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Application of CFD to tile Calculation of 2 Phase Cryogenic Heat Transfer Processes (2상 극저온 열전달 과정 계산에서의 CFD 응용)

  • Liu, Jie.;Yue, Haibo;Chung, Mo;Bai, Cheol-Ho
    • 한국전산유체공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2011.05a
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    • pp.141-147
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    • 2011
  • A two-phase numerical model for plate-fin heat exchangers with plain fins and wave fins is studied incorporating the thermodynamic properties and the characteristics of fluid flow. The numerical simulations for the two fins in cryogenic conditions are earned out by employing a homogenous two-phase flow model with the CFD code ANSYS CFX. The heat transfer coefficients and the friction factor for nitrogen saturated vapor condensation process inside two types of plate fin heat exchanger are evaluated including the effects of saturation temperature (pressure), mass flow rate and inlet vapor quantity. The convective heat transfer coefficients and friction factors will be used for design of plate-fin type heat exchangers operating under cryogenic conditions.

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Condensation Heat Transfer Correlation for Smooth Tubes in Annular Flow Regime

  • Han Dong-Hyouck;Moon C.;Park C.;Lee Kyu-Jung
    • Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
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    • v.20 no.8
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    • pp.1275-1283
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    • 2006
  • Condensation heat transfer coefficients in a 7.92 mm inside diameter copper smooth tube were obtained experimentally for R22, R134a, and R410A. Working conditions were in the range of 3040C condensation temperature, 95410kg/m2s mass flux, and 0.15-0.85 vapor quality. The experimental data were compared with the eight existing correlations for an annular flow regime. Based on the heat-momentum analogy, a condensation heat transfer coefficients correlation for the annular flow regime was developed. The Breber et al. flow regime map was used to discern flow pattern and the Muller-Steinhagen & Heck pressure drop correlation was used for the term of the proposed correlation. The proposed correlation provided the best predicted performance compared to the eight existing correlations and its root mean square deviation was less than 8.7%.

A Study on CO2 Removal by Chemical Absorption Using Structured Packing (규칙충전물을 적용한 화학흡수법에 의한 이산화탄소 제거에 관한 연구)

  • K?m, Jae-Hong;K?m, Hyoung-Ho;Kim, Jang-ho
    • Clean Technology
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.43-48
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    • 2003
  • As a result of study on factor affecting absorption efficiency using the structured packing, Mellapak N. 250Y for the chemical absorption of CO2 that cause global warming due to development of industry, it is shown that Mellapak N. 250Y has lower pressure drop and superior efficiency of mass transfer than 25mm Pall ring. Also, in the absorption process, it produces high efficiency in the increase of load and concentration of absorption liquid and produces low efficiency in the increase of temperature. In the effect of overall mass transfer coefficient for 15% MEA on the temperature variation of absorbent, when absorbent temperature for 15% MEA varied as 25, 50, 80C, overall mass transfer coefficients were shown as 0.83, 1.00, 0.90kmol/m3hkPa.

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Heat and Mass Transfer in Highly Porous Media (고 다공성 물질에서 열 및 물질전달)

  • 이금배
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.685-693
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    • 1990
  • The heat transfer coefficients were calculated numerically to see the effects of radiation around the porous medium put on the flat plate at a distance from the leading edge of flat plate for the two-dimensional laminar flows. To verify the analytical model developed and invoke the heat/mass transfer analogy, an experiment was carried out using naphthalene sublimation technique. From the effects of the wake, Sherwood number is maximum around the region where the porous medium is attached. The theoretical results correspond well with the experimental results at small Darcy number. Permeability of ceramic blocks used for experiment was also measured and the Forchheimer equation is applicable in our measurement range.

An Experimental Study on the Performance of a Brazed Plate Heat Exchanger (용접식 판형 열교환기의 성능에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • 김종하;권오경;윤재호;이창식
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.83-90
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    • 2002
  • An experimental study on the performance evaluation of a brazed plate heat exchanger with 10USRT of normal cooling capacity has been carried out. In the present study, a brazed plate heat exchanger was tested at a chevron angle 25with refrigerant R-22. Refrigerant mass flux was ranged from 23 to 58 kg/m2s in condensation, and from 22 to 53 kg/m2s in evaporation. The heat transfer coefficients and pressure drops are increased as the mass flux increases. The water side pressure drop is increased as the cooling water flow rate and chilled water flow rate increase, while mass flux has little effect. It is also shown that the system performance can be improved by enlarging condensation heat transfer area.

Condensing Heat Transfer of Natural Refrigerants with Nanoparticles in Enhanced Tube (나노입자를 포함한 자연냉매의 마이크로 휜관 응축 열전달 특성)

  • Lee, H.S.
    • Journal of Power System Engineering
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.19-25
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    • 2008
  • This paper deals with the heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics of R-290 (Propane), R-600a (Iso-butane) and R-1270 (Propylene) as an environment friendly refrigerant and R-22 as a HCFC's refrigerant for condensing. The test section is a horizontal double pipe heat exchanger. Condensing heat transfer and pressure drop measurements were Peformed for 12.70 mm micro-fin tube and compared with the results in smooth tube. The local condensing heat transfer coefficients of hydrocarbon refrigerants were superior to those of R-22 and the maximum increasing rate of heat transfer coefficient was found in R-600a. The average condensing heat transfer coefficients in hydrocarbon refrigerants showed 20 to 28% higher values than those of R-22. Hydrocarbon refrigerants have a higher pressure drop than that of R-22 with respect to refrigerant qualify and mass flux. Also, the condensing heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop of working fluids in smooth and micro-fin tube were compared. The heat transfer enhancement factor (EF) between smooth and micro-fin tube varied from 2.2 to 2.6 in all experimental conditions.

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Heat Transfer Characteristics on a Single Rotating Disk with a Shrouded Cover (슈라우드로 차폐되어진 단일회전디스크 표면의 열전달 특성)

  • Ryu, Goo-Young;Won, Chung-Ho;Cho, Hyung-Hee
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.24 no.8
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    • pp.1029-1037
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    • 2000
  • The present study investigates the local heat/mass transfer characteristics on a rotating disk which is the top disk covered with a shroud in HDD. The naphthalene sublimation technique is employed to determine the local heat/mass transfer coefficients on the rotating disk. Flow field measurements using Laser Doppler Anemometry (LDA) and numerical calculations are performed to analyze the flow patterns induced by the disk rotation. HDD has been developed for compactness and speedy data access, thus the rotating velocity of the disk is increased and the height of a hub is decreased. The experiments are conducted for the various hub heights of 5, 10 and 15 mm, for the rotating Reynolds numbers of 5.5×104 to 1.1×105 and for the effects of the presence of a read/write head arm. The results show that the heat transfer on the rotating disk is enhanced considerably for the decrease of the hub height and for the increase of the rotating Reynolds number. The head arm inserted in the cavity decreases the heat transfer despite the enhancement of tangential RMS velocity because of the deficit of the momentum in the flow field.

Cooling Heat Transfer Characteristics of CO2 in a Brazing Type Small Diameter Copper Tube (브레이징식 동세관내 CO2의 냉각 열전달 특성)

  • Oh, Hoo-Kyu;Son, Chang-Hyo
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.827-834
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    • 2009
  • The cooling heat transfer coefficient of CO2 in a brazing type small diameter tube was investigated experimentally. The main components of the refrigerant loop are a receiver, a CO2 compressor, a mass flow meter, an evaporator and a brazing type small diameter tube as a test section. The mass flux of CO2 is 4001600 [kg/m2s], the mass flowrate of coolant were varied from 0.15 to 0.3 [kg/s], and the cooling pressure of gas cooler were from 8 to 10 [MPa]. The cooling heat transfer coefficients of the brazing type small diameter copper tube is about 411.7 higher than that of the conventional type small diameter copper tube. In comparison with test results and existing correlations, correlations failed to predict the cooling heat transfer coefficient of CO2 in a brazing type small diameter copper tube. therefore, it is necessary to develope reliable and accurate predictions determining the cooling heat transfer coefficient of CO2 in a brazing type small diameter copper tube.

An Experimental study on R-22 Evaporation in Flat Aluminum Multi-Channel Tubes (알루미늄 다채널 평판관내 R-22 증발에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Kim, Jung-Oh;Cho, Jin-Pyo;Kim, Jong-Won;Jeong, Ho-Jong;Kim, Nae-Hyun
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2000.04b
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    • pp.96-103
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    • 2000
  • In this study, evaporation heat transfer tests were conducted in flat aluminum multi-channel tubes using R-22. Two internal geometries were tested ; one with smooth inner surface and the other with micro-fins. Data are presented for the following range of variables ; vapor quality (0.10.9), mass flux(100600kg/m2s) and heat flux(515kW/m2). The micro-tin tube showed higher heat transfer coefficients compared with those of the smooth tube. Results showed that, for the smooth tube, the effects of mass flux, quality and heat flux were not prominent, and existing correlations overpredicted the data. For the micro-fin tube at low quality, the heat transfer coefficient increased as heat flux increased. However, the trend was reversed at high quality Kandlikar's correlation predicted the low mass flux data, and Shah's correlation predicted the high mass flux data. The heat transfer coefficient of the micro fin tube was approximately two times larger than that of the plain tube. New correlation was developed based on present data.

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Boiling Heat Transfer Characteristics of CO2 in Horizontal Smooth Microchannel (수평 microchannel의 CO2 비등열전달)

  • Choi, Kwang-Il;Ardiyansyah, Ardiyansyah;Oh, Jong-Taek
    • Proceedings of the SAREK Conference
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.241-246
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    • 2007
  • The present paper dealt with an experimental study of boiling heat transfer characteristics of CO2. Heat transfer coefficients of the refrigerant flow inside horizontal smooth microchannel were obtained with inner tube diameter of 0.3mm and length of 300mm. The direct electric heating method was applied for supplying the heat uniformly to the refrigerant. The experiments were conducted with CO2 purity of 99.99%, at saturation temperature of 10C, mass flux ranges of 300900kg/m2s, and heat flux ranges of 1545kW/m2. While heat transfer coefficient increased with the increase of heat flux in the low quality region, the heat transfer coefficient decreased with the increase of quality in the high quality region. The heat transfer coefficients were compared with seven existing correlations with the Gungor-Winterton's(1986) correlation gave the best prediction. A new corelation to predict the two-phase flow heat transfer coefficient was developed based on the Chen(1966) correlation. The new correlation predicted the experimental data well with a mean deviation of 9.69% and average deviation of -3.03%.

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