• Title/Summary/Keyword: map measure

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Mapping of Cone Index for Precision Tillage (정밀 경운을 위한 원추지수 지도 작성)

  • Chong B. H.;Park Y. J.;Park H. K.;Park S. B.;Kim K. U.
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.30 no.2 s.109
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    • pp.127-133
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    • 2005
  • Precision tillage is designed to till lands variably according to their firmness. Therefore, it is necessary to measure soil firmness in fields and present it in a form with which the variable tillage on be performed. Such forms may be classified into two categories: sensor-based and map-based forms. The map-based approach appears to be inevitable until the technology develops high enough to secure the sensor-based approaches. The first step for map-based precision tillage may be to develop a tillage recommendation map. In this study, a tractor-mountable automatic soil firmness measurement system was developed to construct a cone index map. The system is comprised of three ASAE Standard cone penetrometers and a hydraulic unit for controlling operation of the penetrometers. The system is designed to conduct stop-and-go measurements in fields. The measurements from the three penetrometers are transferred to a microcomputer and the average cone index was calculated. This average cone index was taken as soil firmness of the location where the measurement was made. The cone indices thus determined were used to construct a cone index map using the ArcView software. The system also displays the soil penetration resistance, cone index and soil depth as the cone penetrates into the soil. The field performance of the system was evaluated and the cone index maps at different depths were also presented.

Japanese Military Surveys and Making Topographic Maps of the Korean Peninsula at the End of Chosun Dynasty (조선말(朝鮮末) 일제(日帝) 참모본부(參謀本部) 장교의 한반도 정찰과 지도제작)

  • Nam, Young-Woo;Watanabe, Rie;Yamachika, Kumiko;Lee, Ho-Sang;Kobayashi, Shigeru
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.44 no.6
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    • pp.761-778
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    • 2009
  • This study investigates and proves the historical facts about the confidential land survey on Korean peninsula made by Japanese intelligence officers at the end of Chosun Dynasty. Under the command of general staff office of Japanese army, the military officers produced several maps through road map measurements and visual measurements. Although previous literature indicated road map measurements on Korea were originally implemented from 1885, this study confirms that road map measurements were initiated in 1882 by a lieutenant Isobayashi. Reflecting secret map making procedures, the individual military intelligence officers had specialized roles for swift information collection and map production.

Comparative Analysis of Subsurface Estimation Ability and Applicability Based on Various Geostatistical Model (다양한 지구통계기법의 지하매질 예측능 및 적용성 비교연구)

  • Ahn, Jeongwoo;Jeong, Jina;Park, Eungyu
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.31-44
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    • 2014
  • In the present study, a few of recently developed geostatistical models are comparatively studied. The models are two-point statistics based sequential indicator simulation (SISIM) and generalized coupled Markov chain (GCMC), multi-point statistics single normal equation simulation (SNESIM), and object based model of FLUVSIM (fluvial simulation) that predicts structures of target object from the provided geometric information. Out of the models, SNESIM and FLUVSIM require additional information other than conditioning data such as training map and geometry, respectively, which generally claim demanding additional resources. For the comparative studies, three-dimensional fluvial reservoir model is developed considering the genetic information and the samples, as input data for the models, are acquired by mimicking realistic sampling (i.e. random sampling). For SNESIM and FLUVSIM, additional training map and the geometry data are synthesized based on the same information used for the objective model. For the comparisons of the predictabilities of the models, two different measures are employed. In the first measure, the ensemble probability maps of the models are developed from multiple realizations, which are compared in depth to the objective model. In the second measure, the developed realizations are converted to hydrogeologic properties and the groundwater flow simulation results are compared to that of the objective model. From the comparisons, it is found that the predictability of GCMC outperforms the other models in terms of the first measure. On the other hand, in terms of the second measure, the both predictabilities of GCMC and SNESIM are outstanding out of the considered models. The excellences of GCMC model in the comparisons may attribute to the incorporations of directional non-stationarity and the non-linear prediction structure. From the results, it is concluded that the various geostatistical models need to be comprehensively considered and comparatively analyzed for appropriate characterizations.

Quickly Map Renewal through IPM-based Image Matching with High-Definition Map (IPM 기반 정밀도로지도 매칭을 통한 지도 신속 갱신 방법)

  • Kim, Duk-Jung;Lee, Won-Jong;Kim, Gi-Chang;Choi, Yun-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.5_1
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    • pp.1163-1175
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    • 2021
  • In autonomous driving, road markings are an essential element for object tracking, path planning and they are able to provide important information for localization. This paper presents an approach to update and measure road surface markers with HD maps as well as matching using inverse perspective mapping. The IPM removes perspective effects from the vehicle's front camera image and remaps them to the 2D domain to create a bird-view region to fit with HD map regions. In addition, letters and arrows such as stop lines, crosswalks, dotted lines, and straight lines are recognized and compared to objects on the HD map to determine whether they are updated. The localization of a newly installed object can be obtained by referring to the measurement value of the surrounding object on the HD map. Therefore, we are able to obtain high accuracy update results with very low computational costs and low-cost cameras and GNSS/INS sensors alone.

Improved Disparity Map Computation on Stereoscopic Streaming Video with Multi-core Parallel Implementation

  • Kim, Cheong Ghil;Choi, Yong Soo
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.728-741
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    • 2015
  • Stereo vision has become an important technical issue in the field of 3D imaging, machine vision, robotics, image analysis, and so on. The depth map extraction from stereo video is a key technology of stereoscopic 3D video requiring stereo correspondence algorithms. This is the matching process of the similarity measure for each disparity value, followed by an aggregation and optimization step. Since it requires a lot of computational power, there are significant speed-performance advantages when exploiting parallel processing available on processors. In this situation, multi-core CPU may allow many parallel programming technologies to be realized in users computing devices. This paper proposes parallel implementations for calculating disparity map using a shared memory programming and exploiting the streaming SIMD extension technology. By doing so, we can take advantage both of the hardware and software features of multi-core processor. For the performance evaluation, we implemented a parallel SAD algorithm with OpenMP and SSE2. Their processing speeds are compared with non parallel version on stereoscopic streaming video. The experimental results show that both technologies have a significant effect on the performance and achieve great improvements on processing speed.

The Study for the Assessment of the Noise Map for the Railway Noise Prediction Considering the Input Variables (철도소음예측시 입력변수의 영향을 고려한 소음지도 작성 및 평가)

  • Lee, Jaewon;Gu, J.H.;Lee, W.S.;Seo, C.Y.
    • Transactions of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.295-300
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    • 2013
  • The noise map can be applied to predict the effect of noise and establish the noise reduction measure. But the predicted value in the noise map can vary depending on the input variables. Thus, we surveyed the several prediction models and analyzed the changes corresponding to the variables for obtaining the coherency and accuracy of prediction results. As a result, we know that the Schall03 and CRN model can be applied to predict the railway noise in Korea and the correction value, such as bridges correction, multiple reflection correction, curve correction must be used for reflecting the condition of the prediction site. Also, we know that the prediction guideline is an essential prerequisite in order to obtain the unified and accurate predicted value for railway noise.

Development of a DFSS Road-map Associated with the ISO 26262 Product Development Process (ISO 26262 제품개발 프로세스와 연계된 DFSS 로드-맵의 개발)

  • Hong, Sung-Hoon;Kwon, Hyuck Moo;Kim, Dong-Chun;Lee, Min Koo
    • IE interfaces
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.393-404
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    • 2012
  • Increasing safety requirements of automobile are asking companies to find out solutions, based on the ISO 26262 which is a functional safety standard. ISO 26262 is an adaptation of the IEC 61508 for automotive electric/electronic systems. ISO 26262 provides a V model for ECU (Electronic Control Unit) development process to secure safety against vehicle. It well describes the requirements, necessary works and their resulting products for each development phase. However, it is difficult to apply to product development for achieving functional safety in the electric/electronic systems of an automobile because it lacks explanation on the working steps to follow and the methodologies and tools to be used in each step. In this paper, we introduce the outline of the ISO 26262 product development process and present a DFSS (Design For Six Sigma) road-map based on the ISO 26262 product development process as a way to operate efficiently the ISO 26262 product development process. The DFSS road-map consists of five phases: Define, Measure, Analyze, Design, and Verify. The detailed activities, tools, inputs, and work products are given for each phase.

MFMAP: Learning to Maximize MAP with Matrix Factorization for Implicit Feedback in Recommender System

  • Zhao, Jianli;Fu, Zhengbin;Sun, Qiuxia;Fang, Sheng;Wu, Wenmin;Zhang, Yang;Wang, Wei
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.2381-2399
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    • 2019
  • Traditional recommendation algorithms on Collaborative Filtering (CF) mainly focus on the rating prediction with explicit ratings, and cannot be applied to the top-N recommendation with implicit feedbacks. To tackle this problem, we propose a new collaborative filtering approach namely Maximize MAP with Matrix Factorization (MFMAP). In addition, in order to solve the problem of non-smoothing loss function in learning to rank (LTR) algorithm based on pairwise, we also propose a smooth MAP measure which can be easily implemented by standard optimization approaches. We perform experiments on three different datasets, and the experimental results show that the performance of MFMAP is significantly better than other recommendation approaches.

The Effects of a Way-finding Exercise using a Map on the Cognitive Function and Performance of Activities of Daily Living in Patients with a Stroke (지도를 이용한 길 찾기 훈련이 성인 뇌졸중환자의 인지기능과 일상생활동작에 미치는 영향)

  • Jung, Sung-Wook;Kim, Heung-Yeol;Kim, Tack-Hoon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.10
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    • pp.434-443
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of the way-finding exercise using a map in rehabilitation of cognitive function and activities of daily living in patients with a stroke. For the seven patients diagnosed with hemiplegia from a stroke, we executed the way-finding exercise using a map in the hospital, three times a week for two weeks. Loewenstein Occupational Therapy Cognitive Assessment(LOTCA) and Functional Independence Measure(FIM) were used to measure the cognitive function and performance of activities of daily living before and after intervention. For the visual perception area and the spatial relations of the spatial perception area of LOTCA, scores were significantly higher than before intervention(p<.05). For the walk/wheelchair of locomotion area and the problem solving of the social cognition area of FIM, scores were significantly higher than before intervention(p<.05). The results of this study show that a way-finding exercise for patients with a stroke is a useful therapeutic approach by enhancing cognitive function and performance of activities of daily living.

Measurement of Out-of-plane Displacement in a Spot Welded Canti-levered Plate using Laser Speckle Interferometry with 4-step Phase Shifting Technique (레이저스펙클 간섭법과 4단계 위상이동법에 의한 외팔보점용접부의 면외 변위측정)

  • 백태현;김명수;차병석;조성호
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 2001.04a
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    • pp.226-230
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    • 2001
  • Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry (ESPI) has been recently developed and widely used because it has advantage to be able to measure surface deformations of engineering components and materials in industrial areas with non-contact. The spekle patterns to be formed with interference phenomena of scattering phenomena measure the out-of-plane deformations, together with the use of digital image equipment to process the informations included in the speckle patterns and the display consequent interferogram on a computer monitor. In this study, the experimental results of a canti-levered plate using ESPI were compared with those obtained from the simple beam theory. The ESPI results of the canti-levered plate analyzed by 4-step phase shifting method are close to the theoretical expectation. Also, out-0of-plane displacements of a spot welded canti-levered plate were measured by ESPI with 4-step phase shifting technique. The phase map of the spot welded canti-levered plate is quite different from that of the canti-levered plate without spot welding.

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