube (알루미늄 다채널 평판관내 R22의 흐름응축 열전달 성능 비교)

  • Seo, Young-Ho;Lim, Dae-Taeg;Park, Ki-Jung;Jung, Dong-Soo
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.1270-1275
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    • 2004
  • Flow condensation heat transfer coefficients(HTCs) of R22 and R134a were measured on horizontal aluminum multi-channel tube. The experimental apparatus was composed of three main parts ; a refrigerant loop, a water loop and a water-ethylene glycol loop. The test section in the refrigerant loop was made of aluminum multi-channel tube of 1.4 mm hydraulic diameter and 0.53 m length. The refrigerant was cooled by passing cold water through an annulus surrounding the test section. The data scan vapor qualities (0.10.9), mass flux (200400 kg/m2s) and heat flux (7.37.7 kW/m2) at 40×0.2C saturation temperature in small hydraulic diameter tube. It was found that some well-known previous correlations were not suitable for multichannel tube. So, It must develop new correlations for multi-channel tubes.

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Numerical study on the thermal behavior of a natural convection hybrid fin heat sink (자연대류상의 하이브리드 휜 히트싱크의 열특성에 대한 수치적 연구)

  • Kim, Kyoung Joon
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.35-39
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    • 2013
  • This paper reports numerical study results with respect to the thermal behavior of a natural convection cooled hybrid fin heat sink (HFH). The HFH consists of hybrid fins, hollow pin fins integrated with plate fins. The thermal performance of the HFH was numerically investigated by employing a commercial CFD software package and compared with that of the pin fin heat sink (PFH). Numerical study has found that array-based and mass-based heat transfer coefficients of the HFH are 12% and 37% greater than those of the PFH, respectively. Extended surface area and lighter weight may explain the better thermal performance of the HFH than the PFH.

Effects of Dissolved Oxygen and Agitation on Production of Serratiopeptidase by Serratia Marcescens NRRL B-23112 in Stirred Tank Bioreactor and its Kinetic Modeling

  • Pansuriya, Ruchir C.;Singhal, Rekha S.
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.430-437
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    • 2011
  • The effects of the agitation and aeration rates on the production of serratiopeptidase (SRP) in a 5-L fermentor (working volume 2-l) were systematically investigated using Serratia marcescens NRRL B-23112. The dissolved oxygen concentration, pH, biomass, SRP yield, and maltose utilization were all continuously measured during the course of the fermentation runs. The efficiencies of the aeration and agitation were evaluated based on the volumetric mass transfer coefficient (KLa). The maximum SRP production of 11,580 EU/ml with a specific SRP productivity of 78.8 EU/g/h was obtained with an agitation of 400 rpm and aeration of 0.075 vvm, which was 58% higher than the shake-flask level. The KLa for the fermentation system supporting the maximum production (400 rpm, 0.075 vvm) was 11.3 h1. Under these fermentor optimized conditions, kinetic modeling was performed to understand the detailed course of the fermentation process. The resulting logistic and Luedeking-Piret models provided an effective description of the SRP fermentation, where the correlation coefficients for cell growth, SRP formation, and substrate consumption were 0.99, 0.94, and 0.84, respectively, revealing a good agreement between the model-predicted and experimental results. The kinetic analysis of the batch fermentation process for the production of SRP demonstrated the SRP production to be mixed growth associated.

Experimental Study on Leak Flow Rate and Inner Flow Characteristics of Plate Heat Exchangers with Pin-hole Location and Mass Flux (판형열교환기 핀 홀의 위치 및 유속에 따른 누수율 및 내부 유동 특성에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Song, Kang Sub;Baek, Chanhyun;Kim, Sung Woo;Kim, Yongchan
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.171-177
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    • 2016
  • Plate heat exchangers have been widely used in various fields because of their high heat transfer coefficients, small area of installation, and ease of maintenance compared to other heat exchangers. However, when plate heat exchanger is used for a long time, leak can occur due to inner crack. Therefore, it is important to understand the inner flow characteristics in plate heat exchangers. In this study, the inner flow characteristics and flow rate of plate heat exchanger were evaluated using various flow directions, pin-hole sizes, and Reynolds numbers. In downflow, initially most water flowed to the opposite of the inlet due to distribution region. Then it gradually had a uniform distribution due to chevron configuration. In upflow, it had a uniform flow consistently due to the dominant gravity effect. As the Reynolds number increased, the leak rate was decreased due to the inertia effect regardless of the flow direction.