• Title/Summary/Keyword: mass transfer coefficients

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Convective Boiling of R-l34a in a Bundle of Smooth Tubes

  • Kim, Jung-Oh;Cho, Jin-Pyo;Kim, Nae-Hyun;Choi, Kuk-Kwang
    • International Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.79-87
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    • 2002
  • In this study, flow boiling experiments were performed using R-134a on a plain tube bundle. Tests were conducted for the following range of variables; quality from 0.1 to 0.9, mass flux from 8kg/m2m2s to 26 kg/m2m2s and heat flux from 10kW/m2m2 to 40kW/m2m2. The heat transfer coefficients were strongly dependent on the heat flux. However, they were almost independent on the mass flux or quality. The data are compared with the modified Chen model, which predicted satisfactorily (±±30%) the data. The Original Chen model, however, did not adequately predict the effect of quality. The reason may be attributed to the flow pattern of the present test, where the bubbly flow prevailed for the entire test range. The heat transfer coefficients of the tube bundle were 6~40% higher than those of the single tube pool boiling.

Flow Boiling Heat Transfer Characteristics of R22 Alternative Refrigerants in a Horizontal Microfin Tube (R22 대체 냉매의 마이크로 핀관내 흐름 비등 열전달 특성)

  • 한재웅;김신종;정동수;김영일
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.13 no.8
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    • pp.692-700
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    • 2001
  • Flow boiling heat transfer coefficients(HTCs) of R22, R134a, R407C, and R410A were measured experimentally for a horizontal plain and a microfin tube. Experimental apparatus was composed of 3 main parts: a refrigerant loop, a water loop and a water-glycol loop. The test section in th refrigerant loop was made of a copper tube of 9.52 mm outer diameter and 1 m length for both tubes. The refrigerant was heated by passing hot water through an annulus surrounding the test section. Tests were performed at a fixed refrigerant saturation temperature of 5C5C with mass fluxes of 100~300 kg/m2m2s. Test results showed that at similar mass flux the flow boiling HTCs of R134a were similar to those of R22 for both plain and microfin tube. HTCs of R407C were similar to those of R22 for a plain tube but lower than those of R2 by 25~48% for a microfin tube. And HTCs of R410A were higher than those of R2 by 20~63% for a plain tube and were similar to those of R22 for a microfin tube. In general, HTCs of a microfin tube were 1.8~5.7 times higher than those of a plain tube.

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Comparison Study on Empirical Correlation for Mass Transfer Coefficient with Gas Hold-up and Input Power of Aeration Process (폭기공정의 물질전달 계수와 기체 포집율 및 소요동력의 상관관계에 대한 비교연구)

  • Park, Sang Kyoo;Yang, Hei Cheon
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.41 no.6
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    • pp.415-421
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    • 2017
  • As stricter environmental regulation have led to an increase in the water treatment cost, it is necessary to quantitatively study the input power of the aeration process to improve the energy efficiency of the water treatment processes. The objective of this study is to propose the empirical correlations for the mass transfer coefficient with the gas hold-up and input power in order to investigate the mass transfer characteristics of the aeration process. It was found that as the input power increases, the mass transfer coefficient increases because of the decrease of gas hold-up and increase of Reynolds number, the penetration length, and dispersion of mixed flow. The correlations for the volumetric mass transfer coefficients with gas hold-up and input power were consistent with the experimental data, with the maximum deviation less than approximately ±10.0±10.0.

Experimental Evaluation Method of Mass Transfer Coefficient on Biotrickling Filtration for Air Pollution Control (대기오염제어를 위한 생물살수여과법에서 물질전달계수 실험평가방법에 관한 연구)

  • Won, Yang-Soo;Jo, Wan-Keun
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.53 no.4
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    • pp.482-488
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    • 2015
  • Biological treatment is promising alternative to conventional air pollution control method. Bioreactors for air pollution control have found most of their success in the treatment of dilute and high flow waste air streams containing volatile organic compounds and odor. The studies of mass transfer in biotrickling filters for air pollution control were of importance in order to control and optimize the purification process. The objectives of this study were to develop the experimental methodologies to evaluate the mass transfer coefficients of gas/liquid(trickling liquid), gas/solid(biomass) and liquid/solid in three phase biotrickling filtration. Also, this study characterized the influence factors on mass transfer such as dynamic holdup volume, gas/liquid flow rate ratio, biomass weight in reactor and recirculation rate of trickling medium for each phase of biotrickling filter.

Change of Heat Transfer Characteristics in a Rotating Channel of . Square Duct at Wall with Bleed Holes ( II ) - Effects of Exit Mass Flow Rate - (회전하는 사각덕트 유로에서 벽면 유출홀에 따른 열전달 특성 변화( ll ) -유출유량 변화에 따른 영향 -)

  • Kim Sang In;Kim Kyung Min;Lee Dong-Hyun;Jeon Yun Heung;Cho Hyung Hee
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.17 no.10
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    • pp.907-913
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    • 2005
  • The present study has been conducted to investigate convective heat/mass transfer in the cooling passage with bleed holes. The rotating square channel has 40.0 mm hydraulic diameter and the bleed holes on the leading surface of the channel. The hole diameter of bleed hole is 4.5mm and its spacing is ( p/d:4.9) about five times of hole diameter. Exit mass flow rate through bleed holes is 0%,10%and20%0%,10%and20% of the main mass flow rate respectively. rotation number is fixed 0.2. A naphthalene sublimation technique is employed to determine the detailed local heat transfer coefficients using the heat and mass transfer analogy. The cooling performance is influenced by exit mass flow rate through bleed holes and Coriolis force of rotating channel for fixed Reynolds number. The heat transfer on the leading surface is decreased due to Coriolis force. However the total heat transfer is enhanced around holes on the leading surface because of trapping flow by bleeding.

Heat Transfer Characteristics on the Tip Surface of a High-Turning Turbine Rotor Blade (고선회 터빈 동익 팁 표면에서의 열전달 특성)

  • Lee, Sang-Woo;Moon, Hyun-Suk
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.207-215
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    • 2008
  • The heat/mass transfer characteristics on the plane tip surface of a high-turning first-stage turbine rotor blade has been investigated by employing the naphthalene sublimation technique. At the Reynolds number of 2.09×1052.09×105, heat/mass transfer coefficients are measured for the tip gap height-to-chord ratio, h/c, of 2.0% at turbulence levels of Tu = 0.3 and 14.7%. A tip-surface flow visualization is also performed for h/c = 2.0% at Tu = 0.3%. The results show that there exists a strong flow separation/re-attachment process, which results in severe local thermal load along the pressure-side corner, and a pair of vortices named "tip gap vortices" in this study is identified along the pressure and suction-side tip corners near the leading edge. The loci and subsequent development of the pressure- and suction-side tip gap vortices are discussed in detail. The combustor-level high inlet turbulence, which increases the tip-surface heat/mass transfer, provides more uniform thermal-load distribution.

Condensing Heat Transfer Characteristics on a Heat Pump System Using Non-Azeotropic Refrigerant Mixtures (비공비혼합냉매를 사용하는 열펌프의 응축열전달 특성)

  • 박기원;오후규;김욱중
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.1125-1133
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    • 1995
  • Experiments were performed to investigate the condensing heat transfer characteristics of non-azeotropic mixtures of R-22 and R-114 in a heat pump system with a horizontal smooth tube as a condenser. The ranges of parameters, such as heating capacity, mass flow rate of refrigerant and quality were 780-3,480W, 24-71kg/h, and 0-1, respectively. The overall compositions of R-22 in a R-22/114 mixture were 25, 50, 75 and 100 per cent by wight. The results show that the overall condensing heat transfer coefficients for the mixtures were lower than the pure R-22 values. Local heat transfer coefficient of the pure R-22 was hghest at the top of the test tube. The local heat transfer coefficient of R-22/114 (50/50 wt%) at side and bottom of the test tube was higher than that at the top. From the obtained data, a prediction for the condensing heat transfer coefficients of the mixture was done based on the method of Fujii.

Heat transfer with geometric shape of micro-fin tubes (II) -Evaporating heat transfer- (마이크로핀 관의 기하학적 형상면화에 대한 열전달 특성(II) -증발 열전달-)

  • Kwak, Kyung-Min;Jang, Jae-Sik;Bae, Chul-Ho;Jung, Mo
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.789-798
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    • 1999
  • The evaporating heat transfer experiments with refrigerant HCFC 22 are performed for performance evaluation using 4 and 6 kinds of microfin tubes with outer diameter of 9.52mm and 7.0mm, respectively. Used microfin tubes have different shape and number of fins with each other, The experimental results are represented with effects of quality, mass flux and EPR. The evaporating heat transfer characteristics are represented by the existence of not only heat transfer area and turbulence promotion effect but also additional other enhancement mechanism, which are the overflow of the refrigerant over the microfin and microfin arrangement. Microfin tubes having a shape which can give much overflow over the microfin show large evaporating heat transfer coefficients. The effect of refrigerant overflow is much severe in evaporation than condensation. The effect of microfin arrangement is related to overflow effect of the refrigerant over the microfin.

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Condensation Heat Transfer of R32 and R454B Inside a Microfin Tube as an Alternative Refrigerant to R410A (R410A 대체냉매 R32와 R454B의 미세핀 관내 응축 열전달)

    • Journal of Hydrogen and New Energy
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.413-418
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    • 2022
  • This paper presents two-phase condensation heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics of R32 and R454B as an alternative refrigerant to R410A in a 9.52 mm OD microfin tube. The test facility has a straight, horizontal test section with an active length of 2.0 m and is cooled by cold water circulated in a surrounding annular space. The heat transfer coefficients of the annular space were obtained using the modified Wilson plot method. Average condensation heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop data are presented at the condensation temperature of 35℃ for the range of mass flux 100-400 kg/m2s. The average condensation heat transfer coefficients of R32 refrigerant are 35-47% higher than R410A at the mass flux considered in the study, while R454B data are similar to R410A. The average pressure drop of R32 and R454B are much higher than R410A and they are 134-224% and 151-215% of R410A, respectively. R32 and R454B have relatively low GWP and high heat transfer characteristics, so they are suitable as alternatives for R410A.

Residence Time Distributions of Liquid pbase Flow and Mass Transfers in the Trickle Bed Reactor (점적상 반응기에서 액상흐름의 체류시간 분포 및 물질전달)

  • Kim, Ki-Chang
    • Journal of Industrial Technology
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    • v.6
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    • pp.19-31
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    • 1986
  • The residence time distribution of liquid flow in a 4.0cm diameter column packed with porous Al2O3Al2O3 spheres of 0.37cm diameter were measured with pulse injections of a tracer under cocurrent trickling flow conditions. The mean residence time of liquid flow and liquid hold-up calculated by the transient curve of tracer were unaffected by gas flow rates under experimental ranges of liquid flow rates from 2.4 to 4.5(kg/m2sec)4.5(kg/m2sec) and gas flow rates from 0 to 0.13(kg/m2sec)0.13(kg/m2sec). The axial dispersion coefficient of liquid stream and apparent diffusivity of tracer in a micropore of solid particle were estimated from the response curve of tracer. The calculated Peclet No. were increased in ranges of 68-to 82 with a increasing of liquid mass velocity, and the external effective contacting efficiency between liquid and solid which can be expressed. by (Di)app/Di(Di)app/Di varied in ranges of 0.54 to 0.68 depending on the liquid flow rates. The gas to liquid(water) volumetric mass transfer coefficient were determined from desorption experiments with oxygen at 25C25C and 1 atm. The measured mass transfer coefficients were increased with liquid flow rates and the effect of gas flow rates on the mass transfer coefficient was insignificant.

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