• Title/Summary/Keyword: mapping model

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MPSoC Design Space Exploration Based on Static Analysis of Process Network Model (프로세스 네트워크 모델의 정적 분석에 기반을 둔 다중 프로세서 시스템 온 칩 설계 공간 탐색)

  • Ahn, Yong-Jin;Choi, Ki-Young
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SD
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    • v.44 no.10
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    • pp.7-16
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    • 2007
  • In this paper, we introduce a new design environment for efficient multiprocessor system-on-chip design space exploration. The design environment takes a process network model as input system specification. The process network model has been widely used for modeling signal processing applications because of its excellent modeling power. However, it has limitation in predictability, which could cause severe problem for real time systems. This paper proposes a new approach that enables static analysis of a process network model by converting it to a hierarchical synchronous dataflow model. For efficient design space exploration in the early design step, mapping application to target architectures has been a crucial part for finding better solution. In this paper, we propose an efficient mapping algorithm. Our mapping algorithm supports both single bus architecture and multiple bus architecture. In the experiments, we show that the automatic conversion approach of the process network model for static analysis is performed successfully for several signal processing applications, and show the effectiveness of our mapping algorithm by comparing it with previous approaches.

Algorithmic GPGPU Memory Optimization

  • Jang, Byunghyun;Choi, Minsu;Kim, Kyung Ki
    • JSTS:Journal of Semiconductor Technology and Science
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.391-406
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    • 2014
  • The performance of General-Purpose computation on Graphics Processing Units (GPGPU) is heavily dependent on the memory access behavior. This sensitivity is due to a combination of the underlying Massively Parallel Processing (MPP) execution model present on GPUs and the lack of architectural support to handle irregular memory access patterns. Application performance can be significantly improved by applying memory-access-pattern-aware optimizations that can exploit knowledge of the characteristics of each access pattern. In this paper, we present an algorithmic methodology to semi-automatically find the best mapping of memory accesses present in serial loop nest to underlying data-parallel architectures based on a comprehensive static memory access pattern analysis. To that end we present a simple, yet powerful, mathematical model that captures all memory access pattern information present in serial data-parallel loop nests. We then show how this model is used in practice to select the most appropriate memory space for data and to search for an appropriate thread mapping and work group size from a large design space. To evaluate the effectiveness of our methodology, we report on execution speedup using selected benchmark kernels that cover a wide range of memory access patterns commonly found in GPGPU workloads. Our experimental results are reported using the industry standard heterogeneous programming language, OpenCL, targeting the NVIDIA GT200 architecture.

The Motion Estimation of Caterpilla-type Mobile Robot Using Robust SLAM (강인한 SLAM을 이용한 무한궤도형 이동로봇의 모션 추정)

  • Byun, Sung-Jae;Lee, Suk-Gyu;Park, Ju-Hyun
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.58 no.4
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    • pp.817-823
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    • 2009
  • This paper proposes a robust method for mapping of a caterpillar-type mobile robot which inherently has uncertainty in its modeling by compensating for the estimated pose error of the robot. In general, a caterpillar type robot is difficult to model, which results in inaccuracy in Simultaneous Localization And Mapping(SLAM). To enhance the robustness of the SLAM for a caterpillar-type mobile robot, we factorize the SLAM posterior, where we used particle filter to estimate the position of the robot and Extended Kalman Filter(EKF) to map the environment. The simulation results show the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed method for mapping.


  • Abdelhadi Zaim
    • Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.1309-1320
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    • 2023
  • Let f : X → Y be a map between simply connected CW-complexes of finite type with X finite. In this paper, we prove that the rational cohomology of mapping spaces map(X, Y ; f) contains a polynomial algebra over a generator of degree N, where N = max{i, πi(Y)⊗ℚ ≠ 0} is an even number. Moreover, we are interested in determining the rational homotopy type of map(𝕊n, ℂPm; f) and we deduce its rational cohomology as a consequence. The paper ends with a brief discussion about the realization problem of mapping spaces.

Visual SLAM using Local Bundle Optimization in Unstructured Seafloor Environment (국소 집단 최적화 기법을 적용한 비정형 해저면 환경에서의 비주얼 SLAM)

  • Hong, Seonghun;Kim, Jinwhan
    • The Journal of Korea Robotics Society
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.197-205
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    • 2014
  • As computer vision algorithms are developed on a continuous basis, the visual information from vision sensors has been widely used in the context of simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM), called visual SLAM, which utilizes relative motion information between images. This research addresses a visual SLAM framework for online localization and mapping in an unstructured seabed environment that can be applied to a low-cost unmanned underwater vehicle equipped with a single monocular camera as a major measurement sensor. Typically, an image motion model with a predefined dimensionality can be corrupted by errors due to the violation of the model assumptions, which may lead to performance degradation of the visual SLAM estimation. To deal with the erroneous image motion model, this study employs a local bundle optimization (LBO) scheme when a closed loop is detected. The results of comparison between visual SLAM estimation with LBO and the other case are presented to validate the effectiveness of the proposed methodology.

An Integrated Translation of Nuclear Power Plant Design Data ftom Specification-driven Plant Design Systems to a Neutral Product Model (사양 기반 플랜트 설계 시스템에서 생성된 원자력 플랜트 설계 데이터의 중립 모델로의 통합 변환)

  • Mun, Du-Hwan;Yang, Jeong-Sam;Han, Soon-Hung
    • Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.96-104
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    • 2009
  • It gradually becomes important to study on how to efficiently integrate and manage plant lifecycle data such as 2D schematic and 3D solid data, logical configuration data, and equipment specifications data. From this point of view, converting plant design data from various systems into neutral data independent from any commercial systems is one of important technologies for the operation and management of plants which usually have a very long period of life. In order to achieve this goal, a neutral model for efficient integration and management of plant data was defined. After schema mapping between one of specification-driven plant design systems and the neutral model was performed, a plant data translator is also implemented according to the mapping result. Finally, by experiments with nuclear power plant design, the feasibility of the translator was demonstrated.

Two-Phase Neuro-System Identification Based on Artificial System (모조 시스템 형성에 기반한 2단계 뉴로 시스템 인식)

  • 배재호;왕지남
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.107-118
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    • 1998
  • Two-phase neuro-system identification method is presented. The 1$^{st}$-phase identification uses conventional neural network mapping for modeling an input-output system. The 2$^{nd}$ -phase modeling is also performed sequentially using the 1$^{st}$-phase modeling errors. In the 2$^{nd}$ a phase modeling, newly generated input signals, which are obtained by summing the 1st-phase modeling error and artificially generated uniform series, are utilized as system's I-O mapping elements. The 1$^{st}$-phase identification is interpreted as a “Real Model” system identification because it uses system's real data(i.e., observations and control inputs) while the 2$^{nd}$ -phase identification as a “Artificial Model” identification because of using artificial data. Experimental results are given to verify that the two-phase neuro-system identification could reduce the overall modeling errors.rrors.

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A Suggestion of a Spatial Data Model for the National Geographic Institute in Korea (지도제작을 수용하는 GIS 데이타모델에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Eun-Hyung
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.3 no.2 s.6
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    • pp.115-130
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    • 1995
  • The National Geographic Institute(NGI), a national mapping agency, has begun to digitalize national base maps to vitalize nation-wide GIS implementations. However, the NGI's cartographic database design reflects only paper map production and is considered inflexible for various applications. In order to suggest an appropriate data model and database implementation method, approaches of two mapping agencies are analyzed: the United State Geological Survey and Ordnance Survey in the United Kingdom One important finding from the analysis is that each data model is designed to achieve two production purposes in the same time : map and data. By taking advantageous features from the two approaches, an ideal model is proposed. To adapt the ideal model to tile present situation in Korean GIS community, a realistic model is generated, which is an 'SDTS-oriented' data model. Because SDTS will be a Korean data transfer standard, it will be a common basis in developing other data models for different purposes.

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Reliability of mortar filling layer void length in in-service ballastless track-bridge system of HSR

  • Binbin He;Sheng Wen;Yulin Feng;Lizhong Jiang;Wangbao Zhou
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.91-102
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    • 2023
  • To study the evaluation standard and control limit of mortar filling layer void length, in this paper, the train sub-model was developed by MATLAB and the track-bridge sub-model considering the mortar filling layer void was established by ANSYS. The two sub-models were assembled into a train-track-bridge coupling dynamic model through the wheel-rail contact relationship, and the validity was corroborated by the coupling dynamic model with the literature model. Considering the randomness of fastening stiffness, mortar elastic modulus, length of mortar filling layer void, and pier settlement, the test points were designed by the Box-Behnken method based on Design-Expert software. The coupled dynamic model was calculated, and the support vector regression (SVR) nonlinear mapping model of the wheel-rail system was established. The learning, prediction, and verification were carried out. Finally, the reliable probability of the amplification coefficient distribution of the response index of the train and structure in different ranges was obtained based on the SVR nonlinear mapping model and Latin hypercube sampling method. The limit of the length of the mortar filling layer void was, thus, obtained. The results show that the SVR nonlinear mapping model developed in this paper has a high fitting accuracy of 0.993, and the computational efficiency is significantly improved by 99.86%. It can be used to calculate the dynamic response of the wheel-rail system. The length of the mortar filling layer void significantly affects the wheel-rail vertical force, wheel weight load reduction ratio, rail vertical displacement, and track plate vertical displacement. The dynamic response of the track structure has a more significant effect on the limit value of the length of the mortar filling layer void than the dynamic response of the vehicle, and the rail vertical displacement is the most obvious. At 250 km/h - 350 km/h train running speed, the limit values of grade I, II, and III of the lengths of the mortar filling layer void are 3.932 m, 4.337 m, and 4.766 m, respectively. The results can provide some reference for the long-term service performance reliability of the ballastless track-bridge system of HRS.

Application of Library-Based Texture Mapping Method (라이브러리 기반의 Texture Mapping 기법 활용연구)

  • Song Jeong-Heon;Park Su-Yong;Lim Hyo-Suk;Kim Yong-Il
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2006.04a
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    • pp.369-373
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    • 2006
  • A 3D modeling of urban area can be composed the terrain modeling that can express specific and shape of the terrain and the object modeling such as buildings, trees and facilities which are found in urban areas. Especially in a 3D modeling of building, it is very important to make a unit model by simplifying 3D structure and to take a texture mapping, which can help visualize surface information. In this study, the texture mapping technique, based on library for 3D urban modeling, was used for building modeling. This technique applies the texture map in the form of library which is constructed as building types, and then take mapping to the 3D building frame. For effectively apply, this technique, we classified buildings automatically using LiDAR data and made 3D frame using LiDAR and digital map. To express the realistic building texture, we made the texture library using real building photograph.

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