• 제목/요약/키워드: mass transfer coefficients

검색결과 360건 처리시간 0.027초

Performance of fouled NF membrane as used for textile dyeing wastewater

  • Abdel-Fatah, Mona A.;Khater, E.M.H.;Hafez, A.I.;Shaaban, A.F.
    • Membrane and Water Treatment
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    • 제11권2호
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    • pp.111-121
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    • 2020
  • The fouling of Nanofiltration membrane (NF) was examined using wastewater containing reactive black dye RB5 of 1500 Pt/Co color concentrations with 16890 mg/l TDS collected from El-alamia Company for Dying and Weaving in Egypt. The NF-unit was operated at constant pressure of 10 bars, temperature of 25℃, and flowrate of 420 L/min. SEM, EDX, and FTIR were used for fouling characterization. Using the ROIFA-4 program, the total inorganic fouling load was 1.07 mM/kg present as 49.3% Carbonates, 10.1% Sulfates, 37.2% Silicates, 37.2% Phosphates, and 0.93% Iron oxides. The permeate flux, recovery, salt rejection and mass transfer coefficients of the dye molecules were reduced significantly after fouling. The results clearly demonstrate that the fouling had detrimental effect on membrane performance in dye removal, as indicated by a sharp decrease in permeate flux and dye recovery 68%. The dye mass transfer coefficient was dropped dramatically by 34%, and the salt permeability increased by 14%. In this study, all the properties of the membrane used and the fouling that caused its poor condition are identified. Another study was conducted to regeneration fouled membrane again by chemical methods in another article (Abdel-Fatah et al. 2017).

태양열제습냉방시스템 중 재생기의 충진층 내 열물질 전달계수에 관한 예측 (Prediction on heat and mass transfer coefficients in a packed layer of a regenerator with a solar desiccant cooling system)

  • 에프리타 요한나;최광환
    • 한국태양에너지학회 논문집
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    • 제30권4호
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    • pp.36-42
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    • 2010
  • 본 논문은 태양열이용 냉난방시스템 중에서 실제로 액체흡수제를 재생하는 재생탑 내의 충진층에 있어서의 열 및 물질전달의 실험치와 이론적 해석에 의한 결과치와의 비교를 나타내고 있다.특히 물질전달의 극대화를 위하여 충진층 내에서 공기와 흡수제의 접촉면적을 크게 할 필요가 있는데,이를 위해서 본 실험에서는 직경이 3cm인 플라스틱제 충진재를 사용하였으며, 흡수제로는 저농도의 염화리튬 수용액이 사용 되었다. 충진층 내에서의 최적 높이를 예측하기 위하여 해석의 모델인 실험장치를 직접 제작하여 실험을 수행하였고, 이론 해석에 있어서 체적 열전달을 고려한 정상상태를 모델화하여 해석하였다. 이 결과, 충진층 내에서 실험치와 이론적인 계산치가 잘 일치함을 알 수 있었으며, 충진층의 높이가 2m 이상인 경우에는 높이에 따른 재생량의 차이가 없어서 없음을 알 수 있었다.

낮은 유량에서 외경 9.5 mm 평활관과 마이크로핀관 내 R-404A 증발 열전달 및 압력 손실 (Evaporation Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop of R-404A at Low Flow Rates in 9.5 mm O.D. Smooth and Microfin Tubes)

  • 김내현
    • 한국산학기술학회논문지
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    • 제19권6호
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    • pp.27-36
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    • 2018
  • 그간 마이크로핀관 내 증발 열전달 및 압력 손실에 대하여 다수의 연구가 수행되었다. 하지만 대부분의 연구는 에어컨이나 히트 펌프에 사용되는 냉매에 대하여 수행되었고 R-404A에 대해서는 매우 제한된 연구만이 존재한다. R-404A는 근공비혼합냉매로 오존층 파괴와 관련하여 R-502를 대체하여 주로 저온 냉동, 냉장에 사용되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 낮은 질량유속 (80kg/m2s에서 200kg/m2s)에서 외경 9.5 mm 마이크로핀관 내 R-404A 증발 열전달 실험을 수행하였다. 또한 비교를 위해 외경 9.5 mm 평활관에 대한 실험도 수행하였다. 실험 결과 마이크로핀관의 전열촉진비는 질량유속이 증가할수록, 열유속이 감소할수록 증가하였다. 이러한 현상은 마이크로핀에 의한 대류 열전달의 증가와 열유속의 상대적 기여에 의한 것으로 판단된다. 또한 실험 범위에서 마이크로핀관의 마찰손실이 평활관의 마찰손실보다 다소 (최대 28%) 크게 나타났다. 기존 상관식은 저유량 R-404A 열전달계수 및 압력손실을 적절히 예측하지 못하는데 이는 본 실험 범위가 기존 상관식의 범위 밖에 있기 때문으로 판단된다.

삼상 역 유동층의 수력학, 열전달 및 물질전달 특성 (Characteristics of Hydrodynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer in Three-Phase Inverse Fluidized Beds)

  • 강용;이경일;신익상;손성모;김상돈;정헌
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • 제46권3호
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    • pp.451-464
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    • 2008
  • 삼상 역 유동층은 유동하거나 부유하는 입자의 크기가 매우 작은 경우나 유동입자의 밀도가 액체보다 작은 담체나 접촉매체 또는 촉매전달물질인 경우에 생물반응기, 발효공정, 폐수처리공정, 흡착, 흡수공정 등에 매우 효과적으로 사용될 수 있어서 그 적용성은 날로 증대되고 있다. 그러나, 삼상 역 유동층에 대해서는 많은 연구가 진행되지 않아 왔으며 수력학적 특성에 대한 연구조차도 미흡한 실정이다. 삼상 역 유동층을 이용한 많은 종류의 반응기와 공정들의 운전과 설계 그리고 scale-up을 위해서는 삼상 역 유동층에서 수력학적 특성과 열전달과 물질전달과 같은 이동현상에 대한 정보는 필수적이라는 것은 자명한 사실이다. 따라서, 본 총설에서는 삼상 역 유동층에 대한 정보들을 공학적 측면에서 요약하고 재정리하여서 이 분야의 현장에서 필요한 지식들을 제안하고자 하였다. 본 논문은 수력학적 특성, 열전달 특성 그리고 물질전달 특성의 세 부분으로 이루어져있다. 즉, 수력학적 특성 부분에서는 운전변수가 상 체류량, 기포의 특성 그리고 유동입자의 분산에 미치는 영향을 검토하였으며, 열전달 특성 부분에서는 삼상 역 유동층에서의 운전변수가 열전달 계수에 미치는 영향을 고찰하였고, 열전달 모델에 대한 정리를 하였으며, 물질전달 특성 부분에서는 운전변수가 연속액상의 축방향 분산계수 및 액상 부피물질전달계수에 미치는 영향에 대해 고찰하였다. 또한, 각 절에서 유동입자의 최소유동화속도, 상 체류량, 기포특성, 유동입자의 요동빈도수 및 유동입자의 분산 등과 같은 수력학적 특성과 열전달 계수 그리고 연속액상의 축방향 확산계수와 물질전달계수 등을 예측할 수 있는 상관식들을 제안하였다. 본 총설의 마지막 절에서는 삼상 역 유동층의 공업적 응용을 위해 앞으로 더 연구해야하는 내용에 대해 제안을 하였다.

연속식 고정층 탑내에서의 휘발성 유기 화합물[VOCs]의 흡착 특성에 관한 연구

  • 최인호;최호석;이현재;구본탁;김인호
    • KSBB Journal
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    • 제15권6호
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    • pp.578-583
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    • 2000
  • Biofiltration has been identified as a promising method of odor, VOCs and air toxic removal from waste gas streams because of low capital and operating cost, low energy requirements and an absence of residual products requiring further treatment of disposal. Because biofiltration units are microbial systems in-corporationg microorganisms grown on a porous solid media like compost, peat, soil and mixtures of these materials, there is a need to study of the adsorptive behavior of these supports. The purpose of this study was to investigate the major parameters of adsorptive process. We adsorbed VOCs onto peats and bark, and examined the correlations between the interphase mass transfer coefficients and transfer units, at different stream flow rates, VOCs inlet concentrations and bed lengths.

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    • Journal of the Korean Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
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    • 제22권4호
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    • pp.217-239
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    • 2018
  • This paper examined the MHD and thermal behavior of unsteady mixed convection flow of a rotating fluid in a porous parallel plate channel in the presence of Hall current and heat source. The exact solutions of the concentration, energy and momentum equations are obtained. The influence of each governing parameter on non dimensional velocity, temperature, concentration, skin friction coefficient, rate of heat transfer and rate of mass transfer at the porous parallel plate channel surfaces is discussed. During the course of numerical computation, it is observed that as Hall current parameter and Soret number at the porous channel surfaces increases, the primary and secondary velocity profiles are increases while the primary and secondary skin friction coefficients are increases at the cold wall and decreases at the heated wall. In particular, it is noticed that a reverse trend in case of heat source parameter.

다채널 알루미늄 평판관내 R22와 R134a의 흐름 응축 열전달 성능 비교 (A Comparison of Flow Condensation HTCs of R22 Alternatives in the Multi-Channel Tube)

  • 서영호;박기정;정동수
    • 설비공학논문집
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    • 제16권6호
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    • pp.589-598
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    • 2004
  • Flow condensation heat transfer coefficients (HTCs) of R22 and R134a were measured on a horizontal 9 hole aluminum multi-channel tube. The main test section in the refrigerant loop was made of a flat multi-channel aluminum tube of 1.4 mm hydraulic diameter and 0.53 m length. Refrigerant was cooled by passing cold water through an annulus surrounding the test section. Data were obtained in the vapor qualities of 0.1∼0.9 at mass flux of 200∼400 kg/m2s and heat flux of 7.3∼7.7 ㎾/m2 at the saturation temperature of 40C. All popular correlations in single-phase subcooled liquid and flow condensation originally developed for large single tubes predicted the present data of the flat tube within 20% deviation when effective heat transfer area is used in determining experimental data. This suggests that there is little change in flow characteristics and patterns when the tube diameter is reduced down to 1.4 mm diameter range. Thermal insulation for the outer tube section surrounding the test tube for the transport of heat transfer fluid is very important in fluid heat-ing or cooling type heat transfer experimental apparatus.

평활관 및 열전달촉진관에서 액체질소의 관내 증발열전달 특성에 대한 연구 (Evaporation Heat Transfer Characteristics of Liquid Nitrogen in Horizontal Plain Tubes with Wire Coil Inserts)

  • 황지상;정진택;윤린;김용찬;문영준;김동혁
    • 대한기계학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한기계학회 2004년도 추계학술대회
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    • pp.1359-1364
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    • 2004
  • An experiment was performed to study the evaporation heat transfer and the pressure drop characteristics of liquid nitrogen in a horizontal stainless steel tube with wire coil inserts. The inner diameter of test tube is 4.3mm and the length is 1.5m. Four wire coils having different pitch and thickness were inserted into the plain test tube. The wire coil length is 1.5m and the diameter is 3.65mm with thickness of 0.5mm and 0.9mm. Experiments were conducted at saturation temperature of 191C mass flux from 200 to 370 kg/m2s and heat flux of 62 kW/m2. Direct heating method was used to apply heat to the test section. Boiling heat transfer coefficients of both the plain and the enhanced tubes were calculated. Pressure drops between inlet and outlet side of test section were also measured, and they are used to estimate EPR(Enhancement Performance Ratio).

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냉각유로방식 변화에 따른 슬롯 막냉각에서의 유동 및 열전달 특성 (Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics in a Slot Film Cooling with Various Flow Inlet Conditions)

  • 함진기;조형희
    • 대한기계학회논문집B
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    • 제24권6호
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    • pp.870-879
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    • 2000
  • An experimental investigation is conducted to improve a slot film cooling system which can be used for the cooling of gas turbine combustor liner. The tangential slots are constructed of discrete holes with different injection types which are the parallel, vertical, and combined to the slot lip. The investigation is focused on the coolant supply systems of normal-, parallel-, and counter-flow paths to the mainstream direction. A naphthalene sublimation technique has been employed to measure the local heat/mass transfer coefficients in a slot with various injection types and coolant feeding directions. The velocity distributions at the exit of slot lip for the parallel and vertical injection types are fairly uniform with mild periodical patterns with respect to the hole positions. However, the combined injection type increases the nonuniformity of flow distribution with the period equaling twice that of hole-to-hole pitch due to splitting and merging of the ejected flows. The secondary flow at the lip exit has uniform velocity distributions for the parallel and vertical injection types, which are similar to the results of a two-dimensional slot injection. In the results of local heat/mass transfer coefficient, the best cooling performance inside the slot is obtained with the vertical injection type among the three different injection types due to the effect of jet impingement. The lateral distributions of Sh with the parallel- and counter-flow paths are more uniform than the normal flow path. The averaged Sh with the injection holes are 25 times higher than that of a smooth two-dimensional slot path.

폴리우레탄 폼의 휘발성 유기화합물 확산 및 분배계수 산정 (The Determination of Diffusion and Partition Coefficients of PUF)

  • 박진수;;김신도;이희관;공부주
    • 한국대기환경학회지
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    • 제26권1호
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    • pp.77-84
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    • 2010
  • The diffusion and partition coefficients of polyurethane foam (PUF) are estimated using a microbalance experiment and small chamber test. The microbalance is used to measure sorption/desorption kinetics and equilibrium data. When the diffusion condition is controlled in the chamber of the sample, interactions between volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and PUF can lead to the estimation of a relatively homogenous rate of mass transfer in the interiors and surfaces of PUF. The estimates of the material/air partition coefficient (K) and the material-phase diffusion coefficient (D) are shown to be independent of the concentrations of VOCs. This approach, if applied to a diffusion-controlled or physically-based model, can facilitate more precise prediction of their source/sink behavior. Although further research and more rigorous validation is needed, an emission model applied with the diffusion and partition coefficients from this research holds promise for the improvement of reliability in predicting the behavior of VOCs emitted from porous building materials by D and K.