• 제목/요약/키워드: map measure

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An Ontology-based Analysis of Wikipedia Usage Data for Measuring degree-of-interest in Country (국가별 관심도 측정을 위한 온톨로지 기반 위키피디아 사용 데이터 분석)

  • Kim, Hyon Hee;Jo, Jinnam;Kim, Donggeon
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.43-53
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, we propose an ontology-based approach to measuring degree-of-interest in country by analyzing wikipedia usage data. First, we developed the degree-of-interest ontology called DOI ontology by extracting concept hierarchies from wikipedia categories. Second, we map the title of frequently edited articles into DOI ontology, and we measure degree-of-interest based on DOI ontology by analyzing wikipedia page views. Finally, we perform chi-square test of independence to figure out if interesting fields are independent or not by country. This approach shows interesting fields are closely related to each country, and provides degree of interests by country timely and flexibly as compared with conventional questionnaire survey analysis.

Construction Based Model for Assessing Maturity Level of Enterprises

  • Marzouk, Mohamed;Attia, Tarek;El-Bendary, Nasr Eldin
    • Journal of Construction Engineering and Project Management
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.14-19
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    • 2012
  • Maturity models allow organizations to assess and compare their own practices against best practices or those employed by competitors, with the intention to map out a structured path to improvement. This research explores the aspects of the Maturity Models that are relevant to distinguish them from one to another. The different Project Management maturity models for define maturity differently and measure different things to determine maturity. Because of this, organizations should give careful consideration to select appropriate maturity model. The main reason behind this research lies on the modification to the existing Organizational Project Management Maturity Model (OPM3) by adding four knowledge areas, dedicated to construction industry as best practices. These are Safety, Environment, Financial and Claim Management. This Model contains (Yes/No) questions; all of these questions must be answered before the user reviews the results that describe the overall maturity and areas of strength and weakness of an organization. The research presents the implementation of the proposed Model Construction Enterprises Maturity Model (CEM2). All the components of the developed Model have been implemented in Microsoft Access. CEM2 helps Construction Enterprises to assess their Maturity Level and know Areas of Weaknesses for future improvement. The easy to use Yes/No user interfaces help enterprises' employees to assess the maturity level of their enterprises. The Model maintains users' responses in its database; as such, many employees from different enterprise divisions can be involved during assessment phase in several sessions.

Remote Navigation and Monitoring System for Mobile Robot Using Smart Phone (스마트 폰을 이용한 모바일로봇의 리모트 주행제어 시스템)

  • Park, Jong-Jin;Choi, Gyoo-Seok;Chun, Chang-Hee;Park, In-Ku;Kang, Jeong-Jin
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.207-214
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, using Zigbee-based wireless sensor networks and Lego MindStorms NXT robot, a remote monitoring and navigation system for mobile robot has been developed. Mobile robot can estimate its position using encoder values of its motor, but due to the existing friction and shortage of motor power etc., error occurs. To fix this problem and obtain more accurate position of mobile robot, a ultrasound module on wireless sensor networks has been used in this paper. To overcome disadvantages of ultrasound which include straightforwardness and narrow detection coverage, we rotate moving node attached to mobile robot by $360^{\circ}$ to measure each distance from four fixed nodes. Then location of mobile robot is estimated by triangulation using measured distance values. In addition, images are sent via a network using a USB Web camera to smart phone. On smart phones we can see location of robot, and images around places where robot navigates. And remote monitoring and navigation is possible by just clicking points at the map on smart phones.

Wrinkle Defect of Low Carbon Steel in Wire Rod Rolling (저탄소강 선재 압연의 주름성 결함)

  • Kim H. Y.;Kwon H. C.;Byon S. M.;Park H. D.;Im Y. T.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Technology of Plasticity Conference
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    • 2004.08a
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    • pp.307-316
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    • 2004
  • This study examined the cause of the wrinkle defect which is frequently encountered in wire rod rolling of low carbon steel$(C0.08\~0.13wt.\%)$. Even a small defect on the surface of rolled bars can easily develop into fatal cracks during cold heading process of low carbon steel, and it is therefore necessary to minimize inherent defects on the surface of hot rolled bars. Hot rolling process of low carbon steel was analyzed to identify the cause of the wrinkle defect in conjunction with FE analysis. The integrated analysis revealed that the wrinkle defect initiated in the first stage of rolling, and it was at the billet edge where severe deformation and drastic temperature drop were present. To elucidate the micro-mechanical mechanism of the wrinkle defect, hot compression tests were carried out at various temperatures and strain rates using Gleeble-3800. The surface profile of the each other compressed specimens was compared, and rough surface lines were observed at relatively low temperatures. Those surface defects can develop into wrinkles during multi-pass rolling. To control the wrinkle defect in rolling, it is necessary to design an adequate caliber which can minimize the loss of ductility, and thereby prevent flow localization. To use the result of this study fur other steels, the quantitative measure of the wrinkle defect and flow localization parameter should be proposed.

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Different Types of Active Region EUV Bright Points by Hinode/EIS

  • Lee, Kyoung-Sun;Moon, Yong-Jae;Kim, Su-Jin
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.28.2-28.2
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    • 2010
  • We have investigated seven Extreme-Ultraviolet (EUV) bright points in the active region (AR 10926) on 2006 December 2 by the EUV imaging spectrometer (EIS) onboard Hinode spacecraft. We determined their Doppler velocities and non-thermal velocities from 15 EUV spectral lines (log T=4.7-7.2) by fitting each line profile to a Gaussian function. We present the Doppler velocity map as a function of temperature which corresponds to a different height. As a result, these active region bright points show two different types of characteristics. Type 1 bright point shows a systematic increase of Doppler velocity from -68 km/s (blue shift) at log T=4.7 to 27 km/s (red shift) at log T=6.7, while type 2 bright points have Doppler velocities in the range of -20 km/s and 20 km/s. Using MDI magnetograms, we found that only type 1 bright point was associated with the canceling magnetic feature at the rate of $2.4{\times}10^{18}$ Mx/hour. When assuming that these bright points are caused by magnetic reconnection and the Doppler shift indicates reconnection out flow, the pattern of the Doppler shift implies that type 1 bright point should be related to low atmosphere magnetic reconnection. We also determined electron densities from line ratio as well as temperatures from emission measure loci using CHIANTI atomic database. The electron densities of all bright points are comparable to typical values of active regions (log Ne=9.9-10.4). For the temperature analysis, the emission loci plots indicate that these bright points should not be isothermal though background is isothermal. The DEM analysis also show that while the background has a single peak distribution (isothermal), the EUV bright points, double peak distributions.

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KVN single-dish survey of the MALATANG galaxies

  • Poojon, Panomporn;Chung, Aeree;Lee, Bumhyun;Baek, Junhyun;Jung, Taehyun;Sohn, Bong Won;Oh, Se-Heon;Sengupta, Chandreyee
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.57.2-57.2
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    • 2018
  • We present the preliminary result from our KVN single-dish observations of the MALATANG sample. The MALATANG (Mapping the dense molecular gas in the strongest star-forming Galaxies) is one of the JCMT legacy surveys on the nearest 23 IR-brightest galaxies beyond the Local Group. The goal of the MALATANG survey is to map the sample in the dense gas tracers (HCN and HCO+J=4-3), and probe the relationships between the dense molecular gas and star formation activities. As a complementary study, we recently launched a KVN/KaVA program on the same sample, in order to measure their flux densities and parsec-scale jet/outflows in the millimeter regime, which will be greatly useful in understanding the initial conditions of the feedback process. In this work, we present the preliminary result from our pilot KVN single-dish program on a sub-sample, which will be used to select the future VLBI imaging study under plan. We investigate the KVN spectral energy distributions (SED) of the sample as a function of the power source of the luminous IR brightness of each target (starburst? AGN? or hybrid?). We also discuss the technical challenges that we experienced during our KVN observations due to the large size of the sample in the sky.

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Application of Bayesian Multilevel Space-Time Models to Study Relative Risk of Esophageal Cancer in Iran 2005-2007 at a County Level

  • Rastaghi, Sedigheh;Jafari-Koshki, Tohid;Mahaki, Behzad
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.16 no.14
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    • pp.5787-5792
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    • 2015
  • Background: Reported age standardized incidence rates for esophageal cancer in Iran are 0.88 and 6.15 for females and males, at fifth and the eighth ranks, respectively, of cancers overall. The present study aimed to map relative risk using more realistic and less problematic methods than common estimators. Materials and Methods: In this ecological investigation, the studied population consisted of all esophageal cancer patients in Iran from 2005 to 2007. The Bayesian multilevel space-time model with three levels of county, province, and time was used to measure the relative risk of esophageal cancer. Analyses were conducted using R package INLA. Results: The total number of registered patients was 7,160. According to the results, the three-level model with adjustment for risk factors of physical activity and smoking had the best fit among all models. The overall temporal trend was significantly increasing. At county level, Ahar, Marand, Salmas, Bojnoord, Saghez, Sarakhs, Shahroud and Torbatejam had the highest relative risks. Physical activity was found to have significant direct association with risk of developing esophageal cancer. Conclusions: Given to great variation across geographical areas, many different factors affect the incidence of esophageal cancer. Conducting further studies at the individual level in areas with high incidence could provide more detailed information on risk factors of esophageal cancer.

Development of Management Information System of Rural Environmental Resources (농촌환경자원의 정보관리시스템 구축)

  • Rhee, Sang-Young;Kim, Sang-Bum
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.13 no.1 s.34
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    • pp.73-84
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    • 2007
  • The first theme of this study is to preserve and manage rural multi-functionality resource Information. This study is to suggest the method that can irradiate rural multi-functionality resource Information efficiently and constructively. GIS uses PDA and Tablet PC as an investigation tool and verifies the outcome of the development in the investigation system. This study enhanced the mobility function of PDA by installing recording system and camera to the PDA. Also, Using GPS has been ensured scientific precision and realism to the investigation. Direct input on spot can save time, cost and minimize human error by simplifying the investigation process. Database is composed of characters like scale, form, location, distance, resident's opinion and image of 37 resources. The survey system was applied in 170 villages and got a total of 12,270 resources data. Management system should be easy to input and output the surveyed information and to get reports in any kind of form ( i.e. final result can be produced as a map). By utilizing of the Rural Resource information system, the study made a simulation to compare the target areas before and after. Also, digitalized investigation system, minimized re-input and reprocessing of data and enabled to simplify and standardize the process than memorandum investigation. Data collected through digital system could offer people useful information by Web-GIS. It was need to specify practical way in decision-making and a way to measure the value of resources to align with the regional plan. Also, need to keep on developing statistical data and application program that can connect us to present the best solution to support regional planning. Therefore, quality of data is very important. Finally, it is very important to develop various programs to analyze space md rural resource by monitoring rural environment.

On the Planning of Drainage Structures in Irrigation Channels. -Special Emphasis on the Drainage Inverted Siphon- (용수로상의 배수구조물계획에 대하여 -배수잠관을 중심으로-)

  • 김철기
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.2078-2083
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    • 1970
  • The purpose of this study is to give the data neccesary for improving the planning of drainage structures, specially inverted siphons, in irrigation channels. With the samples of 15 drainage inlets, one drainage flume, 16 drainage inverted siphons and 6 drainage culverts in the 3 lines of irrigation channel under Chong-Won Irrigation Association, author abtained the following results. 1. It is presumed that design drainage discharge should be determined with some additional reserves, on the basis of the maximum rainfall intensity in local area and the size of drainage area on the topographical map, avoiding the way of eye measure. 2. Location of drainage inlet should be kept away from the place where topography can make lots of wash load, but when unavoidably allowing the inflow into irrigation channel, wash load outlet with even the purpose of drainage, or drainage flume in stead of drainage inlet should be taken account of. 3. It is presumed that drainage flume may be the structure which can perform its function from a structural point of view as far as topography permits. 4. Drainage inverted siphon should be avoided at any place as much as possible; a) In case that location of the siphon would be permitted only at paddy field, drainage area hauing the amount of discharge which requires more than 90cm in diameter could only be allowed. b) In this case, crest elevation of the tank of both inlet and outlet, at least, should not be lower than the surface level of paddy field. c) As far as topography and stratum permit, ratio of depth of outlet tank to head drop should be decreased as much as possible so that discharging efficiency of wash load could increase. d) In case of avoiding the setting of the siphon, irrigation aqueduct, irrigation inverted siphon, or drainage flume should be recommended in accordance with topography. 5. Discharging capability of wash load by drainage culvert appeared to depend hardly upon the diameter of the culvert, but greatly upon the location, specially near village, for there stones and dirts dumped may considerably be piled up. So, a counter plan for that is required.

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Complex Power: An Analytical Approach to Measuring the Degree of Urbanity of Urban Building Complexes

  • Xu, Shuchen;Ye, Yu;Xu, Leiqing
    • International Journal of High-Rise Buildings
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.165-175
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    • 2017
  • The importance of designing urban building complexes so that they obtain 'urban' power, rather than become isolated from the surrounding urban context, has been well recognized by both researchers and practitioners. Nevertheless, most current discussions are made from architects' personal experiences and intuition, and lack a quantitative understanding, to which obstacles include an in-depth exploration of the 'urban' power between building complexes and the urban environment. This paper attempts to measure this feature of 'urban', i.e., 'urbanity,' through a new analytical approach derived from the opendata environment. Three measurements that can be easily collected though the Google Maps API and Open Street Map are applied herein to evaluate high or low values of urbanity. Specifically, these are 'metric depth', i.e., the scale of extended public space, 'development density', i.e., density and distribution of point of interests (POIs), and 'type diversity', i.e., diversity of different commercial types. Six cases located in Japan, China and Hong Kong respectively are ranked based on this analytical approach and compared with each other. It shows that Japanese cases, i.e., Osaka Station City and Namba Parks, Osaka, obtained clearly higher values than cases in Shanghai and Hong Kong. On one hand, the insight generated from measuring and explaining 'urban' power would help to assist better implementation of this feature in the design of urban building complexes. On the other hand, this analytical approach can be easily extended to achieve a large-scale measurement and comparison among different urban building complexes, which is also helpful for design practitioners.