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Experimental study on convective boiling heat transfer for pure refrigerants and refrigerant mixtures in a horizontal tube (순수 및 혼합냉매의 원관내 증발열전달 실험)

  • Sin, Ji-Yeong;Kim, Min-Su
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.730-740
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    • 1996
  • Boiling heat transfer coefficients of pure refrigerants (R22, R32, R134a, R125, R290, and R600a) and refrigerant mixtures (R32/Rl34a, R290/ R600a, and R32/R125) are measured experimentally and compared with Chen's correlation. The test section is a seamless stainless steel tube with inner diameter of 7.7mm and uniformly heated by applying electric current directly to the tube. Heat fluxes range from 10 to 30kW2. Mass fluxes are set to 424 ~ 742kg/m2s for R22, R32, R134a, R32/R134a, and R32/Rl25 ; 265 ~ 583kg/m2s for R290, R600a, and R290/R600a. Heat transfer coefficients depend strongly on heat flux at a low quality region and become independent as quality increases. Convective boiling term in the Chen's correlation predicts experimental data of the pure refrigerants fairly well (relative error of 12.1% for the data of quality over 0.2). The correlation for pure substances overpredicts the heat transfer coefficients for nonazeotropic refrigerant mixtures.

R-22 Condensation in Flat Aluminum Multi-Channel Tubes (알루미늄 다채널 평판관내 R-22 응축에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jung-Oh;Cho, Jin-Pyo;Kim, Nae-Hyun
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.241-250
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    • 2000
  • In this study, condensation heat transfer tests were conducted in flat aluminum multi-channel tubes using R-22. Two internal geometries were tested ; one with smooth inner surface and the other with micro-fins. Data are presented for the followin~ range of variables ; vapor quality(0.10.9), mass flux(200600kg/m2s) and heat flux(515kW/m2). The micro-fin tube showed higher heat transfer coefficients compared with those of the smooth tube. The difference increased as the vapor quality increased. Surface tension force acting on the micro-fin surface at the high vapor quality is believed to be responsible. Different from the trends of the smooth tube, where the heat transfer coefficient increased as the mass flux increased, the heat transfer coefficient of the micro-fin tube was independent of the mass flux at high vapor quality, which implies that the surface tension effect on the fin overwhelms the vapor shear effect at the high vapor quality. Present data(except those at low mass flux and high quality) were well correlated by equivalent Reynolds number, Existing correlations overpredicted the present data at high mass flux.

On the Mass Transfer Behaviors in Hollcw-Fiber Membrane Modules for CO2 Separation (이산화탄소 분리를 위한 중공사막 모듈에서의 물질전달 거동)

  • 전명석;김영목;이규호
    • Proceedings of the Membrane Society of Korea Conference
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    • 1994.04a
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    • pp.51-52
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    • 1994
  • High permeability, selectivity and stability are the basic properties also required for membrane gas separations. The CO2 separation by liquid membranes has been developed as a new technique to improve the permeability and selectivity of polymeric membranes. Sirkar et al.(1) have atlempted the hollow-fiber contained liquid membrane technique under four different operational modes, and permeation models have been proposed for all modes. Compared to a conventional liquid membrane, the diffusional resistance decreased by the work of Teramoto et al.(2), who referred to a moving liquid membrane. Recently, Shelekhin and Beckman (3) considered the possibility of combining absorption and membrane separation processes in one integrated system called a membrane absorber. Their analysis could be predicted effectively the performance of flat sheet membrane, however, there are restrictions for considering a flow effect. The gas absorption rate is determined by both an interfacial area and a mass transfer coefficient. It can be easily understood that although the mass transfer coefficients in hollow fiber modules are smaller than in conventional contactors, the substantial increase of the interfacial area can result in a more efficient absorber (4). In order to predict a performance in the general system of hollow-fiber membrane absorber, a gas-liquid mass transfor should be investigated inevitably. The influence of liquid velocity on both a mass transfer and a performance will be described, and then compared with experimental results. A present study is attempted to provide the fundamentals for understanding aspects of promising a hollow-fiber membrane absorber.

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Effect of Inclined Jet on Heat/Mass Transfer for Impingement/Effusion Cooling System (경사제트에 따른 충돌제트/유출냉각에서 열/물질전달 특성)

  • Hong, Sung-Kook;Rhee, Dong-Ho;Cho, Hyung-Hee
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.283-289
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    • 2008
  • An experimental investigation was conducted to investigate the heat/mass transfer for impingement/effusion cooling system with inclined jet. Jets with inclined angle of 60 are applied to impingement/effusion cooling. At the jet Reynolds number of 10,000, the experiments were carried out for blowing ratios ranging from 0.0 to 1.5. The local heat/mass transfer coefficients on the effusion plate are measured using a naphthalene sublimation method. The result indicates that the inclined jet causes the non-uniform and low heat/mass transfer compared to the vertical jet. At stagnation region, the peak position is shifted from the geometrical center of injection hole due to Coanda effect and its level is higher than that of vertical jet due to increase in turbulence intensity by steep velocity gradient near the stagnation region. Further, the secondary peak region disappears because the interaction between adjacent wall jets weakens. When the initial crossflow occurs, the distorted heat/mass transfer pattern appears. As the blowing ratio (crossflow rate) increases, the heat/mass transfer distributions become similar to those of the vertical jet. This is because the effect of crossflow is dominant compared to that of inclined jet under high blowing ratio (M1.0). At low blowing ratio (M0.5), averaged Sh value is 10% lower than that of vertical jet, whereas its value at high blowing ratio (M1.0) is similar to that of vertical jet.

Experimental Study on Local Convective Mass Transfer From a Circular Cylinder in Uniform Shear Flow (균일 전단류내에 있는 원봉주위의 국소 대류 물질 전달에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • 류명석;성형진;정명균
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.789-798
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    • 1989
  • A naphthalene sublimation technique based on the heat/mass transfer analogy is used to investigate the circumferential mass transfer from a circular cylinder in an approaching uniform shear flow. Experiments are performed in a wind tunnel (450*450m m2 with a shear flow generator which is specially manufactured for generating variable shear rates(S). The effects of an approaching shear flow are correlated with mass transfer coefficients. It is found that the local mass transfer rate on a circular cylinder is characterized with the shear parameter Kd defined as Sd/ Uc , where d is the radius of cylinder and Uc is the approaching velocity at the center of cylinder. The angle on the corresponding to minimum Sherwood number is approximately proportional to the shear parameter on an upper and down number is approximately proportional to the shear parameter on an upper and down circular cylinder (0< Kd <0.132). Changes on the averaged mass transfer rate are not significant for small Kd , which are slightly proportional to Kd2 but the local mass transfer rates are significantly changed with the approaching shear flow.

Condensation Heat Transfer for Pure HFC Refrigerants and a Ternary Refrigerant Mixture Inside a Horizontal Tube (HFC 순수냉매 및 3성분 혼합냉매의 수평관내 응축열전달)

  • Oh, Jong-Taek;Hihara, Eiji
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.233-240
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    • 2000
  • An experimental study of condensation heat transfer was performed for pure refrigerants HFC32, HFCI25, and HFC134a, and a ternary refrigerant mixture of HFC32/125/134a (23/25/52wt%). The heat transfer coefficients were measured inside a horizontal smooth tube 5.8 mm I.D. and 8.0 m long. The refrigerant temperature at inlet was 40 C, and the mass flux was varied from 150 to 400 kg/m2s. As for the pure refrigerants, the heat transfer coefficient of HFC32/125/l34a decreased as the quality decreased. In addition, the heat transfer coefficient of HFC32/l25/134a was about 20 % lower than HFC 134a at a low mass flux but showed no reduction at a high mass flux. The heat transfer coefficient of ternary refrigerant mixtures was 30% lower on the average than that of the pure refrigerant.

Effect of Vane/Blade Relative Position on Heat/Mass Transfer Characteristics on the Tip and Shroud for Stationary Turbine Blade (고정된 터빈 블레이드의 베인에 대한 상대위치 변화가 끝단면 및 슈라우드의 열/물질전달 특성에 미치는 영향)

  • Rhee Dong-Ho;Cho Hyung-Hee
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.30 no.5 s.248
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    • pp.446-456
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    • 2006
  • The effect of relative position of the stationary turbine blade for the fixed vane has been investigated on blade tip and shroud heat transfer. The local mass transfer coefficients were measured on the tip and shroud fur the blade fixed at six different positions within a pitch. A low speed stationary annular cascade with a single turbine stage was used. The chord length of the tested blade is 150 mm and the mean tip clearance of the blade having flat tip is 2.5% of the blade chord. A naphthalene sublimation technique was used for the detailed mass transfer measurements on the tip and the shroud. The inlet flow Reynolds number based on chord length and incoming flow velocity is fixed to 1.5×105. The results show that the incoming flow condition and heat transfer characteristics significantly change when the relative position of the blade changes. On the tip, the size of high heat/mass transfer region along the pressure side varies in the axial direction and the difference of heat transfer coefficient is up to 40% in the upstream region of the tip because the position of flow reattachment changes. On shroud, the effect of tip leakage vortex on the shroud as well as tip gap entering flow changes as the blade position changes. Thus, significantly different heat transfer patterns are observed with various blade positions and the periodic variation of heat transfer is expected with the blade rotation.

Experimental Studies on Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Characteristics during Gas Cooling Process of Carbon Dioxide in the Supercritical Region (이산화탄소의 초임계 가스냉각 과정의 열전달 및 압력강하 특성에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • 윤석호;김주혁;김민수
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.538-545
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    • 2004
  • This paper presents the experimental data for the heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics obtained during the gas cooling process of carbon dioxide in a horizontal tube. The tube in which carbon dioxide flows is made of copper with an inner diameter of 7.73 mm. Experiments were conducted for various mass fluxes and inlet pressures of carbon dioxide. Mass fluxes are controlled at 225, 337 and 450 kg/m2s and inlet pressures are adjust-ed from 7.5 to 8.8 ㎫. The experimental results in this study are compared with the existing correlations for the supercritical heat transfer coefficient, which generally under-predict the measured data. Pressure drop data agree very well with those calculated by the Blasius' equation. Based on the experimental data, a new empirical correlation to estimate the near-critical heat transfer coefficients has been developed.

An Experimental Study of Flow Boiling Heat Transfer inside Small-Diameter Round Tubes (원형 세관내 대류비등열전달에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • 추원호;방광현
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.16 no.8
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    • pp.748-755
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    • 2004
  • Flow boiling heat transfer in small-diameter round tubes has been experimentally studied. The experimental apparatus consisted mainly of refrigerant pump, condenser, receiver, test section of a 1.67 mm inner-diameter round tube and pre-heater for control of refrigerant quality at the inlet of test section. To investigate the effect of bubble nucleation site characteristics of different tube materials, three different tubes of copper, aluminum and brass were used. The ranges of the major experimental parameters were 5∼30 ㎾/m2 of the wall heat flux, 0.0∼0.9 of the inlet vapor quality and the refrigerant mass flux was fixed at 600 kg/m2s. The experimental results showed that the flow boiling heat transfer coefficients in small tubes were affected only by heat flux, but independent of mass flux and vapor quality. The effect of tube material on flow boiling heat transfer was observed small.

A smeared crack model for seismic failure analysis of concrete gravity dams considering fracture energy effects

  • Hariri-Ardebili, Mohammad Amin;Seyed-Kolbadi, Seyed Mahdi;Mirzabozorg, Hasan
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.17-39
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    • 2013
  • In the present paper, a coaxial rotating smeared crack model is proposed for mass concrete in three-dimensional space. The model is capable of applying both the constant and variable shear transfer coefficients in the cracking process. The model considers an advanced yield function for concrete failure under both static and dynamic loadings and calculates cracking or crushing of concrete taking into account the fracture energy effects. The model was utilized on Koyna Dam using finite element technique. Dam-water and dam-foundation interactions were considered in dynamic analysis. The behavior of dam was studied for different shear transfer coefficients considering/neglecting fracture energy effects. The results were extracted at crest displacement and crack profile within the dam body. The results show the importance of both shear transfer coefficient and the fracture energy in seismic analysis of concrete dams under high hydrostatic pressure.