• Title/Summary/Keyword: map measure

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Acquisition of Grass Harvesting Characteristics Information and Improvement of the Accuracy of Topographical Surveys for the GIS by Sensor Fusion (I) - Analysis of Grass Harvesting Characteristics by Sensor Fusion -

  • Choi, Jong-Min;Kim, Woong;Kang, Tae-Hwan
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.28-34
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: This study aimed to install an RTK-GPS (Real Time Kinematic-Global Positioning System) and IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) on a tractor used in a farm to measure positions, pasture topography, posture angles, and vibration accelerations, translate the information into maps using the GIS, analyze the characteristics of grass harvesting work, and establish new technologies and construction standards for pasture infrastructure improvement based on the analyzed data. Method: Tractor's roll, pitch, and yaw angles and vibration accelerations along the three axes during grass harvesting were measured and a GIS map prepared from the data. A VRS/RTK-GPS (MS750, Trimble, USA) tractor position measuring system and an IMU (JCS-7401A, JAE, JAPAN) tractor vibration acceleration measuring systems were mounted on top of a tractor and below the operator's seat to obtain acceleration in the direction of progression, transverse acceleration, and vertical acceleration at 10Hz. In addition, information on regions with bad workability was obtained from an operator performing grass harvesting and compared with information on changes in tractor posture angles and vibration acceleration. Results: Roll and pitch angles based on the y-axis, the direction of forward movements of tractor coordinate systems, changed by at least $9-13^{\circ}$ and $8-11^{\circ}$ respectively, leading to changes in working postures in the central and northern parts of the pasture that were designated as regions with bad workability during grass harvesting. These changes were larger than those in other regions. The synthesized vectors of the vibration accelerations along the y-axis, the x-axis (transverse direction), and the z-axis (vertical direction) were higher in the central and northwestern parts of the pasture at 3.0-4.5 m/s2 compared with other regions. Conclusions: The GIS map developed using information on posture angles and vibration accelerations by position in the pasture is considered sufficiently utilizable as data for selection of construction locations for pasture infrastructure improvement.

Infrared Spectro-Polarimeter of the Solar Flare Telescope at NAOJ

  • Hagino, Masaoki;Sakurai, Takashi;Hanaoka, Yoichiro;Shinoda, Kazuya;Noguchi, Motokazu;Miyashita, Masakuni;Fukuda, Takeo;Suzuki, Isao;Arai, Takehiko;Takeyama, Norihide
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.85.2-85.2
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    • 2011
  • A new infrared spectro-polarimeter was installed in 2008 onto the Solar Flare Telescope of NAOJ in the Mitaka headquarters. The Solar Flare Telescope had been operated previously as a filter-based magnetograph and obtained vector magnetograms of active regions with the Fe I 630.3nm line during 1992 - 2005. The aim of this new instrument is to measure the distribution of magnetic helicity over the whole Sun and for an extended period with high magnetic sensitivity in the infrared wavelengths. This spectro-polarimter is able to obtain polarizations in both photospheric and chromospheric layers. In order to take full Stokes profiles, we observe Fe I 1564.8 nm and He I 1083.0 nm lines (with the neighboring photospheric Si line) for the photospheric and chromospheric magnetic field vectors, respectively. The infrared detector of this instrument is a $640{\times}512$-pixel InGaAs camera produced by a Belgian company Xenics. The frame rate of the camera is 90 frames/sec. The 640-pixel row of this camera is set along the spectrograph slit of the polarimeter. Since the slit only covers the solar hemisphere, a full disk map is obtained by raster scanning the solar disk twice. A magnetic map is made of about $1200{\times}1200$ pixels with a pixel size of 1.8 arcsec. It generally takes 1.5 hours to scan the whole Sun. Although some issues on the instrument calibration still remain, a few maps of the whole Sun at the two wavelengths are now taken daily. In this presentation, we will introduce the instrument and present some observational results.

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An Implementation of Interferometric Radar Altimeter Simulator (간섭계 레이더 고도계용 시뮬레이터 구현)

  • Paek, Inchan;Lee, Sangil;Yoo, Kyungju;Jang, Jong Hun
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.81-87
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    • 2015
  • We present an implementation result of a computer GUI-based simulator using MATLAB to verify the performance of interferometric radar altimeter(IRA) which is possible to measure the slant range altitude and the cross-track angle to the nearest point for terrain aided navigation(TAN). After a brief description of the principle of TAN and IRA, we present that the grids are divided for the modeling of the reflected signal in digital elevation map(DEM) and so the radar cross section(RCS) of each grid is calculated and the signal-noise ratio(SNR) of the reflected signal in the radar beam width. And the signal processing procedures of the IRA and the structure of the IRA simulator are shown.

3D Simulation of Thin Film using Contour Analysis of Interference Fringe Image and Interpolation Method (간섭무늬 영상 등고선 해석과 보간법을 이용한 박막의 삼차원 정보 형상화)

  • Kim, Jin-Hyoung;Ko, Yun-Ho
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.49 no.2
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    • pp.8-17
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    • 2012
  • In this paper we proposes a new framework to obtain 3D shape information of thin film rapidly. The conventional equipments based on reflectometry are not suitable for obtaining 3D overall shape information of thin film rapidly since they require more than 30 minutes to measure the absolute thickness for 170 points. The proposed framework is based on an image analysis method that extracts contour lines from interference fringes images using Canny edge detector. The absolute thickness for contour lines are measured and then a height map from the contour lines is obtained by interpolation using Borgefors distance transformation. The extracted height map is visualized using the DirectX 3D terrain rendering method. The proposed framework can provide 3D overall shape information of thin film in about 5 minutes since relatively small number of real measurement for contour lines is required.

Saliency Detection using Mutual Information of Wavelet Subbands (웨이블릿 부밴드의 상호 정보량을 이용한 세일리언시 검출)

  • Moon, Sang Whan;Lee, Ho Sang;Moon, Yong Ho;Eom, Il Kyu
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.54 no.6
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    • pp.72-79
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    • 2017
  • In this paper, we present a new saliency detection algorithm using the mutual information of wavelet subbands. Our method constructs an intermediate saliency map using the power operation and Gaussian blurring for high-frequency wavelet coefficients. After combining three intermediate saliency maps according to the direction of wavelet subband, we find the main directional components using entropy measure. The amount of mutual information of each subband is obtained centering on the subband having the minimum entropy The final saliency map is detected using Minkowski sum based on weights calculated by the mutual information. As a result of the experiment on CAT2000 and ECSSD databases, our method showed good detection results in terms of ROC and AUC with few computation times compared with the conventional methods.

Compensation of the Error Rate for the Non-invasive Sphygmomanometer System Using a Tactile Sensor

  • Jeong, In-Cheol;Choi, Yoo-Nah;Yoon, Hyung-Ro
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.136-141
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    • 2007
  • The Purpose Of This Paper Is To Use A Tactile Sensor To Compensate The Error Rate. Most Automated Sphygmomanometers Use The Oscillometric Method And Characteristic Ratio To Estimate Systolic And Diastolic Blood Pressure. However, Based On The Fact That Maximum Amplitude Of The Oscillometric Waveform And Characteristic Ratio Are Affected By Compliance Of The Aorta And Large Arteries, A Method To Measure The Artery Stiffness By Using A Tactile Sensor Was Chosen In Order To Integrate It With The Sphygmomanometer In The Future Instead Of Using Photoplethysmography. Since Tactile Sensors Have Very Weak Movements, Efforts Were Made To Maintain The Subject's Arm In A Fixed Position, And A 40hz Low Pass Filter Was Used To Eliminate Noise From The Power Source As Well As High Frequency Noise. An Analyzing Program Was Made To Get Time Delay Between The First And Second Peak Of The Averaged Digital Volume Pulse(${\Delta}t_{dvp}$), And The Subject's Height Was Divided By ${\Delta}t_{dvp}$ To Calculate The Stiffness Index Of The Arteries($Si_{dvp}$). Regression Equations Of Systolic And Diastolic Pressure Using $Si_{dvp}$ And Mean Arterial Pressure(Map) Were Computed From The Test Group (60 Subjects) Among A Total Of 121 Subjects(Age: $44.9{\pm}16.5$, Male: Female=40:81) And Were Tested In 61 Subjects To Compensate The Error Rate. Error Rates Considering All Subjects Were Systolic $4.62{\pm}9.39mmhg$, And Diastolic $14.40{\pm}9.62mmhg$, And Those In The Test Set Were $3.48{\pm}9.32mmhg,\;And\;14.34{\pm}9.67mmhg$ Each. Consequently, Error Rates Were Compensated Especially In Diastolic Pressure Using $Si_{dvp}$, Various Slopes From Digital Volume Pulse And Map To Systolic-$1.91{\pm}7.57mmhg$ And Diastolic $0.05{\pm}7.49mmhg$.

MissingFound: An Assistant System for Finding Missing Companions via Mobile Crowdsourcing

  • Liu, Weiqing;Li, Jing;Zhou, Zhiqiang;He, Jiling
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.10 no.10
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    • pp.4766-4786
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    • 2016
  • Looking for missing companions who are out of touch in public places might suffer a long and painful process. With the help of mobile crowdsourcing, the missing person's location may be reported in a short time. In this paper, we propose MissingFound, an assistant system that applies mobile crowdsourcing for finding missing companions. Discovering valuable users who have chances to see the missing person is the most important task of MissingFound but also a big challenge with the requirements of saving battery and protecting users' location privacy. A customized metric is designed to measure the probability of seeing, according to users' movement traces represented by WiFi RSSI fingerprints. Since WiFi RSSI fingerprints provide no knowledge of users' physical locations, the computation of probability is too complex for practical use. By parallelizing the original sequential algorithms under MapReduce framework, the selecting process can be accomplished within a few minutes for 10 thousand users with records of several days. Experimental evaluation with 23 volunteers shows that MissingFound can select out the potential witnesses in reality and achieves a high accuracy (76.75% on average). We believe that MissingFound can help not only find missing companions, but other public services (e.g., controlling communicable diseases).

A Study on Interior Simulation based on Real-Room without using AR Platforms (AR 플랫폼을 사용하지 않는 실제 방 기반 인테리어 시뮬레이션 연구)

  • Choi, Gyoo-Seok;Kim, Joon-Geon;Lim, Chang-Muk
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.111-120
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    • 2022
  • It is essential to make a purchase decision to make sure that the furniture matches well with other structures in the room. Moreover, in the Untact Marketing situation caused by the COVID-19 crisis, this is becoming an even more impact factor. Accordingly, methods of measuring length using AR(Augmented Reality) are emerging with the advent of AR open sources such as ARCore and ARKit for furniture arrangement interior simulation. Since this existing method using AR generates a Depth Map based on a flat camera image and it also involves complex three-dimensional calculations, limitations are revealed in work that requires the information of accurate room size using a smartphone. In this paper, we propose a method to accurately measure the size of a room using only the accelerometer and gyroscope sensors built in smartphones without using ARCore or ARKit. In addition, as an example of application using the presented technique, a method for applying a pre-designed room interior to each room is presented.

A Study on Classification of Halophytes-based Blue Carbon Cover and Estimation of Carbon Respiration Using Satellite Imagery - Targeting the Gwangseok-gil Area in Muan-gun, Jeollanam-do - (위성영상을 이용한 연안지역 염생식물 중심 블루카본 피복 분류 및 탄소호흡량 산정 연구 - 전남 무안군 광석길 일대를 대상으로 -)

  • Park, Jae-Chan;Nam, Jinvo;Kim, Jae-Uk
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to estimate the cover classification and carbon respiration of halophytes based on the issues of utilising blue carbon in recent context of climate change. To address the aims, the study classified halophytes(Triglochin maritimum L and Phragmites australis), Intertidal(non-vegetated tidal flats) and Supratidal(sandy tidal flats) to measure carbon respiration and classify cover. The results are revealed that first, the carbon respiration in vegetated areas was less than that in non-vegetated areas. Second, the cover classification could be divided into halophyte communities(Triglochin maritimum L, Phragmites australis), Intertidal and Supratidal by NDWI(Moisture Index, Normalized Difference Water Index) Third, the total carbon respiration of blue carbon was calculated to be -0.0121 Ton km2 hr-1 with halophyte communities at -0.0011 Ton km2 hr-1, Intertidal respiration at -0.0113 Ton km2 hr-1 and Supratidal respiration at 0.0003 Ton km2 hr-1. As this challenge is a fundamental study that calculates the quantitative net carbon storage based on the blue carbon-based marine ecosystem, contributing to firstly, measuring the carbon respiration of cordgrass communities, reed communities, and non-vegetated tidal flats, which are potential blue carbon candidates in the study area, to establish representative values for carbon respiration, secondly, verifying the reliability of cover classification of native halophytes extracted through image classification technology, and thirdly, challenging to create a thematic map of carbon respiration, calculating the area and carbon respiration for each classification category.

Initial Results of Low Earth Orbit Space Radiation Dosimeter on Board the Next Generation Small Satellite-2

  • Uk-Won Nam;Won-Kee Park;Sukwon Youn;Jaeyoung Kwak;Jongdae Sohn;Bongkon Moon;Jaejin Lee;Young-Jun Choi;Jungho Kim;Sunghwan Kim;Hongjoo Kim;Hwanbae Park;Sung-Joon Ye;Hongyoung Park;Taeseong Jang
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.195-208
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    • 2024
  • As human exploration goals shift from missions in low Earth orbit (LEO) to long-duration interplanetary missions, radiation protection remains one of the key technological issues that must be resolved. The low Earth orbit space radiation dosimeter (LEO-DOS) instrument to measure radiation levels and create a global dose map in the LEO on board the the next generation small satellite-2 (NEXTSat-2) was launched successfully on May 25, 2023 using the Nuri KSLV-III in Korea. The NEXTSat-2 orbits the Earth every 100 minutes, in an orbit with an inclination of 97.8° and an altitude of about 550 km above sea level. The LEO-DOS is equipped with a particle dosimeter (PD) and a neutron spectrometer (NS), which enable the measurement of dosimetric quantities such as absorbed dose (D), dose equivalent (H) for charged particles and neutrons. To verify the observations of LEO-DOS, we conducted a radiation dose estimation study based on the initial results of LEO-DOS, measured from June 2023 to September 2023. The study considered four source categories: (i) galactic cosmic ray particles; (ii) the South Atlantic Anomaly region of the inner radiation belt (IRB); (iii) relativistic electrons and/or bremsstrahlung in the outer radiation belt (ORB); and (iv) solar energetic particle (SEP) events.