• Title/Summary/Keyword: mass transfer coefficients

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Change of Heat Transfer Characteristics in a Rotating Channel of Square Duct at Wall with Bleed Holes ( I ) - Effects of Rotation Speed - (회전하는 사각덕트 유로에서 벽면 유출홀에 따른 열전달 특성 변화( I ) -회전수 변화에 따른 영향 -)

  • Kim Sang In;Kim Kyung Min;Lee Dong-Hyun;Jeon Yun Heung;Cho Hyung Hee
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.17 no.10
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    • pp.898-906
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    • 2005
  • The present study has been conducted to investigate convective heat/mass transfer in the cooling passage with bleed holes. The rotating square channel has 40.0 mm hydraulic diameter and the bleed holes on the leading surface of the channel. The hole diameter of bleed hole is 4.5mm and its spacing is ( p/d:4.9) about five times of hole diameter. Exit mass flow rate through bleed holes is 10%10% of the main mass flow rate and relation number is changed form 0.0 to 0.4. A naphthalene sublimation technique is employed to determine the detailed local heat transfer coefficients using the heat and mass transfer analogy The cooling performance is influenced by exit mass flow rate through bleed holes and Coriolis force of rotating channel for fixed Reynolds number. The heat transfer on the leading surface is decreased due to Coriolis force. However the total heat transfer is enhanced around holes on the leading surface because of trapping flow by bleeding.

A Study on the Characteristics of Evaporative Heat Transfer for Carbon Dioxide in a Horizontal Tube (수평원관 내 이산화탄소의 증발열전달 특성 연구)

  • Cho, E.S.;Yoon, S.H.;Kim, M.S.
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2000.04b
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    • pp.104-107
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    • 2000
  • Evaporative heat transfer characteristics of carbon dioxide has been investigated. Experiment has been carried out for seamless stainless steel tube with outer diameter of 9.55 mm and inner diameter of 7.75 mm. Direct heating method is used for supplying heat to the refrigerant was uniformly heated by electric current which was applied to the tube wall. The saturation temperature of refrigerant is calculated from the measured saturation pressure by using an equation of state. Inner wall temperature was calculated from measured outer wall temperature, accounting for heat generation in the tube and heat conduction through the tube wall. Mass Quality of refrigerant was calculated by considering energy balance in the preheater and the test section. Heat fluxes were set at 12, 16, 20, 23, and 27kW/m227kW/m2, mass fluxes were controlled at 212, 318, 424, and 530kg/m2s530kg/m2s, and saturation temperature of refrigerant were adjusted at 0, 3.4, 6.7 and 10.5C10.5C. From this study, heat transfer coefficients of carbon dioxide have been provided with respect to quality for several mass fluxes, heat fluxes. Finally, the experimental results in this study are compared with the correaltion by Gungor and Winterton(1987).

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A Prediction Model for Condensation of Zeotropic Refrigerant Mixtures Inside a Horizontal Smooth Tube (수평평활관내의 비공비 혼합냉매의 응축에 대한 예측모델)

  • ;;小山繁
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.262-270
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    • 2001
  • This paper deals with a prediction method for the condensation of ternary refrigerant mixture inside a horizontal smooth tube. Based on some reliable assumptions, the governing equations for the local heat and mass transfer characteristics are derived, and the prediction for the condensation of ternary zeotropic refrigerant mixtures composed of HFC32/HFC125/HFC134a, including R407C, is carried out. The local values of vapor quality, thermodynamic states at bulk vapor, vapor-liquid interface and bulk liquid, mass flux etc. are obtained for a constant wall temperature and a constant wall heat flux conditions, and the effects of the composition of HFC32/HFC125/HFC134a on heat transfer characteristics are examined. The prediction result is also compared with experimental data for condensation of ternary refrigerant mixtures. The predicted wall temperature distribution has a similar trend with experimental data but the predicted local heat transfer coefficients are 20-30% higher than the experimental data.

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Measurement of Single Phase and Condensation Heat Transfer Coefficients of Ammonia in a Horizontal Tube (암모니아의 수평관내 단상 및 응축 열전달계수의 측정)

  • 백영진;장영수;김영일
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.561-569
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    • 2000
  • Single phase and condensation heat transfer characteristics of ammonia in a horizontal tube have been investigated experimentally The horizontal test section is composed of smooth SUS316 tube for refrigerant flow, surrounding annulus for water flow, and temperature and Pressure measuring sensors. For single phase test, subcooled ammonia mass flux was varied from 320 to 501 kg/mrs and temperature was varied from 18 to 47C47C. For condensation test, mass flux and saturation temperature were varied from 86 to 128 kg/m2m2s and 34 to 47C47C, respectively. The equations of Gnielinski Soliman et al., Traviss et at., Cavallini and Zecchin, Shah, Chen et al., Tandon et al., and Chilli and Anand were compared with the experimental data. New correlations are proposed based on the experimental results and the absolute mean deviation of the experimental data becomes 1.0% for single phase test and 4.9% for condensation test.

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Dynamic Behavior of an Internal Loop Reactor during Scale-up (내부순환반응기의 Scale-up에 따른 동력학적 특성의 변화)

  • 최윤찬;박영식
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.25-31
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    • 1997
  • The variations of gas hold-up, overall volumetric oxygen mass transfer coefficients and liquid circulation velocity in an internal loop reactor were investigated to manifest scale-up effect. The relationship between superficial gas velocity and gas hold-up were found as Ugr = 0.045 εεr in the pilot-scale and Ugr = 0.056 εεr in the bench-scale reactor. The overall volumetric oxygen mass tractsfer coefficient, KLa was slightly increased in the pilot-scale than in the bench-scale reactor. Flow regime was changed from the bubble flow to the churn-turbulent flow when the superficial gas velocity reached to 3.5 - 4 cm/sec in the pilot-scale.

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Pool Boiling Heat Transfer Coefficients of New Refrigerants on Various Enhanced Tubes (열전달 촉진관에서 신냉매의 풀비등 열전달계수)

  • 박진석;김종곤;정동수;김영일
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.13 no.8
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    • pp.710-719
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    • 2001
  • Pool boiling heat transfer coefficients (HTCs) of HCFC123, HFC134a, HCFC22, HFC407C, HFC410A and HFC32 wre measured on a horizontal smooth tube, 26 fpi low fin tube, Turbo-B and Thermoexcel-E enhanced tubes. AN experimental apparatus was designed such that all tubes heated by cartridge heaters could be installed at the same time to save the refrigerant. Data were taken in the pool of 7C7C with the heat flux decreasing from 80 kW/m2to5kW/m2m2to5kW/m2. Test results showed that HTCs of pure refrigerants and those of a azeotrope were greatly influenced by reduced pressure. HTCs of HFC407C were 21~25% lower than those of HCFC22 due to mass transfer resistance. For all refrigerants, enhanced tubes with sub-surface and sub-tunnels showed the largest heat transfer enhancement. Especially the largest heat enhancement was obtained for HCFC123 whose reduced pressure is the lowest among al the refrigerants tested. This indicates that either Turbo-B or Thermoexcel-E enhanced tube would be the best choice when used with a low vapor pressure refrigerant.

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Numerical calculation of contrast transfer function for periodic line-space patterns (주기적인 선물체에 대한 Contrast Transfer Function의 수치계산)

  • 김형수;전영세;이종웅;김성호
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.396-402
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    • 1998
  • The measurement of OTF(optical transfer function) is used for evalution of imaging performance of optical system as a standard method. In the mass-production, the contrast measurement of projected patterns is also popular because of its simplicity. In this study, a computer program which evaluates the CTF(contrast transfer function) of optical system for periodic line-space patterns is developed by using the diffraction imaging theory. The MTF(modulation transfer function) and CTF of an aberrated system are evaluated and analyzed for the third order aberrations expressed by the C-coefficients and the Zemike polynomials.

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Boiling Heat Transfer Characteristics of R-290 in Horizontal Smooth Minichannel (수평미세관내 R-290의 비등열전달 특성)

  • Choi, Kwang-Il;Pamitran, A.S.;Oh, Jong-Taek
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.18 no.11
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    • pp.906-914
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    • 2006
  • The present paper dealt with an experimental study of boiling heat transfer characteristics of R-290. Pressure gradient and heat transfer coefficient of the refrigerant flow inside horizontal smooth minichannel were obtained with inner tube diameter of 3.0 mm and length of 2,000 mm. The direct electric heating method was applied for supplying a heat to the refrigerant uniformly. The experiments were conducted with R-290 purity of 99.99%, at saturation temperature of 0 to 10C10C, a mass flux range of 50250kg/m2s50250kg/m2s, and a heat flux range of 520kW/m2520kW/m2. The heat transfer coefficients of R-290 increased with increasing mass flux and saturation temperature, wherein the effect of mass flux was higher than that of the saturation temperature. Heat flux has a low effect on the increasing of heat transfer coefficient. The heat transfer coefficient was compared with six existing heat transfer coefficient correlations. The Zhang et al.'s correlation (2004) gave the best prediction of heat transfer coefficient. A new correlation to predict the two-phase flow heat transfer coefficient was developed based on the Chen correlation. The new correlation predicted the experimental data well with a mean deviation of 11.78% and average deviation of -0.07%.

Convective Boiling of R-410A in an Aluminum Flat Tube for Air-Conditioning Application (공조용 알루미늄 납작관 내의 R-410A 대류 비등)

  • Kim, Nae-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.3006-3013
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    • 2015
  • Flat tube heat exchangers can improve the thermal performance significantly compared with round tube heat exchangers. For proper design of flat tube heat exchangers, one should know the tubeside heat transfer coefficients. In this study, convective boiling heat transfer coefficients of R-410A were obtained in a flat extruded aluminum tube with Dh=1.41mmDh=1.41mm. The test range covered mass flux from 200 to 600kg/m2s600kg/m2s, heat flux from 5 to 15kW/m215kW/m2 and saturation temperature from 5C5C to 15C15C. The heat transfer coefficient curve shows a decreasing trend after a certain quality(critical quality). The critical quality decreases as the heat flux increases, and as the mass flux decreases. The early dryout at a high heat flux results in a unique 'cross-over' of the heat transfer coefficient curves. The heat transfer coefficient increases as the mass flux increases. At a low quality region, however, the effect of mass flux is not prominent. The heat transfer coefficient increases as the saturation temperature increases. The effect of saturation temperature, however, diminishes as the heat flux decreases. Both the Shah and the Kaew-On et al. correlations reasonably predicted the present data.

Experimental Study on R-410A Evaporation Heat Transfer Characteristics in Shell and Plate Heat Exchanger (셀 앤 플레이트 열 교환기에서의 R-410A 증발열전달에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Kim In-Kwan;Kim Young-Soo;Park Jae-Hong
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.49-59
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    • 2005
  • The evaporation heat transfer experiments are conducted with the shell and plate heat exchanger (S&PHE) without oil in the refrigerant loop using R-410A. An experimental refrigerant loop has been established to measure the evaporation heat transfer coefficient h. of R-410A in a vertical S&PHE. Two vertical counter flow channels were formed in the S&PHE by three plates haying a corrugated trapezoid shape of a 45C45C chevron angle. UP flow of the boiling R-410A in one channel receives heat from the hot down flow of water in the other channel The effects of the refrigerant mass flux. average heat flux. refrigerant saturation temperature and vapor qualify are explored in detail. Similar to the case of a plate heat exchanger. even at a very low Reynolds number, the flow in the S&PHE remains turbulent. The Present data shows that the evaporation heat transfer coefficients of R-410A increased with the vapor qualify. The results indicate a rise in the refrigerant mass flux caused an increase in the h.. Raising the imposed wall heat flux is found to slightly improve h., while h, is found to be lower at a higher refrigerant saturation temperature. Based on the present data. empirical correlation of the evaporation heat transfer coefficient is proposed.